Brothers Out for a Sunday Drive in New York

Of course the poor white guy just had to do a hit and run. Too bad he got stomped in front of his kids and wife but what was he thinking hitting someone and taking off like that? He's lucky someone didn't put a hot one in him.
A negros way of thinking, and you wonder why the negro has never created a civilized society

Of course the poor white guy just had to do a hit and run. Too bad he got stomped in front of his kids and wife but what was he thinking hitting someone and taking off like that? He's lucky someone didn't put a hot one in him.
A negros way of thinking, and you wonder why the negro has never created a civilized society

negro prolly got a jew lawyer eh Tank. :eusa_eh: You racists are sooo predictable. :eusa_hand:
The driver had to run over that guy. I would have done the same thing. The only thing differently that I would have done was swipe the bikes that got close. When he was still able to maneuver, had he swiped those bikes with that Range Rover they might have thought twice about continuing the chase.
Turns out the child was only 2 years old. Not 5.
I, too, would have run over them trying to get my family to safety. They need to nail every damn one of them. Including the schmuck filming it all thinking it "cool".
Why would I need to read MSM propaganda when I can see in the vid the biker changed lanes and the Yuppie in the SUV did not apply brakes? If the Yuppie remembers Drivers' Ed., he should have been 2 car lengths for every 10 MPH of speed behind a motorcycle. For thinking his SUV was above the law, he now has lawsuits on his hands and two black eyes.

Did you miss the part early in the video where the biker invaded the SUV's lane?

There was a child in that back seat and the idiot biker was slamming the back window with his helmet like he would go after the kid.

Damn drunk fuckfaces.

I don't think they were drunk. We DO know they are assholes who go around terrorizing people.
Did you miss the part early in the video where the biker invaded the SUV's lane?

There was a child in that back seat and the idiot biker was slamming the back window with his helmet like he would go after the kid.

Damn drunk fuckfaces.

I don't think they were drunk. We DO know they are assholes who go around terrorizing people.

They give bikers a bad name, these guys are PUNKS/ASSHOLES...:eusa_angel:
Of course the poor white guy just had to do a hit and run. Too bad he got stomped in front of his kids and wife but what was he thinking hitting someone and taking off like that? He's lucky someone didn't put a hot one in him.
The family in the range rover was Asian you dumb ass ******.
The bottom line is this...anyone who is hating on the youngsters enjoying liberty HATE FREEDOM. It reminds of the tragic movie EASY RIDER. Sure these kids are not the brightest kids out there, but they represent freedom which is why neocon evangelist homos hate them.
Thugs on Bikes

Everything You Need To Know About The Terrifying SUV Vs Biker Attack

Jeez. Why did this all happen?

Well, it's hard to tell because the video starts after what appears to be some kind of altercation between Lien and Cruz, so it's possible Lien bumped Cruz before Cruz brake checked him. One rider claimed the initial approach around Lien's car was non-violent, but after Lien panicked and drove over Mieses everything pretty much goes to shit.

No, I mean, what were a few hundred motorcycles doing on the highway and why'd they try to make the Range Rover slow down in the first place?
It looks like the riders, loosely organized around a website called 'Hollywood Stuntz,' were on an annual ride planning to collect in Times Square. At the time they slowed down Lien, they were apparently trying to close the highway .4

Close the highway?
Yeah, the New York Post reports that the riders were trying to stop all traffic on the West Side Highway to make room for stunts. The New York Times reports that detectives are looking into this as a possibility.

WHAT? Please tell me this isn't normal.
Bikers beating up a driver is rare, but huge pop-up motorcycle rides are pretty common in the north end of Manhattan and in the Bronx. If you live up here you might see a hundred dirtbikes, quads, and other bikers go by a few times in a summer.5

Don't the police shut this stuff down?
New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly stated that the NYPD was aware that this ride was going to happen and they successfully kept it out of Times Square. They got over 200 calls, the Times reports. Beyond that, though, the police are instructed not to chase after illegal riders like this, as the Post points out.

Wait, the cops don't chase these guys?
Generally not. It's too easy for these riders to evade the cops by riding on the sidewalk or going against traffic, particularly for the dirt bike riders, and it's therefore dangerous for everyone.

But everyone in this ride is recorded in the video, surely catching them will be easy now.
Not quite. Many of these bikes have no plates at all, and the ones that do often belong on a different bike. Beyond that, these bikers wear masks and helmets so their faces obscured.

So you're saying it's like Grand Theft Auto out there?
A little bit, yeah. These guys ride like dicks, they get caught up in mob mentality any time a car driver acts out, and the cops generally don't chase them.6

So what the hell am I supposed to do if I'm in Lien's position?
Well, Lien didn't do everything right. As you can see in the video, other drivers make it out of the situation okay by moving slowly to the right. The riders go by those cars, but Lien remains in the center lane, gets brake-checked and things go downhill from there. Lien did call the cops early in the incident, it should be said.
If you find yourself in Lien's situation, I would advise that you:

  • Move to the right.78
  • Slow down.
  • Lock your doors.
  • Call the cops.
Basically, just do what you can to let the riders by and get out of the way. When it's you surrounded by a couple hundred bikers, anything you try and do will probably get one of them hurt, and then you'll have hell to pay.
The bottom line is this...anyone who is hating on the youngsters enjoying liberty HATE FREEDOM. It reminds of the tragic movie EASY RIDER. Sure these kids are not the brightest kids out there, but they represent freedom which is why neocon evangelist homos hate them.

You're insane.
It appears to me the bikers were looking for an opportunity to be macho and aggressive, and it backfired on them.
The motorcyclist is at least part black. He's married to a black woman.

NYC Motorcycle Attack: Biker's Wife Says He Won't Walk Again - ABC News

The entire group of the thousands of Hollywood Stuntz is not all black, but the group that split off to terrorize people is black.

It's a mixed race group. Some of them are black, most white. The victim is Asian.

Race plays no part in this.
The gang is a black and Hispanic/Latino gang.

With links to the crips and the Latin kings.

They attack anyone, rarely do they pick victims on race, just availability!!

The tactic of swooping into lane ahead of expensive vehicles and braking is a known tactic of criminal gangs.
It was used frequently on Florida's lawless highways before SYG made them safe. They used to target tourists, dozens were murdered every summer.
SYG fixed that though.
NYC is disarmed, the gangs know this.
NYPD are afraid of their own shadows and can't shoot ,the gangs know this.
NYC politicians are soft on real crime, tough on cigarettes and soda, the gangs know this.

Criminals prefer unarmed victims.

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