Brothers & sisters: A bipartisan bill has been introduced to make animal cruelty a federal felony

Animal cruelty makes people cringe, but it is a mistake to fill up our prisons with people who haven't harmed a human.
No it is not.

Every state has more than adequate laws to forbid animal cruelty

More will not help and is nothing more than government overreach

Every state does not. I support this overreach 110%.

Yes, sorta like leftists love the all powerful Mueller probe that has no oversight and abuses its authority on the daily because they like what they are doing.

Over reach is over reach and is not good.
What a slippery slope this would be if it became law.
You could then say that slaughtering animals to eat, could in itself constitute cruelty.
That is precisely their intention. Put another black liberal like that bitch from California in the White House and she will sign an executive order to make eating steak a crime.
It will be very embarrassing for the proponents of this bill when they discovery that mostly minority boys are convicted of this crime.
What if society cared about fetuses as much as they do dogs in animal shelters?
Let’s speak the truth that too many unarmed black men and women are killed. And too many Black and brown Americans are locked up. From mass incarceration to cash bail to policing, our criminal justice system needs drastic repair.
Derailing your own thread?

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