Brought to Jesus’: the evangelical grip on the Trump administration

To be fair, since the Trumpbot thread on democratic catholics was moved, should this one be as well.

That said, the catholic thread premised: How can a catholic be a democrat since the positions on issues conflict. And old, tired and false, bait and switch fuzzy logic.

Conversely with evangelicals, one first has to accept that overall not even 50% of evangelicals voted for him, but of those who voted 80% voted for him, and apparently still support him. I wonder why? On what issues? The OP hypothesizes Israel and the Rapture. I've read he appeals to them because of a view of marriage as a patriarchy. And opposing Obamacare mandates that taxes go to family planning and contraception ... even the evil IUD and Ru486, and of course queers getting married

Personally I think Jesus was more into all people having access to tools to earn their fishes rather than worrying about what goes on in someone elses bed, but that's just me. I do see some logical connection between Trump and what apparently is of importance to 80% of evangelicals who voted.
you have your faith, other people have their own. live and let live and quit trying to one up. people seem to have a hard time of doing that. (not you, generally speaking here).
It is sort of a stick in my eye that Catholics who vote for social justice as opposed to the Heirarchy's view of God's view of conception and life fit more with my view. Although I'm very pro death penalty (in limited circumstances involving definitive proof and prisoners who are dangerous to everyone around them) and pro choice (although there should be some limitations in terms of basic humanity)

And I don't really relate as well to the evangelicals who would vote for Trump. I see the patriarchy thing ... so long as the reality is that the female is fully heard and then voluntarily goes with the family's choice. It doesn't work for me, of course. I try to pay as little attention to my wife as is possible.
I am fully convinced that this extraordinary and incidental cause is the close connection of politics and religion. The unbelievers of Europe attack the Christians as their political opponents rather than as their religious adversaries; they hate the Christian religion as the opinion of a party much more than as an error of belief; and they reject the clergy less because they are the representatives of the Deity than because they are the allies of government.

In Europe, Christianity has been intimately united to the powers of the earth. Those powers are now in decay, and it is, as it were, buried under their ruins. The living body of religion has been bound down to the dead corpse of superannuated polity; cut but the bonds that restrain it, and it will rise once more. I do not know what could restore the Christian church of Europe to the energy of its earlier days; that power belongs to God alone; but it may be for human policy to leave to faith the full exercise of the strength which it still retains.

Tocqueville: Book I Chapter 17
To be fair, since the Trumpbot thread on democratic catholics was moved, should this one be as well.

That said, the catholic thread premised: How can a catholic be a democrat since the positions on issues conflict. And old, tired and false, bait and switch fuzzy logic.

Conversely with evangelicals, one first has to accept that overall not even 50% of evangelicals voted for him, but of those who voted 80% voted for him, and apparently still support him. I wonder why? On what issues? The OP hypothesizes Israel and the Rapture. I've read he appeals to them because of a view of marriage as a patriarchy. And opposing Obamacare mandates that taxes go to family planning and contraception ... even the evil IUD and Ru486, and of course queers getting married

Personally I think Jesus was more into all people having access to tools to earn their fishes rather than worrying about what goes on in someone elses bed, but that's just me. I do see some logical connection between Trump and what apparently is of importance to 80% of evangelicals who voted.
There is no logical connection between a serial adulterer/fraudster/mass liar and evangelicalism.


Trump is a huckster. A deceiver who leads people astray into bigotry, hatred, lust, and greed.
I do not think Trump can be considered a Christian. We all sin, but to be Christian requires at least that one has remorse for the sin. I may not repent and honestly believe I would not do the same in the same circumstances, but as least I have to have sorrow that my free will action separated me not just from God but from how Jesus taught us to live. Trump is at best a sociopath who'd as soon piss on a bum as walk around him without giving him a dime.
‘Brought to Jesus’: the evangelical grip on the Trump administration

In setting out the Trump administration’s Middle East policy, one of the first things Mike Pompeo made clear to his audience in Cairo is that he had come to the region as “as an evangelical Christian”.

In his speech at the American University, Pompeo said that in his state department office: “I keep a Bible open on my desk to remind me of God and his word, and the truth.”

The secretary of state’s primary message in Cairo was that the US was ready once more to embrace conservative Middle Eastern regimes, no matter how repressive, if they made common cause against Iran.

This was an interesting read. It explains the relationship between Trump and white evangelicals , Israel,Iran and the Rapture.

It explains why they dont care how he conducts himself and what crimes he commits. Its a bit scary in my opinion.

So, Pompeo, a professed 'Christain' is willing to make a 'deal with the Devil' just as long as other nations agree to keep Iran in check? LOL

And just so we understand: Pompeo works for TrumpSatan. LOL

Jason Isbell: 'Jesus would not have voted for Donald Trump'

In a recent Rolling Stone interview, Isbell said of conservative Christians in rural America who voted for Trump: “God is gone from those people.”

Does he now think that was too provocative? “In hindsight,” he said, “it sounds like something a preacher would say in a Southern Baptist church on a Sunday morning. ‘If you can look the other way because you think the economy’s doing better, you can ignore the fact that this man is obviously not a Christian, then you’re not behaving in a way that Jesus would have behaved.’

“So I meant that, and I still mean it. The whole point of Christianity is to behave as Jesus would have behaved – and Jesus would not have voted for Donald Trump, no matter what his pay was going to do as a result of that.

Jesus would not have voted for Trump or Clinton or any other President. That is just a dumb thing to post.

Jesus would have performed his civic duty, unlike you.
‘Brought to Jesus’: the evangelical grip on the Trump administration

In setting out the Trump administration’s Middle East policy, one of the first things Mike Pompeo made clear to his audience in Cairo is that he had come to the region as “as an evangelical Christian”.

In his speech at the American University, Pompeo said that in his state department office: “I keep a Bible open on my desk to remind me of God and his word, and the truth.”

The secretary of state’s primary message in Cairo was that the US was ready once more to embrace conservative Middle Eastern regimes, no matter how repressive, if they made common cause against Iran.

This was an interesting read. It explains the relationship between Trump and white evangelicals , Israel,Iran and the Rapture.

It explains why they dont care how he conducts himself and what crimes he commits. Its a bit scary in my opinion.

So, Pompeo, a professed 'Christain' is willing to make a 'deal with the Devil' just as long as other nations agree to keep Iran in check? LOL

And just so we understand: Pompeo works for TrumpSatan. LOL

Jason Isbell: 'Jesus would not have voted for Donald Trump'

In a recent Rolling Stone interview, Isbell said of conservative Christians in rural America who voted for Trump: “God is gone from those people.”

Does he now think that was too provocative? “In hindsight,” he said, “it sounds like something a preacher would say in a Southern Baptist church on a Sunday morning. ‘If you can look the other way because you think the economy’s doing better, you can ignore the fact that this man is obviously not a Christian, then you’re not behaving in a way that Jesus would have behaved.’

“So I meant that, and I still mean it. The whole point of Christianity is to behave as Jesus would have behaved – and Jesus would not have voted for Donald Trump, no matter what his pay was going to do as a result of that.

Did Jesus not preach to sinners?

preaching to a sinner is one thing.

voting for the worst sinner of the 16 on the GOP ticket is another story.
‘Brought to Jesus’: the evangelical grip on the Trump administration

In setting out the Trump administration’s Middle East policy, one of the first things Mike Pompeo made clear to his audience in Cairo is that he had come to the region as “as an evangelical Christian”.

In his speech at the American University, Pompeo said that in his state department office: “I keep a Bible open on my desk to remind me of God and his word, and the truth.”

The secretary of state’s primary message in Cairo was that the US was ready once more to embrace conservative Middle Eastern regimes, no matter how repressive, if they made common cause against Iran.

This was an interesting read. It explains the relationship between Trump and white evangelicals , Israel,Iran and the Rapture.

It explains why they dont care how he conducts himself and what crimes he commits. Its a bit scary in my opinion.

So, Pompeo, a professed 'Christain' is willing to make a 'deal with the Devil' just as long as other nations agree to keep Iran in check? LOL

And just so we understand: Pompeo works for TrumpSatan. LOL

Jason Isbell: 'Jesus would not have voted for Donald Trump'

In a recent Rolling Stone interview, Isbell said of conservative Christians in rural America who voted for Trump: “God is gone from those people.”

Does he now think that was too provocative? “In hindsight,” he said, “it sounds like something a preacher would say in a Southern Baptist church on a Sunday morning. ‘If you can look the other way because you think the economy’s doing better, you can ignore the fact that this man is obviously not a Christian, then you’re not behaving in a way that Jesus would have behaved.’

“So I meant that, and I still mean it. The whole point of Christianity is to behave as Jesus would have behaved – and Jesus would not have voted for Donald Trump, no matter what his pay was going to do as a result of that.

Did Jesus not preach to sinners?
Jesus' teachings fall on deaf ears and hardened hearts when it comes to Trump and his followers.

Whoever has ears, let them hear.

And you think Dems have ears that hear? Lol.
No, and I never have.

Trump has made sure his followers are now just as deaf.

When will you tards ever learn your tu quoque fallacies are stupid?
you really are an angry rainbow dude.
‘Brought to Jesus’: the evangelical grip on the Trump administration

In setting out the Trump administration’s Middle East policy, one of the first things Mike Pompeo made clear to his audience in Cairo is that he had come to the region as “as an evangelical Christian”.

In his speech at the American University, Pompeo said that in his state department office: “I keep a Bible open on my desk to remind me of God and his word, and the truth.”

The secretary of state’s primary message in Cairo was that the US was ready once more to embrace conservative Middle Eastern regimes, no matter how repressive, if they made common cause against Iran.

This was an interesting read. It explains the relationship between Trump and white evangelicals , Israel,Iran and the Rapture.

It explains why they dont care how he conducts himself and what crimes he commits. Its a bit scary in my opinion.

So, Pompeo, a professed 'Christain' is willing to make a 'deal with the Devil' just as long as other nations agree to keep Iran in check? LOL

And just so we understand: Pompeo works for TrumpSatan. LOL

Jason Isbell: 'Jesus would not have voted for Donald Trump'

In a recent Rolling Stone interview, Isbell said of conservative Christians in rural America who voted for Trump: “God is gone from those people.”

Does he now think that was too provocative? “In hindsight,” he said, “it sounds like something a preacher would say in a Southern Baptist church on a Sunday morning. ‘If you can look the other way because you think the economy’s doing better, you can ignore the fact that this man is obviously not a Christian, then you’re not behaving in a way that Jesus would have behaved.’

“So I meant that, and I still mean it. The whole point of Christianity is to behave as Jesus would have behaved – and Jesus would not have voted for Donald Trump, no matter what his pay was going to do as a result of that.

Did Jesus not preach to sinners?

preaching to a sinner is one thing.

voting for the worst sinner of the 16 on the GOP ticket is another story.

How do you determine that since we know nothing, inwardly, on the other 16?
‘Brought to Jesus’: the evangelical grip on the Trump administration

In setting out the Trump administration’s Middle East policy, one of the first things Mike Pompeo made clear to his audience in Cairo is that he had come to the region as “as an evangelical Christian”.

In his speech at the American University, Pompeo said that in his state department office: “I keep a Bible open on my desk to remind me of God and his word, and the truth.”

The secretary of state’s primary message in Cairo was that the US was ready once more to embrace conservative Middle Eastern regimes, no matter how repressive, if they made common cause against Iran.

This was an interesting read. It explains the relationship between Trump and white evangelicals , Israel,Iran and the Rapture.

It explains why they dont care how he conducts himself and what crimes he commits. Its a bit scary in my opinion.

So, Pompeo, a professed 'Christain' is willing to make a 'deal with the Devil' just as long as other nations agree to keep Iran in check? LOL

And just so we understand: Pompeo works for TrumpSatan. LOL

Jason Isbell: 'Jesus would not have voted for Donald Trump'

In a recent Rolling Stone interview, Isbell said of conservative Christians in rural America who voted for Trump: “God is gone from those people.”

Does he now think that was too provocative? “In hindsight,” he said, “it sounds like something a preacher would say in a Southern Baptist church on a Sunday morning. ‘If you can look the other way because you think the economy’s doing better, you can ignore the fact that this man is obviously not a Christian, then you’re not behaving in a way that Jesus would have behaved.’

“So I meant that, and I still mean it. The whole point of Christianity is to behave as Jesus would have behaved – and Jesus would not have voted for Donald Trump, no matter what his pay was going to do as a result of that.

Jesus would not have voted for Trump or Clinton or any other President. That is just a dumb thing to post.

Jesus would have performed his civic duty, unlike you.
What civic duty did I not perform?
‘Brought to Jesus’: the evangelical grip on the Trump administration

In setting out the Trump administration’s Middle East policy, one of the first things Mike Pompeo made clear to his audience in Cairo is that he had come to the region as “as an evangelical Christian”.

In his speech at the American University, Pompeo said that in his state department office: “I keep a Bible open on my desk to remind me of God and his word, and the truth.”

The secretary of state’s primary message in Cairo was that the US was ready once more to embrace conservative Middle Eastern regimes, no matter how repressive, if they made common cause against Iran.

This was an interesting read. It explains the relationship between Trump and white evangelicals , Israel,Iran and the Rapture.

It explains why they dont care how he conducts himself and what crimes he commits. Its a bit scary in my opinion.

So, Pompeo, a professed 'Christain' is willing to make a 'deal with the Devil' just as long as other nations agree to keep Iran in check? LOL

And just so we understand: Pompeo works for TrumpSatan. LOL

Jason Isbell: 'Jesus would not have voted for Donald Trump'

In a recent Rolling Stone interview, Isbell said of conservative Christians in rural America who voted for Trump: “God is gone from those people.”

Does he now think that was too provocative? “In hindsight,” he said, “it sounds like something a preacher would say in a Southern Baptist church on a Sunday morning. ‘If you can look the other way because you think the economy’s doing better, you can ignore the fact that this man is obviously not a Christian, then you’re not behaving in a way that Jesus would have behaved.’

“So I meant that, and I still mean it. The whole point of Christianity is to behave as Jesus would have behaved – and Jesus would not have voted for Donald Trump, no matter what his pay was going to do as a result of that.

Did Jesus not preach to sinners?

preaching to a sinner is one thing.

voting for the worst sinner of the 16 on the GOP ticket is another story.

How do you determine that since we know nothing, inwardly, on the other 16?

your naivete is duly noted
‘Brought to Jesus’: the evangelical grip on the Trump administration

In setting out the Trump administration’s Middle East policy, one of the first things Mike Pompeo made clear to his audience in Cairo is that he had come to the region as “as an evangelical Christian”.

In his speech at the American University, Pompeo said that in his state department office: “I keep a Bible open on my desk to remind me of God and his word, and the truth.”

The secretary of state’s primary message in Cairo was that the US was ready once more to embrace conservative Middle Eastern regimes, no matter how repressive, if they made common cause against Iran.

This was an interesting read. It explains the relationship between Trump and white evangelicals , Israel,Iran and the Rapture.

It explains why they dont care how he conducts himself and what crimes he commits. Its a bit scary in my opinion.

So, Pompeo, a professed 'Christain' is willing to make a 'deal with the Devil' just as long as other nations agree to keep Iran in check? LOL

And just so we understand: Pompeo works for TrumpSatan. LOL

Jason Isbell: 'Jesus would not have voted for Donald Trump'

In a recent Rolling Stone interview, Isbell said of conservative Christians in rural America who voted for Trump: “God is gone from those people.”

Does he now think that was too provocative? “In hindsight,” he said, “it sounds like something a preacher would say in a Southern Baptist church on a Sunday morning. ‘If you can look the other way because you think the economy’s doing better, you can ignore the fact that this man is obviously not a Christian, then you’re not behaving in a way that Jesus would have behaved.’

“So I meant that, and I still mean it. The whole point of Christianity is to behave as Jesus would have behaved – and Jesus would not have voted for Donald Trump, no matter what his pay was going to do as a result of that.

Did Jesus not preach to sinners?

preaching to a sinner is one thing.

voting for the worst sinner of the 16 on the GOP ticket is another story.

How do you determine that since we know nothing, inwardly, on the other 16?

your naivete is duly noted

Thats not naivete. That was a question that you couldn't answer.
I am fully convinced that this extraordinary and incidental cause is the close connection of politics and religion. The unbelievers of Europe attack the Christians as their political opponents rather than as their religious adversaries; they hate the Christian religion as the opinion of a party much more than as an error of belief; and they reject the clergy less because they are the representatives of the Deity than because they are the allies of government.

In Europe, Christianity has been intimately united to the powers of the earth. Those powers are now in decay, and it is, as it were, buried under their ruins. The living body of religion has been bound down to the dead corpse of superannuated polity; cut but the bonds that restrain it, and it will rise once more. I do not know what could restore the Christian church of Europe to the energy of its earlier days; that power belongs to God alone; but it may be for human policy to leave to faith the full exercise of the strength which it still retains.

Tocqueville: Book I Chapter 17
The distinction I think is that Tocqueville saw in Americans that freedom was indivisibly tied to exercise of freedom. Some evangelicals see taxation being used to frustrate their religious views. Personally I don't agree. My religious views were impacted by both Iraq wars (not to mention Vietnam), and even more directly by our incarceration of drug offenders. I'm impacted by the taking of money. But once the money is gone .... I have no say. And the gummit doesn't compel me to procreate or not procreate.
So, Pompeo, a professed 'Christain' is willing to make a 'deal with the Devil' just as long as other nations agree to keep Iran in check? LOL

And just so we understand: Pompeo works for TrumpSatan. LOL

Jason Isbell: 'Jesus would not have voted for Donald Trump'

In a recent Rolling Stone interview, Isbell said of conservative Christians in rural America who voted for Trump: “God is gone from those people.”

Does he now think that was too provocative? “In hindsight,” he said, “it sounds like something a preacher would say in a Southern Baptist church on a Sunday morning. ‘If you can look the other way because you think the economy’s doing better, you can ignore the fact that this man is obviously not a Christian, then you’re not behaving in a way that Jesus would have behaved.’

“So I meant that, and I still mean it. The whole point of Christianity is to behave as Jesus would have behaved – and Jesus would not have voted for Donald Trump, no matter what his pay was going to do as a result of that.

Did Jesus not preach to sinners?

preaching to a sinner is one thing.

voting for the worst sinner of the 16 on the GOP ticket is another story.

How do you determine that since we know nothing, inwardly, on the other 16?

your naivete is duly noted

Thats not naivete. That was a question that you couldn't answer.

You obviously do not recognize evil (Trump) when you see it.
Did Jesus not preach to sinners?

preaching to a sinner is one thing.

voting for the worst sinner of the 16 on the GOP ticket is another story.

How do you determine that since we know nothing, inwardly, on the other 16?

your naivete is duly noted

Thats not naivete. That was a question that you couldn't answer.

You obviously do not recognize evil (Trump) when you see it.

You obviously lied.
preaching to a sinner is one thing.

voting for the worst sinner of the 16 on the GOP ticket is another story.

How do you determine that since we know nothing, inwardly, on the other 16?

your naivete is duly noted

Thats not naivete. That was a question that you couldn't answer.

You obviously do not recognize evil (Trump) when you see it.

You obviously lied.

I was not addressing you but another member.
Evangelicals have made Trump they’re shining example. There’s no way around it.

During the Bush years you morons yammered on about Evangelicals taking over the country and setting up a Christian Caliphate like the Taliban. But that of course never happened, now we have trannies in girls bathrooms and winning female sporting events.
Now we have a Republican President bribing porn star mistresses, committing serial adultery, grabbing pussies, and bragging about it. And, somehow, the alleged evangelicals worship this great deceiver.

This is EXACTLY what Alexis de Toqueville and our Founders warned would happen if we didn't separate church and state.

But the "moral majority" didn't listen.
I didn't vote for a Pastor. I voted for a business man that would ignore bureaucrats and get things done. I don't give a damn if he bribed 40 porn stars. It was his money.
Evangelicals have made Trump they’re shining example. There’s no way around it.

During the Bush years you morons yammered on about Evangelicals taking over the country and setting up a Christian Caliphate like the Taliban. But that of course never happened, now we have trannies in girls bathrooms and winning female sporting events.
Now we have a Republican President bribing porn star mistresses, committing serial adultery, grabbing pussies, and bragging about it. And, somehow, the alleged evangelicals worship this great deceiver.

This is EXACTLY what Alexis de Toqueville and our Founders warned would happen if we didn't separate church and state.

But the "moral majority" didn't listen.

The serial adulter President was BJ Clinton, not President Trump. The rest of us don’t care about his private life from 10+ years ago.

But who knows, maybe someday the Marxists and pro-abortionists on the left can win the “moral majority”.

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