Brown's stepfather....did he instigate the burning in Ferguson?

That footage of her falling apart, him holding her and then finally screaming out his rage and pain -

I'm sorry that RWs are so et up with their racist hate but no one can say they would not have lost control in that moment. Those people have been pushed to edge and more.

Try a little compassion.

Or, you could just keep on yammering your mindless hate while pretending to be good christians.

'tis the season, right?
Thats a horseshit excuse. I can understand the pain and anger. However to encourage people to bun the down down shows the mindset of this individual. There is a big difference between having compassion for a family that has lost a loved one and excusing an idiot who encourages vandalism and property destruction

People say a lot of things in anger that they would never say if they weren't in that state of mind.

We have masses of video of TP'ers saying stupid stuff in anger over the ACA.

People say stupid things when they are in the grip of strong emotions.

If we charged everyone who did that then your taxes for the prison population would exceed that of the defense budget in all likelihood.

While I agree that people say stupid things in anger that does not dismiss the fact that you are accountable for your own actions.

If you were in a theater and got pissed because the usher asked you to hold it down and decided to stand and yell fire causing a commotion you will be held responsible regardless of trying to use anger as a defense.

As far as the Teaparty reference do you have recording of any of the principals or leaders of the events calling for destruction of property. I will wait on your examples but I bet I need to get ready for a long wait

That you cannot appreciate the extreme emotions that they were under proves that Luddly was correct that you lack compassion and empathy for the grief of others.

Your example was ridiculous.

The record of the angry TP'ers saying stupid things about the ACA is out there and no amount of denial on your part will make it go away. Take your pick;

That footage of her falling apart, him holding her and then finally screaming out his rage and pain -

I'm sorry that RWs are so et up with their racist hate but no one can say they would not have lost control in that moment. Those people have been pushed to edge and more.

Try a little compassion.

Or, you could just keep on yammering your mindless hate while pretending to be good christians.

'tis the season, right?
Thats a horseshit excuse. I can understand the pain and anger. However to encourage people to bun the down down shows the mindset of this individual. There is a big difference between having compassion for a family that has lost a loved one and excusing an idiot who encourages vandalism and property destruction

People say a lot of things in anger that they would never say if they weren't in that state of mind.

We have masses of video of TP'ers saying stupid stuff in anger over the ACA.

People say stupid things when they are in the grip of strong emotions.

If we charged everyone who did that then your taxes for the prison population would exceed that of the defense budget in all likelihood.

While I agree that people say stupid things in anger that does not dismiss the fact that you are accountable for your own actions.

If you were in a theater and got pissed because the usher asked you to hold it down and decided to stand and yell fire causing a commotion you will be held responsible regardless of trying to use anger as a defense.

As far as the Teaparty reference do you have recording of any of the principals or leaders of the events calling for destruction of property. I will wait on your examples but I bet I need to get ready for a long wait

The tee potty's racism and inciting against the govt and the president is well known. For a quick review, just google 'racist tea party signs'.
Brown's stepfather is just a useful stooge who was played by the Race-Hustling Industry and its Obama Admin Cronies.
That footage of her falling apart, him holding her and then finally screaming out his rage and pain -

I'm sorry that RWs are so et up with their racist hate but no one can say they would not have lost control in that moment. Those people have been pushed to edge and more.

Try a little compassion.

Or, you could just keep on yammering your mindless hate while pretending to be good christians.

'tis the season, right?
Thats a horseshit excuse. I can understand the pain and anger. However to encourage people to bun the down down shows the mindset of this individual. There is a big difference between having compassion for a family that has lost a loved one and excusing an idiot who encourages vandalism and property destruction

People say a lot of things in anger that they would never say if they weren't in that state of mind.

We have masses of video of TP'ers saying stupid stuff in anger over the ACA.

People say stupid things when they are in the grip of strong emotions.

If we charged everyone who did that then your taxes for the prison population would exceed that of the defense budget in all likelihood.

While I agree that people say stupid things in anger that does not dismiss the fact that you are accountable for your own actions.

If you were in a theater and got pissed because the usher asked you to hold it down and decided to stand and yell fire causing a commotion you will be held responsible regardless of trying to use anger as a defense.

As far as the Teaparty reference do you have recording of any of the principals or leaders of the events calling for destruction of property. I will wait on your examples but I bet I need to get ready for a long wait

That you cannot appreciate the extreme emotions that they were under proves that Luddly was correct that you lack compassion and empathy for the grief of others.

Your example was ridiculous.

The record of the angry TP'ers saying stupid things about the ACA is out there and no amount of denial on your part will make it go away. Take your pick;


That was not a scream of grief. What part of him wanting to see Ferguson an innocent city with innocent residents and business owners burn to the ground don't you get?

Enough already with this farce. Put a headstone on the kid's grave and get out of our faces.
That footage of her falling apart, him holding her and then finally screaming out his rage and pain -

I'm sorry that RWs are so et up with their racist hate but no one can say they would not have lost control in that moment. Those people have been pushed to edge and more.

Try a little compassion.

Or, you could just keep on yammering your mindless hate while pretending to be good christians.

'tis the season, right?
Thats a horseshit excuse. I can understand the pain and anger. However to encourage people to bun the down down shows the mindset of this individual. There is a big difference between having compassion for a family that has lost a loved one and excusing an idiot who encourages vandalism and property destruction

People say a lot of things in anger that they would never say if they weren't in that state of mind.

We have masses of video of TP'ers saying stupid stuff in anger over the ACA.

People say stupid things when they are in the grip of strong emotions.

If we charged everyone who did that then your taxes for the prison population would exceed that of the defense budget in all likelihood.

While I agree that people say stupid things in anger that does not dismiss the fact that you are accountable for your own actions.

If you were in a theater and got pissed because the usher asked you to hold it down and decided to stand and yell fire causing a commotion you will be held responsible regardless of trying to use anger as a defense.

As far as the Teaparty reference do you have recording of any of the principals or leaders of the events calling for destruction of property. I will wait on your examples but I bet I need to get ready for a long wait

That you cannot appreciate the extreme emotions that they were under proves that Luddly was correct that you lack compassion and empathy for the grief of others.

Your example was ridiculous.

The record of the angry TP'ers saying stupid things about the ACA is out there and no amount of denial on your part will make it go away. Take your pick;


Come on now if your going to run with the big dogs you gotta be able to back up what you said.

I will ask you again show proof of one of the principals or leaders at a teaparty rally calling for criminal actions or destruction of property. Don't crawfish on me now you made the claim lets see you support it
That was not a scream of grief

So one of your qualifications is the ability to read the minds of others?

Are you unaware of the stages of grief?

Do you not know that anger is one of those stages?

So since you know better why don't you give us your personal treatise on what exactly he was thinking at that moment in time?
That footage of her falling apart, him holding her and then finally screaming out his rage and pain -

I'm sorry that RWs are so et up with their racist hate but no one can say they would not have lost control in that moment. Those people have been pushed to edge and more.

Try a little compassion.

Or, you could just keep on yammering your mindless hate while pretending to be good christians.

'tis the season, right?
Thats a horseshit excuse. I can understand the pain and anger. However to encourage people to bun the down down shows the mindset of this individual. There is a big difference between having compassion for a family that has lost a loved one and excusing an idiot who encourages vandalism and property destruction

People say a lot of things in anger that they would never say if they weren't in that state of mind.

We have masses of video of TP'ers saying stupid stuff in anger over the ACA.

People say stupid things when they are in the grip of strong emotions.

If we charged everyone who did that then your taxes for the prison population would exceed that of the defense budget in all likelihood.

While I agree that people say stupid things in anger that does not dismiss the fact that you are accountable for your own actions.

If you were in a theater and got pissed because the usher asked you to hold it down and decided to stand and yell fire causing a commotion you will be held responsible regardless of trying to use anger as a defense.

As far as the Teaparty reference do you have recording of any of the principals or leaders of the events calling for destruction of property. I will wait on your examples but I bet I need to get ready for a long wait

The tee potty's racism and inciting against the govt and the president is well known. For a quick review, just google 'racist tea party signs'.

Come on now don't start twisting and spinning that's the sure sign of one that can't hold up their end of an argument

To refresh your memory here is what I originally asked
As far as the Teaparty reference do you have recording of any of the principals or leaders of the events calling for destruction of property. I will wait on your examples but I bet I need to get ready for a long wait

Now I will give you the same opportunity as I afforded the other poster. Provide us with examples of principals or leaders at a Teaparty rally calling for criminal activity or destruction of property.

No need in dancing around, prove the point its really that simple
He certainly should be held accountable for his actions

What "actions" would those be?

Inciting a riot. It's a no brainer. If guys in white KKK robes screamed "burn this bitch down" watch how fast they'd be behind bars.

This bullshit drama will hopefully finally be over. Not for the poor officer and his family. Not ever.


In the United States, we put people in jail for their actions.

Not their words.

Yeah yeah yeah there are exceptions but, for the most part, the Kowards in bed sheets can say pretty much anything they want. If you don't believe that, read this board. It has become Stormfront Lite and they get away with it.

Wanna rethink your post?

Incite a Riot Law Legal Definition
calling for criminal actions or destruction of property

Moving the goalposts now?

This was my original statement;

We have masses of video of TP'ers saying stupid stuff in anger over the ACA.

The onus is on you to prove that I allegedly said what you are egregiously and falsely alleging now.
He certainly should be held accountable for his actions

What "actions" would those be?

Inciting a riot. It's a no brainer. If guys in white KKK robes screamed "burn this bitch down" watch how fast they'd be behind bars.

This bullshit drama will hopefully finally be over. Not for the poor officer and his family. Not ever.


In the United States, we put people in jail for their actions.

Not their words.

Yeah yeah yeah there are exceptions but, for the most part, the Kowards in bed sheets can say pretty much anything they want. If you don't believe that, read this board. It has become Stormfront Lite and they get away with it.

Wanna rethink your post?

Incite a Riot Law Legal Definition
You should rethink yours. How would you prove the person or persons that set the fires even heard what he said or were present to hear him say it?
What I'm gathering from this thread:

Grieving in public can be a crime. Everyone grieves in the same, pre-approved way, and those who deviate from that are criminal. Wearing one's pants loose is evidence of bad parenting. People who lose a loved one should sit down and shut the fuck up, because everyone else gets to decide if the loss was justified or not. And if so, then you've got no class if you're crying about it.

Anyway, that's boiling it all down. I sincerely hope none of you lose a child and remain under public scrutiny during your grief.

Is this as damning as yelling "FIRE!" in a crowded theater?

No one can prove what he said made people set fires. When you can prove that then you would have a case.

Were businesses burning prior to his statement, were they burning after his statements?

Let a grand jury decide.

Is there proof what he said made someone go burn the businesses? You have no case.
He certainly should be held accountable for his actions

What "actions" would those be?

Inciting a riot. It's a no brainer. If guys in white KKK robes screamed "burn this bitch down" watch how fast they'd be behind bars.

This bullshit drama will hopefully finally be over. Not for the poor officer and his family. Not ever.


In the United States, we put people in jail for their actions.

Not their words.

Yeah yeah yeah there are exceptions but, for the most part, the Kowards in bed sheets can say pretty much anything they want. If you don't believe that, read this board. It has become Stormfront Lite and they get away with it.

Wanna rethink your post?

Incite a Riot Law Legal Definition
You should rethink yours. How would you prove the person or persons that set the fires even heard what he said or were present to hear him say it?

Lol, let the grand jury hear the evidence.

The man didn't quietly make the statement, he shouted it over and over and over to an inflamed crowd. Oh, by the way , a convicted criminal.
What "actions" would those be?

Inciting a riot. It's a no brainer. If guys in white KKK robes screamed "burn this bitch down" watch how fast they'd be behind bars.

This bullshit drama will hopefully finally be over. Not for the poor officer and his family. Not ever.


In the United States, we put people in jail for their actions.

Not their words.

Yeah yeah yeah there are exceptions but, for the most part, the Kowards in bed sheets can say pretty much anything they want. If you don't believe that, read this board. It has become Stormfront Lite and they get away with it.

Wanna rethink your post?

Incite a Riot Law Legal Definition
You should rethink yours. How would you prove the person or persons that set the fires even heard what he said or were present to hear him say it?

Lol, let the grand jury hear the evidence.

The man didn't quietly make the statement, he shouted it over and over and over to an inflamed crowd. Oh, by the way , a convicted criminal.
There is no grand jury. If there was we would know about it. :laugh:
I didnt know being a convict automatically made you liable.
Inciting a riot. It's a no brainer. If guys in white KKK robes screamed "burn this bitch down" watch how fast they'd be behind bars.

This bullshit drama will hopefully finally be over. Not for the poor officer and his family. Not ever.


In the United States, we put people in jail for their actions.

Not their words.

Yeah yeah yeah there are exceptions but, for the most part, the Kowards in bed sheets can say pretty much anything they want. If you don't believe that, read this board. It has become Stormfront Lite and they get away with it.

Wanna rethink your post?

Incite a Riot Law Legal Definition
You should rethink yours. How would you prove the person or persons that set the fires even heard what he said or were present to hear him say it?

Lol, let the grand jury hear the evidence.

The man didn't quietly make the statement, he shouted it over and over and over to an inflamed crowd. Oh, by the way , a convicted criminal.
There is no grand jury. If there was we would know about it. :laugh:

There certainly could be

In the United States, we put people in jail for their actions.

Not their words.

Yeah yeah yeah there are exceptions but, for the most part, the Kowards in bed sheets can say pretty much anything they want. If you don't believe that, read this board. It has become Stormfront Lite and they get away with it.

Wanna rethink your post?

Incite a Riot Law Legal Definition
You should rethink yours. How would you prove the person or persons that set the fires even heard what he said or were present to hear him say it?

Lol, let the grand jury hear the evidence.

The man didn't quietly make the statement, he shouted it over and over and over to an inflamed crowd. Oh, by the way , a convicted criminal.
There is no grand jury. If there was we would know about it. :laugh:

There certainly could be
Keep hoping. I'm not an attorney and I could keep him from being indicted.
That footage of her falling apart, him holding her and then finally screaming out his rage and pain -

I'm sorry that RWs are so et up with their racist hate but no one can say they would not have lost control in that moment. Those people have been pushed to edge and more.

Try a little compassion.

Or, you could just keep on yammering your mindless hate while pretending to be good christians.

'tis the season, right?
Thats a horseshit excuse. I can understand the pain and anger. However to encourage people to bun the down down shows the mindset of this individual. There is a big difference between having compassion for a family that has lost a loved one and excusing an idiot who encourages vandalism and property destruction

People say a lot of things in anger that they would never say if they weren't in that state of mind.

We have masses of video of TP'ers saying stupid stuff in anger over the ACA.

People say stupid things when they are in the grip of strong emotions.

If we charged everyone who did that then your taxes for the prison population would exceed that of the defense budget in all likelihood.

While I agree that people say stupid things in anger that does not dismiss the fact that you are accountable for your own actions.

If you were in a theater and got pissed because the usher asked you to hold it down and decided to stand and yell fire causing a commotion you will be held responsible regardless of trying to use anger as a defense.

As far as the Teaparty reference do you have recording of any of the principals or leaders of the events calling for destruction of property. I will wait on your examples but I bet I need to get ready for a long wait

That you cannot appreciate the extreme emotions that they were under proves that Luddly was correct that you lack compassion and empathy for the grief of others.

Your example was ridiculous.

The record of the angry TP'ers saying stupid things about the ACA is out there and no amount of denial on your part will make it go away. Take your pick;

Extreme emotions, I get. Burning and looting, I don't.

Had George Zimmerman been acquitted, there would have been "extreme emotions" but no looting. Please explain why blacks get to express themselves by burning cities.

Is this as damning as yelling "FIRE!" in a crowded theater?

CNN had a family lawyer with Rev Al by his side say he was reacting in the moment and he was being human. I have to say that "burning the bitch down" would never have come to my mind. Am I supposed to believe that is a normal reaction to grief?

No one cares if you believe it. What your interpretation of how he should react is irrelevant. Anger is a part of the grieving process. Ask an expert if you really want to be educated.

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