Brown's stepfather....did he instigate the burning in Ferguson?

calling for criminal actions or destruction of property

Moving the goalposts now?

This was my original statement;

We have masses of video of TP'ers saying stupid stuff in anger over the ACA.

The onus is on you to prove that I allegedly said what you are egregiously and falsely alleging now.

It seems like you were equating what tea party people have said to what the stepfather So now prove the tea party people said ahing remotely similar to what this punk said.
It seems the poster either has a difficult time staying on topic, wishes to derail subjects or prefers logical fallacy to honest debate
That you cannot appreciate the extreme emotions that they were under proves that Luddly was correct that you lack compassion and empathy for the grief of others.

Your example was ridiculous.

The record of the angry TP'ers saying stupid things about the ACA is out there and no amount of denial on your part will make it go away. Take your pick;

Extreme emotions, I get. Burning and looting, I don't.

Had George Zimmerman been acquitted, there would have been "extreme emotions" but no looting. Please explain why blacks get to express themselves by burning cities.
Is there proof what he said made someone go burn the businesses? You have no case.
He said what he said. That is the case right there.
Pretty flimsy case.

It's on video, the man shouting "burn this bitch down" a number of times to a crowd that was already inflamed and a history of at least one building being burned by an inflamed crowd.

Much more solid than the case the crowd was gathered to hear the result of.
Face it. You have no case at all which is why no charges will be brought.

Your opinion is noted
You can frame it if you like.
That footage of her falling apart, him holding her and then finally screaming out his rage and pain -

I'm sorry that RWs are so et up with their racist hate but no one can say they would not have lost control in that moment. Those people have been pushed to edge and more.

Try a little compassion.

Or, you could just keep on yammering your mindless hate while pretending to be good christians.

'tis the season, right?
Thats a horseshit excuse. I can understand the pain and anger. However to encourage people to bun the down down shows the mindset of this individual. There is a big difference between having compassion for a family that has lost a loved one and excusing an idiot who encourages vandalism and property destruction

People say a lot of things in anger that they would never say if they weren't in that state of mind.

We have masses of video of TP'ers saying stupid stuff in anger over the ACA.

People say stupid things when they are in the grip of strong emotions.

If we charged everyone who did that then your taxes for the prison population would exceed that of the defense budget in all likelihood.

Link please? I will say that they should be charged to if they're words contributed to destruction of property
That footage of her falling apart, him holding her and then finally screaming out his rage and pain -

I'm sorry that RWs are so et up with their racist hate but no one can say they would not have lost control in that moment. Those people have been pushed to edge and more.

Try a little compassion.

Or, you could just keep on yammering your mindless hate while pretending to be good christians.

'tis the season, right?

Fuck you retard. Normal people don't react to grief that way.

Seriously, you are a waste of oxygen.
You arent normal if you dont progress through the stages of grief idiot.

Sure, most peoples grief process is calling to "burn the bitch down"

So your a grief councilor now?
That footage of her falling apart, him holding her and then finally screaming out his rage and pain -

I'm sorry that RWs are so et up with their racist hate but no one can say they would not have lost control in that moment. Those people have been pushed to edge and more.

Try a little compassion.

Or, you could just keep on yammering your mindless hate while pretending to be good christians.

'tis the season, right?

Fuck you retard. Normal people don't react to grief that way.

Seriously, you are a waste of oxygen.

You'd be kind and forgiving to the person who killed your kid? Whether it was justified, or an accident, or whatever? You'd just not get angry?
You arent normal if you dont progress through the stages of grief idiot.

I see your career as a mod came to a sudden halt eh, asswipe? :laugh:
I've never been a mod you monkey.
Extreme emotions, I get. Burning and looting, I don't.

Had George Zimmerman been acquitted, there would have been "extreme emotions" but no looting. Please explain why blacks get to express themselves by burning cities.
He said what he said. That is the case right there.
Pretty flimsy case.

It's on video, the man shouting "burn this bitch down" a number of times to a crowd that was already inflamed and a history of at least one building being burned by an inflamed crowd.

Much more solid than the case the crowd was gathered to hear the result of.
Face it. You have no case at all which is why no charges will be brought.

Your opinion is noted
You can frame it if you like.

I think I did, but thanks for your OPINION.
Pretty flimsy case.

It's on video, the man shouting "burn this bitch down" a number of times to a crowd that was already inflamed and a history of at least one building being burned by an inflamed crowd.

Much more solid than the case the crowd was gathered to hear the result of.
Face it. You have no case at all which is why no charges will be brought.

Your opinion is noted
You can frame it if you like.

I think I did, but thanks for your OPINION.
Youre welcome and thanks for expressing your OPINION politely.
That footage of her falling apart, him holding her and then finally screaming out his rage and pain -

I'm sorry that RWs are so et up with their racist hate but no one can say they would not have lost control in that moment. Those people have been pushed to edge and more.

Try a little compassion.

Or, you could just keep on yammering your mindless hate while pretending to be good christians.

'tis the season, right?

Fuck you retard. Normal people don't react to grief that way.

Seriously, you are a waste of oxygen.
You arent normal if you dont progress through the stages of grief idiot.

Sure, most peoples grief process is calling to "burn the bitch down"

So your a grief councilor now?
Anger is the second stage of grieving. You could threaten to kill your mother during that time. You dont have to be a grief counselor to know that.
That footage of her falling apart, him holding her and then finally screaming out his rage and pain -

I'm sorry that RWs are so et up with their racist hate but no one can say they would not have lost control in that moment. Those people have been pushed to edge and more.

Try a little compassion.

Or, you could just keep on yammering your mindless hate while pretending to be good christians.

'tis the season, right?

Fuck you retard. Normal people don't react to grief that way.

Seriously, you are a waste of oxygen.

You'd be kind and forgiving to the person who killed your kid? Whether it was justified, or an accident, or whatever? You'd just not get angry?
The step father called for destruction of property non of which pertained to the death of Brown

Is this as damning as yelling "FIRE!" in a crowded theater?

No one can prove what he said made people set fires. When you can prove that then you would have a case.

Wrong Milkweed. One doesn't have to prove his words caused anything. Merely uttering them in a credible manner is enough to constitute a crime.

18 U.S. Code § 2102 - Definitions
Current through Pub. L. 113-185. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)

prev | next
(a) As used in this chapter, the term “riot” means a public disturbance involving
(1) an act or acts of violence by one or more persons part of an assemblage of three or more persons, which act or acts shall constitute a clear and present danger of, or shall result in, damage or injury to the property of any other person or to the person of any other individual or
(2) a threat or threats of the commission of an act or acts of violence by one or more persons part of an assemblage of three or more persons having, individually or collectively, the ability of immediate execution of such threat or threats, where the performance of the threatened act or acts of violence would constitute a clear and present danger of, or would result in, damage or injury to the property of any other person or to the person of any other individual.
(b) As used in this chapter, the term “to incite a riot”, or “to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot”, includes, but is not limited to, urging or instigating other persons to riot, but shall not be deemed to mean the mere oral or written (1) advocacy of ideas or (2) expression of belief, not involving advocacy of any act or acts of violence or assertion of the rightness of, or the right to commit, any such act or acts.

18 U.S. Code 2102 - Definitions LII Legal Information Institute

Will there EVER be a thread you are right about?
I think the guy should be arrested for inciting a riot.

As the stepfather, he is by default one of the leaders of the protesters whether he wanted to be or not.
Because of that, his words would be taken much more seriously than other protesters. Since he therefore had that power his words repeated over and over with much emphasis carried a lot of weight and he should be held accountable for them.
That footage of her falling apart, him holding her and then finally screaming out his rage and pain -

I'm sorry that RWs are so et up with their racist hate but no one can say they would not have lost control in that moment. Those people have been pushed to edge and more.

Try a little compassion.

Or, you could just keep on yammering your mindless hate while pretending to be good christians.

'tis the season, right?

Fuck you retard. Normal people don't react to grief that way.

Seriously, you are a waste of oxygen.

You'd be kind and forgiving to the person who killed your kid? Whether it was justified, or an accident, or whatever? You'd just not get angry?
The step father called for destruction of property non of which pertained to the death of Brown

Right. It couldn't possibly have been anger directed toward a system that he feels killed his stepson.

Is this as damning as yelling "FIRE!" in a crowded theater?

No one can prove what he said made people set fires. When you can prove that then you would have a case.

Wrong Milkweed. One doesn't have to prove his words caused anything. Merely uttering them in a credible manner is enough to constitute a crime.

18 U.S. Code § 2102 - Definitions
Current through Pub. L. 113-185. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)

prev | next
(a) As used in this chapter, the term “riot” means a public disturbance involving
(1) an act or acts of violence by one or more persons part of an assemblage of three or more persons, which act or acts shall constitute a clear and present danger of, or shall result in, damage or injury to the property of any other person or to the person of any other individual or
(2) a threat or threats of the commission of an act or acts of violence by one or more persons part of an assemblage of three or more persons having, individually or collectively, the ability of immediate execution of such threat or threats, where the performance of the threatened act or acts of violence would constitute a clear and present danger of, or would result in, damage or injury to the property of any other person or to the person of any other individual.
(b) As used in this chapter, the term “to incite a riot”, or “to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot”, includes, but is not limited to, urging or instigating other persons to riot, but shall not be deemed to mean the mere oral or written (1) advocacy of ideas or (2) expression of belief, not involving advocacy of any act or acts of violence or assertion of the rightness of, or the right to commit, any such act or acts.

18 U.S. Code 2102 - Definitions LII Legal Information Institute

Will there EVER be a thread you are right about?

I've read that already. Your interpretation is off. Thats why no one is charging him.
That footage of her falling apart, him holding her and then finally screaming out his rage and pain -

I'm sorry that RWs are so et up with their racist hate but no one can say they would not have lost control in that moment. Those people have been pushed to edge and more.

Try a little compassion.

Or, you could just keep on yammering your mindless hate while pretending to be good christians.

'tis the season, right?

Fuck you retard. Normal people don't react to grief that way.

Seriously, you are a waste of oxygen.

You'd be kind and forgiving to the person who killed your kid? Whether it was justified, or an accident, or whatever? You'd just not get angry?
The step father called for destruction of property non of which pertained to the death of Brown

Right. It couldn't possibly have been anger directed toward a system that he feels killed his stepson.

A car lot, pizza joint, wig store etc... many of which were owned by minority owners were all part of a system that he felt killed his son? Hell if that is true he should be institutionalized for being damn crazy
That footage of her falling apart, him holding her and then finally screaming out his rage and pain -

I'm sorry that RWs are so et up with their racist hate but no one can say they would not have lost control in that moment. Those people have been pushed to edge and more.

Try a little compassion.

Or, you could just keep on yammering your mindless hate while pretending to be good christians.

'tis the season, right?

Fuck you retard. Normal people don't react to grief that way.

Seriously, you are a waste of oxygen.

You'd be kind and forgiving to the person who killed your kid? Whether it was justified, or an accident, or whatever? You'd just not get angry?

Son, if someone intentionally and needelsy killed one of my children. I'd kill them, without question. If one of my children was killed while fighting a police officer, I'd be sad that they made the choice they made

In NEITHER case would I be out whooping it up ad telling others to burn businesses down.

Seriously? Who behaves like this and then has the gall to say" Why does every other race thing we're inferior?"
That footage of her falling apart, him holding her and then finally screaming out his rage and pain -

I'm sorry that RWs are so et up with their racist hate but no one can say they would not have lost control in that moment. Those people have been pushed to edge and more.

Try a little compassion.

Or, you could just keep on yammering your mindless hate while pretending to be good christians.

'tis the season, right?

Fuck you retard. Normal people don't react to grief that way.

Seriously, you are a waste of oxygen.
You arent normal if you dont progress through the stages of grief idiot.

Sure, most peoples grief process is calling to "burn the bitch down"

So your a grief councilor now?
Anger is the second stage of grieving. You could threaten to kill your mother during that time. You dont have to be a grief counselor to know that.

I know you hate facts Mikweed , but try reading the law. Yelling over the phone that you will kill your mother is NOT the same thing a gathering in a group and yelling about burning businesses down, AS businesses are being burned down.
That footage of her falling apart, him holding her and then finally screaming out his rage and pain -

I'm sorry that RWs are so et up with their racist hate but no one can say they would not have lost control in that moment. Those people have been pushed to edge and more.

Try a little compassion.

Or, you could just keep on yammering your mindless hate while pretending to be good christians.

'tis the season, right?

Fuck you retard. Normal people don't react to grief that way.

Seriously, you are a waste of oxygen.
You arent normal if you dont progress through the stages of grief idiot.

Sure, most peoples grief process is calling to "burn the bitch down"

So your a grief councilor now?
Anger is the second stage of grieving. You could threaten to kill your mother during that time. You dont have to be a grief counselor to know that.

I know you hate facts Mikweed , but try reading the law. Yelling over the phone that you will kill your mother is NOT the same thing a gathering in a group and yelling about burning businesses down, AS businesses are being burned down.
We werent dicussing the law dumbear. We were discussing the stages of grief. Keep up.

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