Brown's stepfather....did he instigate the burning in Ferguson?

calling for criminal actions or destruction of property

Moving the goalposts now?

This was my original statement;

We have masses of video of TP'ers saying stupid stuff in anger over the ACA.

The onus is on you to prove that I allegedly said what you are egregiously and falsely alleging now.

Come on now try to keep up. Here I will lead you down the trail

The title of the thread is

The discussion here centers around the question of did he instigate or have any thing to do with the criminal behavior of the rioters due to his call for violence/destruction.

Your statement above is an attempt to deflect the thread by bringing the TP into the discussion and claiming they said stupid stuff. I decided to play along with you and agreed that folks do say stupid stuff out of anger

My exact statement
While I agree that people say stupid things in anger that does not dismiss the fact that you are accountable for your own actions.

I then in an attempt to bring your example of the TP back on track asked the following

As far as the Teaparty reference do you have recording of any of the principals or leaders of the events calling for destruction of property. I will wait on your examples but I bet I need to get ready for a long wait

So as you see I did not falsely accuse you of saying anything. I simply played off your statement and asked for proof as it related to this topic

Now that I have lead you back to the topic, can you prove what I asked? Or was your statement not relevant to this conversation?

Is this as damning as yelling "FIRE!" in a crowded theater?

No one can prove what he said made people set fires. When you can prove that then you would have a case.

Were businesses burning prior to his statement, were they burning after his statements?

Let a grand jury decide.

Is there proof what he said made someone go burn the businesses? You have no case.

He said what he said. That is the case right there.

Is this as damning as yelling "FIRE!" in a crowded theater?

CNN had a family lawyer with Rev Al by his side say he was reacting in the moment and he was being human. I have to say that "burning the bitch down" would never have come to my mind. Am I supposed to believe that is a normal reaction to grief?

No one cares if you believe it. What your interpretation of how he should react is irrelevant. Anger is a part of the grieving process. Ask an expert if you really want to be educated.

I asked the quetion. Can you just answer it without hurling insults?

18 U.S.C. 2101 US Code - Section 2101 Riots
That footage of her falling apart, him holding her and then finally screaming out his rage and pain -

I'm sorry that RWs are so et up with their racist hate but no one can say they would not have lost control in that moment. Those people have been pushed to edge and more.

Try a little compassion.

Or, you could just keep on yammering your mindless hate while pretending to be good christians.

'tis the season, right?
Thats a horseshit excuse. I can understand the pain and anger. However to encourage people to bun the down down shows the mindset of this individual. There is a big difference between having compassion for a family that has lost a loved one and excusing an idiot who encourages vandalism and property destruction

People say a lot of things in anger that they would never say if they weren't in that state of mind.

We have masses of video of TP'ers saying stupid stuff in anger over the ACA.

People say stupid things when they are in the grip of strong emotions.

If we charged everyone who did that then your taxes for the prison population would exceed that of the defense budget in all likelihood.

While I agree that people say stupid things in anger that does not dismiss the fact that you are accountable for your own actions.

If you were in a theater and got pissed because the usher asked you to hold it down and decided to stand and yell fire causing a commotion you will be held responsible regardless of trying to use anger as a defense.

As far as the Teaparty reference do you have recording of any of the principals or leaders of the events calling for destruction of property. I will wait on your examples but I bet I need to get ready for a long wait

That you cannot appreciate the extreme emotions that they were under proves that Luddly was correct that you lack compassion and empathy for the grief of others.

Your example was ridiculous.

The record of the angry TP'ers saying stupid things about the ACA is out there and no amount of denial on your part will make it go away. Take your pick;

Extreme emotions, I get. Burning and looting, I don't.

Had George Zimmerman been acquitted, there would have been "extreme emotions" but no looting. Please explain why blacks get to express themselves by burning cities.

Is this as damning as yelling "FIRE!" in a crowded theater?

No one can prove what he said made people set fires. When you can prove that then you would have a case.

Were businesses burning prior to his statement, were they burning after his statements?

Let a grand jury decide.

Is there proof what he said made someone go burn the businesses? You have no case.

He said what he said. That is the case right there.

Pretty flimsy case.

Is this as damning as yelling "FIRE!" in a crowded theater?

CNN had a family lawyer with Rev Al by his side say he was reacting in the moment and he was being human. I have to say that "burning the bitch down" would never have come to my mind. Am I supposed to believe that is a normal reaction to grief?

No one cares if you believe it. What your interpretation of how he should react is irrelevant. Anger is a part of the grieving process. Ask an expert if you really want to be educated.

I asked the quetion. Can you just answer it without hurling insults?

18 U.S.C. 2101 US Code - Section 2101 Riots

I did answer it. I said no. I didnt hurl any insults.
Thats a horseshit excuse. I can understand the pain and anger. However to encourage people to bun the down down shows the mindset of this individual. There is a big difference between having compassion for a family that has lost a loved one and excusing an idiot who encourages vandalism and property destruction

People say a lot of things in anger that they would never say if they weren't in that state of mind.

We have masses of video of TP'ers saying stupid stuff in anger over the ACA.

People say stupid things when they are in the grip of strong emotions.

If we charged everyone who did that then your taxes for the prison population would exceed that of the defense budget in all likelihood.

While I agree that people say stupid things in anger that does not dismiss the fact that you are accountable for your own actions.

If you were in a theater and got pissed because the usher asked you to hold it down and decided to stand and yell fire causing a commotion you will be held responsible regardless of trying to use anger as a defense.

As far as the Teaparty reference do you have recording of any of the principals or leaders of the events calling for destruction of property. I will wait on your examples but I bet I need to get ready for a long wait

That you cannot appreciate the extreme emotions that they were under proves that Luddly was correct that you lack compassion and empathy for the grief of others.

Your example was ridiculous.

The record of the angry TP'ers saying stupid things about the ACA is out there and no amount of denial on your part will make it go away. Take your pick;

Extreme emotions, I get. Burning and looting, I don't.

Had George Zimmerman been acquitted, there would have been "extreme emotions" but no looting. Please explain why blacks get to express themselves by burning cities.

Is this as damning as yelling "FIRE!" in a crowded theater?

No one can prove what he said made people set fires. When you can prove that then you would have a case.

Were businesses burning prior to his statement, were they burning after his statements?

Let a grand jury decide.

Is there proof what he said made someone go burn the businesses? You have no case.

He said what he said. That is the case right there.

Pretty flimsy case.

It's on video, the man shouting "burn this bitch down" a number of times to a crowd that was already inflamed and a history of at least one building being burned by an inflamed crowd.

Much more solid than the case the crowd was gathered to hear the result of.
That was not a scream of grief

So one of your qualifications is the ability to read the minds of others?

Are you unaware of the stages of grief?

Do you not know that anger is one of those stages?

So since you know better why don't you give us your personal treatise on what exactly he was thinking at that moment in time?
Most of us are aware of the stages of grief. The problem is that some people are unable to exercise enough self control to channel their anger in a useful, appropriate way. The TEA Party was pissed over the SCOTUS ruling on obama care, but they didn't burn any convenience stores.
Thats a horseshit excuse. I can understand the pain and anger. However to encourage people to bun the down down shows the mindset of this individual. There is a big difference between having compassion for a family that has lost a loved one and excusing an idiot who encourages vandalism and property destruction

People say a lot of things in anger that they would never say if they weren't in that state of mind.

We have masses of video of TP'ers saying stupid stuff in anger over the ACA.

People say stupid things when they are in the grip of strong emotions.

If we charged everyone who did that then your taxes for the prison population would exceed that of the defense budget in all likelihood.

While I agree that people say stupid things in anger that does not dismiss the fact that you are accountable for your own actions.

If you were in a theater and got pissed because the usher asked you to hold it down and decided to stand and yell fire causing a commotion you will be held responsible regardless of trying to use anger as a defense.

As far as the Teaparty reference do you have recording of any of the principals or leaders of the events calling for destruction of property. I will wait on your examples but I bet I need to get ready for a long wait

That you cannot appreciate the extreme emotions that they were under proves that Luddly was correct that you lack compassion and empathy for the grief of others.

Your example was ridiculous.

The record of the angry TP'ers saying stupid things about the ACA is out there and no amount of denial on your part will make it go away. Take your pick;

Extreme emotions, I get. Burning and looting, I don't.

Had George Zimmerman been acquitted, there would have been "extreme emotions" but no looting. Please explain why blacks get to express themselves by burning cities.

Is this as damning as yelling "FIRE!" in a crowded theater?

No one can prove what he said made people set fires. When you can prove that then you would have a case.

Were businesses burning prior to his statement, were they burning after his statements?

Let a grand jury decide.

Is there proof what he said made someone go burn the businesses? You have no case.

He said what he said. That is the case right there.

Pretty flimsy case.

Perhaps, but he said what he said

I notice you quoted a prior post but declined to answer it. WHY do blacks get a pass when they express themselves inappropriately? Do they not have self control? Why did the owner of Quick Mart deserve to be looted a second time, after being pushed around and looted the night Brown died?
What justifies burning a used car lot? A pizza restaurant? A gas station?
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calling for criminal actions or destruction of property

Moving the goalposts now?

This was my original statement;

We have masses of video of TP'ers saying stupid stuff in anger over the ACA.

The onus is on you to prove that I allegedly said what you are egregiously and falsely alleging now.

It seems like you were equating what tea party people have said to what the stepfather So now prove the tea party people said ahing remotely similar to what this punk said.
"Second Amendment solutions" -- seems like a pretty direct threat to me.

"The tree of liberty needs to watered from time to time with the blood of patriots." -- again, threatening violence to government
Incitement to riot is a crime and that's what he did.
It would be sweet if Officer Wilson could be there to arrest him for inciting a riot.

I don't understand this family. Most decent people would be home away from the circus. These unsophisticated clods don't have the brains to keep to themselves and maintain some dignity.

Also, notice the stepfather's underwear showing because he wears his pants down below his ass. That's the sort of man influencing the gentle giant. The idiot doesn't know that wearing his pants low like that is done in prison to tell other inmates he wants fucked in the ass.

At this point it is their lawyers that are keeping them in the spotlight. They won't let this go away, the family and their lawyers will push this until they can go no further they are just looking a monetary settlement. Hell even Holder still has his investigation going on. You thought we were finished, not even close.
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People say a lot of things in anger that they would never say if they weren't in that state of mind.

We have masses of video of TP'ers saying stupid stuff in anger over the ACA.

People say stupid things when they are in the grip of strong emotions.

If we charged everyone who did that then your taxes for the prison population would exceed that of the defense budget in all likelihood.

While I agree that people say stupid things in anger that does not dismiss the fact that you are accountable for your own actions.

If you were in a theater and got pissed because the usher asked you to hold it down and decided to stand and yell fire causing a commotion you will be held responsible regardless of trying to use anger as a defense.

As far as the Teaparty reference do you have recording of any of the principals or leaders of the events calling for destruction of property. I will wait on your examples but I bet I need to get ready for a long wait

That you cannot appreciate the extreme emotions that they were under proves that Luddly was correct that you lack compassion and empathy for the grief of others.

Your example was ridiculous.

The record of the angry TP'ers saying stupid things about the ACA is out there and no amount of denial on your part will make it go away. Take your pick;

Extreme emotions, I get. Burning and looting, I don't.

Had George Zimmerman been acquitted, there would have been "extreme emotions" but no looting. Please explain why blacks get to express themselves by burning cities.
No one can prove what he said made people set fires. When you can prove that then you would have a case.

Were businesses burning prior to his statement, were they burning after his statements?

Let a grand jury decide.
Is there proof what he said made someone go burn the businesses? You have no case.
He said what he said. That is the case right there.
Pretty flimsy case.

It's on video, the man shouting "burn this bitch down" a number of times to a crowd that was already inflamed and a history of at least one building being burned by an inflamed crowd.

Much more solid than the case the crowd was gathered to hear the result of.
Face it. You have no case at all which is why no charges will be brought.
That was not a scream of grief

So one of your qualifications is the ability to read the minds of others?

Are you unaware of the stages of grief?

Do you not know that anger is one of those stages?

So since you know better why don't you give us your personal treatise on what exactly he was thinking at that moment in time?
Most of us are aware of the stages of grief. The problem is that some people are unable to exercise enough self control to channel their anger in a useful, appropriate way. The TEA Party was pissed over the SCOTUS ruling on obama care, but they didn't burn any convenience stores.
People say a lot of things in anger that they would never say if they weren't in that state of mind.

We have masses of video of TP'ers saying stupid stuff in anger over the ACA.

People say stupid things when they are in the grip of strong emotions.

If we charged everyone who did that then your taxes for the prison population would exceed that of the defense budget in all likelihood.

While I agree that people say stupid things in anger that does not dismiss the fact that you are accountable for your own actions.

If you were in a theater and got pissed because the usher asked you to hold it down and decided to stand and yell fire causing a commotion you will be held responsible regardless of trying to use anger as a defense.

As far as the Teaparty reference do you have recording of any of the principals or leaders of the events calling for destruction of property. I will wait on your examples but I bet I need to get ready for a long wait

That you cannot appreciate the extreme emotions that they were under proves that Luddly was correct that you lack compassion and empathy for the grief of others.

Your example was ridiculous.

The record of the angry TP'ers saying stupid things about the ACA is out there and no amount of denial on your part will make it go away. Take your pick;

Extreme emotions, I get. Burning and looting, I don't.

Had George Zimmerman been acquitted, there would have been "extreme emotions" but no looting. Please explain why blacks get to express themselves by burning cities.
No one can prove what he said made people set fires. When you can prove that then you would have a case.

Were businesses burning prior to his statement, were they burning after his statements?

Let a grand jury decide.
Is there proof what he said made someone go burn the businesses? You have no case.
He said what he said. That is the case right there.
Pretty flimsy case.
Perhaps, but he said what he said

I notice you quoted a prior post but declined to answer it. WHY do blacks get a pass when they express themselves inappropriately? Do they not have self control? Why did the owner of Quick Mart deserve to be looted a second time, after being pushed around and looted the night Brown died?
What justifies burning a used car lot? A pizza restaurant? A gas station?
Who told you Blacks get a pass when they express themselves inappropriately? Who told you we didnt have self control? Who told you the owner of the Quick Mart deserved to be looted?
That footage of her falling apart, him holding her and then finally screaming out his rage and pain -

I'm sorry that RWs are so et up with their racist hate but no one can say they would not have lost control in that moment. Those people have been pushed to edge and more.

Try a little compassion.

Or, you could just keep on yammering your mindless hate while pretending to be good christians.

'tis the season, right?

Fuck you retard. Normal people don't react to grief that way.

Seriously, you are a waste of oxygen.
That footage of her falling apart, him holding her and then finally screaming out his rage and pain -

I'm sorry that RWs are so et up with their racist hate but no one can say they would not have lost control in that moment. Those people have been pushed to edge and more.

Try a little compassion.

Or, you could just keep on yammering your mindless hate while pretending to be good christians.

'tis the season, right?

Fuck you retard. Normal people don't react to grief that way.

Seriously, you are a waste of oxygen.
You arent normal if you dont progress through the stages of grief idiot.
it was stupid, but i don't think it's reasonable to blame the burning on him.
how many people do you think actually heard him say that?

Doesn't matter...he was clearly INCITING TO ARSON....ex-con piece of shit and the kid's mother also strong armed and robbed a woman selling MB stuff. If the authorities in Ferguson have any hair on their ass they'll go through the looted businesses CCTV footage and identify and charge as many of the looters as possible.
While I agree that people say stupid things in anger that does not dismiss the fact that you are accountable for your own actions.

If you were in a theater and got pissed because the usher asked you to hold it down and decided to stand and yell fire causing a commotion you will be held responsible regardless of trying to use anger as a defense.

As far as the Teaparty reference do you have recording of any of the principals or leaders of the events calling for destruction of property. I will wait on your examples but I bet I need to get ready for a long wait

That you cannot appreciate the extreme emotions that they were under proves that Luddly was correct that you lack compassion and empathy for the grief of others.

Your example was ridiculous.

The record of the angry TP'ers saying stupid things about the ACA is out there and no amount of denial on your part will make it go away. Take your pick;

Extreme emotions, I get. Burning and looting, I don't.

Had George Zimmerman been acquitted, there would have been "extreme emotions" but no looting. Please explain why blacks get to express themselves by burning cities.
Were businesses burning prior to his statement, were they burning after his statements?

Let a grand jury decide.
Is there proof what he said made someone go burn the businesses? You have no case.
He said what he said. That is the case right there.
Pretty flimsy case.

It's on video, the man shouting "burn this bitch down" a number of times to a crowd that was already inflamed and a history of at least one building being burned by an inflamed crowd.

Much more solid than the case the crowd was gathered to hear the result of.
Face it. You have no case at all which is why no charges will be brought.

Your opinion is noted

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