Bryan Cranston: 'F--- you' to anyone who wants Trump to fail


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I don't know this guy or his show, though I have of course heard of it. I concur with his sentiment about Trump being successful, the entire Western world and it's values may be at stake. I wholeheartedly side with him on this state n particular:

ā€œIf he fails, the country is in jeopardy. It would be egotistical for anyone to say, ā€˜I hope he fails,ā€™ā€ Cranston said. ā€œTo that person I would say, f--- you. Why would you want that? So you can be right?ā€

Appears he wasn't a supporter of his, but he has his loyalties to the nation that surpass any personal views, I can respect that. There have been presidents and PM's in the past who I may disagree with in regards to their policies, but I want them to succeed. In these cases I actually hope that I am the one who is wrong so that the president and Western World can continue to thrive.

Bryan Cranston: 'F--- you' to anyone who wants Trump to fail

ā€œBreaking Badā€ actor Bryan Cranston, notably outspoken against then-candidate Donald Trump, recently changed his tone, calling out those who donā€™t support the current president.

ā€œPresident Trump is not the person who I wanted to be in that office, and Iā€™ve been very open about that," Cranston said in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter on Monday. "That being said, he is the president.

ā€œIf he fails, the country is in jeopardy. It would be egotistical for anyone to say, ā€˜I hope he fails,ā€™ā€ Cranston said. ā€œTo that person I would say, f--- you. Why would you want that? So you can be right?ā€

The actor, currently promoting Vietnam War-era movie ā€œLast Flag Flying,ā€ said he doesnā€™t want Trump to fail. "I donā€™t want him to fail," Cranston argued. "I want him to succeed. I do. I honestly do."

The actor's comments mark an abrupt change from previous remarks he made about the president before he was elected. In October 2016, Cranston said he would move to Canada if Trump were elected to office.

However, in the interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Cranston said regardless of political affiliations, heā€™ll support anyone with ā€œa good idea.ā€

ā€œIf youā€™ve got a good idea that helps the country, oh man, Iā€™m gonna support you,ā€ Cranston said. ā€œI donā€™t care if youā€™re a Republican and Iā€™m a Democrat or whatever, I donā€™t care.ā€
I didn't know much about Obama and didn't vote for him but I was hoping he would succeed. After two years of his subversive crap, that was it. But the point is, I wasn't rooting for him to fail from the jump as is the case with #NeverTrump crowd.
I don't know this guy or his show, though I have of course heard of it. I concur with his sentiment about Trump being successful, the entire Western world and it's values may be at stake. I wholeheartedly side with him on this state n particular:

ā€œIf he fails, the country is in jeopardy. It would be egotistical for anyone to say, ā€˜I hope he fails,ā€™ā€ Cranston said. ā€œTo that person I would say, f--- you. Why would you want that? So you can be right?ā€

Appears he wasn't a supporter of his, but he has his loyalties to the nation that surpass any personal views, I can respect that. There have been presidents and PM's in the past who I may disagree with in regards to their policies, but I want them to succeed. In these cases I actually hope that I am the one who is wrong so that the president and Western World can continue to thrive.

Bryan Cranston: 'F--- you' to anyone who wants Trump to fail

ā€œBreaking Badā€ actor Bryan Cranston, notably outspoken against then-candidate Donald Trump, recently changed his tone, calling out those who donā€™t support the current president.

ā€œPresident Trump is not the person who I wanted to be in that office, and Iā€™ve been very open about that," Cranston said in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter on Monday. "That being said, he is the president.

ā€œIf he fails, the country is in jeopardy. It would be egotistical for anyone to say, ā€˜I hope he fails,ā€™ā€ Cranston said. ā€œTo that person I would say, f--- you. Why would you want that? So you can be right?ā€

The actor, currently promoting Vietnam War-era movie ā€œLast Flag Flying,ā€ said he doesnā€™t want Trump to fail. "I donā€™t want him to fail," Cranston argued. "I want him to succeed. I do. I honestly do."

The actor's comments mark an abrupt change from previous remarks he made about the president before he was elected. In October 2016, Cranston said he would move to Canada if Trump were elected to office.

However, in the interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Cranston said regardless of political affiliations, heā€™ll support anyone with ā€œa good idea.ā€

ā€œIf youā€™ve got a good idea that helps the country, oh man, Iā€™m gonna support you,ā€ Cranston said. ā€œI donā€™t care if youā€™re a Republican and Iā€™m a Democrat or whatever, I donā€™t care.ā€
You never heard of Breaking Bad? Really?
no no no, fuck YOU, blind sir. fuck you verrry much!

i mean, who do you think you're kidding??

oh, wait. :laugh2:

Republicans had it in for Obama before Day 1

At first, we thought organized Republican recalcitrance against the president started in October 2010 after Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) famously said, ā€œThe single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.ā€ Then came Robert Draperā€™s book, ā€œDo Not Ask What Good We Do: Inside the U.S. House of Representatives,ā€ this spring. As the Huffington Postā€™s Sam Stein reported in April, the book reports on a dinner of leading Republicans held the night of Obamaā€™s inauguration.

For several hours in the Caucus Room (a high-end D.C. establishment), the book says they plotted out ways to not just win back political power, but to also put the brakes on Obamaā€™s legislative platform.

"If you act like you're the minority, youā€™re going to stay in the minority,ā€ Draper quotes [Rep. Kevin] McCarthy [R-Calif.] as saying. ā€œWeā€™ve gotta challenge them on every single bill and challenge them on every single campaign.ā€

And Stein highlights this useful passage from Draperā€™s book:

The dinner lasted nearly four hours. They parted company almost giddily. The Republicans had agreed on a way forward:

Go after Geithner. (And indeed Kyl did, the next day: ā€˜Would you answer my question rather than dancing around it ā€” please?ā€™)

Show united and unyielding opposition to the presidentā€™s economic policies. (Eight days later, Minority Whip Cantor would hold the House Republicans to a unanimous No against Obamaā€™s economic stimulus plan.)

Begin attacking vulnerable Democrats on the airwaves. (The first National Republican Congressional Committee attack ads would run in less than two months.)

Win the spear point of the House in 2010. Jab Obama relentlessly in 2011. Win the White House and the Senate in 2012.

Now Greg Sargent at The Plum Line is sounding the alarm over a revelation in ā€œThe New New Dealā€ by Grunwald. Vice President Joe Biden told the author that during the transition, ā€œseven different Republican Senatorsā€ told him that ā€œMcConnell had demanded unified resistance.ā€ This was after the 2008 election but before Obama and Biden took office.

ā€œThe way it was characterized to me was: `For the next two years, we canā€™t let you succeed in anything. Thatā€™s our ticket to coming back,ā€™ā€‰ā€ Biden says.

Nevermind the nation was falling off the fiscal cliff. Nevermind the global economic system was hanging in the balance. Nevermind we were on the verge of another Great Depression. When the nation needed single-minded focus, the Republican political establishment put power over the national interest.


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