Bryan Fischer: "No More Mosques, Period"

I dont need an imam to interpret the Quran ,its a plain book.

If you're not familiar with the actual events that the rulings in the Qur'an pertain to, you're not qualified to speak on what is and isn't permissible in Islam. But we already knew that, didn't we? :lol:
I dont need an imam to interpret the Quran ,its a plain book.

If you're not familiar with the actual events that the rulings in the Qur'an pertain to, you're not qualified to speak on what is and isn't permissible in Islam. But we already knew that, didn't we? :lol:

Well you used to be a quran only guy , now you are using other sources?
Are you a memeber of the ulema?
or are you one of those new
salafi takfiris who can decide someone is not a muslim now?
Wafa Sultan never immersed herself in any sort of study of Islamic theology or jurisprudential thought. Her criticisms are of the so-called "Islamic World"; she lacks the knowledge to distinguish between the actual teachings of Islam and the syncretized, jahili version of "Islam" we see practiced more widely today. She and similar writers are chiefly opportunists who use the Wests' ignorant fear to generate book sales.

This book is the most accurate description of the status of Islam today. It's also quite concise for a work of such magnitude:
Ma'alim fi al-Tariq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- so says the guy with the Arab sword in his avie.

Sorry, Kalam, but you have no credibility.

Wafa grew up under the thumb of Islam. Her thesis is that Islam hates women because it's "god" hates women.

You can explain the veils and the burkas all you want to by reference to "modesty." That kind of crap gives "conservative" a bad name. It is clear to many of us what the burka truly represents.

How much immersion into the "study" of Islam is available to women in those intolerably oppressive Muslim countries?

You need to take a breath, Kalam, and give honesty a try someday. The lot in life for women, under Islam, is miserable. It is worse under sharia "law." It is a disgrace and it does reflect the barbarism inherent in the Muslim view of life.

What passage in the Qur'an require a woman to be covered in heavy black garments concealing all but her eyes? What Hadith says this is a mandate from the Almighty?
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<--- the present Kalam avie with stylized "sword."

Check out a typical "flag" of peace-loving Muslim nations (our pal Saudi Arabia):


Canada? A leaf from a tree.

The United States? Stars and Stripes representing our founding colonies and our states.

How about the hands of Abraham Lincoln on his statue in his Memorial?
Some maintain it is American sign language for his initials "A" and "L." Some maintain it is instead a symbolic representation of his desire for peace but his having been compelled to resort to war.

Islamic imagery reveals a good deal more about the intent and purposes of Islam than folks like Kalam like to acknowledge.
-- so says the guy with the Arab sword in his avie.

Sorry, Kalam, but you have no credibility.
You aren't being asked to take my word for anything - it can all easily be looked up.

Wafa grew up under the thumb of Islam. Her thesis is that Islam hates women because it's "god" hates women.

And their Lord answered them, "I waste not the labour of any that labours among you, be you male or female -- the one of you is as the other. And those who emigrated, and were expelled from their habitations, those who suffered hurt in My way, and fought, and were slain -- them I shall surely acquit of their evil deeds, and I shall admit them to gardens underneath which rivers flow." A reward from Allah! And Allah -- with Him is the fairest reward. - 3:195​

She speaks from her experiences and not from knowledge of the religion itself. If the whole of Islam is going to be indicted, anecdotal evidence will not suffice.

You can explain the veils and the burkas all you want to by reference to "modesty." That kind of crap gives "conservative" a bad name. It is clear to many of us what the burka truly represents.
Burkas are a South Asian phenomenon. What women wear is their prerogative.

How much immersion into the "study" of Islam is available to women in those intolerably oppressive Muslim countries?
I don't know. Most university graduates in Saudi Arabia are women. As I've said, though, information about Islam as it was meant to be practiced can rarely be extrapolated by observing the state of affairs in the so-called Muslim world.

You need to take a breath, Kalam, and give honesty a try someday. The lot in life for women, under Islam, is miserable. It is worse under sharia "law." It is a disgrace and it does reflect the barbarism inherent in the Muslim view of life.
You keep accusing me of dishonesty but are never quite able to give specific examples. You can criticize Islam as much as you'd like; your criticisms say more about your preconceived notions than they do about Islam itself. When you don't understand what you're arguing against, your arguments tends to ring hollow.
<--- the present Kalam avie with stylized "sword."

Check out a typical "flag" of peace-loving Muslim nations (our pal Saudi Arabia):


Canada? A leaf from a tree.

The United States? Stars and Stripes representing our founding colonies and our states.

How about the hands of Abraham Lincoln on his statue in his Memorial?
Some maintain it is American sign language for his initials "A" and "L." Some maintain it is instead a symbolic representation of his desire for peace but his having been compelled to resort to war.

Islamic imagery reveals a good deal more about the intent and purposes of Islam than folks like Kalam like to acknowledge.

If I didn't think the image reflected Islam's true nature, I wouldn't use it.





And, of course...

<--- the present Kalam avie with stylized "sword."

Check out a typical "flag" of peace-loving Muslim nations (our pal Saudi Arabia):


Canada? A leaf from a tree.

The United States? Stars and Stripes representing our founding colonies and our states.

How about the hands of Abraham Lincoln on his statue in his Memorial?
Some maintain it is American sign language for his initials "A" and "L." Some maintain it is instead a symbolic representation of his desire for peace but his having been compelled to resort to war.

Islamic imagery reveals a good deal more about the intent and purposes of Islam than folks like Kalam like to acknowledge.

If I didn't think the image reflected Islam's true nature, I wouldn't use it.





And, of course...


The Virginia Flag has as its major theme the victory over tyrants. I can see why you'd be opposed to that one.

On the other hand, I realize you value the symbolism of Islamic violence.

Fuck Islam. It is dirty, it is diseased and it needs to be clamped-down on -- hard.

I'm not talking about violating the First Amendment, either. I am talking about constant vigilance AGAINST what Islam actually preaches: violence, subjugation and various other social maladies like unabated Allah-approved violent misogyny. Fuck that filthy shit "religion."
The Virginia Flag has as its major theme the victory over tyrants. I can see why you'd be opposed to that one.
I'm not the one opposed to the use of violent imagery in flags; that's you.

On the other hand, I realize you value the symbolism of Islamic violence.

Fuck Islam. It is dirty, it is diseased and it needs to be clamped-down on -- hard.

I'm not talking about violating the First Amendment, either. I am talking about constant vigilance AGAINST what Islam actually preaches: violence, subjugation and various other social maladies like unabated Allah-approved violent misogyny. Fuck that filthy shit "religion."
Something must be true if it arguments against it end -- almost without exception -- in expletive-laden drivel.
The Virginia Flag has as its major theme the victory over tyrants. I can see why you'd be opposed to that one.
I'm not the one opposed to the use of violent imagery in flags; that's you.

On the other hand, I realize you value the symbolism of Islamic violence.

Fuck Islam. It is dirty, it is diseased and it needs to be clamped-down on -- hard.

I'm not talking about violating the First Amendment, either. I am talking about constant vigilance AGAINST what Islam actually preaches: violence, subjugation and various other social maladies like unabated Allah-approved violent misogyny. Fuck that filthy shit "religion."
Something must be true if it arguments against it end -- almost without exception -- in expletive-laden drivel.

Your lies and the diseased religion of filth has no relationship with truth.

You don't like expletives? Too bad. Tell your filthy Muslim brothers to try joining this century and to stop hating Jews and trying to kill them just because the sociopathic pedophile Mohammed (God Damn his name and memory and piss on him forever) was an anti-Semitic old scumbag. Tell your diseased Islamic brothers to let women have lives.

You know, dopey, it's quite often very HOT out their in Arabia. Making women wear burkas is beyond inhumane. You can respect women without imprisoning them inside hot black clothing, you idiots.

Speaking of which, you are quite adept at ducking questions you can't handle. Don't think it goes unnoticed.

Oh, and I'm not all that opposed to "violent" imagery in flags. I just think some of them are quite telling and very much at odds with the fantasy you like to spread about the joy of peaceful Islam. Pfft. You, and your constant lies, are really quite stale and unpersuasive.
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Onward christian soldiers....marching as to war....:eusa_whistle:

Yep. As a proud lesbian old bag liberal, you must surely wish to defend Islam. Women's rights and Islam just go hand in hand, don't they?

And gay rights? Nothing says reasonable treatment for people of varying sexual orientations like Islam.

Yes, indeed. Libs should certainly be rallying around the flags of Islam and openly embracing sharia law.

As to your churlish and dishonest petty little comment, Bodey, nobody is arguing that no adherents of Christianity has ever used (or abused) the banner of Christianity and done wrongs and committed violence in its name. But if you were honest (that's a contrary to fact hypothetical, of course) you MIGHT -- for once in your life -- be willing to concede that the fundamental precept of Christianity is NON-Violence. The same cannot honestly be said of Islam. It is emphatically not -- and never has been -- a "religion of peace." It is a misogynistic religion of cruel oppressions, humiliations and violent subjugation.
Speaking of which, you are quite adept at ducking questions you can't handle. Don't think it goes unnoticed.
Like how you've never been able to provide an example of me "lying"? :lol:

Oh, and I'm not all that opposed to "violent" imagery in flags. I just think some of them are quite telling and very much at odds with the fantasy you like to spread about the joy of peaceful Islam. Pfft. You, and your constant lies, are really quite stale and unpersuasive.

Please quote any post of mine in which I describe Islam as "peaceful" or as a "religion of peace."

Quite stale, huh? :rofl:
Speaking of which, you are quite adept at ducking questions you can't handle. Don't think it goes unnoticed.
Like how you've never been able to provide an example of me "lying"? :lol:

Oh, and I'm not all that opposed to "violent" imagery in flags. I just think some of them are quite telling and very much at odds with the fantasy you like to spread about the joy of peaceful Islam. Pfft. You, and your constant lies, are really quite stale and unpersuasive.

Please quote any post of mine in which I describe Islam as "peaceful" or as a "religion of peace."

Quite stale, huh? :rofl:

Your lie is you think "Islam's violence" is justified.
Speaking of which, you are quite adept at ducking questions you can't handle. Don't think it goes unnoticed.
Like how you've never been able to provide an example of me "lying"? :lol:

Oh, and I'm not all that opposed to "violent" imagery in flags. I just think some of them are quite telling and very much at odds with the fantasy you like to spread about the joy of peaceful Islam. Pfft. You, and your constant lies, are really quite stale and unpersuasive.

Please quote any post of mine in which I describe Islam as "peaceful" or as a "religion of peace."

Quite stale, huh? :rofl:

Your lie is you think "Islam's violence" is justified.
An opinion can't be a lie. :eusa_eh:
Like how you've never been able to provide an example of me "lying"? :lol:

Please quote any post of mine in which I describe Islam as "peaceful" or as a "religion of peace."

Quite stale, huh? :rofl:

Your lie is you think "Islam's violence" is justified.
An opinion can't be a lie. :eusa_eh:
You lie to yourself , thats what you do to be a muslim, you know its not true ,then catch yourself and double down.

Thanks for clarifying you are not posting facts.
Speaking of which, you are quite adept at ducking questions you can't handle. Don't think it goes unnoticed.
Like how you've never been able to provide an example of me "lying"? :lol:

Oh, and I'm not all that opposed to "violent" imagery in flags. I just think some of them are quite telling and very much at odds with the fantasy you like to spread about the joy of peaceful Islam. Pfft. You, and your constant lies, are really quite stale and unpersuasive.

Please quote any post of mine in which I describe Islam as "peaceful" or as a "religion of peace."

Quite stale, huh? :rofl:

Actually there have been legion examples of you lying. Take abrogation for example. Mr. Fitnah ate your lunch on that topic and your only recourse was to lie your ass off repeatedly.

You lie in the name of Islam. Islam is a religion of violence -- founded upon violence -- and demanding of violence. Yet you, being a liar, deny it.

I have no need to do research to prove you have claimed such shit on behalf of Islam. You and I and many others recall it quite well enough.

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