Bud Light boycott, the most effective in US history

So Wheaties are for transgender people because Bruce Jenner was once on the box?

Bruce Jenner was on the box before he came out as a she-male.

His "Caitlyn" persona never appeared on the packaging.

Further, wheaties have a distinctive taste that differentiates them from Count Chocula , Lucky Charms or Cap'n Crunch. Its really not "lifestyle advertising in the cereal aisle.
If someone is in a bar in 2023 openly drinking a bud light, it will send the message to every homo in the joint that they are in the market to get their butt cheeks taken.

I guess if you are, that's a good message to send out.

But for guys who don't swing that way, they really don't want to have to deal with all of the homo suitors if its a crowded joint.
Because Hate America people like you will never change.
You’re even part of that backwards LibTardian Twilight Zone now?
Those hell-bent on preserving and protecting America can not be considered America hating. I hope you already knew that?
I wonder if that Tranny is going to take a bath in Bud Light and then sell the bath water to these stupid Moon Bats.

No boycott has had this much negative impact on a corporation in US history


Sales down 26% and falling.

The Left is the ones doing the most of this, but the right seems to be the best at it when they decide to do it.
More effective at hating.
Once a business takes a political stance, the fallout is on them. I remember a popular restaurant in our town sided big time against our teachers during a contract dispute. A large group of people quit going there and the owner shut his doors. Then the idiot blamed the teachers. I cheered the day that place closed up.
I said it before, it's not really a boycott but more like a spontaneous response to an offensive ad campaign. There are no pickets or signs or demonstrations like you would see in a boycott, just a buying public that is tired of being manipulated by some crazy ad executive. The stuff tastes like piss but people were used to buying it. Now they're not.
If this is the most effective protest ever... then they all suck. Can someone show me where on this chart or in this article when the impact really hit them?



No boycott has had this much negative impact on a corporation in US history


Sales down 26% and falling.

The Left is the ones doing the most of this, but the right seems to be the best at it when they decide to do it.

It wasn't coordinated

It just happened.

Normal people.

Unlike the left.

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