Bud Light Marketing VP taking “leave of absence”

That is the part that really makes me laugh. Bud Light's "base" are those under the age of 30. All this talk about boycotting, from people over 50 for the most part, is laughable, they have been boycotting Bud Light for twenty damn years. I mean be honest, when was the last time you bought a Bud Light?

Marketing is all about knowing your base and expanding it. Bud Light is not interested in selling more beer to Trumpsters. It is a dying demographic that has never been a Bud Light fan. What they are seeking is the support of a younger demographic that overwhelmingly supports the transgender community. And that makes sense, capture them now and have thirty, forty years, of support. The boomers, hell, they are all going to be dead in the next couple of decades and they sure as hell aren't going to suddenly start buying Bud Light.
Anheuser busch base isn't the wokers
That is the part that really makes me laugh. Bud Light's "base" are those under the age of 30. All this talk about boycotting, from people over 50 for the most part, is laughable, they have been boycotting Bud Light for twenty damn years. I mean be honest, when was the last time you bought a Bud Light?

Marketing is all about knowing your base and expanding it. Bud Light is not interested in selling more beer to Trumpsters. It is a dying demographic that has never been a Bud Light fan. What they are seeking is the support of a younger demographic that overwhelmingly supports the transgender community. And that makes sense, capture them now and have thirty, forty years, of support. The boomers, hell, they are all going to be dead in the next couple of decades and they sure as hell aren't going to suddenly start buying Bud Light.
Like you know jack shit about their "base". Lol.
7 billion..... no big deal....

Shows how utterly ignorant the left is when it comes to running a business
Not only that, but sadly when it comes to running the economy in which effects all in a seriously negative way, they fail miserably in that area also.

The problem there, is that we haven't learned our lesson about them yet.
Who would have thought in this day and age that people would get so bent out of shape just like a crushed aluminum can.
She is very talented.

Bud Light marketing VP Alissa Heinerscheid, who said the brand was “fratty” and “out of touch” and devised the much-criticized Dylan Mulvaney partnership, is taking a leave of absence.

The executive became the first woman to lead Bud Light in the brand’s 40-year history and was recognized by Ad Age in 2022 as one of the 40 under 40 rising stars in marketing, advertising, and media.

All this fluff! Does A-B care how many people died at the driving of one of their users? How many wives were beaten by the hand of other users of their product, how many divorces were caused because of their wealthy pushing of more happy hour drinkings? Why would they care what anyone thinks with such an acceptable group camaraderie being the cause of so much human despair.

USA DUI fatalities, 2022: 10,360 DUI fatalities in 2022. We found that fatal DUIs have increased by 8% or 800 annual incidents over the past five years.​
USA Domestic violence due to drinking, NATIONAL STATISTICS, 2022:
On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States.​
During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men. Abuses include: Economic abuse, abuse from guns, Physical abuse, Emotional and psychological abuse, Sexual abuse, Stalking abuse*, Hurting family pets.​
* Maxine Waters is excluded when she was videotaped demanding underlings to go after (stalking) Trump, Trump families, Trump staffers, and Trump advisers. She should have been kicked out of her job to demand Democrats to stalk Republicans that way. She demanded that sober people abuse people she hates. Nobody disciplined this madwoman for her order to stalk, which puts her in charge of the heinous acts committed at her command. To my knowledge, the woman was not drinking, but abuse is abuse whether one is drinking or is just evil.​

It's fucking bullshit that you can dictate to 1.5-2 milllion Americans what they can be in life and how they can express themselves that is protected by the first amendment. Shame on you
Went through the 'Clearance' aisle at Wally World the other day; a lot of the 'Bud Light' foam cooler things were there on the shelf, next to all the left over Wakanda rubbish that didn't sell. lol two side by side examples of idiot crap that didn't sell.
<1% and transitioning more and more every day. I get it, you are not comfortable with "change".
What are you afraid of?

They are not going to undress you with their eyes. :omg:

I’m fine with change . He can pretend to be what he wants to be. I have zero issues with that. My rights don’t end where his begins. Don’t tell me what I must call you. Don’t demand everyone must participate in your fantasy. Leave Americas kids alone .
It's fucking bullshit that you can dictate to 1.5-2 milllion Americans what they can be in life and how they can express themselves that is protected by the first amendment. Shame on you
Go ahead and mutilate yourself to your heart's content, freak....Just keep your greasy commie mitts off of minor children.
A 40%+ suicide rate isn't much of a growth demographic....That's matter of mathematics, your malinformed and irrelevant opinion about my "comfort" notwithstanding.

You are on drugs, aren't you?
I'm worried that he is off them, myself.

His Mother WANTS him to take that Risperdal, but he's a tricky one.
Someone has already taken her chair.
Probably won't help, and I hope that it doesn't..... How can anyone forget how the rioters, democrat's, leftist, and etc, have treated the conservatives/republican's/right winger's, whenever they figure that they got the so called good's on any of them above ??? It's unbelievable, otherwise just go ask Trump.
Bud Light is now looking to save their brand by signing on the Norway Bikini Team or some other spokespeople who will appeal to their frat boy base.
I hope the customers hold firm on the boycott until a proper apology is received.

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