Budget Cancelled

Not having a budget just points to the total failure the Democratic Congress has become. You are not in position to solve fical issues if you can't even acknowledge their costs.
Whose administration was in charge when the economic crisis began? Who bailed out the banks and wall street? Who dispursed the first round of TARP money?

Someone answer those questions please.

The Republican wing of the Insiders; Party.

But they've handed the ball off to the Dem wing of the shamocracy.

So NOW, a whole lotta clueless Republican partisans suddenly understand it's a bad thing.

Right boys?
Not having a budget just points to the total failure the Democratic Congress has become. You are not in position to solve fical issues if you can't even acknowledge their costs.

You mean like while the Republic wing of the Insiders' Party was conducting the wars in AFghanistan and Iraq entirely off budget?

Yeah I agree it's total failure.

Do you agree it was total failure when Bush II did it?

Or weren't you paying attention to your government pissing away billions, back then?
Not having a budget just points to the total failure the Democratic Congress has become. You are not in position to solve fical issues if you can't even acknowledge their costs.

You mean like while the Republic wing of the Insiders' Party was conducting the wars in AFghanistan and Iraq entirely off budget?

Yeah I agree it's total failure.

Do you agree it was total failure when Bush II did it?

Or weren't you paying attention to your government pissing away billions, back then?
I do and was....For all the good it did.

Still, that doesn't excuse the democratics for heading for the tall grass today.
Not having a budget just points to the total failure the Democratic Congress has become. You are not in position to solve fical issues if you can't even acknowledge their costs.

You mean like while the Republic wing of the Insiders' Party was conducting the wars in AFghanistan and Iraq entirely off budget?

Yeah I agree it's total failure.

Do you agree it was total failure when Bush II did it?

Or weren't you paying attention to your government pissing away billions, back then?

Are you attempting to justify having no budget through a single item being taken out of the budget by another Congress?
Not having a budget just points to the total failure the Democratic Congress has become. You are not in position to solve fical issues if you can't even acknowledge their costs.

You guys know that wasn't serious news right? It was a paid ad.

We still have a budget, it hasn't actually been canceled.
Not having a budget just points to the total failure the Democratic Congress has become. You are not in position to solve fical issues if you can't even acknowledge their costs.

You mean like while the Republic wing of the Insiders' Party was conducting the wars in AFghanistan and Iraq entirely off budget?

Yeah I agree it's total failure.

Do you agree it was total failure when Bush II did it?

Or weren't you paying attention to your government pissing away billions, back then?

LMAO...another duped by Huffington!!!!!!!!!
Not having a budget just points to the total failure the Democratic Congress has become. You are not in position to solve fical issues if you can't even acknowledge their costs.

You guys know that wasn't serious news right? It was a paid ad.

We still have a budget, it hasn't actually been canceled.

Obama's FY 2011 Budget
The Obama Administration released its FY2011 Budget proposals today which assumes a substantial amount of tax cuts (making the 2001-2003 Bush cuts permanent for most Americans costs about $3.75 trillion over ten years) and some tax increases to cover important programs (about $1.9 trillion), resulting in a substantial net tax cut of almost $2 trillion over ten years.
ataxingmatter: Obama's FY 2011 Budget
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This is news? What kind of budgeting is it where the deficit is greater than the income?


More evidence of the sham?

What kind of budgeting is it when we can conducted two land wars in Asia OFF the budget?
There's always a way to attain a balanced budget. Who didn't know this rhetoric wasn't coming?

President Obama pledged often on the campaign trail that taxes would stay the same or go down for 95% of Americans.

Asked on Sunday if even the middle class could face hikes, neither Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner nor Lawrence Summers, head of the President's National Economic Council, would say for sure they'd stick to the pledge.

"There's a lot that could happen over time," Summers said on CBS' "Face the Nation."

"It's never a good idea to absolutely rule things, rule things out no matter what."

"We have to bring these deficits down very dramatically," Geithner told ABC's "This Week."

"That's going to require some very hard choices."

Econ chief Timothy Geithner won't rule out middle class tax increases
Not having a budget just points to the total failure the Democratic Congress has become. You are not in position to solve fical issues if you can't even acknowledge their costs.

You guys know that wasn't serious news right? It was a paid ad.

We still have a budget, it hasn't actually been canceled.

Ask questions and do research before inserting foot in mouth. 2011 the year of no budget.

...am I the only one who finds it incredibly ironic that this clip sponsored by House republicans is championing fiscal conservatism, a scant few years after being ousted after several years of increasing the budget in a Congress where they had the majority?

Should I really believe them, and blame Obama and the Democrats when neither party seems to actually practice what they preach?

I find it incredibly ironic that YOU seem to have forgotten that the Dems had control of Congress for the last two years of Bush's presidency. Congress controlls the purse strings, not the Prez.

I also find it ironic that you seem to have forgotten that the Dems AND the Reps were all spending like drunken sailors for eight years.

Both parties are responsible for the mess we are in not matter how much both parties try to say differently.
Not having a budget just points to the total failure the Democratic Congress has become. You are not in position to solve fical issues if you can't even acknowledge their costs.

You guys know that wasn't serious news right? It was a paid ad.

We still have a budget, it hasn't actually been canceled.

Obama's FY 2011 Budget
The Obama Administration released its FY2011 Budget proposals today which assumes a substantial amount of tax cuts (making the 2001-2003 Bush cuts permanent for most Americans costs about $3.75 trillion over ten years) and some tax increases to cover important programs (about $1.9 trillion), resulting in a substantial net tax cut of almost $2 trillion over ten years.
ataxingmatter: Obama's FY 2011 Budget

Oh hey, it sounds like the budget wasn't canceled after all. Thanks for backing me up on my last post there.

Not having a budget just points to the total failure the Democratic Congress has become. You are not in position to solve fical issues if you can't even acknowledge their costs.

You guys know that wasn't serious news right? It was a paid ad.

We still have a budget, it hasn't actually been canceled.

Ask questions and do research before inserting foot in mouth. 2011 the year of no budget.

But Philip just linked to a site that said Obama just released his budget proposals for the 2011 year. Guess we do have a budget for the 2011 year.

...am I the only one who finds it incredibly ironic that this clip sponsored by House republicans is championing fiscal conservatism, a scant few years after being ousted after several years of increasing the budget in a Congress where they had the majority?

Should I really believe them, and blame Obama and the Democrats when neither party seems to actually practice what they preach?

I find it incredibly ironic that YOU seem to have forgotten that the Dems had control of Congress for the last two years of Bush's presidency. Congress controlls the purse strings, not the Prez.

I also find it ironic that you seem to have forgotten that the Dems AND the Reps were all spending like drunken sailors for eight years.

Both parties are responsible for the mess we are in not matter how much both parties try to say differently.

Ah-huh and did you read my entire post or just the first part of it? I did say neither party practiced what they preached, but its hypocritical for the Republicans to put out such an ad about how they'll be fiscally conservative, when they kinda weren't the last time they had the majority. If the Democrats put out such an ad, and we had a thread for it like we do for this Republican one, yes I'd say they were hypocritical too.
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Presidents don't make budgets. Congress does. Glad the President has a budget. What is he spending on groceries?
Not having a budget just points to the total failure the Democratic Congress has become. You are not in position to solve fical issues if you can't even acknowledge their costs.

You mean like while the Republic wing of the Insiders' Party was conducting the wars in AFghanistan and Iraq entirely off budget?

Yeah I agree it's total failure.

Do you agree it was total failure when Bush II did it?

Or weren't you paying attention to your government pissing away billions, back then?
I do and was....For all the good it did.

Still, that doesn't excuse the democratics for heading for the tall grass today.

You still don't understand that they're really on the same team, do you?

Hence the Shamocracy continues.
If anyone understands that they're all on the same team, it's me.

But I'm not the one here saying that republican scams and mismanagement of yesteryear, are any excuse for the bungling by the current stooges running the show.
Presidents don't make budgets. Congress does. Glad the President has a budget. What is he spending on groceries?

This is true, but it's more of an indication that there will be a 2011 budget (why the devil wouldn't there? No one in politics is a big enough idiot to not know the country can't run without any cash), than of the opposite. The only indication we have that there won't be is a paid ad meant to make one side look good, and the other bad. And that's hardly indicative or credible evidence to begin with.
Presidents don't make budgets. Congress does. Glad the President has a budget. What is he spending on groceries?

This is true, but it's more of an indication that there will be a 2011 budget (why the devil wouldn't there? No one in politics is a big enough idiot to not know the country can't run without any cash), than of the opposite. The only indication we have that there won't be is a paid ad meant to make one side look good, and the other bad. And that's hardly indicative or credible evidence to begin with.

The only reason it is the only evidence you have is because you have not looked for any other evidence. Or maybe you are ignoring it.

House Democrats will not pass a budget blueprint in 2010, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) will confirm in a speech on Tuesday.


“It isn’t possible to debate and pass a realistic, long-term budget until we’ve considered the bipartisan commission’s deficit-reduction plan, which is expected in December,” according to Hoyer’s prepared remarks that were provided to The Hill.


The House will put forth a “budget enforcement resolution” rather than a budget blueprint that looks beyond next year and calculates five or 10 years’ worth of deficit figures.
Dems won?t pass budget in 2010 - TheHill.com

When I make a post that deals with something like this, I do it because I know the post is factual. I thought the ad was the best way to open discussion, and maybe I was hoping to catch someone trying to say it wasn't true. Not sure about that one, but it is always nice when it happens.
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