BUH-BAM! NY Times: FBI Retaliated Against Trump For Comey Firing


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015


The New York Times revealed the FBI’s surprisingly flimsy justification for launching a retaliatory investigation into President Donald Trump, their chief adversary during their recent troubled era.

Admitting there is no actual evidence for their probe into whether Trump “worked for the Russians,” FBI officials instead cited their foreign policy differences with him, his lawful firing of bungling FBI Director James Comey, and alarm that he accurately revealed to the American public that he was told he wasn’t under investigation by the FBI, when they preferred to hide that fact.

Criminalizing Foreign Policy Differences

Using leaked information and testimony from various former governmental officials, we learn that the FBI opened its aggressive, norm-breaking, and
unconstitutional investigation, supposedly into whether Trump “worked for the Russians,” after he fired Comey and revealed how the agency was playing games with their spurious “Russia” probe.

NYT Reveals FBI Retaliated Against Trump For Lawfully Firing Comey
First, Trump never called on Russia to hack Clinton, despite repeated media claims to the contrary.

Clinton had already destroyed her server, along with 30,000 emails she claimed were about yoga, while she was under investigation for mishandling classified information.

Trump was highlighting that tons of hackers could have already accessed her insecure server when it still existed and, if they had, those emails should be released so that Americans would know what foreign governments undoubtedly already did.

It was a way to highlight her reckless handling of classified information and the global security concerns of that.
'Second, having a foreign policy different from those who seek conflict with Russia is neither a problem nor any of the FBI’s business.

In fact, it’s a big part of why the American people voted for Trump.

The American people get to determine who sets foreign policy, and they do so through elections. SETTNG FOREIGN POLICY IS THE PRESIDENT'S JOB, NOT THE FBI's!

The FBI does not get to set foreign policy by running criminal and counterintelligence investigations to punish those who step outside their preferred approach. (DESPITE THE FACT THAT IS WHAT THEY UNDENIABLY DID BASED ON ALL THE EVIDENCE.) They have no constitutional authority to do that.'
'Third, even if the Republican Party had changed its convention platform regarding Ukraine, which it had not, that is also neither a problem nor any of the FBI’s business.

It’s shocking and scandalous that the FBI thinks it should criminalize foreign policy disputes.'
'The FBI argues, without evidence, that the president needed to be investigated as a threat to national security. Keep in mind that the FBI did not act this way during the previous administration, when many of Barack Obama’s detractors argued his foreign policy was a threat to national security. They didn’t investigate collusion with Iran, or the transfer of hundreds of millions of dollars in cash to the regime. Neither did they do such things with any previous president.

It’s good that they didn’t, because Article II of the U.S. Constitution gives the authority to determine foreign policy to the president, not the director or acting director of the FBI.'
Man....you sure love you some opinion "journalism". And you love making misleading thread titles too.
Huge article, too many most liberals are simply either too stupid to grasp the truth of it, or too dishonest to acknowledge it.
'One danger in the what the FBI apparently did is that it implies that the unelected domestic intelligence bureaucracy holds itself as the ultimate arbiter—over and above the elected president who is the constitutional face of U.S. intelligence and national security authority—about what actions do and don’t serve the national security interests of the United States.'
It wasn't just the firing of Comey that caused the investigation... He was already under investigation.


We have a Russian puppet for President who was elected with the help of the Russian government. I'd be more worried if the FBI DIDN'T investigate it.
First, Trump never called on Russia to hack Clinton, despite repeated media claims to the contrary.

Clinton had already destroyed her server, along with 30,000 emails she claimed were about yoga, while she was under investigation for mishandling classified information.

Trump was highlighting that tons of hackers could have already accessed her insecure server when it still existed and, if they had, those emails should be released so that Americans would know what foreign governments undoubtedly already did.

It was a way to highlight her reckless handling of classified information and the global security concerns of that.

"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 (Clinton) emails that are missing"

Yeah he was just hoping they might happen to find them somewhere.

"Angered by Trump’s critique of Comey’s double-dealing regarding the Russia probe, the FBI retaliated with an investigation.

While it’s not mentioned in the article, hours after Comey was fired, top FBI officials and paramours Lisa Page and Peter Strzok texted about the need to open a “case” against Trump they’d already been discussing in a “formal, chargeable way” and that it had to be done “while Andy is acting.” The texts also mention “Bill”–believed to be FBI counterintelligence head Bill Priestap–being in on the plot."

'In sum, the framing of this New York Times article is either poorly conceived or outright disingenuous at every turn. Using the completely lawful and constitutional firing of the bumbling Comey as pretext for opening a criminal investigation into the president is a grand abuse of power by the FBI. Attempting to overtake the authority to determine U.S. foreign policy from the lawfully determined president of the United States is a violation of the U.S. Constitution.

For one of the nation’s largest newspapers to suggest that this makes the president — and not the FBI — look bad actually validates two of Trump’s biggest complaints: the media are hopelessly biased, and there really is a “deep state” out to to overturn the 2016 election.'
"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 (Clinton) emails that are missing". Yeah he was just hoping they might happen to find them somewhere.

Forget Russia -the FBI already publicly declared they were able to recover more than 15,000 official subpoenaed documents and files Hillary had claimed were 'personal' and then attempted to destroy (Obstruction of Justice), documents that were evidence that Hillary Clinton violated both the FOIA and Federal Records Act!
First, Trump never called on Russia to hack Clinton, despite repeated media claims to the contrary.

Clinton had already destroyed her server, along with 30,000 emails she claimed were about yoga, while she was under investigation for mishandling classified information.

Trump was highlighting that tons of hackers could have already accessed her insecure server when it still existed and, if they had, those emails should be released so that Americans would know what foreign governments undoubtedly already did.

It was a way to highlight her reckless handling of classified information and the global security concerns of that.
"First, Trump never called on Russia to hack Clinton"

Uh. Yeah he did....

It wasn't just the firing of Comey that caused the investigation... He was already under investigation.


We have a Russian puppet for President who was elected with the help of the Russian government. I'd be more worried if the FBI DIDN'T investigate it.
I'm sorry but every existing piece of evidence now shows you and the rest of the reality-denying, butt-hurt, easily emotionally-manipulated, Trump-Hating, Criminal Democrat-Defending snowflakes are WRONG on this ...and have been for more than 2 YEARS!

The FBI has proven Hillary Clinton was right:

Man....you sure love you some opinion "journalism". And you love making misleading thread titles too.
You love looking up your ass all the time, instead of looking at the FACTS.

"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 (Clinton) emails that are missing". Yeah he was just hoping they might happen to find them somewhere.

Forget Russia -the FBI already publicly declared they were able to recover more than 15,000 official subpoenaed documents and files Hillary had claimed were 'personal' and then attempted to destroy (Obstruction of Justice), documents that were evidence that Hillary Clinton violated both the FOIA and Federal Records Act!

Even if that were true and not misleading, it doesn't discredit the fact that candidate "Zippy" called on Russia, by name, to help harm his American political opponent. He is as unpatriotic as he is unpresidential.
"First, Trump never called on Russia to hack Clinton"
Uh. Yeah he did....

You skipped right over this part in your rush to spin the sh!t out of this point in order to protect your reality-denying bubble you live in:

"Trump was highlighting that tons of hackers could have already accessed her insecure server when it still existed and, if they had, those emails should be released so that Americans would know what foreign governments undoubtedly already did.

It was a way to highlight her reckless handling of classified information and the global security concerns of that."

ALSO, Try to use some common sense for a minute, snowflake. IF Trump was 'in league' with the Russians' would he really call on Russia to hack Hillary's e-mails (which she had already destroyed) on live TV in front of the world?

Comey declared HILLARY was too stupid to know she was breaking laws...and even Hillary, being as stupid as Comey claimed, would not have done so.


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