Build back better everyone. BUILD BACK BETTER. Lol

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Anyone that was paying attention, knew. .. they could SEE, that this came from Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. Which Trump had attended, and HE KNEW. So? If he knew they were going to rig everything, why did he not do anything before the election?

Klaus Schwab: Build Back Better Scripted Globally​

I knew Joe was going to win, regardless of the votes. . . and Trump telegraphed that fact. .. . .

If he knew this? I just can't help but wonder, if he knew exactly how it was going to be done, why on Earth did he not so something to intercept the fake ballots?

What kind of leader just sits back and lets that happen when they are aware of what is going on?

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Anyone that was paying attention, knew. .. they could SEE, that this came from Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. Which Trump had attended, and HE KNEW. So? If he knew they were going to rig everything, why did he not do anything before the election?

Klaus Schwab: Build Back Better Scripted Globally​

I knew Joe was going to win, regardless of the votes. . . and Trump telegraphed that fact. .. . .

If he knew this? I just can't help but wonder, if he knew exactly how it was going to be done, why on Earth did he not so something to intercept the fake ballots?

What kind of leader just sits back and lets that happen when they are aware of what is going on?

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Trump wasn't sure HOW they were going to do it. If he knew exactly HOW they were going to do what they did, then he could have had people in place to help avert it all, and potentially get the mail in ballots discounted and the rigged machines reprogrammed with clean programs.
At some point we should all know that basically every world leader is a puppet for the real people running the world from behind the scenes. The puppets need to be weak minded and fully compromised individuals in order for them to do the bidding.

Like the commissioner of sports leagues like the the NFL. The commissioner works for the 32 billionaires and takes the slings and arrows and gets paid over 20 million a year to do it.

Puppets. In politics they need to compromised and weak water carrying idiots that take abuse and that's it.

You think justin Trudeau is some sort of alpha male and does anyone think joe biden is making any decisions without explicit instructions?

Hence the reason Kamal toe harris looks so exasperated for doing the clown show pressers. She's like, "Really? Another one of these? How stupid are our voters??"
Trump wasn't sure HOW they were going to do it. If he knew exactly HOW they were going to do what they did, then he could have had people in place to help avert it all, and potentially get the mail in ballots discounted and the rigged machines reprogrammed with clean programs.
I doubt it.

Elections are the jurisdiction of the states. The federal government would only have authority there, if they could prove a violation of the Voting Rights Act. . . and, coming up with proof?


How much do you know about the Brenda Snipes debacle?

That was the dry run for all of what went on in 2020, and the Snipes debacle was enabled by a RINO in the Trump DOJ, and by Desantis himself. She should have never been allowed to receive a pension at taxpayer expense.

"On January 18, 2019, Governor Ron DeSantis voided his predecessor's suspension of Snipes and accepted her initial resignation, effective January 4, 2019. "

The guy in the DOJ? Wassermanshultz's brother, and his boss, Republican establishment RINOs, and brother of the person who the primary was in concern of. . .

I can't see how Trump didn't know how they would do it. I don't know if he didn't know, because he only pays attention to establishment media and doesn't have any intelligent folks telling him what is really going on, or if he knew and there was nothing he could do because the entire system is corrupt. . . But yeah, he should have been paying attention and cleaning house in a BIG WAY, well before the election, on a federal level.

If I knew what was going on and could have taken steps? I am sure he could have.

Soon the only jobs in America will be delivering the stuff made elsewhere - and making deals to send the jobs elsewhere


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