Burke, Virginia, is named after an enslaver. A journalist wants to change that

You get to have that opinion but it's a losing one. People can recognize a shit argument when they see one. For one, we're not erasing history, we're just not telling a story that doesn't involve make believe where slavers were fighters against tyranny. That story don't make no sense. Slavers are tyrants and American tyrants were some of the last in the developed world to give up that tyranny. Secondly, our arguments are superior because they aren't based on opinions. Everything I just said above is a fact. Thirdly, you feel free to cry as hard about those fact as you feel like. :itsok:

Oh, dear. That was a rather tedious waste of time. I always get a chuckle from your "phacts" as they tend to be deficient in both accuracy and historical relevance.

When will see statues of BLM crooks peering out from behind jail cell bars?
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Oh, dear. That was a rather tedious waste of time. I always get a chuckle from your "phacts" as they tend to be deficient in both accuracy and historical relevance.

When will see statues of BLM crooks peering put from behind jail cell bars?
Are they though? Is that why you can't refute them? Go ahead and try to refute the fact that slavery is tyranny. Or the fact that American slavers were some of the last in the developed world to give up slavery. Those facts should be easy for you to refute.
Are they though? Is that why you can't refute them? Go ahead and try to refute the fact that slavery is tyranny. Or the fact that American slavers were some of the last in the developed world to give up slavery. Those facts should be easy for you to refute.

Your claims to "phacts" tend to conflict with history.

Refute the fact that the democrat party is "The Party of Slavery". Your fake outrage seems to excuse the fact that slavery was largely a function of the southern democrats.
Blacks owned white slaves…doesn’t make them racist same with vs versa….pro blm journalists don’t care about history.

None of these blm race divisions help one of the worst economies for the middle class in US history ,

That’s the way it was back then. It’s not right but it was the way of the time
It’s lib loon insanity to impose as criteria Todays Far More Advanced Social Mores on the peoples and actions of 170!+ years ago And condemn the people of back then And transfer that condemnation onto people of today via reparations and other outlandish devices because of almost two centuries ago
So nice it needs said twice. There is also no doubt that a disproportionate number of my posts appear as the last post on a page. One way to regulate hard hitting commentary because it’s onto the next page immediately
Minorities have been steady taking over the Democratic party and your county. You whites are on the demographic decline. You cosplay about that however you need to to make yourself feel better about being a loser. Ancestors of Black Americans might of lost to white ancestors hundreds of years ago but if Biden isn't the sign of you whites losing today I don't know what it is. No wonder you need cosplay to cope. :lmao:

You're not taking over anything, boy. You're conquered. Your parents were conquered by white leftists like LBJ, Jimmy Carter, and Bill Clinton. You were born conquered, and you'll die conquered.

Every 4 years, they tell you who to vote for, you do it, and then you go back to the fields until they need you again.
Your claims to "phacts" tend to conflict with history.
Which parts?
Refute the fact that the democrat party is "The Party of Slavery". Your fake outrage seems to excuse the fact that slavery was largely a function of the southern democrats.
I don't excuse that at all. Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedford Forrest and Southern white democratic culture was a deplorable shit culture full of shit people. That's exactly what I want to teach the American people.
You're not taking over anything, boy. You're conquered. Your parents were conquered by white leftists like LBJ, Jimmy Carter, and Bill Clinton. You were born conquered, and you'll die conquered.
My parents didn't even come to this country until the 80's, moron.
Every 4 years, they tell you who to vote for, you do it, and then you go back to the fields until they need you again.
So on one side we have Joe Biden and on the other whites who talk about Black people like you do and you don't think we know you need to be replaced? :dunno: :itsok: :lmao:
I don't excuse that at all. Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedford Forrest and Southern white democratic culture was a deplorable shit culture full of shit people. That's exactly what I want to teach the American people.

By voting for them? Exactly what I'd expect from a conquered child. LOL!

You know that its possible to do more than one thing at a time. You do know that ?
Of course you prove it possible to a jackass and dumbass at the same time.

This journalist is more concerned about grabbing 15 minutes than they are improving the community. Applauding the show over substance is part of the reason the US is in the state it’s in

A former reporter has launched a campaign to rename his Virginia hometown, Burke, to stop the commemoration of an enslaver and instead honor a child he enslaved, a six-year-old boy named Fenton.

This seems to be a noble aim. We should not be celebrating the lives of awful people. At the very least the residents should have a vote to decide what they want.
Many countries have shaken off a dark past. Bombay is now Mumbai and Delhi is now Channai. Maybe Burke would be better as Fenton ? Or any other non slavery name.
Yale is named as a slave trader. Funny how no one wants to change that...lol
Sure, all slaver names are on the table more and more these days. Coinciding with your demographic decline. You didn't think a browner population was going to keep celebrating the pieces of human shits your deplorable culture celebrates, did you?
You do know that it was Africans who sold Africans to European slave traders. Right?
You are getting replaced. White children are already demographic minorities. If you don't think that's going to have an impact on your culture then continue to fuck around and we can find out together. :funnyface:
You can't replace white folks, because you would all starve to death...lol

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