CDZ Burkini ban overturned

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I'm basing my observations on the French being snobbish to foreigners on many folks who have traveled to France and experienced that.
Lol and wow. And 'the Amercans' are ignorant obese loudmouths - because lots of people say so.
There's generally a kernel of truth in those platitudes. Even in yours.
But it is quite bizarre to use them as an excuse for slaughter and mayhem. Congrats. It's the first time I've seen someone suggest that alleged snobbery justifies terrorism.
Maybe you should inform the French anti-terror squad, they are not aware of this.
I shouldn't think you'd find it bizarre if you kept up at all with the coverage of the Paris attacks. It has been pointed to as a contributing factor that allowed the ISIS terrorists to recruit in France and Belgium. It is not an excuse, but a lesson to be learned.
A lack of assimilation is a two way street, as you say. It is impossible if both cultures won't play along. My issue is with Dog accusing me of "siding" with terrorist activities and mass murder because it seems okay to me that women be able to wear the bathing suit of their choice.

Actually, I said you justified it as you certainly did when you blamed it on French snobbishness.

It is simply dishonest of you to try to claim I was responding to anything you said about Burkini bans, which I didn't.

It seems to me that such bald-faced lying about another poster runs against the spirit of clean debate.
I bow out, then, to such clean debaters as you and Tilly, who never put words in anyone's mouth.
Have you ever considered venturing outside your apartment or cracking a history book?

Just because that is the first you ever heard of it does not make any less true.

I am quite well aware of history and knew about Dresden when you were still in diapers. I simply pointed out that it had nothing to do with Islamic terrorism nor justified mass murder, whereupon you replied with an utterly ridiculous accusation that I support genocide.
Well, unfortunately, people of France are not on this planet to live up to our expectations.
They are human beings who experience this life with their emotions and perceptions.
Seeing their fellow innocent people being massacred in very disturbing ways certainly doesnt help in this situation.

I am not dreaming to be living in a primitive primate community,
I certainly do enjoy the advanced one...

People are incredibly illogical, sometimes. You can bet your bottom dollar that those who have been conditioned to defend the Islamic intrusion into western civilization as they have would not want to live in an Islamic country in a million years. Somehow, they have allowed themselves to be deluded that these places are hell holes despite Islam rather than because of it.
There's generally a kernel of truth in those platitudes. Even in yours.

Ah -- so add "fat and ignorant" to the list of attributes responsible for terrorism. I'm just glad I am neither and so can see through the complete lack of rationality it reveals.

Heck, when people try to blame the victim of rape for being raped, they usually use excuses like "she dressed provocatively" or "she should have known not to walk in that neighborhood". What you and Kokomo are doing amounts to saying a women asked for rape because her first name started with a B.

But, hey -- if you want to live in a world where French are snobs and Americans are fat and ignorant, and that gives Islamists reason for murdering any and all of us, then go for it, Ma'am. I prefer to live in a world of ACTUAL reason, myself, so when innocent people are murdered, I do not blame them -- I blame their murderer.
Have you ever considered venturing outside your apartment or cracking a history book?

Just because that is the first you ever heard of it does not make any less true.

I am quite well aware of history and knew about Dresden when you were still in diapers. I simply pointed out that it had nothing to do with Islamic terrorism nor justified mass murder, whereupon you replied with an utterly ridiculous accusation that I support genocide.

I see you are still making clueless ASSumptions. No you accused me of supporting terrorism because I recognize and point out that there are 2 sides to that story. Just because you unfairly assess the situation to meet your war mongering imperialist hegemonic agenda you expect everyone else to as unfair as yourself.
Heck, when people try to blame the victim of rape for being raped, they usually use excuses like "she dressed provocatively" or "she should have known not to walk in that neighborhood". What you and Kokomo are doing amounts to saying a women asked for rape because her first name started with a B.

But, hey -- if you want to live in a world where French are snobs and Americans are fat and ignorant, and that gives Islamists reason for murdering any and all of us, then go for it, Ma'am. I prefer to live in a world of ACTUAL reason, myself, so when innocent people are murdered, I do not blame them -- I blame their murderer.

No, thats not in the least true, you prefer to live in the koolaid world drunk on whatever the main stream media feeds you because you cant see the man behind the curtain pulling the puppets strings. Naive.

What I am saying is that if someone kicks another in the teeth normal people kick back, you on the other hand insist that the US should be able to kick them in the teeth and they are supposed to bend over with: thank you massa may I have anutha.
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It appears as if the Conspiracy Theory sub forum has declared war on the Clean Debate sub forum.

Not much of a clean debate when people attack me saying I support terrorism when nothing could be further from the truth. Now use ancient worn out CIA tactics to subvert the debate process. I suggest having another shot of koolaid. The unclean in this thread is centered on your continuing false accusations.
It appears as if the Conspiracy Theory sub forum has declared war on the Clean Debate sub forum.

Not much of a clean debate when people attack me saying I support terrorism when nothing could be further from the truth. Now use ancient worn out CIA tactics to subvert the debate process. I suggest having another shot of koolaid. The unclean in this thread is centered on your continuing false accusations.

You supported terrorism when you said those engaging in it were just defending themselves, and all your paranoid ranting and raving about Koolaid and such doesn't change that one iota.

When the Islamist killed 50 gay people in Orlando, he was defending himself? That is utterly ridiculous.
Not much of a clean debate when people attack me saying I support terrorism .......
There is an abundance of absurd comments on this forum, isn't there. We may have to teach them English in order to get any interesting debate going. Lord knows, if we succeed in improving English comprehension, we may discover several subjects upon which we all agree!
If you are aiming for irony, you certainly succeeded. Kindly tell me how indulging in the mass murder of complete strangers who have done one no harm is considered self defense, Mkay?
Can you rephrase the question, please. It looks to be mal placé.
Have you ever considered venturing outside your apartment or cracking a history book?

Just because that is the first you ever heard of it does not make any less true.

I am quite well aware of history and knew about Dresden when you were still in diapers. I simply pointed out that it had nothing to do with Islamic terrorism nor justified mass murder, whereupon you replied with an utterly ridiculous accusation that I support genocide.

I see you are still making clueless ASSumptions. No you accused me of supporting terrorism because I recognize and point out that there are 2 sides to that story. Just because you unfairly assess the situation to meet your war mongering imperialist hegemonic agenda you expect everyone else to as unfair as yourself.
Yeah! What he said!
If you are aiming for irony, you certainly succeeded. Kindly tell me how indulging in the mass murder of complete strangers who have done one no harm is considered self defense, Mkay?
Can you rephrase the question, please. It looks to be mal placé.

Why rephrase it?

Kokomo said that we shouldn't be surprised when Islamists "fight back" (indulge in terrorism) in "the only way they can" (murdering innocent people) which both justifies and legitimizes such murder. He also stated most illogically that the murders were somehow justified because of U.S. actions in WW2 that didn't not involve Muslims at all.

The question I posed since your responses come in a predictable pattern soon after his was to ask how how murdering innocent people who have done no harm could be considered self defense (since his entire framing in of Islamist terrorist supported it as such).
I'm basing my observations on the French being snobbish to foreigners on many folks who have traveled to France and experienced that.
Lol and wow. And 'the Amercans' are ignorant obese loudmouths - because lots of people say so.
There's generally a kernel of truth in those platitudes. Even in yours.
But it is quite bizarre to use them as an excuse for slaughter and mayhem. Congrats. It's the first time I've seen someone suggest that alleged snobbery justifies terrorism.
Maybe you should inform the French anti-terror squad, they are not aware of this.
I shouldn't think you'd find it bizarre if you kept up at all with the coverage of the Paris attacks. It has been pointed to as a contributing factor that allowed the ISIS terrorists to recruit in France and Belgium. It is not an excuse, but a lesson to be learned.
If snobbishness leads Muslims to join a terrorist organisation that dissolves people in vats of acid, cuts children in half with chainsaws, rapes and enslaves children, amputates the limbs of children and inspires terrorism worldwide etc etc etc, then such people don't deserve to live in Western society, so thanks for pointing that out.
It is Utterly incredible that you believe allegedly snobbish French people are culpable here. Congrats - you have supplied the board with what is probably the most disgusting example of apologia yet seen - snobbery as an excuse for joining Isis and for slaughtering innocent men, women and children - and it is every bit as appalling as saying someone deserved to be raped for wearing a short skirt. SMH.
I'm basing my observations on the French being snobbish to foreigners on many folks who have traveled to France and experienced that.
Lol and wow. And 'the Amercans' are ignorant obese loudmouths - because lots of people say so.
There's generally a kernel of truth in those platitudes. Even in yours.
But it is quite bizarre to use them as an excuse for slaughter and mayhem. Congrats. It's the first time I've seen someone suggest that alleged snobbery justifies terrorism.
Maybe you should inform the French anti-terror squad, they are not aware of this.
I shouldn't think you'd find it bizarre if you kept up at all with the coverage of the Paris attacks. It has been pointed to as a contributing factor that allowed the ISIS terrorists to recruit in France and Belgium. It is not an excuse, but a lesson to be learned.
If snobbishness leads Muslims to join a terrorist organisation that dissolves people in vats of acid, cuts children in half with chainsaws, rapes and enslaves children, amputates the limbs of children and inspires terrorism worldwide etc etc etc, then such people don't deserve to live in Western society, so thanks for pointing that out.
It is Utterly incredible that you believe allegedly snobbish French people are culpable here. Congrats - you have supplied the board with what is probably the most disgusting example of apologia yet seen - snobbery as an excuse for joining Isis and for slaughtering innocent men, women and children - and it is every bit as appalling as saying someone deserved to be raped for wearing a short skirt. SMH.
If you were plopped into the middle of a Muslim country, alone, you would figure out the rudiments of the language and what was socially acceptable from going to the market for your groceries and of necessity interacting with your Muslim neighbors on a daily basis. UNLESS you were plopped into the middle of a Muslim country with a large American neighborhood with its own shops and American TV news and newspapers available, and then you might not bother with the culture of the country supporting you. If you were treated like a second class citizen and couldn't make friends or find a decent job in the Muslim society because you were American and didn't want to wear a burka or convert to Islam, you probably wouldn't have a very good attitude toward the Muslim society generally.
That generally hostile attitude among marginalized groups makes it easier to get some people to join a cause that seems to champion their way of life, give them power. It's actually a fairly simple concept to understand and it happens all over the world, with all different types of people.
Most people reading this thread wouldn't need something this basic explained to them. I apologize, folks, for what probably seems pretty elementary.
I shouldn't think you'd find it bizarre if you kept up at all with the coverage of the Paris attacks. It has been pointed to as a contributing factor that allowed the ISIS terrorists to recruit in France and Belgium. It is not an excuse, but a lesson to be learned.
If snobbishness leads Muslims to join a terrorist organisation that dissolves people in vats of acid, cuts children in half with chainsaws, rapes and enslaves children, amputates the limbs of children and inspires terrorism worldwide etc etc etc, then such people don't deserve to live in Western society, so thanks for pointing that out.
It is Utterly incredible that you believe allegedly snobbish French people are culpable here. Congrats - you have supplied the board with what is probably the most disgusting example of apologia yet seen - snobbery as an excuse for joining Isis and for slaughtering innocent men, women and children - and it is every bit as appalling as saying someone deserved to be raped for wearing a short skirt. SMH.[/QUOTE]

Wewe? You dont mind humoring us with some kind of hard evidence, since all I see in your post is MSM koolaid.
If you are aiming for irony, you certainly succeeded. Kindly tell me how indulging in the mass murder of complete strangers who have done one no harm is considered self defense, Mkay?
Can you rephrase the question, please. It looks to be mal placé.

Why rephrase it?

Kokomo said that we shouldn't be surprised when Islamists "fight back" (indulge in terrorism) in "the only way they can" (murdering innocent people) which both justifies and legitimizes such murder. He also stated most illogically that the murders were somehow justified because of U.S. actions in WW2 that didn't not involve Muslims at all.

The question I posed since your responses come in a predictable pattern soon after his was to ask how how murdering innocent people who have done no harm could be considered self defense (since his entire framing in of Islamist terrorist supported it as such).

oh? wonderful, post the statements and formal logic in support of your claim, be my guest and 'try' to prove your point :dig:
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