Burn this motherfucker down!

Seriously dude, lighten up. The folks in Ferguson just got free tvs and booze for thanksgiving. That's all this is about. The folks in Ferguson never gave Brown any help in learning a skill or overcoming the thug illiteracy his parents taught him. The good folks of Ferguson just got their rights to take back the stuff White Society denies them. Of course the people they stole from and burnt out were most likely people from Ferguson just trying to earn a living, but it's the thought that counts.

You'd think after 50 years of loyalty the Black community would demand results from their LW puppet masters.

Where is the progress?

My brothers and sisters, demand more from your Black representatives.

And give up any help OR HOPE from Obozo.

The fact that you're calling black people "puppets" is sure to gain a lot of votes for the right wing.

I am Black.

I don't play that politically correct shit.

Especially when that is a major cause of the problem we are in.

No one is willing and/or able to speak truth to Black people in America.

And the man who was trying to do so just had the rest of his life discredited by sexual misconduct allegations (whether true or not) so he can't continue his valuable service to the 'Community."

The idea is to state your truths clearly and concisely and let that be your sword and shield.


I said, "PUPPETS".

Now what?

Yeah, you've decided that black democrats can't simply be voting for their interests. You've decided that they're "puppets" of the left-wing "puppet masters."

It's demeaning, and it doesn't invite people to think differently.

The man who spoke truth to black people, Bill Cosby, never demeaned someone for their political leanings. He told them that education is important, and needs to be made a priority. He told black folks that it shouldn't be considered "radical" to show a wealthy, educated, functional black family on a television show.

He has spoken the truth, whether or not those allegations are true.
Pretty sure whats left of Ferguson will be torched tonight, too. And they will probably move on to residential areas as well, since they now know the NG will do nothing, nor will the mayer or the governor or the police.
Seriously dude, lighten up. The folks in Ferguson just got free tvs and booze for thanksgiving. That's all this is about. The folks in Ferguson never gave Brown any help in learning a skill or overcoming the thug illiteracy his parents taught him. The good folks of Ferguson just got their rights to take back the stuff White Society denies them. Of course the people they stole from and burnt out were most likely people from Ferguson just trying to earn a living, but it's the thought that counts.

You'd think after 50 years of loyalty the Black community would demand results from their LW puppet masters.

Where is the progress?

My brothers and sisters, demand more from your Black representatives.

And give up any help OR HOPE from Obozo.

The fact that you're calling black people "puppets" is sure to gain a lot of votes for the right wing.

I am Black.

I don't play that politically correct shit.

Especially when that is a major cause of the problem we are in.

No one is willing and/or able to speak truth to Black people in America.

And the man who was trying to do so just had the rest of his life discredited by sexual misconduct allegations (whether true or not) so he can't continue his valuable service to the 'Community."

The idea is to state your truths clearly and concisely and let that be your sword and shield.


I said, "PUPPETS".

Now what?

I greatly respect and agree with your problem. The problem I think is that truth will never be spoken again in this current culture. Anyone who speaks it will be vilified, shamed and destroyed. If someone was to stand up and say not just the black culture but all of our lower classes suffer from poor education, opportunity and thuggery not to mention they're lazy and weak. That person will have their public life shattered by useful idiots in the liberal media machine.

The person who says that will become a lightning rod so he/she had better be prepared for the kind of media scrutiny that Sarah Palin endured in the 2008 election campaign.

Not like the "soft ball" vetting Obozo enjoyed.

After a while those who join the movement to rehab black thinking in America will be less of a target, but for the time being they will get a lot of undeserved crap from those PUPPETS who don't even realize they are being used by the LW Progressives who have enslaved them the past 50 years.
Pretty sure whats left of Ferguson will be torched tonight, too. And they will probably move on to residential areas as well, since they now know the NG will do nothing, nor will the mayer or the governor or the police.
They don't want the police to do anything.

They don't want to see the Guard.

They are getting what they want, which is burnin' and lootin'.

Early next year, they will want their communities rebuilt.
How many federal tax dollars are going to go into repairing this piece of shit community?
If it goes as planned, it will not be in one community.

And yes, they will call for billions of federal dollars to restore what was destroyed.

Sixty year of attempting to buy domestic harmony by providing bread and circuses to the masses on borrowed money is going up in smoke.

Hope and change, they called it.
Pretty sure the law abiding folks that live and work there wished the looters and thugs would be stopped.
Seriously dude, lighten up. The folks in Ferguson just got free tvs and booze for thanksgiving. That's all this is about. The folks in Ferguson never gave Brown any help in learning a skill or overcoming the thug illiteracy his parents taught him. The good folks of Ferguson just got their rights to take back the stuff White Society denies them. Of course the people they stole from and burnt out were most likely people from Ferguson just trying to earn a living, but it's the thought that counts.

You'd think after 50 years of loyalty the Black community would demand results from their LW puppet masters.

Where is the progress?

My brothers and sisters, demand more from your Black representatives.

And give up any help OR HOPE from Obozo.

The fact that you're calling black people "puppets" is sure to gain a lot of votes for the right wing.

I am Black.

I don't play that politically correct shit.

Especially when that is a major cause of the problem we are in.

No one is willing and/or able to speak truth to Black people in America.

And the man who was trying to do so just had the rest of his life discredited by sexual misconduct allegations (whether true or not) so he can't continue his valuable service to the 'Community."

The idea is to state your truths clearly and concisely and let that be your sword and shield.


I said, "PUPPETS".

Now what?

I greatly respect and agree with your problem. The problem I think is that truth will never be spoken again in this current culture. Anyone who speaks it will be vilified, shamed and destroyed. If someone was to stand up and say not just the black culture but all of our lower classes suffer from poor education, opportunity and thuggery not to mention they're lazy and weak. That person will have their public life shattered by useful idiots in the liberal media machine.

The person who says that will become a lightning rod so he/she had better be prepared for the kind of media scrutiny that Sarah Palin endured in the 2008 election campaign.

Not like the "soft ball" vetting Obozo enjoyed.

After a while those who join the movement to rehab black thinking in America will be less of a target, but for the time being they will get a lot of undeserved crap from those PUPPETS who don't even realize they are being used by the LW Progressives who have enslaved them the past 50 years.

Yes, over time, black people will start voting in less of a bloc, because more and more black people will become middle class, and more will become wealthy, and that is a good thing. When the social circumstances of black people become more varied, so will the voting habits.
Seriously dude, lighten up. The folks in Ferguson just got free tvs and booze for thanksgiving. That's all this is about. The folks in Ferguson never gave Brown any help in learning a skill or overcoming the thug illiteracy his parents taught him. The good folks of Ferguson just got their rights to take back the stuff White Society denies them. Of course the people they stole from and burnt out were most likely people from Ferguson just trying to earn a living, but it's the thought that counts.

You'd think after 50 years of loyalty the Black community would demand results from their LW puppet masters.

Where is the progress?

My brothers and sisters, demand more from your Black representatives.

And give up any help OR HOPE from Obozo.

The fact that you're calling black people "puppets" is sure to gain a lot of votes for the right wing.

I am Black.

I don't play that politically correct shit.

Especially when that is a major cause of the problem we are in.

No one is willing and/or able to speak truth to Black people in America.

And the man who was trying to do so just had the rest of his life discredited by sexual misconduct allegations (whether true or not) so he can't continue his valuable service to the 'Community."

The idea is to state your truths clearly and concisely and let that be your sword and shield.


I said, "PUPPETS".

Now what?

Yeah, you've decided that black democrats can't simply be voting for their interests. You've decided that they're "puppets" of the left-wing "puppet masters."

It's demeaning, and it doesn't invite people to think differently.

The man who spoke truth to black people, Bill Cosby, never demeaned someone for their political leanings. He told them that education is important, and needs to be made a priority. He told black folks that it shouldn't be considered "radical" to show a wealthy, educated, functional black family on a television show.

He has spoken the truth, whether or not those allegations are true.
They vote who will give them the most stuff, Not on who will make the stronger America.
Seriously dude, lighten up. The folks in Ferguson just got free tvs and booze for thanksgiving. That's all this is about. The folks in Ferguson never gave Brown any help in learning a skill or overcoming the thug illiteracy his parents taught him. The good folks of Ferguson just got their rights to take back the stuff White Society denies them. Of course the people they stole from and burnt out were most likely people from Ferguson just trying to earn a living, but it's the thought that counts.

You'd think after 50 years of loyalty the Black community would demand results from their LW puppet masters.

Where is the progress?

My brothers and sisters, demand more from your Black representatives.

And give up any help OR HOPE from Obozo.

The fact that you're calling black people "puppets" is sure to gain a lot of votes for the right wing.

I am Black.

I don't play that politically correct shit.

Especially when that is a major cause of the problem we are in.

No one is willing and/or able to speak truth to Black people in America.

And the man who was trying to do so just had the rest of his life discredited by sexual misconduct allegations (whether true or not) so he can't continue his valuable service to the 'Community."

The idea is to state your truths clearly and concisely and let that be your sword and shield.


I said, "PUPPETS".

Now what?

Yeah, you've decided that black democrats can't simply be voting for their interests. You've decided that they're "puppets" of the left-wing "puppet masters."

It's demeaning, and it doesn't invite people to think differently.

The man who spoke truth to black people, Bill Cosby, never demeaned someone for their political leanings. He told them that education is important, and needs to be made a priority. He told black folks that it shouldn't be considered "radical" to show a wealthy, educated, functional black family on a television show.

He has spoken the truth, whether or not those allegations are true.

How long have you been Black?

I have lived this shit. Seen it up close and personal.

And the self interest you speak of needs to go beyond entitlements.

The protests over Michael Brown are the result of people jumping to a conclusion WITHOUT having all of the pertient information to go on.

And others who believe that going off half cocked is a good thing.

Conservative talking to a Liberal, let me tell you that going through life acting without thinking is a sure way to be unsuccessful.

Once Black people start using their brains instead of their emotions they will be on the road to stopping the conditions they are protesting.

Until then they will continue to be little more than dumb aSS n-----S RIOTING IN THE STREETS PROMPTED BY PEOPLE WHO DO NOT HAVE THEIR BEST INTERESTS AT HEART.
How long have you been Black?

I have lived this shit. Seen it up close and personal.

And the self interest you speak of needs to go beyond entitlements.

The protests over Michael Brown are the result of people jumping to a conclusion WITHOUT having all of the pertient information to go on.

And others who believe that going off half cocked is a good thing.

Conservative talking to a Liberal, let me tell you that going through life acting without thinking is a sure way to be unsuccessful.

Once Black people start using their brains instead of their emotions they will be on the road to stopping the conditions they are protesting.

Until then they will continue to be little more than dumb aSS n-----S RIOTING IN THE STREETS PROMPTED BY PEOPLE WHO DO NOT HAVE THEIR BEST INTERESTS AT HEART.

OK, this is the second time you've trotted out your black credentials. Don't bother.

I agree that voting in one's self-interests should go beyond entitlements. Then again, when you're barely keeping your head above water, entitlements are keeping you afloat, it's foolish to vote to end those things.

I do not defend the rioters, nor do I condone them. And I think plenty fine for myself. That's YOUR problem, if you think that you have the market cornered on independent thinking.

By the way, if you've bothered to ask, you'd find out that I've seen plenty of this shit up close as well.
I am like: Accept the facts: Brown would still be alive if he wasn't such a typical ghetto nasty black Male prick that provoked his own death by acting like such a asshole. Regardless of what race you are, don't deliberately piss off guys with guns that can shoot you down. I mean, that is just so stupid. No excuse for riots. Blacks kill each other far in excess of white police brutality or profiling or any reason, other than they (blacks) are irrational creeps. But Blacks accept their own failings, exaggerate whites racism. It's an excuse. A petty irrational excuse.
How many federal tax dollars are going to go into repairing this piece of shit community?
If it goes as planned, it will not be in one community.

And yes, they will call for billions of federal dollars to restore what was destroyed.

Sixty year of attempting to buy domestic harmony by providing bread and circuses to the masses on borrowed money is going up in smoke.

Hope and change, they called it.

That is the essence of the Hall - Coblentz theorem.

The Hope & Change plan, just as the LBJ Great Society programs both consist of two major parts.

The part which helps the Black Community and the other part which helps Democrats.

The part that is supposed to help the people is just thrown together any ol way and has lots of flaws and problems.

But the part which is supposed to benefit the Democrat Puppet Masters always runs like a top.

And in exchange for 50 years of dancing to the Progressive-Liberal-Democrat tune Black folks need to ask their Black elected representatives to show them some results which have positively raised the prospects of these protesters such that they are no longer being "victimized by the Man."

After THIS long they should be protesting Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and the Black Caucus clowns in Congress and the Senate who are riding herd on the Black people of America as though they are the self important, "Head Negroes in Charge.."

As if.


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