Burn this motherfucker down!

So much for the family wanting things to stay non-violent. This is going to be ugly for a while.

Michael Brown 8217 s stepfather at rally 8216 Burn this b 8212 - down 8217 fox4kc.com
I don't believe the ugliness will end, it would be best to leave Ferguson whether you are Black or White.
Thats what they would like. Investors like me will swoop in and buy up the real estate. Buy low and sell high.

Sell high? Was there a sell high in Ferguson before all this? :confused-84:
Your name fits you. What are you trying to say elmer fudd?

I'm saying there proably was not much to sell high there to begin with, and after all this nonsense there will proably be none at all. Who in the hell would want to move there? What has anyone gained with all this smashing, burnng and looting? Less than zero.
So much for the family wanting things to stay non-violent. This is going to be ugly for a while.

Michael Brown 8217 s stepfather at rally 8216 Burn this b 8212 - down 8217 fox4kc.com
I don't believe the ugliness will end, it would be best to leave Ferguson whether you are Black or White.
Thats what they would like. Investors like me will swoop in and buy up the real estate. Buy low and sell high.

Sell high? Was there a sell high in Ferguson before all this? :confused-84:
Your name fits you. What are you trying to say elmer fudd?

I'm saying there proably was not much to sell high there to begin with, and after all this nonsense there will proably be none at all. Who in the hell would want to move there? What has anyone gained with all this smashing, burnng and looting? Less than zero.
Pardon me. I apologize. Real estate is a cyclical thing. Right now would be the best time for an all cash deal or a FBO deal. Give it a year or 2 the value is going to go up. The only person that has gained are the investors.
If someone murderd my child.

I wouldnt just burn that person alive.

The last thing that person would see is how I wear their skin as a coat.

Even if the strong arm, cigar stealing and intimidating 18 y/o 6'4" 280# CHILD virtually BEGGED to be killed?


*Air Jerk*

Yet he got on television begging for peace. Now you know why Mike Brown was the way he was and died for it.
No stupid. That was Browns father. The guy in the OP is the stepfather.
Ohhh THE STEP father. Now we know why Mike Brown was the way he was and why he died the way he did.
Only if you are a simple minded person would you take a moment in time and assume the worst for the lifetime of a person.
Drug addict. Criminal history. Currently in the commission of a crime. Yep pretty much that's what he was. Why? He was raised to be the thug that he was. He almost had no choice. Mike Brown paid for his family's poor decisions with his life.

You know I was in the middle of anti wild cop actions in Current Events when this shit went down over Brown so I was tilting victims way.

Geeze louise for all the crap I'd been posting like cops over reacting and burning up a baby with a flash grenade I admit I was pro victim at first.

Then I got to see more about this so called gentle giant. I don't know the whole deal and it frustrates the heck out of me that when declared basically innocent the evidence of the Grand Jury finding can't be released.

It's not right for the policeman. I feel for him and his family. Would you trust this DOJ to hide you away?

Not bloody likely.

Now the Left has an example of how THEY should post when they are guilty of posting about things they know too little about.

You acted honorably by coming clean.


They'd say nothing about their posting while under informed.

That's because that's their usual m.o. and they have no honor.

It wasn't taught at home.

It isn't taught in school.

And they don't attend church.

So where or how would they learn about it?

Your post may be the first time any of them has ever seen someone act honorably without being forced to do so against their will.
That never changed. Browns father got on nationally TV prior to the verdict asking for calm and peaceful protest.
He'd have been able to do more to prevent the original episode had he stuck around and raised his boy.
Who told you he wasnt around? He just left the mother like millions of white guys do all the time.
Not in defense of any man who fails to raise his children but the self-segregating so-called black community has a significant majority of children raised without their fathers. This exacerbates a culture of crime and failure. Then the majority bring down the fewer who have a dad and the culture festers upon itself.
Which has no bearing in this specific case.

Which has everything to do with this case. It's amazing how hard-headed lefties are. The assessment of the LA riots being the result of fatherlessness was scoffed at by lefties yet here we are 22 years later and the same old thing.

Which has everything to do with this case. It's amazing how hard-headed lefties are. The assessment of the LA riots being the result of fatherlessness was scoffed at by lefties yet here we are 22 years later and the same old thing

It's not so much B v W as much as it is Lw v RW.

Or LW = Wrong vs RW = Right .
Seriously dude, lighten up. The folks in Ferguson just got free tvs and booze for thanksgiving. That's all this is about. The folks in Ferguson never gave Brown any help in learning a skill or overcoming the thug illiteracy his parents taught him. The good folks of Ferguson just got their rights to take back the stuff White Society denies them. Of course the people they stole from and burnt out were most likely people from Ferguson just trying to earn a living, but it's the thought that counts.

You'd think after 50 years of loyalty the Black community would demand results from their LW puppet masters.

Where is the progress?

My brothers and sisters, demand more from your Black representatives.

And give up expecting any help OR HOPE from Obozo.

He let the Benghazi four down.

As far as he is concerned, who are YOU in comparison to them?

They were in the spotlight, doing secret duty which could impact the nation or the world!

WTF does he really care about you except as pawns in his game?

He was never down for the 'struggle.'
Last edited:
Seriously dude, lighten up. The folks in Ferguson just got free tvs and booze for thanksgiving. That's all this is about. The folks in Ferguson never gave Brown any help in learning a skill or overcoming the thug illiteracy his parents taught him. The good folks of Ferguson just got their rights to take back the stuff White Society denies them. Of course the people they stole from and burnt out were most likely people from Ferguson just trying to earn a living, but it's the thought that counts.

You'd think after 50 years of loyalty the Black community would demand results from their LW puppet masters.

Where is the progress?

My brothers and sisters, demand more from your Black representatives.

And give up any help OR HOPE from Obozo.

The fact that you're calling black people "puppets" is sure to gain a lot of votes for the right wing.
1. Not a "child". "Child"ren aren't 6'4" and 300 lbs.
2. Wearing their skin as a coat? Are all your lampshades already made?

nope. how are your slaves doing on your cotton field Cletus?
Are you still operating those ovens?

I use electric heating.

How many memorials to the victims of redneck slavery and biggotry are there in the South?
Remind us how brown was running away yet NEVER got shot in the back. Remind us how he had gunpowder burns on his hand. Remind us how the blacks that testified he was going for Wilson were all lying.

More redneck conspiracy shit.

Go tell that your reched Cletus friends.

Disgusting but expected.

The man who a few weeks ago posted that the "black problem" must be "solved" with firearms claims that all blacks are inherint liars.

Now piss off back to burning crosses.

Your literary armor and your ad hominem defenses look flimsy in the face of facts and reality.
Seriously dude, lighten up. The folks in Ferguson just got free tvs and booze for thanksgiving. That's all this is about. The folks in Ferguson never gave Brown any help in learning a skill or overcoming the thug illiteracy his parents taught him. The good folks of Ferguson just got their rights to take back the stuff White Society denies them. Of course the people they stole from and burnt out were most likely people from Ferguson just trying to earn a living, but it's the thought that counts.

You'd think after 50 years of loyalty the Black community would demand results from their LW puppet masters.

Where is the progress?

My brothers and sisters, demand more from your Black representatives.

And give up any help OR HOPE from Obozo.

The fact that you're calling black people "puppets" is sure to gain a lot of votes for the right wing.

I am Black.

I don't play that politically correct shit.

Especially when that is a major cause of the problem we are in.

No one is willing and/or able to speak truth to Black people in America.

And the man who was trying to do so just had the rest of his life discredited by sexual misconduct allegations (whether true or not) so he can't continue his valuable service to the 'Community."

The idea is to state your truths clearly and concisely and let that be your sword and shield.


I said, "PUPPETS".

Now what?
Yet he got on television begging for peace. Now you know why Mike Brown was the way he was and died for it.
No stupid. That was Browns father. The guy in the OP is the stepfather.
Ohhh THE STEP father. Now we know why Mike Brown was the way he was and why he died the way he did.

We heard Hillary Clinton tell us "It takes a village" to raise a child.

Last night we saw what a village can be like.
Let everything unfold as it may.

Let us see the hatred they have for anyone but dark brown.

Let us learn how much they hate white.

Let us remember Reginald Denny today.

Let us learn to hate them back as much as they hate us.

And do something about it.
I thought about Reginald Denny yesterday. I was on my way back from Inglewood. Reginald Denny is still alive. Damian Football Williams was gunned down like a dog. Denny is still alive.

Liberals and their little black slaves don't think about the unintended consequences or the resentment and anger planted among whites. Or what that might mean down the line.

Damian "Football" Williams[edit]
Damian "Football" Williams, probably the best-known of the assailants, was a 19-year-old with a criminal record including arrests for auto theft and robbery but no convictions. A football star in high school, he dreamed of becoming a professional football player and briefly played in a semi-professional league. When he was 16, he dropped out of school and joined a gang called the "Eight Tray Gangster Crips".[3]

Williams became the most recognized participant of L.A. riots due to the live news broadcast of his attack on Denny and his memorable nickname, which was repeated frequently in news media. By computer enhancement of the videotape, which revealed an identifying tattoo, Williams was identified as the man who had assaulted Denny with a brick.[4] Although the Denny beating received great publicity, Williams and his companions also assaulted and beat several Asianand Latino motorists who were passing through the area. Williams was charged with attempted murder, assault, and mayhem.[3]

In 1993, Williams was convicted of mayhem and misdemeanor assault and was sentenced to 10 years. In 1997, Williams was released for good behavior, but in 2003, he received a life sentence for the 2000 murder of Grover Tinner, a drug dealer.[3] He was sentenced to a minimum of 46 years, and is currently incarcerated at Calipatria State Prison.[3]

Attack on Reginald Denny - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Let them burn the place down. Shut off water, electricity, mail delivery, police patrols or anything else. Let's see how long this bullshit lasts. We got justice in Ferguson, take off those Guy Fawkes masks and get real.
Seriously dude, lighten up. The folks in Ferguson just got free tvs and booze for thanksgiving. That's all this is about. The folks in Ferguson never gave Brown any help in learning a skill or overcoming the thug illiteracy his parents taught him. The good folks of Ferguson just got their rights to take back the stuff White Society denies them. Of course the people they stole from and burnt out were most likely people from Ferguson just trying to earn a living, but it's the thought that counts.

You'd think after 50 years of loyalty the Black community would demand results from their LW puppet masters.

Where is the progress?

My brothers and sisters, demand more from your Black representatives.

And give up any help OR HOPE from Obozo.

The fact that you're calling black people "puppets" is sure to gain a lot of votes for the right wing.

I am Black.

I don't play that politically correct shit.

Especially when that is a major cause of the problem we are in.

No one is willing and/or able to speak truth to Black people in America.

And the man who was trying to do so just had the rest of his life discredited by sexual misconduct allegations (whether true or not) so he can't continue his valuable service to the 'Community."

The idea is to state your truths clearly and concisely and let that be your sword and shield.


I said, "PUPPETS".

Now what?

I greatly respect and agree with your problem. The problem I think is that truth will never be spoken again in this current culture. Anyone who speaks it will be vilified, shamed and destroyed. If someone was to stand up and say not just the black culture but all of our lower classes suffer from poor education, opportunity and thuggery not to mention they're lazy and weak. That person will have their public life shattered by useful idiots in the liberal media machine.
Let them burn the place down. Shut off water, electricity, mail delivery, police patrols or anything else. Let's see how long this bullshit lasts. We got justice in Ferguson, take off those Guy Fawkes masks and get real.

Allow the whites to deprive all the poor innocent black people to be denied social services? You racist piece of garbage.

(see that's how it works)

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