Burn this motherfucker down!

How long have you been Black?

I have lived this shit. Seen it up close and personal.

And the self interest you speak of needs to go beyond entitlements.

The protests over Michael Brown are the result of people jumping to a conclusion WITHOUT having all of the pertient information to go on.

And others who believe that going off half cocked is a good thing.

Conservative talking to a Liberal, let me tell you that going through life acting without thinking is a sure way to be unsuccessful.

Once Black people start using their brains instead of their emotions they will be on the road to stopping the conditions they are protesting.

Until then they will continue to be little more than dumb aSS n-----S RIOTING IN THE STREETS PROMPTED BY PEOPLE WHO DO NOT HAVE THEIR BEST INTERESTS AT HEART.

OK, this is the second time you've trotted out your black credentials. Don't bother.

I agree that voting in one's self-interests should go beyond entitlements. Then again, when you're barely keeping your head above water, entitlements are keeping you afloat, it's foolish to vote to end those things.

I do not defend the rioters, nor do I condone them. And I think plenty fine for myself. That's YOUR problem, if you think that you have the market cornered on independent thinking.

By the way, if you've bothered to ask, you'd find out that I've seen plenty of this shit up close as well.

As a well intentioned but clueless liberal?

Ever cross your mind that you MIGHT not be helping Black folks as much as you THINK you are?

No one is talking about ending entitlements to those who are needy.

Leave your liberal exaggerations, simplifications, do-gooder dilettantism and assumptions at the door if we chat again.


How long have you been Black?

I have lived this shit. Seen it up close and personal.

And the self interest you speak of needs to go beyond entitlements.

The protests over Michael Brown are the result of people jumping to a conclusion WITHOUT having all of the pertient information to go on.

And others who believe that going off half cocked is a good thing.

Conservative talking to a Liberal, let me tell you that going through life acting without thinking is a sure way to be unsuccessful.

Once Black people start using their brains instead of their emotions they will be on the road to stopping the conditions they are protesting.

Until then they will continue to be little more than dumb aSS n-----S RIOTING IN THE STREETS PROMPTED BY PEOPLE WHO DO NOT HAVE THEIR BEST INTERESTS AT HEART.

OK, this is the second time you've trotted out your black credentials. Don't bother.

I agree that voting in one's self-interests should go beyond entitlements. Then again, when you're barely keeping your head above water, entitlements are keeping you afloat, it's foolish to vote to end those things.

I do not defend the rioters, nor do I condone them. And I think plenty fine for myself. That's YOUR problem, if you think that you have the market cornered on independent thinking.

By the way, if you've bothered to ask, you'd find out that I've seen plenty of this shit up close as well.

As a well intentioned but clueless liberal?

Ever cross your mind that you MIGHT not be helping Black folks as much as you THINK you are?

No one is talking about ending entitlements to those who are needy.

Leave your liberal exaggerations, simplifications, do-gooder dilettantism and assumptions at the door if we chat again.



Awwww, you are really assuming lots of things about me.

Well-intentioned, generally. Liberal, yes. Clueless? Bullshit.

But if you can't actually argue philosophical differences without pointing out how black you are, then attack how stupid you MUST believe me to be.

The police allowed things to get out of control last night. For each act of violence, an arrest.
Browns stepfather, Louis Head, should be arrested for inciting riots and held accountable for the damages to innocent business owners.
If someone murderd my child.

I wouldnt just burn that person alive.

The last thing that person would see is how I wear their skin as a coat.

What's been established here is that the suspect was not murdered.

Shooting a person who is running away is murder.

That's not what happened. The forensic evidence clearly showed that all of the bullet entry wounds were in the front, and the fatal wound was consistent with the suspect charging forward, head down. Do not make up your mind based on falsehoods.
So much for the family wanting things to stay non-violent. This is going to be ugly for a while.

Michael Brown 8217 s stepfather at rally 8216 Burn this b 8212 - down 8217 fox4kc.com
I don't believe the ugliness will end, it would be best to leave Ferguson whether you are Black or White.
Thats what they would like. Investors like me will swoop in and buy up the real estate. Buy low and sell high.

Yeah...you could probably buy it pretty cheap at this point.
But you still wont get much for the buck twenty five in your wallet.
Browns stepfather, Louis Head, should be arrested for inciting riots and held accountable for the damages to innocent business owners.

His "crime" is grieving in public.

People say things in the midst of pain that they normally might not say.

No ..his crime is inciting a riot.

To my mind, the difference is intent.

Uhhhh...his intent was to incite the crowd to BURN DOWN THE TOWN.
Not sure how you can misconstrue his words.
Browns stepfather, Louis Head, should be arrested for inciting riots and held accountable for the damages to innocent business owners.

His "crime" is grieving in public.

People say things in the midst of pain that they normally might not say.

No ..his crime is inciting a riot.

To my mind, the difference is intent.

Uhhhh...his intent was to incite the crowd to BURN DOWN THE TOWN.
Not sure how you can misconstrue his words.

Really? I don't think he had intent. I think it was an outpouring of grief.

He and the Brown family probably wishes that Wilson was dead, too, or that he had never been born. Thank goodness he didn't say that.
I use electric heating.

How many memorials to the victims of redneck slavery and biggotry are there in the South?
Isn't it expensive using all that electricity to make ashes out of Jews?

We are the only country in Europe with a growing jewish community.

How many jews live in your reched swamp?
Not many. Most Jews of Prague were turned into toast in World War II.

What the fuck do you even know about Prag? Let alone about it`s jewish community.

You and your Cletus friends probably cant even show where it is on a map!
You're joking, right?

MeatheadGold Member
Jan 6, 2012
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Prague, Czech Republic

The dudes a complete dolt who got his name from the gay german orgies he attends and stars in.

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