Bush and Officials Lied leading up to Iraq war

All but a handful of republicans in congress voted for the use of force resolution. A majority of democrats in congress voted against the use of force resolution...

and those that voted for it will be on my shitlist until they repent and admit that the vote was a terrible mistake.

If Obama is this great leader that a lot of you proclaim and by his own admission is, why didn't he convince democrats that the war in Iraq was wrong? He voted against timetables for withdrawal then voted for it when it was politically advantageous.
If Obama is this great leader that a lot of you proclaim and by his own admission is, why didn't he convince democrats that the war in Iraq was wrong? He voted against timetables for withdrawal then voted for it when it was politically advantageous.

quit changing the subject when you are whipped.

And... He voted against a definite withdrawal date and voted for benchmarks and timetables.... two different things.
No..the CIA is in the executive branch of the government and the DCI reports directly to the president.

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is a civilian intelligence agency of the United States government. Its primary function is collecting and analyzing information about foreign governments, corporations, and persons in order to advise public policymakers.

????Well, which is it....I have 2 close that work there, neither was appointed by a President....and the DCI does report to the President....which means???

How about the FBI director?
How about all the US Attys...?

Is their a nefarious point to all this crap?
Show me where the General Accounting office has stated that the President recieves more intelligence than Congress. What the hell would the General Accounting Office say that anyway?

My bad. It wasn't GAO. It was the non-partisan Congressional Research Service, which is a non-partisan investigative and research arm of Congress.

Limitations on Congressional Access to Certain National Intelligence

by Alfred Cumming
Specialist in Intelligence and National Security
Congressional Research Service

By virtue of his constitutional role as commander-and-in-chief and head of the executive branch, the President has access to all national intelligence collected, analyzed and produced by the Intelligence Community. The President's position also affords him the authority - which, at certain times, has been aggressively asserted (1) - to restrict the flow of intelligence information to Congress and its two intelligence committees, which are charged with providing legislative oversight of the Intelligence Community. (2) As a result, the President, and a small number of presidentially-designated Cabinet-level officials, including the Vice President (3) - in contrast to Members of Congress (4) - have access to a far greater overall volume of intelligence and to more sensitive intelligence information, including information regarding intelligence sources and methods. They, unlike Members of Congress, also have the authority to more extensively task the Intelligence Community, and its extensive cadre of analysts, for follow-up information. As a result, the President and his most senior advisors arguably are better positioned to assess the quality of the Community's intelligence more accurately than is Congress.

No..the CIA is in the executive branch of the government and the DCI reports directly to the president.

Look up it up my friend the CIA is an independent agency, better yet here you go...As a separate agency, CIA serves as an independent source of analysis on topics of concern and also works closely with the other organizations in the Intelligence Community to ensure that the intelligence consumer—whether Washington policymaker or battlefield commander—receives the best intelligence possible.
right off the CIA's website.
DCD says....

CIA is an Executive agency, run and staffed by Bush political appointees, and directly answerable to him......

WOW! thats scary...are you gonna tell me next that V. Palme is or was a loyal Bush supporter....or maybe Tenet? A loyal Bush appointee???

Do you have a point at all?
My bad. It wasn't GAO. It was the non-partisan Congressional Research Service, which is a non-partisan investigative and research arm of Congress.

Your going to give me something off of Diane Feinstein's website....that's non-paritsian let me tell you....LOL
Your going to give me something off of Diane Feinstein's website....that's non-paritsian let me tell you....LOL

It's the actual CRS report. Are you saying Fienstein posted a forgery, of the non-partisan CRS report?

Or, is your head so far up Bush's ass, that you are unwilling to admit that a NON-PARTISAN government report, said Bush has more access to intelligence than congres.
quit changing the subject when you are whipped.

And... He voted against a definite withdrawal date and voted for benchmarks and timetables.... two different things.

a withdrawal date and timetable to reduce troops in Iraq are pratically the same thing. Maineman it goes to legislative intent, what was the legislatures intent...to get troops out of Iraq the same thing....When a judge is judging on a case that doesn't have precedent they go to legislative intent...well the same thing applies here.
My bad. It wasn't GAO. It was the non-partisan Congressional Research Service, which is a non-partisan investigative and research arm of Congress.

As a result, the President, and a small number of presidentially-designated Cabinet-level officials, including the Vice President (3) - in contrast to Members of Congress (4) - have access to a far greater overall volume of intelligence and to more sensitive intelligence information, including information regarding intelligence sources and methods. They, unlike Members of Congress, also have the authority to more extensively task the Intelligence Community, and its extensive cadre of analysts, for follow-up information. As a result, the President and his most senior advisors arguably are better positioned to assess the quality of the Community's intelligence more accurately than is Congress.

Well hell....there you have it...that explains everything....
that explains why Clinton told the American people this in 1998...

Clinton attacks targets in Iraq....
12/16/98 Bill Clinton..

Earlier today, I ordered America's armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq. They are joined by British forces. Their mission is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors.

Saddam Hussein must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons.

Yes Sir ...that explains it...that explains why Bush said

"Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised."

Oh wait....Clintons off the hook....Bush was lying....is that the manta...??
My bad. It wasn't GAO. It was the non-partisan Congressional Research Service, which is a non-partisan investigative and research arm of Congress.

So if the President can restrict the flow of intelligence to Congress, then how does a Congressional Agency know that they are recieving less information than the President?
a withdrawal date and timetable to reduce troops in Iraq are pratically the same thing. Maineman it goes to legislative intent, what was the legislatures intent...to get troops out of Iraq the same thing....When a judge is judging on a case that doesn't have precedent they go to legislative intent...well the same thing applies here.

You don't have to explain to MM....He will mince words and meanings until hell freezes over....
OF COURSE ITS THE SAME THING..for all intents and purposes .....
A withdrawal date and timetable to reduce troops....
don't bother ....arguing this with him is like flying into his web....
We all know its a distinction without a difference....
Well dudes, it's saturday night and I'm heading out.

But you guys keep telling yourselves the Iraq war was a great idea. Frankly, it's fine by me. You guys are the reason the republican congress went down to a crushing defeat in 2006. And it's because of you guys, and the hardcore republican base, that Obama will be president, and Democratic majorities in the congress will expand. Because the american people have concluded that your war was a collosal fiasco, a huge mistake, simply not worth the price in blood and treasure. And if you want to run a geriatric pro-war hawk for president, and if you want to keep blabbing that the Iraq War was a great idea, you'll just be killing your party. Death by a thousand cuts, as it were. If you knew what was good for you, for your party, and for america, you'd be running as far away from Bush and his war as you could. Good luck campaigning on the iraq war.
Well dudes, it's saturday night and I'm heading out.

But you guys keep telling yourselves the Iraq war was a great idea. Frankly, it's fine by me. You guys are the reason the republican congress went down to a crushing defeat in 2006. And it's because of you guys, and the hardcore republican base, that Obama will be president, and Democratic majorities in the congress will expand. Because the american people have concluded that your war was a collosal fiasco, a huge mistake, simply not worth the price in blood and treasure. And if you want to run a geriatric pro-war hawk for president, and if you want to keep blabbing that the Iraq War was a great idea, you'll just be killing your party. Death by a thousand cuts, as it were. If you knew what was good for you, for your party, and for america, you'd be running as far away from Bush and his war as you could. Good luck campaigning on the iraq war.

To you as well with democrats that approved it and by the way I am an Independent. I can't stand political posturing whether it's on the right or the left. I will say this if I had to choose a side, I would choose the side that tried to protect our country.
You say it was Bush's fault but democrats appoved it with the authorization of war vote. Why don't you hold democrats responsible for it also, come on stop running from that vote. It was failed intelligence period.

Shame on Democrats for trusting Bush and the intelligence. Yet, as I said before, Bush pushed the “red button”. The person who makes such a decision has responsibility to make absolutely sure that what he has is true irrefutable evidence. He should have gotten second and third and fourth and fifth and sixth opinions. He should have considered the possibility that Saddam did not have WMD – think about it form both sides. No. Failed intelligence did not send American soldiers into Iraq. Bush sent American soldiers into Iraq.
Shame on Democrats for trusting Bush and the intelligence. Yet, as I said before, Bush pushed the “red button”. The person who makes such a decision has responsibility to make absolutely sure that what he has is true irrefutable evidence. He should have gotten second and third and fourth and fifth and sixth opinions. He should have considered the possibility that Saddam did not have WMD – think about it form both sides. No. Failed intelligence did not send American soldiers into Iraq. Bush sent American soldiers into Iraq.

In his 2002 speech in Chicago Obama stated that Saddam had chemical and biological weapons and was trying to develop nuclear weapons. So evidently he was wrong too. But he stated with those facts that he wouldn't have gone to war against Saddam.
In his 2002 speech in Chicago Obama stated that Saddam had chemical and biological weapons and was trying to develop nuclear weapons. So evidently he was wrong too. But he stated with those facts that he wouldn't have gone to war against Saddam.

And I'm sure that's as "honest" a statement as the last one that got debunked.

And I'm sure that's as "honest" a statement as the last one that got debunked.

Source?[/QUOTENow let me be clear – I suffer no illusions about Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal man. A ruthless man. A man who butchers his own people to secure his own power. He has repeatedly defied UN resolutions, thwarted UN inspection teams, developed chemical and biological weapons, and coveted nuclear capacity.]

By the way, it wasn't debunked, he made contradictary votes period and you know it.
Its nice to see liberal/Dimocratic ass getting kicked all over this board for the past couple of weeks.....
won't make any difference...they run now..but they'll be back with the some old lies again and again....
then ya school 'em
then they disappear
then they repeat like nothing happened....
Damn its fun....tiresome, but fun...

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