Bush and Officials Lied leading up to Iraq war

It was not a lie though as at the time the intelligence was that they had training camps in Iraq. Once again for the slow if on Monday I see you driving a new red car and someone I trust tells me you bought said car and I tell everyone you bought a new red car, then on Wednesday it turns out you did not even buy a car and were just driving a friends car.... I did not lie.

Training camps? You mean Ansar al Islam?

Ansar al Islam was in northern Iraq in an area outside of Saddam Hussein's control.


Another one of those convenient fallacies the right loved spreading during the run up to the invasion of Iraq.
I know what democrats said and I know that I have repeated oftentimes that I will not forgive and fully support any democrat who voted for the war or who beat the drums for war until they repent.

So...was Cheney ASKED about Atta or did he offer the name up first in the interview?

Since you ask....

November 14, 2001
GLORIA BORGER (CBS News contributor): Well, you know that Mohammed Atta, the ringleader of the hijackers, actually met with Iraqi intelligence.

CHENEY: I know this. In Prague, in April of this year, as well as earlier. And that information has been made public. The Czechs made that public. Obviously, that's an interesting piece of information.

And even more interesting....
That happened in 2001 and in the year 2004, our own CIA STILL couldn't positively say the claim was false..
Bush also never claimed the Taliban knew about, or were involved in planning or executing the 9/11 plot. They were merely harboring al qaeda. Which is why we took out the taliban.

Which is one the primary reasons Bush gave for attacking Iraq: that Iraq was harboring, training, and providing assistance to al qaeda. That, like the taliban, he was an ally of al qaeda.

Which was flat out false.


October 7, 2002....Bush set out the reasons for war .....

President George W. Bush delivers remarks on Iraq at the Cincinnati Museum Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, Monday night, Oct. 7, 2002.

"Tonight I want to take a few minutes to discuss a grave threat to peace, and America's determination to lead the world in confronting that threat.
The threat comes from Iraq. It arises directly from the Iraqi regime's own actions --
its history of aggression,
and its drive toward an arsenal of terror.
Eleven years ago, as a condition for ending the Persian Gulf War, the Iraqi regime was required to destroy its weapons of mass destruction,
to cease all development of such weapons,
and to stop all support for terrorist groups.

The Iraqi regime has violated all of those obligations.
It possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons.
It is seeking nuclear weapons.
It has given shelter and support to terrorism, and
practices terror against its own people.
You claim a primary reason BUSH GAVE for attacking Iraq was Saddams link to AQ....?
Where do you get that....

I've seen suspicions like that mentioned in passing by various people, including your Mr. Clark as far back as 1998 I think...but "a primary reason that Bush gave".....????
no...I was not one....but if you suggest that respected polling organizations just boldly make shit up out of whole cloth with no basis in reality, I think that you are just in denial.

And who in their right mind would admit to being conned if they didn't have to?

We can all tell how reliable polls are during this campaign season. Very Intellectual point on your part.
It was not a lie though as at the time the intelligence was that they had training camps in Iraq. Once again for the slow if on Monday I see you driving a new red car and someone I trust tells me you bought said car and I tell everyone you bought a new red car, then on Wednesday it turns out you did not even buy a car and were just driving a friends car.... I did not lie.

Don't lump me in with you. You may have been fooled in 2003, that Saddam was training and supporting Al Qaeda. I wasn't. I don't get my news from Matt Drudge, Newsmax, and Fox. Those are pro-war propagada sources. I knew in 2003 that the alleged support Saddam was giving al qaeda were entirely false and exaggerated. I knew the ansar al islam training camps in kurdistan had nothing to do with saddam, and were beyond his control. And I knew that ansar al islam and Zarqawi in fact considered Saddam their enemy.
Cheney did NOT say in regards to 9/11 Atta met with Iraqi intelligence. In fact he stipulated there WAS NO LINK to 9/11.

"With respect to 9/11, of course, we’ve had the story that’s been public out there. The Czechs alleged that Mohamed Atta, the lead attacker, met in Prague with a senior Iraqi intelligence official five months before the attack."Dick Cheney
You claim a primary reason BUSH GAVE for attacking Iraq was Saddams link to AQ....?

Where do you get that....

CONDI RICE We know too that several of the detainees, in particular some high-ranking detainees, have said that Iraq provided some training to Al Qaeda in chemical-weapons development.

ARI FLEISHER: Clearly, Al Qaeda is operating inside Iraq. And the point is, in the shadowy world of terrorism, sometimes there is no precise way to have definitive information until it is too late.

ARI FLEISHER: We have solid reporting of senior-level contacts between Al Qaeda and Iraqi officials going back a decade, and, as Condi said, of chemical and biological agent training.

ARI FLEISHER:. We know that Al Qaeda have found refuge in Iraq. There is credible reporting that Al Qaeda leaders sought contacts in Iraq to acquire chemical and other weapons of mass destruction capabilities.

ARI FLEISHER: Well, as Condi said last night—I cite her words—"Iraq has provided some training to Al Qaeda in chemical weapons development."

RUMSFELD: This is a man who continues to murder his own people; a man who has gassed—used gas on his own citizens; a man who has used chemical weapons on his neighbors; a man who has invaded two countries; a man which hates—who hates America; a man who loves to link up with Al Qaeda; a man who is a true threat to America, to Israel, to anybody in the neighborhood.

BUSH: We know that Iraq and the Al Qaeda terrorist network share a common enemy—the United States of America. We know that Iraq and Al Qaeda have had high-level contacts that go back a decade.

BUSH: This is a man that we know has had connections with Al Qaeda. This is a man who, in my judgment, would like to use Al Qaeda as a forward army. And this is a man that we must deal with for the sake of peace, for the sake of our children's peace.

BUSH: We know that he has had contacts with terrorist networks like Al Qaeda. And we know, clearly, that one of the dangers we face is him serving as a training ground and an arsenal for one of these shadowy terrorist networks, which could come home, come home here. And so he's a danger.

BUSH: Saddam is a man who would likely team up with Al Qaeda. He could provide the arsenal for one of these shadowy terrorist networks. He would love to use somebody else to attack us, and not leave fingerprints behind.

BUSH: And, not only that, he is—would like nothing better than to hook-up with one of these shadowy terrorist networks like Al Qaeda, provide some weapons and training to them, let them come and do his dirty work, and we wouldn't be able to see his fingerprints on his action.

BUSH: Saddam's a threat because he is dealing with Al Qaeda. In my Cincinnati speech, I reminded the American people, a true threat facing our country is that an Al Qaeda-type network trained and armed by Saddam could attack America and leave not one fingerprint.

Rice: Al Qaeda operatives gain training in CBRN [chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear], or having meetings with—between Iraqis and Al Qaeda in various parts of the world, there's a relationship here.

BUSH: Saddam Hussein is harboring terrorists and the instruments of terror. He is pressing forward with weapons of mass destruction—weapons he's already used in his war against Iran and against his own people. His regime has had high-level contacts with Al Qaeda going back a decade and has provided training to Al Qaeda terrorists.

CHENEY: It's been pretty well confirmed that he (Atta) did go to Prague and he did meet with a senior official of the Iraqi intelligence service in Czechoslovakia


*CIA/Senate Bipartisan Report on Iraq Intelligence, September 2006:

-Conclusion 1: "Postwar findings indicate that Saddam Hussein was distrustful of al-Qa'ida and viewed Islamic extremists as a threat to his regime, refusing all requests from al-Qa'ida to provide material or operational support."

-Conclusion 5: Postwar information indicates that Saddam Hussein attempted, unsuccessfully, to locate and capture al-Zarqawi and that the regime did not have a relationship with, harbor, or turn a blind eye toward Zarqawi

-Conclusion 4: "Postwar findings support the April 2002 Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) assessment that there was no credible reporting on al-Qa'ida training at Salman Pak or anywhere else in Iraq. There have been no credible reports since the war that Iraq trained al-Qa'ida operatives at Salman Pak to conduct or support transnational terrorist operations."

http://intelligence.senate.gov/phaseiiaccuracy.pdf[/quote] .
Why its so hard to penatrate the skulls of numbskulls.....
All those quotes are nothing but the normal beliefs in our government
dating back to Clintons Administration....beliefs that you neglect to put
into some timeframe and give them context......and in spite of all your effort,
not one of them comes close to
making the claim of being a primary reason to attack Iraq....

The 9/11 Commission documented them ......so read:

PAGE 128 9/11 report
....this passage led Clark, who for years had read intell reports on Iraqi-Sudanese
cooperation on chemical weapons, to specualte to Berger that a large Iraqi presence at chem
facilities in Khartoum was "probably a direct result of the Iraq-Al Qida
Clark added that VX precursor traces found near al Shifa were the
"exact formula" used by Iraq."

PAGE 61 9/11 Report
With the Sudanese regime acting as intermediary, Ben Ladin himself
met with a senior Inraqi intelligence officer in Khartoum in late 1994 or early 1995

Ben Ladin is said to have asked for space to establish training camps, as well as assistance
assistance in procuring weapons, but there in no evidence that Iraq responded to this
request...As described below, the ensuring years saw additional efforts to
establish connections....

PAGE 66 9/11 Report
There is also evidence that around this time Bin Ladin sent out a number of feelers to the Iraqi
regime, offering some cooperation.
None are reported to received a response.
In mid 1998 the situation reversed; it was Iraq that reportedly took the initiative. In
March 1998, after Bin Ladin's public fatwa against the United States two al Qaeda
members reportedly went to Iraq to meet with Iraqi intelligence[
. In July, an Iraqi delegation
traveled to Afghanistan to meet first with the Taliban and then with Ben Ladin.
Sources reported
that one, or perhaps both, of these meetings was apparently arranged through Bin Ladin's Egyptian
deputy, Zawahiri, who had ties of his own the the Iraqis.

Similar meetings between Iraqi officials and Bin Ladin or his aides may have
occured in 1999
during a period of some reported strains with the
Taliban. According to the reporting, Iraqi officials offered Bin Ladin a safe
haven in Iraq.
Bin Ladin declined, etc......

Conclusion reached in 2004
....to date we have seen no evidence that these or the earlier contacts ever developed in
into a collaborative operational relational. Nor have we seen evidence indicating that
Iraq cooperated with AQ in developing or carrying out any attacks against the US...
So don't confuse conclusions reached in 2004 with beliefs held in earlier years....

Is it really any wonder why these people said these things? To those that think,

Thats directly from the Commission's report....

Its the story of what our intell, combinded with intell from around the world
today, we know its not valid....but not then.....
Your still claiming that what is stated in 2001 is a lie because its found to be incorrect in 2006....
Thats how an assholes minds works...or doesn't work
I, along with many other Americans, did not share those beliefs. But regardless, unfortunately, it was only Bush who chose to take those beliefs and use them as a justification for the invasion/conquest/occupation of Iraq. And that decision was a bad one....in retrospect for some, and from the very outset with others - like me. And Bush, and his party, need to pay for that bad decision. We need to take the keys away from the republican party and make them go sit facing the corner for an extended "time out".
I, along with many other Americans, did not share those beliefs. But regardless, unfortunately, it was only Bush who chose to take those beliefs and use them as a justification for the invasion/conquest/occupation of Iraq. And that decision was a bad one....in retrospect for some, and from the very outset with others - like me. And Bush, and his party, need to pay for that bad decision. We need to take the keys away from the republican party and make them go sit facing the corner for an extended "time out".

I seem to remember Congress voting to give him authorization to go to war. Shouldn't Democrats pay too then? You can say he misled Congress, but they get their own independent intelligence briefings. Bush didn't run the CIA.....
I seem to remember Congress voting to give him authorization to go to war. Shouldn't Democrats pay too then? You can say he misled Congress, but they get their own independent intelligence briefings. Bush didn't run the CIA.....

Bush “pressed the red button” so to speak. He ultimately made the call.
Bush “pressed the red button” so to speak. He ultimately made the call.

He made his decision based on intelligence reports that were flawed. Not his fault, as it wasn't the democrats in congress's fault either. Seems as though we could learn from the mistake made and reform the intelligence agencies further.
He made his decision based on intelligence reports that were flawed. Not his fault, as it wasn't the democrats in congress's fault either. Seems as though we could learn from the mistake made and reform the intelligence agencies further.

In my opinion, Bush acted way too soon. I doubt that he even though for a minutes that there might just not be WMD to any significant degree. Did he ask for second opinions? Did he ask for irrefutable proof before sending our soldiers into Iraq? Did he consider the possibility of there being a lack of Iraqi support? Did he consider the possibility of insurgents? Did he even bother to take a little time to make sure that the hospitals would be ready for our wounded soldiers?

Perhaps I expect too much from presidents when they send our soldiers off to war, but in my humble opinion, Bush acted like a reckless loose cannon. He is a cowboy who is so eager to shoot first and ask questions later. People say that hindsight is 20/20 but it doesn’t take a fortunetelling genius to know ahead of time that Bush should have taken more time and been more careful.
In my opinion, Bush acted way too soon. I doubt that he even though for a minutes that there might just not be WMD to any significant degree. Did he ask for second opinions? Did he ask for irrefutable proof before sending our soldiers into Iraq? Did he consider the possibility of there being a lack of Iraqi support? Did he consider the possibility of insurgents? Did he even bother to take a little time to make sure that the hospitals would be ready for our wounded soldiers?

Perhaps I expect too much from presidents when they send our soldiers off to war, but in my humble opinion, Bush acted like a reckless loose cannon. He is a cowboy who is so eager to shoot first and ask questions later. People say that hindsight is 20/20 but it doesn’t take a fortunetelling genius to know ahead of time that Bush should have taken more time and been more careful.

You state in your post that it doesn't take a fortunetelling genius to know ahead of time that Bush should have taken more time and been more careful.
Isn't this where the authorization for War vote comes in? I believe if democrats that Bush should take more time back then, then they shouldn't have given him war authorization. I do believe Bush made mistakes in preparation for war, we agree on that point. But in my opinion, the reason to go to war was justified even if it was justified by bad intelligence.
I seem to remember Congress voting to give him authorization to go to war. Shouldn't Democrats pay too then? You can say he misled Congress, but they get their own independent intelligence briefings. Bush didn't run the CIA.....

two points:

1. a majority of congressional democrats voted against the war
2. the CIA does indeed work for the executive branch of government... so Bush does, in effect, "run" the CIA, just as he does every other agency in the executive branch.
You state in your post that it doesn't take a fortunetelling genius to know ahead of time that Bush should have taken more time and been more careful.
Isn't this where the authorization for War vote comes in? I believe if democrats that Bush should take more time back then, then they shouldn't have given him war authorization. I do believe Bush made mistakes in preparation for war, we agree on that point. But in my opinion, the reason to go to war was justified even if it was justified by bad intelligence.

I think that a case could be made that the Iraq war was illegal. If Iraq broke UN resolutions that it was up to the UN to make the call – not the USA.



Mr Blix, speaking to The Independent, said the Attorney General's legal advice to the Government on the eve of war, giving cover for military action by the US and Britain, had no lawful justification. He said it would have required a second United Nations resolution explicitly authorizing the use of force for the invasion of Iraq last March to have been legal…

Mr Blix said that while it was possible to argue that Iraq had breached the ceasefire by violating UN resolutions adopted since 1991, the "ownership" of the resolutions rested with the entire 15-member Security Council and not with individual states. "It's the Security Council that is party to the ceasefire, not the UK and US individually, and therefore it is the council that has ownership of the ceasefire, in my interpretation."
Here is a neat video that really explains it.

I think that a case could be made that the Iraq war was illegal. If Iraq broke UN resolutions that it was up to the UN to make the call – not the USA.



Mr Blix, speaking to The Independent, said the Attorney General's legal advice to the Government on the eve of war, giving cover for military action by the US and Britain, had no lawful justification. He said it would have required a second United Nations resolution explicitly authorizing the use of force for the invasion of Iraq last March to have been legal…

Mr Blix said that while it was possible to argue that Iraq had breached the ceasefire by violating UN resolutions adopted since 1991, the "ownership" of the resolutions rested with the entire 15-member Security Council and not with individual states. "It's the Security Council that is party to the ceasefire, not the UK and US individually, and therefore it is the council that has ownership of the ceasefire, in my interpretation."
Here is a neat video that really explains it.


I suggest you ask the UN to prosecute us. Ohh wait, they can not. And other then grandstanding by Mr Corruption Koffi Annan the UN has made NO claim the US violated a single UN charter or Treaty the US has agreed to.

MOre BULLSHIT from idiots.
I suggest you ask the UN to prosecute us. Ohh wait, they can not. And other then grandstanding by Mr Corruption Koffi Annan the UN has made NO claim the US violated a single UN charter or Treaty the US has agreed to.

MOre BULLSHIT from idiots.

Silly name-calling aside, my point still stands. If Iraq broke UN resolutions then it was up to the UN to make the call to invade Iraq. Just because the UN did not charge us with violating anything is irrelevant.
Sure thing dimwit.

Just because we are the biggest dog in the pack and can break the rules with impunity, does not mean that we didn't break the rules... it just means that the rest of the UN has decided not to make a big deal out of it... because we are the biggest dog in the pack and many of them owe us.

Let's both try to cut down on namecalling... I realize I have been guilty of it in the past, but I will try hard to do better in the future.... perhaps you should too?
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