Bush Booed During Mandela Memorial

I hope no uninformed person actually believes that Mr Bush had the power to 'effectively muzzle the press'. Or that there were not plenty of dissenting voices questioning the gravity of the WMD threat.

And look how a lot of them were treated...

From the Dixie Chicks (whose careers effectively ended for criticizng US Policy) to Max Cleland (A triple amputee who was compared to Bin Laden and Saddam because he wanted a few union protections for DHS employees.)

We all went a little crazy after 9/11, and people around Bush used that to get us to go along with some really dumb policies.

Bush did not muzzle the media as the far left has control of the majority of the media. If that were the case all that far left propaganda would not have been seen on those blog sites/"news" stations.

Well, guy, the problem isn't the political orientation of the media. The Media went well out of its way pretending that Bush wasn't retarded when he obviously was.

The problem is that 95% of the media is owned by five corporations. And those corporations were all for the war when it started.
And look how a lot of them were treated...

From the Dixie Chicks (whose careers effectively ended for criticizng US Policy) to Max Cleland (A triple amputee who was compared to Bin Laden and Saddam because he wanted a few union protections for DHS employees.)

We all went a little crazy after 9/11, and people around Bush used that to get us to go along with some really dumb policies.

Bush did not muzzle the media as the far left has control of the majority of the media. If that were the case all that far left propaganda would not have been seen on those blog sites/"news" stations.

Well, guy, the problem isn't the political orientation of the media. The Media went well out of its way pretending that Bush wasn't retarded when he obviously was.

The problem is that 95% of the media is owned by five corporations. And those corporations were all for the war when it started.

Well if that is true four them gave to the DNC.

And still shows that there is no proof that Bush muzzled the media. It is nothing but far left propaganda to try and show the 'ol "Bush did it too" when comparing him to Obama.

Now if you want to talk about cover up, the bulk of the media has done it's best to cover the fact that Obama is far worse than Bush. Most of the talking points coming straight from the white house.

So once again the far left fails in their propaganda
Bush is a war criminal who should be arrested for invading Iraq, for Gitmo and the torture of prisoners. There was no evidence of WMD and he KNEW that before he invaded, but he wanted access and control of Iraqi oil.

Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld personally made billions of dollars off the Iraq war and subcontracting out services to the troops. The whole war and rebuilding of Iraq was one massive government ripoff, with American troops paying with their lives.

Then, for good measure, he trashed the world's economy. And the low information types here are praising him. Idiots.

Who is pressing charges for war crimes? Would these war crimes also include the Congress that voted for the war in Iraq?

Gitmo is still open in spite of what Obama promised you, is he too a war criminal?

When exactly are we going to start controlling the oil? The same oil the left says that Bush stated would fund the war, and didn't.

Obama is killing American citizens, or did, in countries to which we are not at war, is that a war crime? It is reported that the US blew up a wedding party just yesterday, is that a war crime?

Well if that is true four them gave to the DNC.

And still shows that there is no proof that Bush muzzled the media. It is nothing but far left propaganda to try and show the 'ol "Bush did it too" when comparing him to Obama.

Now if you want to talk about cover up, the bulk of the media has done it's best to cover the fact that Obama is far worse than Bush. Most of the talking points coming straight from the white house.

So once again the far left fails in their propaganda

yes, the media is covering up that Obama is a mad Keynan Robot that wants to impose Shariah Communism and take away your guns and make you have an abortion!!!

It's all true.

Limbaugh said so.

Incidently, I do blame the media for not doing its job on the run-up to war. They should have questioned what the government was claiming.

But the public was scared, Saddam was kind of a toad, and frankly, Wars are good for ratings, so they all went with it.
Classless leftist ....Bush has done more for the continent of Africa than Obama has ever done:eusa_eh:

A sterling example of the maxim, no good deed goes unpunished.

Former President George W. Bush was booed when he appeared on the video monitor at today’s memorial for Nelson Mandela in Johannesburg, South Africa, according to the White House pool report, which cited local press outlets.

Meanwhile, when the images President Obama and Michelle popped up, there was a 30-second “deafening roar,” the pooler wrote.

How sad. Bush has done an far greater amount for South Africa than Obama. But Obama is much better at crafting his public image and saying the right things.

Bush personally saved the lives of millions of South Africans with his President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, or PEPFAR, ensuring AIDS drugs are available to South Africa’s impoverished masses.

From a Washington Post piece describing how Bush’s achievements were haunting Obama’s June trip to South Africa:

In South Africa, the success ( of PEPFAR) was extraordinary. AIDS killed roughly 2.3 million in South Africa — once one of the worst-affected countries in the world — and orphaned about a million children there, according to the United Nations. Today, rates of infection have fallen to 30 percent, and nearly 2 million people are on antiretroviral drugs.

Meanwhile, Obama has cut PEPFAR funding and generally been his customary inattentive self. From the same Post piece:

AIDS advocates on Sunday said that Obama administration budget cuts that have slashed hundreds of millions of dollars from PEPFAR threaten to turn back years of progress in the fight against the AIDS epidemic. Last year, the administration unveiled a budget that reduces AIDS funding globally by roughly $214 million, the first time an American president has reduced the U.S. commitment to fighting the epidemic since it broke out in the 1980s during the Reagan administration.
Bush Booed During Mandela Memorial | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Calumny works well with naïve gulpers. It doesn't work at all when citizens examine the statements made for factual bases. How sad is that?
Most of the mainstream media are left wing ideologues. You cant argue that fact.

"Most of the mainstream media are owned by Jews. You can't argue that fact."​

Sounds pretty stupid, doesn't it?

Yeah it does and the two don't equate. Ideology and ethnic background aren't the same genus :cuckoo:

Of course they don't equate to you. But both affect your perception and bias.

You're Jewish so you think my statement is absurd. But you're also a biased right-wing ideologue, so you can't see the absurdity of your statement.
"Most of the mainstream media are owned by Jews. You can't argue that fact."​

Sounds pretty stupid, doesn't it?

Yeah it does and the two don't equate. Ideology and ethnic background aren't the same genus :cuckoo:

Of course they don't equate to you. But both affect your perception and bias.

You're Jewish so you think my statement is absurd. But you're also a biased right-wing ideologue, so you can't see the absurdity of your statement.

How so?

Hit it Toro say what you will.
Bush is too stupid to realize he should have not gone to celebrate the life of a scumbag terrorist-supporting communist like Mandela.

Mandela is burning in hell today...
Bush is too stupid to realize he should have not gone to celebrate the life of a scumbag terrorist-supporting communist like Mandela.

Mandela is burning in hell today...

He had no option for the optics. Get a grip. So go fuck yourself if you can't understand this you fool.
How many more spread AIDS because they were kept in ignorance and condoms were denied?
"Most of the mainstream media are owned by Jews. You can't argue that fact."​

Sounds pretty stupid, doesn't it?

Yeah it does and the two don't equate. Ideology and ethnic background aren't the same genus :cuckoo:

Of course they don't equate to you. But both affect your perception and bias.

You're Jewish so you think my statement is absurd. But you're also a biased right-wing ideologue, so you can't see the absurdity of your statement.

You statement is it absurd, because it is absurd, it stands in it own and so does the left wing, mainstream, media's love and protection of Obama. Any Republican would have been driven from office if he did what Obama is doing
Stupid bitch....he isn't POTUS any more.

He could have stayed in Texas and avoided public support for a black communist that was listed as a TERRORIST SUPPORTER DURING HIS TERMS IN THE WHITE HOUSE.

Fuck yourself, stupid fuck.

Bush is too stupid to realize he should have not gone to celebrate the life of a scumbag terrorist-supporting communist like Mandela.

Mandela is burning in hell today...

He had no option for the optics. Get a grip. So go fuck yourself if you can't understand this you fool.
Bush is too stupid to realize he should have not gone to celebrate the life of a scumbag terrorist-supporting communist like Mandela.

Mandela is burning in hell today...

You embarrass the shit out of me posting bullcrap like this. You really embarrass me.

Saying Bush was too stupid. He fulfilled his office of his Presidency. He had to attend you freaking idiot.

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