Bush Booed During Mandela Memorial

I wonder if Blacks in south Africa are taught that it was the Democrats who were the racists during the 50's/60's era. Can you imagine if Liberals were in charge of educating all children? you may as well put all of the books in the Fiction section.

It doesn't matter what the Republicans were doing for
minorities 60 years ago, what matters is what policies they're promoting and supporting now. There are good and valid reasons why the Republicans are the party of old white men and their wives today.

W is hated around the world because of the Iraq war, his abuse of war prisoners, and for his reckless economic policies. There is no defense for his actions.
I wonder if Blacks in south Africa are taught that it was the Democrats who were the racists during the 50's/60's era. Can you imagine if Liberals were in charge of educating all children? you may as well put all of the books in the Fiction section.

It doesn't matter what the Republicans were doing for
minorities 60 years ago, what matters is what policies they're promoting and supporting now. There are good and valid reasons why the Republicans are the party of old white men and their wives today.

W is hated around the world because of the Iraq war, his abuse of war prisoners, and for his reckless economic policies. There is no defense for his actions.

so? you've been around the world and took a poll on this or something?
I wonder if Blacks in south Africa are taught that it was the Democrats who were the racists during the 50's/60's era. Can you imagine if Liberals were in charge of educating all children? you may as well put all of the books in the Fiction section.

It doesn't matter what the Republicans were doing for
minorities 60 years ago, what matters is what policies they're promoting and supporting now. There are good and valid reasons why the Republicans are the party of old white men and their wives today.

W is hated around the world because of the Iraq war, his abuse of war prisoners, and for his reckless economic policies. There is no defense for his actions.

You're ignorance is on full blown display. :lol: But I can't blame you I guess. The man is humble and not a braggart about his good deeds.

Pumped $18bn into fighting HIV/Aids, much of it in Africa

Backed cancelling $34bn worth of debt for 27 African states

Launched initiative that has halved Malaria in 15 African countries

Led condemnation of Sudan's record in Darfur as genocide

Pressed for north-south peace deal in Sudan

"Saved millions of lives", according to aid activist Bob Geldof

Backed Ethiopia's invasion of Somalia to battle Islamists

And he's still continuing his work there. :eusa_angel:

Just deal with it.

Oh and if he really had wanted to take over a country to get their oil, Bush would have invaded us.

Canada is America's #1 supplier and we were a lot closer.

BBC NEWS | Africa | Has Bush been Africa's best friend?
Oh and for those that might wonder why Canada under Prime Minister Jean Chretien didn't back the Iraq war?

It was discovered by an excellent financial journalist up here by the name of Diane Francis, that Chretien's son in law and father of the Prime Minister's grandchildren was involved with his brother in the oil for food scandal.

Always follow the $$$$$.

:) I think it had a bearing on how the Liberal majority played out being against joining America in Iraq.
So bush pumps money into Africa to fight aids and all the repigs are cheering him like they grew a heart and a soul all of a sudden. When dems propose programs to help people they're socialists/commies. I still would have liked to have seen Obama have the plane land in Baghdad and kick bush's filthy lyin' ass off the plane with an ak 47 and a big ole sign that sez "bring it on"
And if anyone wants to read a fabulous piece it's this one. I loved it. Geldof wrote it.

Geldof and Bush: Diary From the Road
By Bob Geldof Thursday, Feb. 28, 2008

I gave the President my book. He raised an eyebrow. "Who wrote this for ya, Geldof?" he said without looking up from the cover. Very dry. "Who will you get to read it for you, Mr. President?" I replied. No response.

The Most Powerful Man in the World studied the front cover. Geldof in Africa — " 'The international best seller.' You write that bit yourself?"

"That's right. It's called marketing. Something you obviously have no clue about or else I wouldn't have to be here telling people your Africa story."

It is some story. And I have always wondered why it was never told properly to the American people, who were paying for it.
It was, for example, Bush who initiated the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) with cross-party support led by Senators John Kerry and Bill Frist.
In 2003, only 50,000 Africans were on HIV antiretroviral drugs — and they had to pay for their own medicine. Today, 1.3 million are receiving medicines free of charge.
The U.S. also contributes one-third of the money for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria — which treats another 1.5 million. It contributes 50% of all food aid (though some critics find the mechanism of contribution controversial).

On a seven-day trip through Africa, Bush announced a fantastic new $350 million fund for other neglected tropical diseases that can be easily eradicated; a program to distribute 5.2 million mosquito nets to Tanzanian kids; and contracts worth around $1.2 billion in Tanzania and Ghana from the Millennium Challenge Account, another initiative of the Bush Administration.

And it goes on from there.


Geldof and Bush: Diary From the Road - TIME

Funny stuff....Sorry but you could take Bush to any country outside the U.S. and he would be booed.

How soon we forget.....(Not me, though)


Published on Wednesday, July 9, 2003 by the Associated Press
Anti-American Sentiment Growing in South Africa
by Terry Leonard

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - Rising anti-American sentiment fueled by discontent over the U.S.-led war in Iraq is casting a shadow over President Bush's visit to South Africa.

Scores of disgruntled South Africans have protested this week outside the U.S. Embassy in Pretoria and the consulates in Johannesburg and Cape Town.

Anti-war coalition supporters stage a protest outside the U.S. Embassy in Pretoria, South Africa, Wednesday, July 9, 2003 as U S President George W. Bush met with South African President Thabo Mbeki.

Bush is on the second leg of a five-nation visit to Africa "The whole African tour is a diversion away from Iraq," said Shaheed Mahomed, chairman of the Anti-War Coalition in Cape Town. "This do-gooder visit is in response to a new Vietnam syndrome rising, as more and more body bags go to the U.S."

You are wrong about that.

Africa is not one big glob. There are very different countries within Africa.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLYyMJ6XY6U"]George Bush Does A Dance - YouTube[/ame]

Here's the thing about Bush a lot of people don't get. There wasn't a racist bone in the guy's body. He seriously didn't care about your color, your religion or your national origin.

I personally think he really wanted to do good. He got in a bad crowd. Had he not invaded Iraq or messed up the economy?

We'd be looking at a very different legacy

Yeah, without that, the legacy would be:

  • allowing the worst terrorist attack in history on U.S. soil
  • letting bin Laden escape
  • Katrina
  • outing a covert CIA agent
  • firing 9 U.S. prosecutors for political reasons
  • torture
  • no-bid contracts
  • creating another bloated, expensive Federal agency

MUCH better.

Yeah but bush, like everybody else, is allowed a few mistakes in his life, even if those mistakes bankrupt some and cause others to be killed by his stupidity.
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Outstanding! W is a truly disgusting person.

Isnt there countries he cant even go into now. Wont he get arrested?

He is beyond a doubt the worst president in my lifetime. How many fellow service members dies on his watch because of Iraq?

Good grief what an idiot you are. He travels to many countries, but his heart is in Africa.


Affectionate: Former president George W. Bush cuddles up to a child in Lusaka, Zambia, Africa on July 4 during a week-long trip


Paternal: George W. Bush holds a baby while standing next to Mrs. Laura Bush in Lusaka, Zambia, Africa on July


He can be seen interacting with the children at the center which is home to 230 orphans - 60 of whom live with HIV.

He appeared to be a hit with the children, who lined up to shake his hand and listened intently as he read to them.

The former Governor of Texas’ visit was part of a mission to raise awareness of a cervical cancer detection and treatment program he has set up in Zambia, which has the second highest number of cervical cancer cases in the world

Many Zambian women infected with the disease are also living with HIV and have weakened immune systems, according to the Catholic Online.


Tactile: The 66-year-old hugs a nun at the Kasisi Children's Home in Lusaka, one of the largest orphanages in the country

Former President George Bush forgoes July Fourth celebrations and spends holidays at Zambian orphanage | Mail Online
Outstanding! W is a truly disgusting person.

Who's policies helped save about 15 million lives in Africa. I guess you can't cure stupid.

Suddenly what the Right would otherwise call government handouts become something to champion if a Republican's name is associated with them.


Helping people who truly have no other choice is always the right thing to do. Big difference between helping someone in need and encouraging dependence from people who do have other choices.

Unless you think that those who spent millions at casinos, tattoo parlors and strip joints were being saved from disaster.

No point in hashing over the whole breakdown of the family due to liberal policies since some will never get it.
Oh and for those that might wonder why Canada under Prime Minister Jean Chretien didn't back the Iraq war?

It was discovered by an excellent financial journalist up here by the name of Diane Francis, that Chretien's son in law and father of the Prime Minister's grandchildren was involved with his brother in the oil for food scandal.

Always follow the $$$$$.

:) I think it had a bearing on how the Liberal majority played out being against joining America in Iraq.

Funny, I thought it was because most Canadians thought it was a horrible idea and were against it, as were most of our allies, even the ones who went along with it.

And they were right. It was a horrible idea.
Outstanding! W is a truly disgusting person.

Isnt there countries he cant even go into now. Wont he get arrested?

He is beyond a doubt the worst president in my lifetime. How many fellow service members dies on his watch because of Iraq?

Good grief what an idiot you are. He travels to many countries, but his heart is in Africa.


Affectionate: Former president George W. Bush cuddles up to a child in Lusaka, Zambia, Africa on July 4 during a week-long trip


Paternal: George W. Bush holds a baby while standing next to Mrs. Laura Bush in Lusaka, Zambia, Africa on July


He can be seen interacting with the children at the center which is home to 230 orphans - 60 of whom live with HIV.

He appeared to be a hit with the children, who lined up to shake his hand and listened intently as he read to them.

The former Governor of Texas’ visit was part of a mission to raise awareness of a cervical cancer detection and treatment program he has set up in Zambia, which has the second highest number of cervical cancer cases in the world

Many Zambian women infected with the disease are also living with HIV and have weakened immune systems, according to the Catholic Online.


Tactile: The 66-year-old hugs a nun at the Kasisi Children's Home in Lusaka, one of the largest orphanages in the country

Former President George Bush forgoes July Fourth celebrations and spends holidays at Zambian orphanage | Mail Online

Anyone can see Bush has real love in his heart for people...Obama?...only loves himself
Oh and for those that might wonder why Canada under Prime Minister Jean Chretien didn't back the Iraq war?

It was discovered by an excellent financial journalist up here by the name of Diane Francis, that Chretien's son in law and father of the Prime Minister's grandchildren was involved with his brother in the oil for food scandal.

Always follow the $$$$$.

:) I think it had a bearing on how the Liberal majority played out being against joining America in Iraq.

Funny, I thought it was because most Canadians thought it was a horrible idea and were against it, as were most of our allies, even the ones who went along with it.

And they were right. It was a horrible idea.

You're absolutely correct, Joe. We also thought that Bush was lying about WMD and we were correct.

Canadians had the advantage of being better informed about the situation than Americans because Bush had effectively muzzled the US media by continually saying that anyone who opposed his actions was actively aiding and abetting the terrorists. Canadians were getting unfiltered facts from our media which was under no such restrictions.
Bush is a war criminal who should be arrested for invading Iraq, for Gitmo and the torture of prisoners. There was no evidence of WMD and he KNEW that before he invaded, but he wanted access and control of Iraqi oil.

Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld personally made billions of dollars off the Iraq war and subcontracting out services to the troops. The whole war and rebuilding of Iraq was one massive government ripoff, with American troops paying with their lives.

Then, for good measure, he trashed the world's economy. And the low information types here are praising him. Idiots.

Talk about low information idiots.....You've got that PEGGED. :eusa_whistle:
Classless leftist ....Bush has done more for the continent of Africa than Obama has ever done:eusa_eh:

A sterling example of the maxim, no good deed goes unpunished.

Former President George W. Bush was booed when he appeared on the video monitor at today’s memorial for Nelson Mandela in Johannesburg, South Africa, according to the White House pool report, which cited local press outlets.

Meanwhile, when the images President Obama and Michelle popped up, there was a 30-second “deafening roar,” the pooler wrote.

How sad. Bush has done an far greater amount for South Africa than Obama. But Obama is much better at crafting his public image and saying the right things.

Bush personally saved the lives of millions of South Africans with his President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, or PEPFAR, ensuring AIDS drugs are available to South Africa’s impoverished masses.

From a Washington Post piece describing how Bush’s achievements were haunting Obama’s June trip to South Africa:

In South Africa, the success ( of PEPFAR) was extraordinary. AIDS killed roughly 2.3 million in South Africa — once one of the worst-affected countries in the world — and orphaned about a million children there, according to the United Nations. Today, rates of infection have fallen to 30 percent, and nearly 2 million people are on antiretroviral drugs.

Meanwhile, Obama has cut PEPFAR funding and generally been his customary inattentive self. From the same Post piece:

AIDS advocates on Sunday said that Obama administration budget cuts that have slashed hundreds of millions of dollars from PEPFAR threaten to turn back years of progress in the fight against the AIDS epidemic. Last year, the administration unveiled a budget that reduces AIDS funding globally by roughly $214 million, the first time an American president has reduced the U.S. commitment to fighting the epidemic since it broke out in the 1980s during the Reagan administration.

Bush Booed During Mandela Memorial | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

yeah, that was bad form. I think he was a horrible potus, but there's no denying he did good stuff for Africa. Obviously the econ meltdown hurt the very poor the worst, and while is fiscal mess no doubt contributed, he was not the only cause, and his actions in propping up markets probably stemmed a worst mess.
Oh and for those that might wonder why Canada under Prime Minister Jean Chretien didn't back the Iraq war?

It was discovered by an excellent financial journalist up here by the name of Diane Francis, that Chretien's son in law and father of the Prime Minister's grandchildren was involved with his brother in the oil for food scandal.

Always follow the $$$$$.

:) I think it had a bearing on how the Liberal majority played out being against joining America in Iraq.

Funny, I thought it was because most Canadians thought it was a horrible idea and were against it, as were most of our allies, even the ones who went along with it.

And they were right. It was a horrible idea.

You're absolutely correct, Joe. We also thought that Bush was lying about WMD and we were correct.

Canadians had the advantage of being better informed about the situation than Americans because Bush had effectively muzzled the US media by continually saying that anyone who opposed his actions was actively aiding and abetting the terrorists. Canadians were getting unfiltered facts from our media which was under no such restrictions.


We didn't back the Iraq invasion because Chretien's son in law was involved with oil for food scandal.

Stop lying.

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