Bush Booed During Mandela Memorial

Classless leftist ....Bush has done more for the continent of Africa than Obama has ever done:eusa_eh:

A sterling example of the maxim, no good deed goes unpunished.

Former President George W. Bush was booed when he appeared on the video monitor at today’s memorial for Nelson Mandela in Johannesburg, South Africa, according to the White House pool report, which cited local press outlets.

Meanwhile, when the images President Obama and Michelle popped up, there was a 30-second “deafening roar,” the pooler wrote.

How sad. Bush has done an far greater amount for South Africa than Obama. But Obama is much better at crafting his public image and saying the right things.

Bush personally saved the lives of millions of South Africans with his President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, or PEPFAR, ensuring AIDS drugs are available to South Africa’s impoverished masses.

From a Washington Post piece describing how Bush’s achievements were haunting Obama’s June trip to South Africa:

In South Africa, the success ( of PEPFAR) was extraordinary. AIDS killed roughly 2.3 million in South Africa — once one of the worst-affected countries in the world — and orphaned about a million children there, according to the United Nations. Today, rates of infection have fallen to 30 percent, and nearly 2 million people are on antiretroviral drugs.

Meanwhile, Obama has cut PEPFAR funding and generally been his customary inattentive self. From the same Post piece:

AIDS advocates on Sunday said that Obama administration budget cuts that have slashed hundreds of millions of dollars from PEPFAR threaten to turn back years of progress in the fight against the AIDS epidemic. Last year, the administration unveiled a budget that reduces AIDS funding globally by roughly $214 million, the first time an American president has reduced the U.S. commitment to fighting the epidemic since it broke out in the 1980s during the Reagan administration.

Bush Booed During Mandela Memorial | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Bush is not black, they were in Africa you know
Classless leftist ....Bush has done more for the continent of Africa than Obama has ever done:eusa_eh:

Bush Booed During Mandela Memorial | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Funny stuff....Sorry but you could take Bush to any country outside the U.S. and he would be booed.

How soon we forget.....(Not me, though)


Published on Wednesday, July 9, 2003 by the Associated Press
Anti-American Sentiment Growing in South Africa
by Terry Leonard

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - Rising anti-American sentiment fueled by discontent over the U.S.-led war in Iraq is casting a shadow over President Bush's visit to South Africa.

Scores of disgruntled South Africans have protested this week outside the U.S. Embassy in Pretoria and the consulates in Johannesburg and Cape Town.

Anti-war coalition supporters stage a protest outside the U.S. Embassy in Pretoria, South Africa, Wednesday, July 9, 2003 as U S President George W. Bush met with South African President Thabo Mbeki.

Bush is on the second leg of a five-nation visit to Africa "The whole African tour is a diversion away from Iraq," said Shaheed Mahomed, chairman of the Anti-War Coalition in Cape Town. "This do-gooder visit is in response to a new Vietnam syndrome rising, as more and more body bags go to the U.S."

That was while he was President in 2003.
Can you find anything about him being booed at Nelson Mandelas funeral? I can't.
This is what we are talking about here in this thread, not that he was booed in 2003.

I was responding to JRoc's post, toots.

"Classless leftist ....Bush has done more for the continent of Africa than Obama has ever done"

If Bush was booed, that's wrong. He did good policy in Africa regarding AIDS - it may be the last good thing any Republican has done.

But Africa was also affected by the Iraq War, and many al Qaeda have flooded into Africa as a result of Bush's disastrous occupation.
Prexy W. did the right thing in terms of AIDS in foreign policy. It may be the best thing he did during his presidency.

If he was booed @ Mandela's funeral, it wasn't for his/US efforts on AIDS. It was likely for the war in Iraq, Afghanistan, the continuing destabilization of Pakistan, the political/economic problems in Egypt, Syria, Gaza, W. Bank, Libya, Somalia & on & on. Even if we didn't directly cause the problems in Egypt & so on, I think the World expects more than we can reasonably deliver.

It would be a change to actually attempt to address some of the outstanding issues, though.
Classless leftist ....Bush has done more for the continent of Africa than Obama has ever done:eusa_eh:

A sterling example of the maxim, no good deed goes unpunished.

Bush Booed During Mandela Memorial | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Funny stuff....Sorry but you could take Bush to any country outside the U.S. and he would be booed.

How soon we forget.....(Not me, though)


Published on Wednesday, July 9, 2003 by the Associated Press
Anti-American Sentiment Growing in South Africa
by Terry Leonard

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - Rising anti-American sentiment fueled by discontent over the U.S.-led war in Iraq is casting a shadow over President Bush's visit to South Africa.

Scores of disgruntled South Africans have protested this week outside the U.S. Embassy in Pretoria and the consulates in Johannesburg and Cape Town.

Anti-war coalition supporters stage a protest outside the U.S. Embassy in Pretoria, South Africa, Wednesday, July 9, 2003 as U S President George W. Bush met with South African President Thabo Mbeki.

Bush is on the second leg of a five-nation visit to Africa "The whole African tour is a diversion away from Iraq," said Shaheed Mahomed, chairman of the Anti-War Coalition in Cape Town. "This do-gooder visit is in response to a new Vietnam syndrome rising, as more and more body bags go to the U.S."

You are wrong about that.

Africa is not one big glob. There are very different countries within Africa.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLYyMJ6XY6U]George Bush Does A Dance - YouTube[/ame]

Here's the thing about Bush a lot of people don't get. There wasn't a racist bone in the guy's body. He seriously didn't care about your color, your religion or your national origin.

I personally think he really wanted to do good. He got in a bad crowd. Had he not invaded Iraq or messed up the economy?

We'd be looking at a very different legacy.
Classless leftist ....Bush has done more for the continent of Africa than Obama has ever done:eusa_eh:

Bush Booed During Mandela Memorial | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Funny stuff....Sorry but you could take Bush to any country outside the U.S. and he would be booed.

How soon we forget.....(Not me, though)


Published on Wednesday, July 9, 2003 by the Associated Press
Anti-American Sentiment Growing in South Africa
by Terry Leonard

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - Rising anti-American sentiment fueled by discontent over the U.S.-led war in Iraq is casting a shadow over President Bush's visit to South Africa.

Scores of disgruntled South Africans have protested this week outside the U.S. Embassy in Pretoria and the consulates in Johannesburg and Cape Town.

Anti-war coalition supporters stage a protest outside the U.S. Embassy in Pretoria, South Africa, Wednesday, July 9, 2003 as U S President George W. Bush met with South African President Thabo Mbeki.

Bush is on the second leg of a five-nation visit to Africa "The whole African tour is a diversion away from Iraq," said Shaheed Mahomed, chairman of the Anti-War Coalition in Cape Town. "This do-gooder visit is in response to a new Vietnam syndrome rising, as more and more body bags go to the U.S."

You are wrong about that.

Africa is not one big glob. There are very different countries within Africa.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLYyMJ6XY6U"]George Bush Does A Dance - YouTube[/ame]

Here's the thing about Bush a lot of people don't get. There wasn't a racist bone in the guy's body. He seriously didn't care about your color, your religion or your national origin.

I personally think he really wanted to do good. He got in a bad crowd. Had he not invaded Iraq or messed up the economy?

We'd be looking at a very different legacy

Yeah, without that, the legacy would be:

  • allowing the worst terrorist attack in history on U.S. soil
  • letting bin Laden escape
  • Katrina
  • outing a covert CIA agent
  • firing 9 U.S. prosecutors for political reasons
  • torture
  • no-bid contracts
  • creating another bloated, expensive Federal agency

MUCH better.
Can anyone find a video of Bush even speaking at the funeral and being booed?
I don't think he even got up and spoke, nor did any of the other 2 Past Presidents.
I did see an article that said President Bush got up and clapped after President Obama's speech.
6:51 a.m.: George W. Bush gives Obama a standing ovation, and the crowd cheers as he leaves the stage.
The Nelson Mandela Memorial Service
The ones who spoke were Leaders that are in power right now.

All I have found is that Jacob Zuma was the one who was booed.

From what I could tell from the OP's link it was when he appeared on a monitor. Possibly some Jumbotron type screen used at the memorial?

Former President George W. Bush was booed when he appeared on the video monitor at today’s memorial for Nelson Mandela in Johannesburg, South Africa, according to the White House pool report, which cited local press outlets.

Meanwhile, when the images President Obama and Michelle popped up, there was a 30-second “deafening roar,” the pooler wrote.

Funny stuff....Sorry but you could take Bush to any country outside the U.S. and he would be booed.

How soon we forget.....(Not me, though)


Published on Wednesday, July 9, 2003 by the Associated Press
Anti-American Sentiment Growing in South Africa
by Terry Leonard

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - Rising anti-American sentiment fueled by discontent over the U.S.-led war in Iraq is casting a shadow over President Bush's visit to South Africa.

Scores of disgruntled South Africans have protested this week outside the U.S. Embassy in Pretoria and the consulates in Johannesburg and Cape Town.

Anti-war coalition supporters stage a protest outside the U.S. Embassy in Pretoria, South Africa, Wednesday, July 9, 2003 as U S President George W. Bush met with South African President Thabo Mbeki.

Bush is on the second leg of a five-nation visit to Africa "The whole African tour is a diversion away from Iraq," said Shaheed Mahomed, chairman of the Anti-War Coalition in Cape Town. "This do-gooder visit is in response to a new Vietnam syndrome rising, as more and more body bags go to the U.S."

You are wrong about that.

Africa is not one big glob. There are very different countries within Africa.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLYyMJ6XY6U"]George Bush Does A Dance - YouTube[/ame]

Here's the thing about Bush a lot of people don't get. There wasn't a racist bone in the guy's body. He seriously didn't care about your color, your religion or your national origin.

I personally think he really wanted to do good. He got in a bad crowd. Had he not invaded Iraq or messed up the economy?

We'd be looking at a very different legacy

Yeah, without that, the legacy would be:

  • allowing the worst terrorist attack in history on U.S. soil
  • letting bin Laden escape
  • Katrina
  • outing a covert CIA agent
  • firing 9 U.S. prosecutors for political reasons
  • torture
  • no-bid contracts
  • creating another bloated, expensive Federal agency

MUCH better.

Your really looking at a lot of things that were done by Cheney and the PNAC crowd.

I'm not exonerating Bush, but if he had a different Vice President? Say Colin Powell or Bob Gates? His second term, which was arguably much better than his first would have probably been the way he started off.


A fucking hurricane?

Hyper-partisanship is a brain-wasting disease.
Bush is a war criminal who should be arrested for invading Iraq, for Gitmo and the torture of prisoners. There was no evidence of WMD and he KNEW that before he invaded, but he wanted access and control of Iraqi oil.

Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld personally made billions of dollars off the Iraq war and subcontracting out services to the troops. The whole war and rebuilding of Iraq was one massive government ripoff, with American troops paying with their lives.

Then, for good measure, he trashed the world's economy. And the low information types here are praising him. Idiots.
Wow, this is just sad.
Booing Bush, but celebrating Mandela.

The left, they really are fucked up.
Bush is a war criminal who should be arrested for invading Iraq, for Gitmo and the torture of prisoners. There was no evidence of WMD and he KNEW that before he invaded, but he wanted access and control of Iraqi oil.

Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld personally made billions of dollars off the Iraq war and subcontracting out services to the troops. The whole war and rebuilding of Iraq was one massive government ripoff, with American troops paying with their lives.

Then, for good measure, he trashed the world's economy. And the low information types here are praising him. Idiots.


You're an absolute moron. You're hopeless.
Bush didn't do as much for Africa as Republicans want you to believe. His administration cut funding for any clinic or organization that talked "family planning" or "condoms". Because they blocked condom use, they probably were responsible for more cases of AIDS than anyone.

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