Bush calls for unity in a crisis......Trump makes it about him

Trumps response to this virus was always built on divisiveness

Pit one state against another
Compete for resources
Encourage people to protest safe distancing
Blame, blame, blame


He struggled to let the states do their thing while feeling pressure from the looney left to shut down the whole country.

You bastards have been Monday Morning Quarterbacking him from the start.

Does not matter what he does....he was wrong.

You pricks need to face a firing squad for being so traitorous.

Trump pitted one state against the other in the competition for critical resources. He mocked those who came up short. He undermined Governors who were imposing strict restrictions and encouraged citizens to rebel. He instructed his attorney general to threaten governors for being too strict in fighting the virus
Trumps response to this virus was always built on divisiveness

Pit one state against another
Compete for resources
Encourage people to protest safe distancing
Blame, blame, blame


He struggled to let the states do their thing while feeling pressure from the looney left to shut down the whole country.

You bastards have been Monday Morning Quarterbacking him from the start.

Does not matter what he does....he was wrong.

You pricks need to face a firing squad for being so traitorous.

Trump pitted one state against the other in the competition for critical resources. He mocked those who came up short. He undermined Governors who were imposing strict restrictions and encouraged citizens to rebel. He instructed his attorney general to threaten governors for being too strict in fighting the virus

Your interpretation is consistent with your sorry assed POV.
Trump is going to win reelection rather easily. The left tries to damage him in anyway they can, but their tactics have become less effective over time. So much so, that they will be forced to place HRC at the top of the ticket in a last ditch move to save the party.
Remember when Bushitler moniker was all the rage,,,,,,,libs can just shut the hell up

Remember "The Chimp lied, people died!!!", "Laura murdered an innocent man by running a stop sign!!!", "The Bush twins are drunken whores!!!"

But now they're big fans.

The marxist shitstains are pathetic. It's because they don't really believe in anything. Everything they touch turns to shit..... or dies.
Bush did lie to get us into a war
Laura did kill a man
The Bush twins were out of control but turned out to be wonderful young ladies

Dems did back Bush after 9-11. They gave him whatever he wanted to fight terrorism. He abused that power and killed over a hundred thousand.

That is why he is considered one of our worst presidents. But he is still a better human being than Trump
Trumps response to this virus was always built on divisiveness

Pit one state against another
Compete for resources
Encourage people to protest safe distancing
Blame, blame, blame


He struggled to let the states do their thing while feeling pressure from the looney left to shut down the whole country.

You bastards have been Monday Morning Quarterbacking him from the start.

Does not matter what he does....he was wrong.

You pricks need to face a firing squad for being so traitorous.

Trump pitted one state against the other in the competition for critical resources. He mocked those who came up short. He undermined Governors who were imposing strict restrictions and encouraged citizens to rebel. He instructed his attorney general to threaten governors for being too strict in fighting the virus

Your interpretation is consistent with your sorry assed POV.
Show me where I am wrong
George Bush made a call for the nation to come together in a time of crisis.
Trump mocked him and said....where was your call for unit while I was being impeached?

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of god," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."
You know you're a failed president when "W" gets more respect than you.
The nation rallied around Bush 43 after 9-11. He looked to unite the country.

Trump is using his crisis as a means to attack his political rivals and proclaim what a good job he is doing



No criticism at all about how Bush handled 9 -11.


Bush totally SUCKED at how he handled Katrina - the most devastating hurricane ever....

Yet Trump, facing his own Katrina in dealing with CV19, SUCKS too!

(sayeth the #Trump Haters)

Katrina is nothing like Coronavirus. This virus has paralyzed the country. Trump will be defined by this crisis.

Bush understands the correct response to crisis. Push for unity
Trumps response has been.....NOT my fault

You can say that as many times as you want.

The MSM doesn't agree with you and has called CV19 'Trump's Katrina'.

That you hold up Bush now, while you yanked his @ss down during Katrina only shows you are a hypocrite.
No, CV 19 is Trumps 9-11

I initially supported Bush on 9-11, I was not pleased with his weak response to Katrina
Brownie was not doing a heckuva job

Actually in combined deaths, CV19 is Donnie's 9/11 AND Donnie's Vietnam AND Donnie's Katrina.
Remember when Bushitler moniker was all the rage,,,,,,,libs can just shut the hell up

Remember "The Chimp lied, people died!!!", "Laura murdered an innocent man by running a stop sign!!!", "The Bush twins are drunken whores!!!"

Yeah I remember all of those things - All true.

1. Junior and his minions told 935 lies in the run-up to disastrous invasion of Iraq.

2. Pickles/ FUBAR

3. The Bushie Twins? Well .... :D

George Bush made a call for the nation to come together in a time of crisis.
Trump mocked him and said....where was your call for unit while I was being impeached?

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of god," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."
I never thought I'd see the day that a communist like yourself would become a Bush supporter.
But these are desperate times for the left.
Their mad push for a communist America has exposed them as the total fakes I knew they always were.
I supported Bush after 9-11, most Americans did
Trump is not that kind of uniter
And you're a compulsive lying communist.
Sorry....but I'm not buying it for one second.
Bush had 85 percent approval after 9-11, the country, both parties, rallied around him. It was not until he decided to invade Iraq that his support evaporated
Actually the country had no issue with the Iraqi invasion.....the left and the media turned it into an issue...much in the way they're covering COVID-19.....repeating military casualty reports 24/7/365 to turn the public against the war...purely for political purposes.....and then Obama and Hillary get in office and get us back into Afghanistan...and invade Libya and Syria so they could start the massive movement of refugees out of the ME and into Europe and the United States. It was an invasion.....and Iraq was just the start of it. Iraq created ISIS and Syria created the Muslim invasion into the West.
George Bush made a call for the nation to come together in a time of crisis.
Trump mocked him and said....where was your call for unit while I was being impeached?

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of god," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."
I never thought I'd see the day that a communist like yourself would become a Bush supporter.
But these are desperate times for the left.
Their mad push for a communist America has exposed them as the total fakes I knew they always were.
I supported Bush after 9-11, most Americans did
Trump is not that kind of uniter
And you're a compulsive lying communist.
Sorry....but I'm not buying it for one second.
Bush had 85 percent approval after 9-11, the country, both parties, rallied around him. It was not until he decided to invade Iraq that his support evaporated
Actually the country had no issue with the Iraqi invasion.....the left and the media turned it into an issue...much in the way they're covering COVID-19.....repeating military casualty reports 24/7/365 to turn the public against the war...purely for political purposes.....and then Obama and Hillary get in office and get us back into Afghanistan...and invade Libya and Syria so they could start the massive movement of refugees out of the ME and into Europe and the United States. It was an invasion.....and Iraq was just the start of it. Iraq created ISIS and Syria created the Muslim invasion into the West.
Bush lied to get us into Iraq
When the public found out....they turned on him

Don’t blame the media for reporting Bush’s lies
George Bush made a call for the nation to come together in a time of crisis.
Trump mocked him and said....where was your call for unit while I was being impeached?

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of god," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."
You know you're a failed president when "W" gets more respect than you.

the best thing that happened to W. was the day donny was installed & he slid from worst potus ever.

& at least bush has human emotion.
Trumps response to this virus was always built on divisiveness

Pit one state against another
Compete for resources
Encourage people to protest safe distancing
Blame, blame, blame


He struggled to let the states do their thing while feeling pressure from the looney left to shut down the whole country.

You bastards have been Monday Morning Quarterbacking him from the start.

Does not matter what he does....he was wrong.

You pricks need to face a firing squad for being so traitorous.

Trump pitted one state against the other in the competition for critical resources. He mocked those who came up short. He undermined Governors who were imposing strict restrictions and encouraged citizens to rebel. He instructed his attorney general to threaten governors for being too strict in fighting the virus

Your interpretation is consistent with your sorry assed POV.
Show me where I am wrong
Swing a dead cat....

George Bush made a call for the nation to come together in a time of crisis.
Trump mocked him and said....where was your call for unit while I was being impeached?

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of god," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."
I never thought I'd see the day that a communist like yourself would become a Bush supporter.
But these are desperate times for the left.
Their mad push for a communist America has exposed them as the total fakes I knew they always were.
I supported Bush after 9-11, most Americans did
Trump is not that kind of uniter
And you're a compulsive lying communist.
Sorry....but I'm not buying it for one second.
Bush had 85 percent approval after 9-11, the country, both parties, rallied around him. It was not until he decided to invade Iraq that his support evaporated
Actually the country had no issue with the Iraqi invasion.....the left and the media turned it into an issue...much in the way they're covering COVID-19.....repeating military casualty reports 24/7/365 to turn the public against the war...purely for political purposes.....and then Obama and Hillary get in office and get us back into Afghanistan...and invade Libya and Syria so they could start the massive movement of refugees out of the ME and into Europe and the United States. It was an invasion.....and Iraq was just the start of it. Iraq created ISIS and Syria created the Muslim invasion into the West.
Bush lied to get us into Iraq
When the public found out....they turned on him

Don’t blame the media for reporting Bush’s lies
Bush is in on this with the Democrats and the rest of the Globalist Elitists.
Why else would he be doing barbecues with Bill and Hillary?
Trumps response to this virus was always built on divisiveness

Pit one state against another
Compete for resources
Encourage people to protest safe distancing
Blame, blame, blame


He struggled to let the states do their thing while feeling pressure from the looney left to shut down the whole country.

You bastards have been Monday Morning Quarterbacking him from the start.

Does not matter what he does....he was wrong.

You pricks need to face a firing squad for being so traitorous.

Trump pitted one state against the other in the competition for critical resources. He mocked those who came up short. He undermined Governors who were imposing strict restrictions and encouraged citizens to rebel. He instructed his attorney general to threaten governors for being too strict in fighting the virus

Your interpretation is consistent with your sorry assed POV.
Show me where I am wrong

You made the assertion. You show me how you are right.
All loyal and patriotic American's need to rally around our beloved Pres.Trump and work together to heal the division and unify the country. ... :cool:
yes you are correct ! Trump is trying to unite and give hope to America and the vile, treasonous, chicom sympathizer, communist, gender confused, homosexual perverts, on the left are constantly spouting divisive rhetoric and lies sanctioned by their chicom masters .
George Bush made a call for the nation to come together in a time of crisis.
Trump mocked him and said....where was your call for unit while I was being impeached?

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of god," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."
Trump is telling the truth! Where was he?
George Bush made a call for the nation to come together in a time of crisis.
Trump mocked him and said....where was your call for unit while I was being impeached?

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of god," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."
Trump is right. Political Elites pick their battles just like everyone else. When Bush was President you and your pals were calling him stupid and a bozo. Now you act like he's a statesman. Your hypocrisy is glaring.
There is no “pick your battles “ in a national crisis

Our president doesn’t understand that
No, Nancy Pelosi and a few Democrat propaganda parrots in the media don't understand that.
Let me translate this for you all, the Washington establishment is now shitting their pants seriously worried that Trump will win a 2nd term.

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