Bush calls for unity in a crisis......Trump makes it about him

Trumps response to this virus was always built on divisiveness

Pit one state against another
Compete for resources
Encourage people to protest safe distancing
Blame, blame, blame


He struggled to let the states do their thing while feeling pressure from the looney left to shut down the whole country.

You bastards have been Monday Morning Quarterbacking him from the start.

Does not matter what he does....he was wrong.

You pricks need to face a firing squad for being so traitorous.

Trump pitted one state against the other in the competition for critical resources. He mocked those who came up short. He undermined Governors who were imposing strict restrictions and encouraged citizens to rebel. He instructed his attorney general to threaten governors for being too strict in fighting the virus
Ohhhh i get it. Trump opposed the unconstitutional power grabs by enemy democrat governors. I knew there was a reason I voted for him. This is a big one.
Serious question, and you can stop me if you've heard it before:
Are you mentally disabled?
You are an enemy democrat who deserves whatever punishment such enemies get. Everyone that disagrees with the enemy is mentally disabled. How often do you say that? Starting with the President. You Chinese loving puke. This whole DEMPANIC is YOUR FAULT. Every dead person, Every job lost is your fault. Everyone knows it.
So that's a "yes" then?
Trump ,because he was only thinking of his re election when in Jan he was given notification of the virus, is completely to blame for the deaths of 1000's and republican traitors still support the scum
Then do something about all those Republican traitors. Better hurry before Trump is reelected.
Are you that stupid to think if he is elected again good things will happen ?30 million will be back working ,1000's of businesses will return?? Let me be the first to tell you WHEN PIGS FLY
Trump ,because he was only thinking of his re election when in Jan he was given notification of the virus, is completely to blame for the deaths of 1000's and republican traitors still support the scum
Then do something about all those Republican traitors. Better hurry before Trump is reelected.
Are you that stupid to think if he is elected again good things will happen ?30 million will be back working ,1000's of businesses will return?? Let me be the first to tell you WHEN PIGS FLY
True. Democrats have wounded this nation economically. That's been the plan since 1966. Elect a democrat and the future is Venezuela. Elect Trump and we will return to being America. It's just that simple.
Trump ,because he was only thinking of his re election when in Jan he was given notification of the virus, is completely to blame for the deaths of 1000's and republican traitors still support the scum
Then do something about all those Republican traitors. Better hurry before Trump is reelected.
Are you that stupid to think if he is elected again good things will happen ?30 million will be back working ,1000's of businesses will return?? Let me be the first to tell you WHEN PIGS FLY
No one could have predicted this virus. We do not even know the truth with our crack media full of hard nosed journalists....bwhahahah! When you can not trust the media/entertainers then you know the nation is in a downward spiral.
George Bush made a call for the nation to come together in a time of crisis.
Trump mocked him and said....where was your call for unit while I was being impeached?

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of god," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."
You know you're a failed president when "W" gets more respect than you.

I'd wager 60% of the American people would take Dubya back in a heartbeat right about now. Terrible president, but at least the man had empathy.
empathy is all one needs?......like you said,the guy was a half-assed president....so how would we be better off?.....

No, empathy is ONE attribute required to be POTUS. There are many - You know, things like being able to read a daily briefing and acting like an adult.
when bush was president he was being called a dumbass,a nazi,let a 90% approval rating go to hell and was called a few more choice metaphors....so i ask again.....how would this make things better?.....
Bush would at least be out there swinging instead of sitting on the sidelines.

I was not a fan of the "W". In fact I was one of his biggest detractors, but I'd take him of tRump so fast it would make your head spin.
people sure as hell had a different opinion of him when he was President......remember Katrina?.....and you want him to handle this?....
He would be better that tRump.
George Bush made a call for the nation to come together in a time of crisis.
Trump mocked him and said....where was your call for unit while I was being impeached?

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of god," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."
You know you're a failed president when "W" gets more respect than you.

I'd wager 60% of the American people would take Dubya back in a heartbeat right about now. Terrible president, but at least the man had empathy.
empathy is all one needs?......like you said,the guy was a half-assed president....so how would we be better off?.....

No, empathy is ONE attribute required to be POTUS. There are many - You know, things like being able to read a daily briefing and acting like an adult.
when bush was president he was being called a dumbass,a nazi,let a 90% approval rating go to hell and was called a few more choice metaphors....so i ask again.....how would this make things better?.....
Bush would at least be out there swinging instead of sitting on the sidelines.

I was not a fan of the "W". In fact I was one of his biggest detractors, but I'd take him of tRump so fast it would make your head spin.
people sure as hell had a different opinion of him when he was President......remember Katrina?.....and you want him to handle this?....
He would be better than tRump.

On that note, so would this guy:
All loyal and patriotic American's need to rally around our beloved Pres.Trump and work together to heal the division and unify the country. ... :cool:
No. I must disagree. The country should not unify. That would require compromise or outright capitulation to outright enemies.
George Bush made a call for the nation to come together in a time of crisis.
Trump mocked him and said....where was your call for unit while I was being impeached?

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of god," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."
You know you're a failed president when "W" gets more respect than you.

I'd wager 60% of the American people would take Dubya back in a heartbeat right about now. Terrible president, but at least the man had empathy.
empathy is all one needs?......like you said,the guy was a half-assed president....so how would we be better off?.....

No, empathy is ONE attribute required to be POTUS. There are many - You know, things like being able to read a daily briefing and acting like an adult.
when bush was president he was being called a dumbass,a nazi,let a 90% approval rating go to hell and was called a few more choice metaphors....so i ask again.....how would this make things better?.....
Bush would at least be out there swinging instead of sitting on the sidelines.

I was not a fan of the "W". In fact I was one of his biggest detractors, but I'd take him of tRump so fast it would make your head spin.
people sure as hell had a different opinion of him when he was President......remember Katrina?.....and you want him to handle this?....
GW sold every American down the river with his excessive global bullshit.
He and his family will burn in hell.
Just a few floor above all you tRumpkins.
George Bush made a call for the nation to come together in a time of crisis.
Trump mocked him and said....where was your call for unit while I was being impeached?

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of god," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."
lard donnie ALWAYS makes it about him.
Trump ,because he was only thinking of his re election when in Jan he was given notification of the virus, is completely to blame for the deaths of 1000's and republican traitors still support the scum
Then do something about all those Republican traitors. Better hurry before Trump is reelected.
tRump won't get re-elected, and we've been getting those re-education camps under the Walmarts ready for you since 2015.
George Bush made a call for the nation to come together in a time of crisis.
Trump mocked him and said....where was your call for unit while I was being impeached?

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of god," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."
You know you're a failed president when "W" gets more respect than you.

I'd wager 60% of the American people would take Dubya back in a heartbeat right about now. Terrible president, but at least the man had empathy.
empathy is all one needs?......like you said,the guy was a half-assed president....so how would we be better off?.....

No, empathy is ONE attribute required to be POTUS. There are many - You know, things like being able to read a daily briefing and acting like an adult.
when bush was president he was being called a dumbass,a nazi,let a 90% approval rating go to hell and was called a few more choice metaphors....so i ask again.....how would this make things better?.....
Bush would at least be out there swinging instead of sitting on the sidelines.

I was not a fan of the "W". In fact I was one of his biggest detractors, but I'd take him of tRump so fast it would make your head spin.
people sure as hell had a different opinion of him when he was President......remember Katrina?.....and you want him to handle this?....
He would be better that tRump.
George Bush made a call for the nation to come together in a time of crisis.
Trump mocked him and said....where was your call for unit while I was being impeached?

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of god," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."
You know you're a failed president when "W" gets more respect than you.

I'd wager 60% of the American people would take Dubya back in a heartbeat right about now. Terrible president, but at least the man had empathy.
empathy is all one needs?......like you said,the guy was a half-assed president....so how would we be better off?.....

No, empathy is ONE attribute required to be POTUS. There are many - You know, things like being able to read a daily briefing and acting like an adult.
when bush was president he was being called a dumbass,a nazi,let a 90% approval rating go to hell and was called a few more choice metaphors....so i ask again.....how would this make things better?.....
Bush would at least be out there swinging instead of sitting on the sidelines.

I was not a fan of the "W". In fact I was one of his biggest detractors, but I'd take him of tRump so fast it would make your head spin.
people sure as hell had a different opinion of him when he was President......remember Katrina?.....and you want him to handle this?....
He would be better than tRump.

On that note, so would this guy:
View attachment 331584
if you say so.....
George Bush made a call for the nation to come together in a time of crisis.
Trump mocked him and said....where was your call for unit while I was being impeached?

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of god," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."
You know you're a failed president when "W" gets more respect than you.

I'd wager 60% of the American people would take Dubya back in a heartbeat right about now. Terrible president, but at least the man had empathy.
empathy is all one needs?......like you said,the guy was a half-assed president....so how would we be better off?.....

No, empathy is ONE attribute required to be POTUS. There are many - You know, things like being able to read a daily briefing and acting like an adult.
when bush was president he was being called a dumbass,a nazi,let a 90% approval rating go to hell and was called a few more choice metaphors....so i ask again.....how would this make things better?.....
Bush would at least be out there swinging instead of sitting on the sidelines.

I was not a fan of the "W". In fact I was one of his biggest detractors, but I'd take him of tRump so fast it would make your head spin.
people sure as hell had a different opinion of him when he was President......remember Katrina?.....and you want him to handle this?....
He would be better that tRump.
George Bush made a call for the nation to come together in a time of crisis.
Trump mocked him and said....where was your call for unit while I was being impeached?

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of god," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."
You know you're a failed president when "W" gets more respect than you.

I'd wager 60% of the American people would take Dubya back in a heartbeat right about now. Terrible president, but at least the man had empathy.
empathy is all one needs?......like you said,the guy was a half-assed president....so how would we be better off?.....

No, empathy is ONE attribute required to be POTUS. There are many - You know, things like being able to read a daily briefing and acting like an adult.
when bush was president he was being called a dumbass,a nazi,let a 90% approval rating go to hell and was called a few more choice metaphors....so i ask again.....how would this make things better?.....
Bush would at least be out there swinging instead of sitting on the sidelines.

I was not a fan of the "W". In fact I was one of his biggest detractors, but I'd take him of tRump so fast it would make your head spin.
people sure as hell had a different opinion of him when he was President......remember Katrina?.....and you want him to handle this?....
He would be better than tRump.

On that note, so would this guy:
View attachment 331584

Trump ,because he was only thinking of his re election when in Jan he was given notification of the virus, is completely to blame for the deaths of 1000's and republican traitors still support the scum
Then do something about all those Republican traitors. Better hurry before Trump is reelected.
tRump won't get re-elected, and we've been getting those re-education camps under the Walmarts ready for you since 2015.
It's odd how the CRCs pre-empted the Death Camps and just call them Nursing Homes.
George Bush made a call for the nation to come together in a time of crisis.
Trump mocked him and said....where was your call for unit while I was being impeached?

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of god," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."
I never thought I'd see the day that a communist like yourself would become a Bush supporter.
But these are desperate times for the left.
Their mad push for a communist America has exposed them as the total fakes I knew they always were.
So, if you say one nice thing about a person, you are suddenly their supporter? I guess that's what it's like in a simpleton's binary world.
George Bush made a call for the nation to come together in a time of crisis.
Trump mocked him and said....where was your call for unit while I was being impeached?

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of god," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."
You know you're a failed president when "W" gets more respect than you.

I'd wager 60% of the American people would take Dubya back in a heartbeat right about now. Terrible president, but at least the man had empathy.
empathy is all one needs?......like you said,the guy was a half-assed president....so how would we be better off?.....

No, empathy is ONE attribute required to be POTUS. There are many - You know, things like being able to read a daily briefing and acting like an adult.
when bush was president he was being called a dumbass,a nazi,let a 90% approval rating go to hell and was called a few more choice metaphors....so i ask again.....how would this make things better?.....
Bush would at least be out there swinging instead of sitting on the sidelines.

I was not a fan of the "W". In fact I was one of his biggest detractors, but I'd take him of tRump so fast it would make your head spin.
people sure as hell had a different opinion of him when he was President......remember Katrina?.....and you want him to handle this?....
He would be better that tRump.
George Bush made a call for the nation to come together in a time of crisis.
Trump mocked him and said....where was your call for unit while I was being impeached?

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of god," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."
You know you're a failed president when "W" gets more respect than you.

I'd wager 60% of the American people would take Dubya back in a heartbeat right about now. Terrible president, but at least the man had empathy.
empathy is all one needs?......like you said,the guy was a half-assed president....so how would we be better off?.....

No, empathy is ONE attribute required to be POTUS. There are many - You know, things like being able to read a daily briefing and acting like an adult.
when bush was president he was being called a dumbass,a nazi,let a 90% approval rating go to hell and was called a few more choice metaphors....so i ask again.....how would this make things better?.....
Bush would at least be out there swinging instead of sitting on the sidelines.

I was not a fan of the "W". In fact I was one of his biggest detractors, but I'd take him of tRump so fast it would make your head spin.
people sure as hell had a different opinion of him when he was President......remember Katrina?.....and you want him to handle this?....
He would be better than tRump.

On that note, so would this guy:
View attachment 331584

Stupid is not a race.
George Bush made a call for the nation to come together in a time of crisis.
Trump mocked him and said....where was your call for unit while I was being impeached?

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of god," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."
You know you're a failed president when "W" gets more respect than you.

I'd wager 60% of the American people would take Dubya back in a heartbeat right about now. Terrible president, but at least the man had empathy.
empathy is all one needs?......like you said,the guy was a half-assed president....so how would we be better off?.....

No, empathy is ONE attribute required to be POTUS. There are many - You know, things like being able to read a daily briefing and acting like an adult.
Well, strike three for lard donnie.
George Bush made a call for the nation to come together in a time of crisis.
Trump mocked him and said....where was your call for unit while I was being impeached?

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of god," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."
You know you're a failed president when "W" gets more respect than you.

I'd wager 60% of the American people would take Dubya back in a heartbeat right about now. Terrible president, but at least the man had empathy.

Bush is one of the reasons we have Trump.

Thanks to Bush our Debt went balistic.

Debt problems are solved by reducing spending..... not trying to take more money from people.

Correct.....ol George spent the hell out of money he didn't have

What have Democrats done to solve the problem aside from bullshit “pay your fair share” mantras? Democrats spend too.

I would agree.

I expect them to do stupid stuff.

I don't expect republicans (WH and congress) to be so stupid....and they were.

George was not a conservative...by any stretch.

I never liked him.
So...who'd you vote for in 2000 and 2004?

.@PeteHegseth “Oh bye the way, I appreciate the message from former President Bush, but where was he during Impeachment calling for putting partisanship aside.” @foxandfriends He was nowhere to be found in speaking up against the greatest Hoax in American history!

Ya, a Constitutionally prescribed impeachment is just like a global epidemic killing hundreds of thousands of people with the potential of killing millions.

Impeached President Trump still promotes the lie his impeachment was a hoax. Someone needs to tell him his lie is not believable since he was, in fact, impeached.



A vote of no confidence on a partisan divide without teeth has now become a joke!!!

Trump ,because he was only thinking of his re election when in Jan he was given notification of the virus, is completely to blame for the deaths of 1000's and republican traitors still support the scum
Then do something about all those Republican traitors. Better hurry before Trump is reelected.
tRump won't get re-elected, and we've been getting those re-education camps under the Walmarts ready for you since 2015.
It's odd how the CRCs pre-empted the Death Camps and just call them Nursing Homes.
Leave Cuomo and his policy of sending Chinese Virus infected people to Nursing Homes to kill off old folks so he can try to balance his budget out of this.
George Bush made a call for the nation to come together in a time of crisis.
Trump mocked him and said....where was your call for unit while I was being impeached?

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of god," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."
You know you're a failed president when "W" gets more respect than you.

I'd wager 60% of the American people would take Dubya back in a heartbeat right about now. Terrible president, but at least the man had empathy.

Bush is one of the reasons we have Trump.

Thanks to Bush our Debt went balistic.

Debt problems are solved by reducing spending..... not trying to take more money from people.

Correct.....ol George spent the hell out of money he didn't have

What have Democrats done to solve the problem aside from bullshit “pay your fair share” mantras? Democrats spend too.

I would agree.

I expect them to do stupid stuff.

I don't expect republicans (WH and congress) to be so stupid....and they were.

George was not a conservative...by any stretch.

I never liked him.
So...who'd you vote for in 2000 and 2004?

For someone who contributes nothing to the board, you have some nerve:

What fucking business is it of yours.

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