Bush / Cheney Created Conditions That Led Directly To I S I L

Australian immigration policy is anything BUT "open". They are actually very restrictive in who they allow in. You need to either have a job waiting for you (and your employer must prove that it isn't a job that can be done by Australians) or have a job skill that is in demand like a doctor or nurse. Your contention that Australia somehow "created" the terrorist attack they just foiled is ridiculous.

Well, their Government has changed. But there was a time when their Leftists ran things. And much like Great Britain, they loosened their Immigration constraints. Also, Australia has involved itself in many of Interventions & Wars around the world.

Sorry, Paul but you're misinformed...Australia has a very small percentage of it's population that are "immigrants". As for it's inventions around the world? They hardly merit a response like was planned for the Australians who were to have their heads cut off. That's who we're dealing with...people who will cut your head off simply for disagreeing with them.

Australia is on the list of Nations that has meddled and contributed to the mass slaughter of Muslims all around the world. Just telling you where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs.
Oh, PLEASE!!! When has Australia contributed to the "mass slaughter" of Muslims all around the world? You're getting absurd, Paul and you know it!

Australia is a Nation on the list. That's where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs. It has involved itself in numerous Interventions and Wars.

"The list"? What is the list, Paul? Australia only "crime" is that they are a democratic nation that stands up for democracy. That's why they are on "the list" of countries that Islamic extremists want to destroy. It's got zero to do with what you describe as "meddling". It's because they believe in something that the extremists don't...tolerance!
Well, their Government has changed. But there was a time when their Leftists ran things. And much like Great Britain, they loosened their Immigration constraints. Also, Australia has involved itself in many of Interventions & Wars around the world.

Sorry, Paul but you're misinformed...Australia has a very small percentage of it's population that are "immigrants". As for it's inventions around the world? They hardly merit a response like was planned for the Australians who were to have their heads cut off. That's who we're dealing with...people who will cut your head off simply for disagreeing with them.

Australia is on the list of Nations that has meddled and contributed to the mass slaughter of Muslims all around the world. Just telling you where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs.
Oh, PLEASE!!! When has Australia contributed to the "mass slaughter" of Muslims all around the world? You're getting absurd, Paul and you know it!

Australia is a Nation on the list. That's where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs. It has involved itself in numerous Interventions and Wars.

"The list"? What is the list, Paul? Australia only "crime" is that they are a democratic nation that stands up for democracy. That's why they are on "the list" of countries that Islamic extremists want to destroy. It's got zero to do with what you describe as "meddling". It's because they believe in something that the extremists don't...tolerance!

Just telling you where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs. It has involved itself in many Interventions & Wars which have killed many Muslims. Australia and others claims it's all in the name of 'Democracy', but the Terrorists don't see it that way. It is what it is.
Sorry, Paul but you're misinformed...Australia has a very small percentage of it's population that are "immigrants". As for it's inventions around the world? They hardly merit a response like was planned for the Australians who were to have their heads cut off. That's who we're dealing with...people who will cut your head off simply for disagreeing with them.

Australia is on the list of Nations that has meddled and contributed to the mass slaughter of Muslims all around the world. Just telling you where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs.
Oh, PLEASE!!! When has Australia contributed to the "mass slaughter" of Muslims all around the world? You're getting absurd, Paul and you know it!

Australia is a Nation on the list. That's where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs. It has involved itself in numerous Interventions and Wars.

"The list"? What is the list, Paul? Australia only "crime" is that they are a democratic nation that stands up for democracy. That's why they are on "the list" of countries that Islamic extremists want to destroy. It's got zero to do with what you describe as "meddling". It's because they believe in something that the extremists don't...tolerance!

Just telling you where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs. It has involved itself in many Interventions & Wars which have killed many Muslims. Australia and others claims it's all in the name of 'Democracy', but the Terrorists don't see it that way. It is what it is.

Who gives a shit how the terrorists "see" it? The civilized world did not create these monsters and should rid itself of this garbage----- whatever it takes.

Good job Australia-------keep it up.
Australia is on the list of Nations that has meddled and contributed to the mass slaughter of Muslims all around the world. Just telling you where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs.
Oh, PLEASE!!! When has Australia contributed to the "mass slaughter" of Muslims all around the world? You're getting absurd, Paul and you know it!

Australia is a Nation on the list. That's where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs. It has involved itself in numerous Interventions and Wars.

"The list"? What is the list, Paul? Australia only "crime" is that they are a democratic nation that stands up for democracy. That's why they are on "the list" of countries that Islamic extremists want to destroy. It's got zero to do with what you describe as "meddling". It's because they believe in something that the extremists don't...tolerance!

Just telling you where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs. It has involved itself in many Interventions & Wars which have killed many Muslims. Australia and others claims it's all in the name of 'Democracy', but the Terrorists don't see it that way. It is what it is.

Who gives a shit how the terrorists "see" it? The civilized world did not create these monsters and should rid itself of this garbage----- whatever it takes.

Good job Australia-------keep it up.

Intervention & War will only beget more Intervention & War. Time to break that cycle. It's time to come home.
Oh, PLEASE!!! When has Australia contributed to the "mass slaughter" of Muslims all around the world? You're getting absurd, Paul and you know it!

Australia is a Nation on the list. That's where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs. It has involved itself in numerous Interventions and Wars.

"The list"? What is the list, Paul? Australia only "crime" is that they are a democratic nation that stands up for democracy. That's why they are on "the list" of countries that Islamic extremists want to destroy. It's got zero to do with what you describe as "meddling". It's because they believe in something that the extremists don't...tolerance!

Just telling you where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs. It has involved itself in many Interventions & Wars which have killed many Muslims. Australia and others claims it's all in the name of 'Democracy', but the Terrorists don't see it that way. It is what it is.

Who gives a shit how the terrorists "see" it? The civilized world did not create these monsters and should rid itself of this garbage----- whatever it takes.

Good job Australia-------keep it up.

Intervention & War will only beget more Intervention & War. Time to break that cycle. It's time to come home.

philosophically I agree with that. However, ISIS is beheading americans, Christians, Jews, children, and muslims who dare disagree with them. They need to be destroyed. BUT, the world should do it, not just the USA.

ISIS presents a danger to Russia. Has Obozo called Putin and suggested a joint effort to destroy them? Russia does not have to be our enemy. We have much in common with the Russian people.
Obama should have pursued further negotiations to allow for an extension.

But that of course was never going to happen. Don't you remember when he was against the Patraeus surge and introduced legislation to remove all troops from Iraq by 2008?

Senator Obama's legislation is on record.
What does that have to do with the idiotic notion that Bush would have kept troops there if he was still president?
Funny how you libs were pounding your chests over the pullout and now you want to disown it.

Bush would have done what needed to be done, meaning not giving up a strategic outpost in the ME just to get himself re-elected like Obama did. Reality isn't as much a consideration to Obama as is the political aspect.

The problem with your asshat Democrats is they could care less about anything if it doesn't keep them in their offices.
You're still full of shit. No, Bush would not have done "what needed to be done." We know this because he had the chance and still agreed to pull ALL of the troops out. You have absolutely no evidence (delusions don't count as evidence) that Bush would have reversed the policy he set forth, had he still been in office.
Again, Bush didn't pull them out. And you and I both know that since he wasn't in office at the time of the pullout he had no input in the ultimate decision.

You're hiding behind this false belief that Obama can't effect change and that everything Bush did was somehow irreversible.
Why are you running away from your own statement? Let me remind you, you took the absurd position that Bush would have left troops there if he was still in charge. Meanwhile, he didn't agree to that when he had the opportunity; so who knows why you fool yourself into believing he would have? :dunno:
You're fooling yourself into thinking Obama has no control over his own office.
Oh piss off with the origins shit. We can go back to the Old Testament in every thread on Islam for crying out loud.

We are talking in the here and now. Baghdadi and his organization were part of AQ in Iraq. And they were nothing.

In Syria is where ISIS in its current form was born. And Bush and Cheney have had nothing to do with desperately wanting regime change in Syria that left the power vacuum for ISIS to become the monster we know today.
You are wrong again. What was being discussed when I joined the thread was the idiotic notion that Obama was to blame for ISIS. I merely pointed out that is impossible since ISIS formed in 2003 (later corrected to 2004).

It was Al Qaeda in Iraq. And they were chump change. Yes they have morphed thru many names and leaders.

But make no mistake. ISIS is an entirely different entity led by Baghdadi. AND came to be the most powerful and wealthiest terror group on the planet in Syria.

Assad could have handled them and al Nusra with ease if our bloody leaders hadn't been obsessed with deposing Assad and leaving this vacuum open so that these major terror groups could flourish. And this is a bi partisan rag here because my PM is Conservative as is Cameron.
Too stupid for words ... ISIS WAS Al-Qaeda in Iraq. You really should learn before you post.

ISIS, ISIL or the Islamic State

But what’s in a name?

It all started in 2004 when the late Abu Musab al-Zarqawi formed an al Qaeda splinter group in Iraq. Within two years, al-Zarqawi’s al Qaeda in Iraq was trying to fuel a sectarian war against the majority Shiite community.

In June 2006, al-Zarqawi was killed in a U.S. strike. Abu Ayyub al-Masri, his successor, several months later announced the creation of the Islamic State in Iraq (ISI).

In April 2013, Islamic State in Iraq absorped the al Qaeda-backed militant group in Syria, Jabhat al-Nusra, also known as the al-Nusra Front. Its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi said his group will now be known as Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant.

I hope you're taking notes.

Oh what part of my posting AQI did you miss
Here's what I read you claim .... "ISIS is an entirely different entity" and "ISIS under Baghdadi as we know them today were born of the struggle in Syria."

That's simply not true. Again, read the article I posted and take notes this time.
ISIS is under new management. Many of the fighters that are in ISIS were fighting in Syria after doing the same in Iraq during the surge. The surge chased many of them out and so they began causing trouble up there. And if you haven't been paying attention, ISIS is recruiting new members. We've heard reports of Americans being killed fighting for ISIS.

But of course, you know everything and nobody can tell you a GD thing.
Your "strategy" seems to be to pretend they don't exist...that's not really a strategy, Paul...that's wishful thinking!

No, my strategy is stop creating more enemies around the world. ISIS is a direct result of our endless meddling over there. No need to ignore if it doesn't exist in the first place. Let's stop meddling and helping gangs like ISIS being created.

When we first "meddled" we were helping Islamic fighters in Afghanistan...providing them with the weapons they needed to keep from being slaughtered by the Soviet helicopters. So how did we go from being the helpers to being the people they want to kill? What did we DO to bring that about, Paul?

They never liked us or trusted us. They just used us for our money & weapons. We actually contributed to the rapid rise of Radical Islam more than even the Radicals could have possibly imagined. It's our Frankenstein.

So they "used us"? Who's at fault in that scenario? We did the right thing by giving them the weapons to keep their people from being slaughtered by Russian Hind helicopters and they turn around and give Al Queda a base to plan 9/11 against us? That isn't us "meddling"...that's Muslims being ungrateful pieces of shit!

They used us, we used them. And we live with the Blow Back. The Vicious Circle of Intervention & War goes round & round. It's time for change. Let's stop all the meddling and just come home.

How did we "use" Muslims in Afghanistan
Sorry, Paul but you're misinformed...Australia has a very small percentage of it's population that are "immigrants". As for it's inventions around the world? They hardly merit a response like was planned for the Australians who were to have their heads cut off. That's who we're dealing with...people who will cut your head off simply for disagreeing with them.

Australia is on the list of Nations that has meddled and contributed to the mass slaughter of Muslims all around the world. Just telling you where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs.
Oh, PLEASE!!! When has Australia contributed to the "mass slaughter" of Muslims all around the world? You're getting absurd, Paul and you know it!

Australia is a Nation on the list. That's where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs. It has involved itself in numerous Interventions and Wars.

"The list"? What is the list, Paul? Australia only "crime" is that they are a democratic nation that stands up for democracy. That's why they are on "the list" of countries that Islamic extremists want to destroy. It's got zero to do with what you describe as "meddling". It's because they believe in something that the extremists don't...tolerance!

Just telling you where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs. It has involved itself in many Interventions & Wars which have killed many Muslims. Australia and others claims it's all in the name of 'Democracy', but the Terrorists don't see it that way. It is what it is.
You know what my biggest problems with your "solutions" are Paul? You for some reason expect rational behavior from a group of people who haven't demonstrated it in the past. We gave the Afghans the means to get their Soviet oppressors out of Afghanistan and asked for nothing in return. For them to then let Al Queda use Afghanistan as a base to attack the US at a later time makes absolutely no sense...yet they did exactly that!
Why IS exists in its present form:

"In order to understand why the Islamic State has grown and flourished so quickly, one has to take a look at the organization’s American-backed roots.

"The 2003 American invasion and occupation of Iraq created the pre-conditions for radical Sunni groups, like ISIS, to take root.

"America, rather unwisely, destroyed Saddam Hussein’s secular state machinery and replaced it with a predominantly Shiite administration.

"The U.S. occupation caused vast unemployment in Sunni areas, by rejecting socialism and closing down factories in the naive hope that the magical hand of the free market would create jobs. Under the new U.S.-backed Shiite regime, working class Sunni’s lost hundreds of thousands of jobs.

"Unlike the white Afrikaners in South Africa, who were allowed to keep their wealth after regime change, upper class Sunni’s were systematically dispossessed of their assets and lost their political influence.

"Rather than promoting religious integration and unity, American policy in Iraq exacerbated sectarian divisions and created a fertile breading ground for Sunni discontent, from which Al Qaeda in Iraq took root."
How the US Helped Create Al Qaeda and ISIS CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names

13 months ago Americans made it clear they wanted no part of bombing Syria; isn't it lucky IS metastasized, or maybe IS is the symptom and the US is the cancer?
Why IS exists in its present form:

"In order to understand why the Islamic State has grown and flourished so quickly, one has to take a look at the organization’s American-backed roots.

"The 2003 American invasion and occupation of Iraq created the pre-conditions for radical Sunni groups, like ISIS, to take root.

"America, rather unwisely, destroyed Saddam Hussein’s secular state machinery and replaced it with a predominantly Shiite administration.

"The U.S. occupation caused vast unemployment in Sunni areas, by rejecting socialism and closing down factories in the naive hope that the magical hand of the free market would create jobs. Under the new U.S.-backed Shiite regime, working class Sunni’s lost hundreds of thousands of jobs.

"Unlike the white Afrikaners in South Africa, who were allowed to keep their wealth after regime change, upper class Sunni’s were systematically dispossessed of their assets and lost their political influence.

"Rather than promoting religious integration and unity, American policy in Iraq exacerbated sectarian divisions and created a fertile breading ground for Sunni discontent, from which Al Qaeda in Iraq took root."
How the US Helped Create Al Qaeda and ISIS CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names

13 months ago Americans made it clear they wanted no part of bombing Syria; isn't it lucky IS metastasized, or maybe IS is the symptom and the US is the cancer?
^ that
Why IS exists in its present form:

"In order to understand why the Islamic State has grown and flourished so quickly, one has to take a look at the organization’s American-backed roots.

"The 2003 American invasion and occupation of Iraq created the pre-conditions for radical Sunni groups, like ISIS, to take root.

"America, rather unwisely, destroyed Saddam Hussein’s secular state machinery and replaced it with a predominantly Shiite administration.

"The U.S. occupation caused vast unemployment in Sunni areas, by rejecting socialism and closing down factories in the naive hope that the magical hand of the free market would create jobs. Under the new U.S.-backed Shiite regime, working class Sunni’s lost hundreds of thousands of jobs.

"Unlike the white Afrikaners in South Africa, who were allowed to keep their wealth after regime change, upper class Sunni’s were systematically dispossessed of their assets and lost their political influence.

"Rather than promoting religious integration and unity, American policy in Iraq exacerbated sectarian divisions and created a fertile breading ground for Sunni discontent, from which Al Qaeda in Iraq took root."
How the US Helped Create Al Qaeda and ISIS CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names

13 months ago Americans made it clear they wanted no part of bombing Syria; isn't it lucky IS metastasized, or maybe IS is the symptom and the US is the cancer?
^ that
I had not read the author of ^ before today:
"Garikai Chengu is a research scholar at Harvard University. Contact him on [email protected]
If the points he makes in this article are accurate, the events and players (like IS) we see unfolding today in the ME were set in motion decades ago:

"The CIA first aligned itself with extremist Islam during the Cold War era.

"Back then, America saw the world in rather simple terms: on one side, the Soviet Union and Third World nationalism, which America regarded as a Soviet tool; on the other side, Western nations and militant political Islam, which America considered an ally in the struggle against the Soviet Union.

"The director of the National Security Agency under Ronald Reagan, General William Odom recently remarked, 'by any measure the U.S. has long used terrorism. In 1978-79 the Senate was trying to pass a law against international terrorism – in every version they produced, the lawyers said the U.S. would be in violation.'

"During the 1970′s the CIA used the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt as a barrier, both to thwart Soviet expansion and prevent the spread of Marxist ideology among the Arab masses."

From what I remember from living through the 70s, the radical Islamists were viewed as useful tools by the US government in its fight against Arab nationalists who somehow acquired the idea that the oil under their soil belonged to them.

How the US Helped Create Al Qaeda and ISIS CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names
No, my strategy is stop creating more enemies around the world. ISIS is a direct result of our endless meddling over there. No need to ignore if it doesn't exist in the first place. Let's stop meddling and helping gangs like ISIS being created.

When we first "meddled" we were helping Islamic fighters in Afghanistan...providing them with the weapons they needed to keep from being slaughtered by the Soviet helicopters. So how did we go from being the helpers to being the people they want to kill? What did we DO to bring that about, Paul?

They never liked us or trusted us. They just used us for our money & weapons. We actually contributed to the rapid rise of Radical Islam more than even the Radicals could have possibly imagined. It's our Frankenstein.

So they "used us"? Who's at fault in that scenario? We did the right thing by giving them the weapons to keep their people from being slaughtered by Russian Hind helicopters and they turn around and give Al Queda a base to plan 9/11 against us? That isn't us "meddling"...that's Muslims being ungrateful pieces of shit!

They used us, we used them. And we live with the Blow Back. The Vicious Circle of Intervention & War goes round & round. It's time for change. Let's stop all the meddling and just come home.

How did we "use" Muslims in Afghanistan
Australia is on the list of Nations that has meddled and contributed to the mass slaughter of Muslims all around the world. Just telling you where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs.
Oh, PLEASE!!! When has Australia contributed to the "mass slaughter" of Muslims all around the world? You're getting absurd, Paul and you know it!

Australia is a Nation on the list. That's where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs. It has involved itself in numerous Interventions and Wars.

"The list"? What is the list, Paul? Australia only "crime" is that they are a democratic nation that stands up for democracy. That's why they are on "the list" of countries that Islamic extremists want to destroy. It's got zero to do with what you describe as "meddling". It's because they believe in something that the extremists don't...tolerance!

Just telling you where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs. It has involved itself in many Interventions & Wars which have killed many Muslims. Australia and others claims it's all in the name of 'Democracy', but the Terrorists don't see it that way. It is what it is.
You know what my biggest problems with your "solutions" are Paul? You for some reason expect rational behavior from a group of people who haven't demonstrated it in the past. We gave the Afghans the means to get their Soviet oppressors out of Afghanistan and asked for nothing in return. For them to then let Al Queda use Afghanistan as a base to attack the US at a later time makes absolutely no sense...yet they did exactly that!

We funded and armed Muslim extremists for our own benefit. It was another battle in the Cold War. And now we live with the Blow Back. And sadly, we're still making the same awful mistakes.
Why IS exists in its present form:

"In order to understand why the Islamic State has grown and flourished so quickly, one has to take a look at the organization’s American-backed roots.

"The 2003 American invasion and occupation of Iraq created the pre-conditions for radical Sunni groups, like ISIS, to take root.

"America, rather unwisely, destroyed Saddam Hussein’s secular state machinery and replaced it with a predominantly Shiite administration.

"The U.S. occupation caused vast unemployment in Sunni areas, by rejecting socialism and closing down factories in the naive hope that the magical hand of the free market would create jobs. Under the new U.S.-backed Shiite regime, working class Sunni’s lost hundreds of thousands of jobs.

"Unlike the white Afrikaners in South Africa, who were allowed to keep their wealth after regime change, upper class Sunni’s were systematically dispossessed of their assets and lost their political influence.

"Rather than promoting religious integration and unity, American policy in Iraq exacerbated sectarian divisions and created a fertile breading ground for Sunni discontent, from which Al Qaeda in Iraq took root."
How the US Helped Create Al Qaeda and ISIS CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names

13 months ago Americans made it clear they wanted no part of bombing Syria; isn't it lucky IS metastasized, or maybe IS is the symptom and the US is the cancer?

We've embarked on a very dangerous misguided misadventure. We've removed secular Anti-Radical Islam Leaders like Hussein, Gaddafi, and Mubarak. They despised the radicals. They killed them anywhere they found them. And now, we're still trying to kill Assad. Why kill Assad? He's absolutely no threat to the U.S. He's never done any harm to the U.S. He's a well-educated secular Leader who despises the radicals. We shouldn't be trying to kill him.

ISIS is the tragic result of our endless meddling over there. It's Blow Back. We need to stop all the meddling and withdraw from the Middle East.
When we first "meddled" we were helping Islamic fighters in Afghanistan...providing them with the weapons they needed to keep from being slaughtered by the Soviet helicopters. So how did we go from being the helpers to being the people they want to kill? What did we DO to bring that about, Paul?

They never liked us or trusted us. They just used us for our money & weapons. We actually contributed to the rapid rise of Radical Islam more than even the Radicals could have possibly imagined. It's our Frankenstein.

So they "used us"? Who's at fault in that scenario? We did the right thing by giving them the weapons to keep their people from being slaughtered by Russian Hind helicopters and they turn around and give Al Queda a base to plan 9/11 against us? That isn't us "meddling"...that's Muslims being ungrateful pieces of shit!

They used us, we used them. And we live with the Blow Back. The Vicious Circle of Intervention & War goes round & round. It's time for change. Let's stop all the meddling and just come home.

How did we "use" Muslims in Afghanistan
Oh, PLEASE!!! When has Australia contributed to the "mass slaughter" of Muslims all around the world? You're getting absurd, Paul and you know it!

Australia is a Nation on the list. That's where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs. It has involved itself in numerous Interventions and Wars.

"The list"? What is the list, Paul? Australia only "crime" is that they are a democratic nation that stands up for democracy. That's why they are on "the list" of countries that Islamic extremists want to destroy. It's got zero to do with what you describe as "meddling". It's because they believe in something that the extremists don't...tolerance!

Just telling you where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs. It has involved itself in many Interventions & Wars which have killed many Muslims. Australia and others claims it's all in the name of 'Democracy', but the Terrorists don't see it that way. It is what it is.
You know what my biggest problems with your "solutions" are Paul? You for some reason expect rational behavior from a group of people who haven't demonstrated it in the past. We gave the Afghans the means to get their Soviet oppressors out of Afghanistan and asked for nothing in return. For them to then let Al Queda use Afghanistan as a base to attack the US at a later time makes absolutely no sense...yet they did exactly that!

We funded and armed Muslim extremists for our own benefit. It was another battle in the Cold War. And now we live with the Blow Back. And sadly, we're still making the same awful mistakes.

We armed and funded Afghans because a Democratic Rep from Texas named Charlie Wilson was touched by the suffering he witnessed when he visited an Afghan refugee camp in Pakistan. It wasn't just another "battle" in the Cold War to Wilson...it was personal. It was something he did because he thought it was immoral NOT to do it!

The question you'll have to answer for me is how the Mujahideen justified an attack on the nation that DID come to their aid when Soviet helicopter gunships were slaughtering their people?
They never liked us or trusted us. They just used us for our money & weapons. We actually contributed to the rapid rise of Radical Islam more than even the Radicals could have possibly imagined. It's our Frankenstein.

So they "used us"? Who's at fault in that scenario? We did the right thing by giving them the weapons to keep their people from being slaughtered by Russian Hind helicopters and they turn around and give Al Queda a base to plan 9/11 against us? That isn't us "meddling"...that's Muslims being ungrateful pieces of shit!

They used us, we used them. And we live with the Blow Back. The Vicious Circle of Intervention & War goes round & round. It's time for change. Let's stop all the meddling and just come home.

How did we "use" Muslims in Afghanistan
Australia is a Nation on the list. That's where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs. It has involved itself in numerous Interventions and Wars.

"The list"? What is the list, Paul? Australia only "crime" is that they are a democratic nation that stands up for democracy. That's why they are on "the list" of countries that Islamic extremists want to destroy. It's got zero to do with what you describe as "meddling". It's because they believe in something that the extremists don't...tolerance!

Just telling you where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs. It has involved itself in many Interventions & Wars which have killed many Muslims. Australia and others claims it's all in the name of 'Democracy', but the Terrorists don't see it that way. It is what it is.
You know what my biggest problems with your "solutions" are Paul? You for some reason expect rational behavior from a group of people who haven't demonstrated it in the past. We gave the Afghans the means to get their Soviet oppressors out of Afghanistan and asked for nothing in return. For them to then let Al Queda use Afghanistan as a base to attack the US at a later time makes absolutely no sense...yet they did exactly that!

We funded and armed Muslim extremists for our own benefit. It was another battle in the Cold War. And now we live with the Blow Back. And sadly, we're still making the same awful mistakes.

We armed and funded Afghans because a Democratic Rep from Texas named Charlie Wilson was touched by the suffering he witnessed when he visited an Afghan refugee camp in Pakistan. It wasn't just another "battle" in the Cold War to Wilson...it was personal. It was something he did because he thought it was immoral NOT to do it!

The question you'll have to answer for me is how the Mujahideen justified an attack on the nation that DID come to their aid when Soviet helicopter gunships were slaughtering their people?

Sounds romantically heroic, but it just isn't the reality. Our Government funded and armed Muslim extremists because it felt it could benefit from it strategically. There wasn't much emotion involved in the decision. It was a move on the Cold War Chess Board. Nothing more.
Why IS exists in its present form:

"In order to understand why the Islamic State has grown and flourished so quickly, one has to take a look at the organization’s American-backed roots.

"The 2003 American invasion and occupation of Iraq created the pre-conditions for radical Sunni groups, like ISIS, to take root.

"America, rather unwisely, destroyed Saddam Hussein’s secular state machinery and replaced it with a predominantly Shiite administration.

"The U.S. occupation caused vast unemployment in Sunni areas, by rejecting socialism and closing down factories in the naive hope that the magical hand of the free market would create jobs. Under the new U.S.-backed Shiite regime, working class Sunni’s lost hundreds of thousands of jobs.

"Unlike the white Afrikaners in South Africa, who were allowed to keep their wealth after regime change, upper class Sunni’s were systematically dispossessed of their assets and lost their political influence.

"Rather than promoting religious integration and unity, American policy in Iraq exacerbated sectarian divisions and created a fertile breading ground for Sunni discontent, from which Al Qaeda in Iraq took root."
How the US Helped Create Al Qaeda and ISIS CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names

13 months ago Americans made it clear they wanted no part of bombing Syria; isn't it lucky IS metastasized, or maybe IS is the symptom and the US is the cancer?

We've embarked on a very dangerous misguided misadventure. We've removed secular Anti-Radical Islam Leaders like Hussein, Gaddafi, and Mubarak. They despised the radicals. They killed them anywhere they found them. And now, we're still trying to kill Assad. Why kill Assad? He's absolutely no threat to the U.S. He's never done any harm to the U.S. He's a well-educated secular Leader who despises the radicals. We shouldn't be trying to kill him.

ISIS is the tragic result of our endless meddling over there. It's Blow Back. We need to stop all the meddling and withdraw from the Middle East.
Would you recommend we stop selling arms in the ME? It seems our economy depends upon the $ucce$$ of hundreds or thousands of "defense contractors" located in every congressional district in the country. Do you think "national defense" could ever be conducted as a non-profit?
They never liked us or trusted us. They just used us for our money & weapons. We actually contributed to the rapid rise of Radical Islam more than even the Radicals could have possibly imagined. It's our Frankenstein.

So they "used us"? Who's at fault in that scenario? We did the right thing by giving them the weapons to keep their people from being slaughtered by Russian Hind helicopters and they turn around and give Al Queda a base to plan 9/11 against us? That isn't us "meddling"...that's Muslims being ungrateful pieces of shit!

They used us, we used them. And we live with the Blow Back. The Vicious Circle of Intervention & War goes round & round. It's time for change. Let's stop all the meddling and just come home.

How did we "use" Muslims in Afghanistan
Australia is a Nation on the list. That's where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs. It has involved itself in numerous Interventions and Wars.

"The list"? What is the list, Paul? Australia only "crime" is that they are a democratic nation that stands up for democracy. That's why they are on "the list" of countries that Islamic extremists want to destroy. It's got zero to do with what you describe as "meddling". It's because they believe in something that the extremists don't...tolerance!

Just telling you where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs. It has involved itself in many Interventions & Wars which have killed many Muslims. Australia and others claims it's all in the name of 'Democracy', but the Terrorists don't see it that way. It is what it is.
You know what my biggest problems with your "solutions" are Paul? You for some reason expect rational behavior from a group of people who haven't demonstrated it in the past. We gave the Afghans the means to get their Soviet oppressors out of Afghanistan and asked for nothing in return. For them to then let Al Queda use Afghanistan as a base to attack the US at a later time makes absolutely no sense...yet they did exactly that!

We funded and armed Muslim extremists for our own benefit. It was another battle in the Cold War. And now we live with the Blow Back. And sadly, we're still making the same awful mistakes.

We armed and funded Afghans because a Democratic Rep from Texas named Charlie Wilson was touched by the suffering he witnessed when he visited an Afghan refugee camp in Pakistan. It wasn't just another "battle" in the Cold War to Wilson...it was personal. It was something he did because he thought it was immoral NOT to do it!

The question you'll have to answer for me is how the Mujahideen justified an attack on the nation that DID come to their aid when Soviet helicopter gunships were slaughtering their people?
Wilson was a strange blend of liberal and conservative values; according to Wiki, Wilson received the second most demotions in the history of the Academy during his time at Annapolis, and his roommate earned the most. He apparently was moved by what he saw in Pakistan, but some of his allies have proven at least as despicable as the Soviets:

"About that visit, Wilson later said that it 'was the experience that will always be seared in my memory, was going through those hospitals and seeing, especially those children with their hands blown off from the mines that the Soviets were dropping from their helicopters. That was perhaps the deciding thing... and it made a huge difference for the next 10 or 12 years of my life because I left those hospitals determined, as long as I had a breath in my body and was a member in Congress, that I was going to do what I could to make the Soviets pay for what they were doing!'

"In 2008, Wilson said he had 'got involved in Afghanistan because I went there and I saw what the Soviets were doing. And I saw the refugee camps.'[26]

"For his efforts, Wilson was presented with the Honored Colleague Award by the CIA.

"He became the first civilian to receive the award.

"[27] However, Wilson's role remains controversial because most of the aid was supplied to Islamist hardliner Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, now a senior Taliban leader and a supporter of al-Qaeda.[28]"

Charlie Wilson Texas politician - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
So they "used us"? Who's at fault in that scenario? We did the right thing by giving them the weapons to keep their people from being slaughtered by Russian Hind helicopters and they turn around and give Al Queda a base to plan 9/11 against us? That isn't us "meddling"...that's Muslims being ungrateful pieces of shit!

They used us, we used them. And we live with the Blow Back. The Vicious Circle of Intervention & War goes round & round. It's time for change. Let's stop all the meddling and just come home.

How did we "use" Muslims in Afghanistan
"The list"? What is the list, Paul? Australia only "crime" is that they are a democratic nation that stands up for democracy. That's why they are on "the list" of countries that Islamic extremists want to destroy. It's got zero to do with what you describe as "meddling". It's because they believe in something that the extremists don't...tolerance!

Just telling you where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs. It has involved itself in many Interventions & Wars which have killed many Muslims. Australia and others claims it's all in the name of 'Democracy', but the Terrorists don't see it that way. It is what it is.
You know what my biggest problems with your "solutions" are Paul? You for some reason expect rational behavior from a group of people who haven't demonstrated it in the past. We gave the Afghans the means to get their Soviet oppressors out of Afghanistan and asked for nothing in return. For them to then let Al Queda use Afghanistan as a base to attack the US at a later time makes absolutely no sense...yet they did exactly that!

We funded and armed Muslim extremists for our own benefit. It was another battle in the Cold War. And now we live with the Blow Back. And sadly, we're still making the same awful mistakes.

We armed and funded Afghans because a Democratic Rep from Texas named Charlie Wilson was touched by the suffering he witnessed when he visited an Afghan refugee camp in Pakistan. It wasn't just another "battle" in the Cold War to Wilson...it was personal. It was something he did because he thought it was immoral NOT to do it!

The question you'll have to answer for me is how the Mujahideen justified an attack on the nation that DID come to their aid when Soviet helicopter gunships were slaughtering their people?

Sounds romantically heroic, but it just isn't the reality. Our Government funded and armed Muslim extremists because it felt it could benefit from it strategically. There wasn't much emotion involved in the decision. It was a move on the Cold War Chess Board. Nothing more.

What Charlie Wilson did back then may sound "romantically heroic" to you, Paul but that doesn't mean it wasn't real! It WAS an emotional thing to Wilson. He was deeply affected by the suffering he witnessed in the Afghan refugee camps he visited in Pakistan and THAT was what led to the support we gave to Afghans fighting the Soviets.
They used us, we used them. And we live with the Blow Back. The Vicious Circle of Intervention & War goes round & round. It's time for change. Let's stop all the meddling and just come home.

How did we "use" Muslims in Afghanistan
Just telling you where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs. It has involved itself in many Interventions & Wars which have killed many Muslims. Australia and others claims it's all in the name of 'Democracy', but the Terrorists don't see it that way. It is what it is.
You know what my biggest problems with your "solutions" are Paul? You for some reason expect rational behavior from a group of people who haven't demonstrated it in the past. We gave the Afghans the means to get their Soviet oppressors out of Afghanistan and asked for nothing in return. For them to then let Al Queda use Afghanistan as a base to attack the US at a later time makes absolutely no sense...yet they did exactly that!

We funded and armed Muslim extremists for our own benefit. It was another battle in the Cold War. And now we live with the Blow Back. And sadly, we're still making the same awful mistakes.

We armed and funded Afghans because a Democratic Rep from Texas named Charlie Wilson was touched by the suffering he witnessed when he visited an Afghan refugee camp in Pakistan. It wasn't just another "battle" in the Cold War to Wilson...it was personal. It was something he did because he thought it was immoral NOT to do it!

The question you'll have to answer for me is how the Mujahideen justified an attack on the nation that DID come to their aid when Soviet helicopter gunships were slaughtering their people?

Sounds romantically heroic, but it just isn't the reality. Our Government funded and armed Muslim extremists because it felt it could benefit from it strategically. There wasn't much emotion involved in the decision. It was a move on the Cold War Chess Board. Nothing more.

What Charlie Wilson did back then may sound "romantically heroic" to you, Paul but that doesn't mean it wasn't real! It WAS an emotional thing to Wilson. He was deeply affected by the suffering he witnessed in the Afghan refugee camps he visited in Pakistan and THAT was what led to the support we gave to Afghans fighting the Soviets.

Unintended consequences. That's Blow Back. Stop the meddling.
How did we "use" Muslims in Afghanistan
You know what my biggest problems with your "solutions" are Paul? You for some reason expect rational behavior from a group of people who haven't demonstrated it in the past. We gave the Afghans the means to get their Soviet oppressors out of Afghanistan and asked for nothing in return. For them to then let Al Queda use Afghanistan as a base to attack the US at a later time makes absolutely no sense...yet they did exactly that!

We funded and armed Muslim extremists for our own benefit. It was another battle in the Cold War. And now we live with the Blow Back. And sadly, we're still making the same awful mistakes.

We armed and funded Afghans because a Democratic Rep from Texas named Charlie Wilson was touched by the suffering he witnessed when he visited an Afghan refugee camp in Pakistan. It wasn't just another "battle" in the Cold War to Wilson...it was personal. It was something he did because he thought it was immoral NOT to do it!

The question you'll have to answer for me is how the Mujahideen justified an attack on the nation that DID come to their aid when Soviet helicopter gunships were slaughtering their people?

Sounds romantically heroic, but it just isn't the reality. Our Government funded and armed Muslim extremists because it felt it could benefit from it strategically. There wasn't much emotion involved in the decision. It was a move on the Cold War Chess Board. Nothing more.

What Charlie Wilson did back then may sound "romantically heroic" to you, Paul but that doesn't mean it wasn't real! It WAS an emotional thing to Wilson. He was deeply affected by the suffering he witnessed in the Afghan refugee camps he visited in Pakistan and THAT was what led to the support we gave to Afghans fighting the Soviets.

Unintended consequences. That's Blow Back. Stop the meddling.

If a violent street gang starts terrorizing people on the other side of your town...what's the right thing to do? Ignore it? That's their problem and I'm not going to "meddle"?

Stepping up and doing the right thing carries risks. You very well MIGHT get "blow back" from taking a stand against evil but as Edmund Burke said "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

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