Bush / Cheney Created Conditions That Led Directly To I S I L

I see no reason for America to take any crap off those punks.

Probably wouldn't have to if we minded our own business for a change. If we did that, they likely wouldn't wanna cut Americans' heads off so much.

Wrong, look so long as America is the most wealthy most powerful country on earth we will have a target on our back and punks like these terrorist freaks will use America much the same way as the Nazi's used the Jews whether we mind our own business or not. These punks need someone to hate and point the finger at to rally their mobs of murderous evil slime. So we may as well kick the shit out of them before they become a much larger problem.

Nah, let's go the opposite route instead. Leave the Middle East to the Peoples of the Middle East. We don't belong there. Let them sort out their own problems.

The old stick your head in the sand strategy is not going to work. We can't afford to wage war, my preference would be to fall back, re-group, get our financial house in order then go destroy these evil freaks but they are forcing our hand. One thing is mathematically certain, our borrowing and debt will one day eventually undermine our security.

Good points. But i don't think it's a 'stick your head in the sand' strategy. I think it's a common sense strategy. The rise of gangs like ISIS are direct results of our constant meddling. I think it's time for a new strategy.

I say if we are going to meddle, lets not meddle half assed like Obama and Bush have done and create a big mess. Isolation however attractive is not always a choice, unfortunately politicians are too gutless to really do the job right and so we get half assed meddling.
With all due respect, Paul...my fear of the so called "Police State" is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy down here compared to my fear of Islamic extremists which is rather high right now! Last time I checked the Police hadn't cut any innocent people's heads off on video tape...know what I'm saying?

You still have the belief that if we simply ignore extremists that they will leave us alone. I find that belief to be naive.

When we leave their lands and stop all the meddling, their desire to cut Americans' heads off will dramatically decrease in intensity. We don't belong in the Middle East. Come home and begin addressing our problems here. The Peoples of the Middle East can sort out their own problems.
Really? You mean people that have no issue cutting the heads off of innocent people are sane enough to "stop" and not want to go for a land grab?

Sorry Paul...these people are driven...not by the need for their "own land" like the Palestinians. These people are driven by an ideology...one that says that ALL should follow them or die....ALL.

They wouldn't want to kill us so much if we weren't there in their lands bombing & killing all the time. Radical Islam rapidly grew out of of resentment over our constant meddling in their affairs.

So they were getting ready to chop the heads off random people kidnapped from the streets of Australia but you think they'll not want to kill us if we just "leave them alone"? Refresh my memory to the long history of Australians imposing their will in the Middle East by bombing and killing...for the life of me I must have missed that...

Australia has involved itself in many Interventions & Wars around the world. But also, they allowed their Left Wing nutters to open their borders by way of very misguided open Immigration policies. They might just have a Muslim problem in their country. But that's their own doing.

Australian immigration policy is anything BUT "open". They are actually very restrictive in who they allow in. You need to either have a job waiting for you (and your employer must prove that it isn't a job that can be done by Australians) or have a job skill that is in demand like a doctor or nurse. Your contention that Australia somehow "created" the terrorist attack they just foiled is ridiculous.
I see no reason for America to take any crap off those punks.

Probably wouldn't have to if we minded our own business for a change. If we did that, they likely wouldn't wanna cut Americans' heads off so much.

Wrong, look so long as America is the most wealthy most powerful country on earth we will have a target on our back and punks like these terrorist freaks will use America much the same way as the Nazi's used the Jews whether we mind our own business or not. These punks need someone to hate and point the finger at to rally their mobs of murderous evil slime. So we may as well kick the shit out of them before they become a much larger problem.

Nah, let's go the opposite route instead. Leave the Middle East to the Peoples of the Middle East. We don't belong there. Let them sort out their own problems.

The old stick your head in the sand strategy is not going to work. We can't afford to wage war, my preference would be to fall back, re-group, get our financial house in order then go destroy these evil freaks but they are forcing our hand. One thing is mathematically certain, our borrowing and debt will one day eventually undermine our security.

Good points. But i don't think it's a 'stick your head in the sand' strategy. I think it's a common sense strategy. The rise of gangs like ISIS are direct results of our constant meddling. I think it's time for a new strategy.
Your "strategy" seems to be to pretend they don't exist...that's not really a strategy, Paul...that's wishful thinking!
When we leave their lands and stop all the meddling, their desire to cut Americans' heads off will dramatically decrease in intensity. We don't belong in the Middle East. Come home and begin addressing our problems here. The Peoples of the Middle East can sort out their own problems.
Really? You mean people that have no issue cutting the heads off of innocent people are sane enough to "stop" and not want to go for a land grab?

Sorry Paul...these people are driven...not by the need for their "own land" like the Palestinians. These people are driven by an ideology...one that says that ALL should follow them or die....ALL.

They wouldn't want to kill us so much if we weren't there in their lands bombing & killing all the time. Radical Islam rapidly grew out of of resentment over our constant meddling in their affairs.

So they were getting ready to chop the heads off random people kidnapped from the streets of Australia but you think they'll not want to kill us if we just "leave them alone"? Refresh my memory to the long history of Australians imposing their will in the Middle East by bombing and killing...for the life of me I must have missed that...

Australia has involved itself in many Interventions & Wars around the world. But also, they allowed their Left Wing nutters to open their borders by way of very misguided open Immigration policies. They might just have a Muslim problem in their country. But that's their own doing.

Australian immigration policy is anything BUT "open". They are actually very restrictive in who they allow in. You need to either have a job waiting for you (and your employer must prove that it isn't a job that can be done by Australians) or have a job skill that is in demand like a doctor or nurse. Your contention that Australia somehow "created" the terrorist attack they just foiled is ridiculous.

Well, their Government has changed. But there was a time when their Leftists ran things. And much like Great Britain, they loosened their Immigration constraints. Also, Australia has involved itself in many of Interventions & Wars around the world.
Probably wouldn't have to if we minded our own business for a change. If we did that, they likely wouldn't wanna cut Americans' heads off so much.

Wrong, look so long as America is the most wealthy most powerful country on earth we will have a target on our back and punks like these terrorist freaks will use America much the same way as the Nazi's used the Jews whether we mind our own business or not. These punks need someone to hate and point the finger at to rally their mobs of murderous evil slime. So we may as well kick the shit out of them before they become a much larger problem.

Nah, let's go the opposite route instead. Leave the Middle East to the Peoples of the Middle East. We don't belong there. Let them sort out their own problems.

The old stick your head in the sand strategy is not going to work. We can't afford to wage war, my preference would be to fall back, re-group, get our financial house in order then go destroy these evil freaks but they are forcing our hand. One thing is mathematically certain, our borrowing and debt will one day eventually undermine our security.

Good points. But i don't think it's a 'stick your head in the sand' strategy. I think it's a common sense strategy. The rise of gangs like ISIS are direct results of our constant meddling. I think it's time for a new strategy.
Your "strategy" seems to be to pretend they don't exist...that's not really a strategy, Paul...that's wishful thinking!

No, my strategy is stop creating more enemies around the world. ISIS is a direct result of our endless meddling over there. No need to ignore if it doesn't exist in the first place. Let's stop meddling and helping gangs like ISIS being created.
Really? You mean people that have no issue cutting the heads off of innocent people are sane enough to "stop" and not want to go for a land grab?

Sorry Paul...these people are driven...not by the need for their "own land" like the Palestinians. These people are driven by an ideology...one that says that ALL should follow them or die....ALL.

They wouldn't want to kill us so much if we weren't there in their lands bombing & killing all the time. Radical Islam rapidly grew out of of resentment over our constant meddling in their affairs.

So they were getting ready to chop the heads off random people kidnapped from the streets of Australia but you think they'll not want to kill us if we just "leave them alone"? Refresh my memory to the long history of Australians imposing their will in the Middle East by bombing and killing...for the life of me I must have missed that...

Australia has involved itself in many Interventions & Wars around the world. But also, they allowed their Left Wing nutters to open their borders by way of very misguided open Immigration policies. They might just have a Muslim problem in their country. But that's their own doing.

Australian immigration policy is anything BUT "open". They are actually very restrictive in who they allow in. You need to either have a job waiting for you (and your employer must prove that it isn't a job that can be done by Australians) or have a job skill that is in demand like a doctor or nurse. Your contention that Australia somehow "created" the terrorist attack they just foiled is ridiculous.

Well, their Government has changed. But there was a time when their Leftists ran things. And much like Great Britain, they loosened their Immigration constraints. Also, Australia has involved itself in many of Interventions & Wars around the world.

Sorry, Paul but you're misinformed...Australia has a very small percentage of it's population that are "immigrants". As for it's inventions around the world? They hardly merit a response like was planned for the Australians who were to have their heads cut off. That's who we're dealing with...people who will cut your head off simply for disagreeing with them.
Wrong, look so long as America is the most wealthy most powerful country on earth we will have a target on our back and punks like these terrorist freaks will use America much the same way as the Nazi's used the Jews whether we mind our own business or not. These punks need someone to hate and point the finger at to rally their mobs of murderous evil slime. So we may as well kick the shit out of them before they become a much larger problem.

Nah, let's go the opposite route instead. Leave the Middle East to the Peoples of the Middle East. We don't belong there. Let them sort out their own problems.

The old stick your head in the sand strategy is not going to work. We can't afford to wage war, my preference would be to fall back, re-group, get our financial house in order then go destroy these evil freaks but they are forcing our hand. One thing is mathematically certain, our borrowing and debt will one day eventually undermine our security.

Good points. But i don't think it's a 'stick your head in the sand' strategy. I think it's a common sense strategy. The rise of gangs like ISIS are direct results of our constant meddling. I think it's time for a new strategy.
Your "strategy" seems to be to pretend they don't exist...that's not really a strategy, Paul...that's wishful thinking!

No, my strategy is stop creating more enemies around the world. ISIS is a direct result of our endless meddling over there. No need to ignore if it doesn't exist in the first place. Let's stop meddling and helping gangs like ISIS being created.

When we first "meddled" we were helping Islamic fighters in Afghanistan...providing them with the weapons they needed to keep from being slaughtered by the Soviet helicopters. So how did we go from being the helpers to being the people they want to kill? What did we DO to bring that about, Paul?
Nah, let's go the opposite route instead. Leave the Middle East to the Peoples of the Middle East. We don't belong there. Let them sort out their own problems.

The old stick your head in the sand strategy is not going to work. We can't afford to wage war, my preference would be to fall back, re-group, get our financial house in order then go destroy these evil freaks but they are forcing our hand. One thing is mathematically certain, our borrowing and debt will one day eventually undermine our security.

Good points. But i don't think it's a 'stick your head in the sand' strategy. I think it's a common sense strategy. The rise of gangs like ISIS are direct results of our constant meddling. I think it's time for a new strategy.
Your "strategy" seems to be to pretend they don't exist...that's not really a strategy, Paul...that's wishful thinking!

No, my strategy is stop creating more enemies around the world. ISIS is a direct result of our endless meddling over there. No need to ignore if it doesn't exist in the first place. Let's stop meddling and helping gangs like ISIS being created.

When we first "meddled" we were helping Islamic fighters in Afghanistan...providing them with the weapons they needed to keep from being slaughtered by the Soviet helicopters. So how did we go from being the helpers to being the people they want to kill? What did we DO to bring that about, Paul?

They never liked us or trusted us. They just used us for our money & weapons. We actually contributed to the rapid rise of Radical Islam more than even the Radicals could have possibly imagined. It's our Frankenstein.
They wouldn't want to kill us so much if we weren't there in their lands bombing & killing all the time. Radical Islam rapidly grew out of of resentment over our constant meddling in their affairs.

So they were getting ready to chop the heads off random people kidnapped from the streets of Australia but you think they'll not want to kill us if we just "leave them alone"? Refresh my memory to the long history of Australians imposing their will in the Middle East by bombing and killing...for the life of me I must have missed that...

Australia has involved itself in many Interventions & Wars around the world. But also, they allowed their Left Wing nutters to open their borders by way of very misguided open Immigration policies. They might just have a Muslim problem in their country. But that's their own doing.

Australian immigration policy is anything BUT "open". They are actually very restrictive in who they allow in. You need to either have a job waiting for you (and your employer must prove that it isn't a job that can be done by Australians) or have a job skill that is in demand like a doctor or nurse. Your contention that Australia somehow "created" the terrorist attack they just foiled is ridiculous.

Well, their Government has changed. But there was a time when their Leftists ran things. And much like Great Britain, they loosened their Immigration constraints. Also, Australia has involved itself in many of Interventions & Wars around the world.

Sorry, Paul but you're misinformed...Australia has a very small percentage of it's population that are "immigrants". As for it's inventions around the world? They hardly merit a response like was planned for the Australians who were to have their heads cut off. That's who we're dealing with...people who will cut your head off simply for disagreeing with them.

Australia is on the list of Nations that has meddled and contributed to the mass slaughter of Muslims all around the world. Just telling you where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs.
So they were getting ready to chop the heads off random people kidnapped from the streets of Australia but you think they'll not want to kill us if we just "leave them alone"? Refresh my memory to the long history of Australians imposing their will in the Middle East by bombing and killing...for the life of me I must have missed that...

Australia has involved itself in many Interventions & Wars around the world. But also, they allowed their Left Wing nutters to open their borders by way of very misguided open Immigration policies. They might just have a Muslim problem in their country. But that's their own doing.

Australian immigration policy is anything BUT "open". They are actually very restrictive in who they allow in. You need to either have a job waiting for you (and your employer must prove that it isn't a job that can be done by Australians) or have a job skill that is in demand like a doctor or nurse. Your contention that Australia somehow "created" the terrorist attack they just foiled is ridiculous.

Well, their Government has changed. But there was a time when their Leftists ran things. And much like Great Britain, they loosened their Immigration constraints. Also, Australia has involved itself in many of Interventions & Wars around the world.

Sorry, Paul but you're misinformed...Australia has a very small percentage of it's population that are "immigrants". As for it's inventions around the world? They hardly merit a response like was planned for the Australians who were to have their heads cut off. That's who we're dealing with...people who will cut your head off simply for disagreeing with them.

Australia is on the list of Nations that has meddled and contributed to the mass slaughter of Muslims all around the world. Just telling you where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs.
Oh, PLEASE!!! When has Australia contributed to the "mass slaughter" of Muslims all around the world? You're getting absurd, Paul and you know it!
The old stick your head in the sand strategy is not going to work. We can't afford to wage war, my preference would be to fall back, re-group, get our financial house in order then go destroy these evil freaks but they are forcing our hand. One thing is mathematically certain, our borrowing and debt will one day eventually undermine our security.

Good points. But i don't think it's a 'stick your head in the sand' strategy. I think it's a common sense strategy. The rise of gangs like ISIS are direct results of our constant meddling. I think it's time for a new strategy.
Your "strategy" seems to be to pretend they don't exist...that's not really a strategy, Paul...that's wishful thinking!

No, my strategy is stop creating more enemies around the world. ISIS is a direct result of our endless meddling over there. No need to ignore if it doesn't exist in the first place. Let's stop meddling and helping gangs like ISIS being created.

When we first "meddled" we were helping Islamic fighters in Afghanistan...providing them with the weapons they needed to keep from being slaughtered by the Soviet helicopters. So how did we go from being the helpers to being the people they want to kill? What did we DO to bring that about, Paul?

They never liked us or trusted us. They just used us for our money & weapons. We actually contributed to the rapid rise of Radical Islam more than even the Radicals could have possibly imagined. It's our Frankenstein.

So they "used us"? Who's at fault in that scenario? We did the right thing by giving them the weapons to keep their people from being slaughtered by Russian Hind helicopters and they turn around and give Al Queda a base to plan 9/11 against us? That isn't us "meddling"...that's Muslims being ungrateful pieces of shit!
Ok, so it was 2004 ...

ISIS ISIL or the Islamic State Q13 FOX News

It all started in 2004 when the late Abu Musab al-Zarqawi formed an al Qaeda splinter group in Iraq. Within two years, al-Zarqawi’s al Qaeda in Iraq was trying to fuel a sectarian war against the majority Shiite community.​

Thanks, Bush!

Since the origins of Al Qaeda go back to the Soviet/Afghan war in late 70's and 80's...blaming George W. Bush for it in 2004 only works if you completely ignore history. As for the conflict between Shia and Shiite? If you think THAT started in 2004 you've conveniently ignored hundreds of years of history!
ISIS's roots trace back to 2004. Deal with it.

Oh piss off with the origins shit. We can go back to the Old Testament in every thread on Islam for crying out loud.

We are talking in the here and now. Baghdadi and his organization were part of AQ in Iraq. And they were nothing.

In Syria is where ISIS in its current form was born. And Bush and Cheney have had nothing to do with desperately wanting regime change in Syria that left the power vacuum for ISIS to become the monster we know today.
You are wrong again. What was being discussed when I joined the thread was the idiotic notion that Obama was to blame for ISIS. I merely pointed out that is impossible since ISIS formed in 2003 (later corrected to 2004).

It was Al Qaeda in Iraq. And they were chump change. Yes they have morphed thru many names and leaders.

But make no mistake. ISIS is an entirely different entity led by Baghdadi. AND came to be the most powerful and wealthiest terror group on the planet in Syria.

Assad could have handled them and al Nusra with ease if our bloody leaders hadn't been obsessed with deposing Assad and leaving this vacuum open so that these major terror groups could flourish. And this is a bi partisan rag here because my PM is Conservative as is Cameron.
Too stupid for words ... ISIS WAS Al-Qaeda in Iraq. You really should learn before you post.

ISIS, ISIL or the Islamic State

But what’s in a name?

It all started in 2004 when the late Abu Musab al-Zarqawi formed an al Qaeda splinter group in Iraq. Within two years, al-Zarqawi’s al Qaeda in Iraq was trying to fuel a sectarian war against the majority Shiite community.

In June 2006, al-Zarqawi was killed in a U.S. strike. Abu Ayyub al-Masri, his successor, several months later announced the creation of the Islamic State in Iraq (ISI).

In April 2013, Islamic State in Iraq absorped the al Qaeda-backed militant group in Syria, Jabhat al-Nusra, also known as the al-Nusra Front. Its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi said his group will now be known as Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant.

I hope you're taking notes.
If that's what Bush really wanted, he wouldn't have signed off on an agreement to pull ALL the troops out. There's absolutely no evidence Bush would have left troops in Iraq had he still been president. This is nothing but a rightwingnut fantasy.

Obama should have pursued further negotiations to allow for an extension.

But that of course was never going to happen. Don't you remember when he was against the Patraeus surge and introduced legislation to remove all troops from Iraq by 2008?

Senator Obama's legislation is on record.
What does that have to do with the idiotic notion that Bush would have kept troops there if he was still president?
Funny how you libs were pounding your chests over the pullout and now you want to disown it.

Bush would have done what needed to be done, meaning not giving up a strategic outpost in the ME just to get himself re-elected like Obama did. Reality isn't as much a consideration to Obama as is the political aspect.

The problem with your asshat Democrats is they could care less about anything if it doesn't keep them in their offices.
You're still full of shit. No, Bush would not have done "what needed to be done." We know this because he had the chance and still agreed to pull ALL of the troops out. You have absolutely no evidence (delusions don't count as evidence) that Bush would have reversed the policy he set forth, had he still been in office.
Again, Bush didn't pull them out. And you and I both know that since he wasn't in office at the time of the pullout he had no input in the ultimate decision.

You're hiding behind this false belief that Obama can't effect change and that everything Bush did was somehow irreversible.
Why are you running away from your own statement? Let me remind you, you took the absurd position that Bush would have left troops there if he was still in charge. Meanwhile, he didn't agree to that when he had the opportunity; so who knows why you fool yourself into believing he would have? :dunno:
Since the origins of Al Qaeda go back to the Soviet/Afghan war in late 70's and 80's...blaming George W. Bush for it in 2004 only works if you completely ignore history. As for the conflict between Shia and Shiite? If you think THAT started in 2004 you've conveniently ignored hundreds of years of history!
ISIS's roots trace back to 2004. Deal with it.

Oh piss off with the origins shit. We can go back to the Old Testament in every thread on Islam for crying out loud.

We are talking in the here and now. Baghdadi and his organization were part of AQ in Iraq. And they were nothing.

In Syria is where ISIS in its current form was born. And Bush and Cheney have had nothing to do with desperately wanting regime change in Syria that left the power vacuum for ISIS to become the monster we know today.
You are wrong again. What was being discussed when I joined the thread was the idiotic notion that Obama was to blame for ISIS. I merely pointed out that is impossible since ISIS formed in 2003 (later corrected to 2004).

It was Al Qaeda in Iraq. And they were chump change. Yes they have morphed thru many names and leaders.

But make no mistake. ISIS is an entirely different entity led by Baghdadi. AND came to be the most powerful and wealthiest terror group on the planet in Syria.

Assad could have handled them and al Nusra with ease if our bloody leaders hadn't been obsessed with deposing Assad and leaving this vacuum open so that these major terror groups could flourish. And this is a bi partisan rag here because my PM is Conservative as is Cameron.
Too stupid for words ... ISIS WAS Al-Qaeda in Iraq. You really should learn before you post.

ISIS, ISIL or the Islamic State

But what’s in a name?

It all started in 2004 when the late Abu Musab al-Zarqawi formed an al Qaeda splinter group in Iraq. Within two years, al-Zarqawi’s al Qaeda in Iraq was trying to fuel a sectarian war against the majority Shiite community.

In June 2006, al-Zarqawi was killed in a U.S. strike. Abu Ayyub al-Masri, his successor, several months later announced the creation of the Islamic State in Iraq (ISI).

In April 2013, Islamic State in Iraq absorped the al Qaeda-backed militant group in Syria, Jabhat al-Nusra, also known as the al-Nusra Front. Its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi said his group will now be known as Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant.

I hope you're taking notes.

Oh give it up prancing pony boy.

I can take it back before Zarqawi to before the Ottoman rule.

What you are throwing out there means jack shit and everyone who has been monitoring the situation in truth understands this.

Oooh Oooooh nobody would do any thing bad in the middle east ever if President Bush hadn't invaded Iraq is the most insanely stupid pile of grand caca that you and others are trying to foist on the general public and frankly it's nauseating.

When you can learn to dance with me then step up to the plate. Otherwise fuck off because you are truly boring.

AQI sucked dead bears. Have you got this? They were a dime a dozen chump change assholes who could barely blow themselves up at a family members wedding for crying out loud.

ISIS under Baghdadi as we know them today were born of the struggle in Syria.

You can play with all your lttle begats all the way back to the OT and it wont mean jack shit fool.

Obama's legacy will be that he along with Harper and Cameron gave us ISIS. All because they wanted Assad deposed.
Since the origins of Al Qaeda go back to the Soviet/Afghan war in late 70's and 80's...blaming George W. Bush for it in 2004 only works if you completely ignore history. As for the conflict between Shia and Shiite? If you think THAT started in 2004 you've conveniently ignored hundreds of years of history!
ISIS's roots trace back to 2004. Deal with it.

Oh piss off with the origins shit. We can go back to the Old Testament in every thread on Islam for crying out loud.

We are talking in the here and now. Baghdadi and his organization were part of AQ in Iraq. And they were nothing.

In Syria is where ISIS in its current form was born. And Bush and Cheney have had nothing to do with desperately wanting regime change in Syria that left the power vacuum for ISIS to become the monster we know today.
You are wrong again. What was being discussed when I joined the thread was the idiotic notion that Obama was to blame for ISIS. I merely pointed out that is impossible since ISIS formed in 2003 (later corrected to 2004).

It was Al Qaeda in Iraq. And they were chump change. Yes they have morphed thru many names and leaders.

But make no mistake. ISIS is an entirely different entity led by Baghdadi. AND came to be the most powerful and wealthiest terror group on the planet in Syria.

Assad could have handled them and al Nusra with ease if our bloody leaders hadn't been obsessed with deposing Assad and leaving this vacuum open so that these major terror groups could flourish. And this is a bi partisan rag here because my PM is Conservative as is Cameron.
Too stupid for words ... ISIS WAS Al-Qaeda in Iraq. You really should learn before you post.

ISIS, ISIL or the Islamic State

But what’s in a name?

It all started in 2004 when the late Abu Musab al-Zarqawi formed an al Qaeda splinter group in Iraq. Within two years, al-Zarqawi’s al Qaeda in Iraq was trying to fuel a sectarian war against the majority Shiite community.

In June 2006, al-Zarqawi was killed in a U.S. strike. Abu Ayyub al-Masri, his successor, several months later announced the creation of the Islamic State in Iraq (ISI).

In April 2013, Islamic State in Iraq absorped the al Qaeda-backed militant group in Syria, Jabhat al-Nusra, also known as the al-Nusra Front. Its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi said his group will now be known as Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant.

I hope you're taking notes.

Oh what part of my posting AQI did you miss
ISIS's roots trace back to 2004. Deal with it.

Oh piss off with the origins shit. We can go back to the Old Testament in every thread on Islam for crying out loud.

We are talking in the here and now. Baghdadi and his organization were part of AQ in Iraq. And they were nothing.

In Syria is where ISIS in its current form was born. And Bush and Cheney have had nothing to do with desperately wanting regime change in Syria that left the power vacuum for ISIS to become the monster we know today.
You are wrong again. What was being discussed when I joined the thread was the idiotic notion that Obama was to blame for ISIS. I merely pointed out that is impossible since ISIS formed in 2003 (later corrected to 2004).

It was Al Qaeda in Iraq. And they were chump change. Yes they have morphed thru many names and leaders.

But make no mistake. ISIS is an entirely different entity led by Baghdadi. AND came to be the most powerful and wealthiest terror group on the planet in Syria.

Assad could have handled them and al Nusra with ease if our bloody leaders hadn't been obsessed with deposing Assad and leaving this vacuum open so that these major terror groups could flourish. And this is a bi partisan rag here because my PM is Conservative as is Cameron.
Too stupid for words ... ISIS WAS Al-Qaeda in Iraq. You really should learn before you post.

ISIS, ISIL or the Islamic State

But what’s in a name?

It all started in 2004 when the late Abu Musab al-Zarqawi formed an al Qaeda splinter group in Iraq. Within two years, al-Zarqawi’s al Qaeda in Iraq was trying to fuel a sectarian war against the majority Shiite community.

In June 2006, al-Zarqawi was killed in a U.S. strike. Abu Ayyub al-Masri, his successor, several months later announced the creation of the Islamic State in Iraq (ISI).

In April 2013, Islamic State in Iraq absorped the al Qaeda-backed militant group in Syria, Jabhat al-Nusra, also known as the al-Nusra Front. Its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi said his group will now be known as Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant.

I hope you're taking notes.

Oh give it up prancing pony boy.

I can take it back before Zarqawi to before the Ottoman rule.

What you are throwing out there means jack shit and everyone who has been monitoring the situation in truth understands this.

Oooh Oooooh nobody would do any thing bad in the middle east ever if President Bush hadn't invaded Iraq is the most insanely stupid pile of grand caca that you and others are trying to foist on the general public and frankly it's nauseating.

When you can learn to dance with me then step up to the plate. Otherwise fuck off because you are truly boring.

AQI sucked dead bears. Have you got this? They were a dime a dozen chump change assholes who could barely blow themselves up at a family members wedding for crying out loud.

ISIS under Baghdadi as we know them today were born of the struggle in Syria.

You can play with all your lttle begats all the way back to the OT and it wont mean jack shit fool.

Obama's legacy will be that he along with Harper and Cameron gave us ISIS. All because they wanted Assad deposed.
Seems you have reading comprehension issues. You have it backwards. Read the article I posted again. It was the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) (formerly known as Al-Qaeda in Iraq) which absorbed the Al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria, at which point they changed their name again, this time to ISIS.

But it started with Al-Zarqawi in Iraq in 2004.

Too bad you didn't take notes as I suggested. :dunno:

Hell, you didn't even know that ISIS was the same terrorist organization as Al-Qaeda in Iraq. :eusa_doh: You really are in over your head.

And despite your ignorance on the matter, they formed as a resistance to Bush's invasion. No invasion, no ISIS.

G'head, this is where you blame Obama for a terrorist organization which started up 5 years before he became president to fight Bush's war over WMD which weren't there.
ISIS's roots trace back to 2004. Deal with it.

Oh piss off with the origins shit. We can go back to the Old Testament in every thread on Islam for crying out loud.

We are talking in the here and now. Baghdadi and his organization were part of AQ in Iraq. And they were nothing.

In Syria is where ISIS in its current form was born. And Bush and Cheney have had nothing to do with desperately wanting regime change in Syria that left the power vacuum for ISIS to become the monster we know today.
You are wrong again. What was being discussed when I joined the thread was the idiotic notion that Obama was to blame for ISIS. I merely pointed out that is impossible since ISIS formed in 2003 (later corrected to 2004).

It was Al Qaeda in Iraq. And they were chump change. Yes they have morphed thru many names and leaders.

But make no mistake. ISIS is an entirely different entity led by Baghdadi. AND came to be the most powerful and wealthiest terror group on the planet in Syria.

Assad could have handled them and al Nusra with ease if our bloody leaders hadn't been obsessed with deposing Assad and leaving this vacuum open so that these major terror groups could flourish. And this is a bi partisan rag here because my PM is Conservative as is Cameron.
Too stupid for words ... ISIS WAS Al-Qaeda in Iraq. You really should learn before you post.

ISIS, ISIL or the Islamic State

But what’s in a name?

It all started in 2004 when the late Abu Musab al-Zarqawi formed an al Qaeda splinter group in Iraq. Within two years, al-Zarqawi’s al Qaeda in Iraq was trying to fuel a sectarian war against the majority Shiite community.

In June 2006, al-Zarqawi was killed in a U.S. strike. Abu Ayyub al-Masri, his successor, several months later announced the creation of the Islamic State in Iraq (ISI).

In April 2013, Islamic State in Iraq absorped the al Qaeda-backed militant group in Syria, Jabhat al-Nusra, also known as the al-Nusra Front. Its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi said his group will now be known as Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant.

I hope you're taking notes.

Oh what part of my posting AQI did you miss
Here's what I read you claim .... "ISIS is an entirely different entity" and "ISIS under Baghdadi as we know them today were born of the struggle in Syria."

That's simply not true. Again, read the article I posted and take notes this time.
Good points. But i don't think it's a 'stick your head in the sand' strategy. I think it's a common sense strategy. The rise of gangs like ISIS are direct results of our constant meddling. I think it's time for a new strategy.
Your "strategy" seems to be to pretend they don't exist...that's not really a strategy, Paul...that's wishful thinking!

No, my strategy is stop creating more enemies around the world. ISIS is a direct result of our endless meddling over there. No need to ignore if it doesn't exist in the first place. Let's stop meddling and helping gangs like ISIS being created.

When we first "meddled" we were helping Islamic fighters in Afghanistan...providing them with the weapons they needed to keep from being slaughtered by the Soviet helicopters. So how did we go from being the helpers to being the people they want to kill? What did we DO to bring that about, Paul?

They never liked us or trusted us. They just used us for our money & weapons. We actually contributed to the rapid rise of Radical Islam more than even the Radicals could have possibly imagined. It's our Frankenstein.

So they "used us"? Who's at fault in that scenario? We did the right thing by giving them the weapons to keep their people from being slaughtered by Russian Hind helicopters and they turn around and give Al Queda a base to plan 9/11 against us? That isn't us "meddling"...that's Muslims being ungrateful pieces of shit!

They used us, we used them. And we live with the Blow Back. The Vicious Circle of Intervention & War goes round & round. It's time for change. Let's stop all the meddling and just come home.
Australia has involved itself in many Interventions & Wars around the world. But also, they allowed their Left Wing nutters to open their borders by way of very misguided open Immigration policies. They might just have a Muslim problem in their country. But that's their own doing.

Australian immigration policy is anything BUT "open". They are actually very restrictive in who they allow in. You need to either have a job waiting for you (and your employer must prove that it isn't a job that can be done by Australians) or have a job skill that is in demand like a doctor or nurse. Your contention that Australia somehow "created" the terrorist attack they just foiled is ridiculous.

Well, their Government has changed. But there was a time when their Leftists ran things. And much like Great Britain, they loosened their Immigration constraints. Also, Australia has involved itself in many of Interventions & Wars around the world.

Sorry, Paul but you're misinformed...Australia has a very small percentage of it's population that are "immigrants". As for it's inventions around the world? They hardly merit a response like was planned for the Australians who were to have their heads cut off. That's who we're dealing with...people who will cut your head off simply for disagreeing with them.

Australia is on the list of Nations that has meddled and contributed to the mass slaughter of Muslims all around the world. Just telling you where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs.
Oh, PLEASE!!! When has Australia contributed to the "mass slaughter" of Muslims all around the world? You're getting absurd, Paul and you know it!

Australia is a Nation on the list. That's where it stands with the Terrorist Orgs. It has involved itself in numerous Interventions and Wars.

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