Bush / Cheney Created Conditions That Led Directly To I S I L

We funded and armed Muslim extremists for our own benefit. It was another battle in the Cold War. And now we live with the Blow Back. And sadly, we're still making the same awful mistakes.

We armed and funded Afghans because a Democratic Rep from Texas named Charlie Wilson was touched by the suffering he witnessed when he visited an Afghan refugee camp in Pakistan. It wasn't just another "battle" in the Cold War to Wilson...it was personal. It was something he did because he thought it was immoral NOT to do it!

The question you'll have to answer for me is how the Mujahideen justified an attack on the nation that DID come to their aid when Soviet helicopter gunships were slaughtering their people?

Sounds romantically heroic, but it just isn't the reality. Our Government funded and armed Muslim extremists because it felt it could benefit from it strategically. There wasn't much emotion involved in the decision. It was a move on the Cold War Chess Board. Nothing more.

What Charlie Wilson did back then may sound "romantically heroic" to you, Paul but that doesn't mean it wasn't real! It WAS an emotional thing to Wilson. He was deeply affected by the suffering he witnessed in the Afghan refugee camps he visited in Pakistan and THAT was what led to the support we gave to Afghans fighting the Soviets.

Unintended consequences. That's Blow Back. Stop the meddling.

If a violent street gang starts terrorizing people on the other side of your town...what's the right thing to do? Ignore it? That's their problem and I'm not going to "meddle"?

Stepping up and doing the right thing carries risks. You very well MIGHT get "blow back" from taking a stand against evil but as Edmund Burke said "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

Communists now own your Country. So in the end, the Cold War was Bullshite. It wasn't about some romantic heroic fight for freedom & justice. It was about money & power. Your Government never had a problem with Communism. If it did, it wouldn't have done so much business with China.
We armed and funded Afghans because a Democratic Rep from Texas named Charlie Wilson was touched by the suffering he witnessed when he visited an Afghan refugee camp in Pakistan. It wasn't just another "battle" in the Cold War to Wilson...it was personal. It was something he did because he thought it was immoral NOT to do it!

The question you'll have to answer for me is how the Mujahideen justified an attack on the nation that DID come to their aid when Soviet helicopter gunships were slaughtering their people?

Sounds romantically heroic, but it just isn't the reality. Our Government funded and armed Muslim extremists because it felt it could benefit from it strategically. There wasn't much emotion involved in the decision. It was a move on the Cold War Chess Board. Nothing more.

What Charlie Wilson did back then may sound "romantically heroic" to you, Paul but that doesn't mean it wasn't real! It WAS an emotional thing to Wilson. He was deeply affected by the suffering he witnessed in the Afghan refugee camps he visited in Pakistan and THAT was what led to the support we gave to Afghans fighting the Soviets.

Unintended consequences. That's Blow Back. Stop the meddling.

If a violent street gang starts terrorizing people on the other side of your town...what's the right thing to do? Ignore it? That's their problem and I'm not going to "meddle"?

Stepping up and doing the right thing carries risks. You very well MIGHT get "blow back" from taking a stand against evil but as Edmund Burke said "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

Communists now own your Country. So in the end, the Cold War was Bullshite. It wasn't about some romantic heroic fight for freedom & justice. It was about money & power. Your Government never had a problem with Communism. If it did, it wouldn't have done so much business with China.

China invests in America because it has one of the world's more stable economies. Our Government is so addicted to big spending that it would do business with ANYONE to keep getting its fix! That's the way addicts are.
And China has grown because it's no longer a strict communist model...they've adopted capitalist tenets in their economy to make it grow. You know the old saying..."If you can't beat 'em...join 'em!"
Sounds romantically heroic, but it just isn't the reality. Our Government funded and armed Muslim extremists because it felt it could benefit from it strategically. There wasn't much emotion involved in the decision. It was a move on the Cold War Chess Board. Nothing more.

What Charlie Wilson did back then may sound "romantically heroic" to you, Paul but that doesn't mean it wasn't real! It WAS an emotional thing to Wilson. He was deeply affected by the suffering he witnessed in the Afghan refugee camps he visited in Pakistan and THAT was what led to the support we gave to Afghans fighting the Soviets.

Unintended consequences. That's Blow Back. Stop the meddling.

If a violent street gang starts terrorizing people on the other side of your town...what's the right thing to do? Ignore it? That's their problem and I'm not going to "meddle"?

Stepping up and doing the right thing carries risks. You very well MIGHT get "blow back" from taking a stand against evil but as Edmund Burke said "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

Communists now own your Country. So in the end, the Cold War was Bullshite. It wasn't about some romantic heroic fight for freedom & justice. It was about money & power. Your Government never had a problem with Communism. If it did, it wouldn't have done so much business with China.

China invests in America because it has one of the world's more stable economies. Our Government is so addicted to big spending that it would do business with ANYONE to keep getting its fix! That's the way addicts are.

It was never about Communism or Freedom. It was about money & power. And it still is. Communist China owns us. It is what it is.
What Charlie Wilson did back then may sound "romantically heroic" to you, Paul but that doesn't mean it wasn't real! It WAS an emotional thing to Wilson. He was deeply affected by the suffering he witnessed in the Afghan refugee camps he visited in Pakistan and THAT was what led to the support we gave to Afghans fighting the Soviets.

Unintended consequences. That's Blow Back. Stop the meddling.

If a violent street gang starts terrorizing people on the other side of your town...what's the right thing to do? Ignore it? That's their problem and I'm not going to "meddle"?

Stepping up and doing the right thing carries risks. You very well MIGHT get "blow back" from taking a stand against evil but as Edmund Burke said "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

Communists now own your Country. So in the end, the Cold War was Bullshite. It wasn't about some romantic heroic fight for freedom & justice. It was about money & power. Your Government never had a problem with Communism. If it did, it wouldn't have done so much business with China.

China invests in America because it has one of the world's more stable economies. Our Government is so addicted to big spending that it would do business with ANYONE to keep getting its fix! That's the way addicts are.

It was never about Communism or Freedom. It was about money & power. And it still is. Communist China owns us. It is what it is.

So how does THAT make isolationism the right thing to do, Paul? You've taken off on a tangent here...
We funded and armed Muslim extremists for our own benefit. It was another battle in the Cold War. And now we live with the Blow Back. And sadly, we're still making the same awful mistakes.

We armed and funded Afghans because a Democratic Rep from Texas named Charlie Wilson was touched by the suffering he witnessed when he visited an Afghan refugee camp in Pakistan. It wasn't just another "battle" in the Cold War to Wilson...it was personal. It was something he did because he thought it was immoral NOT to do it!

The question you'll have to answer for me is how the Mujahideen justified an attack on the nation that DID come to their aid when Soviet helicopter gunships were slaughtering their people?

Sounds romantically heroic, but it just isn't the reality. Our Government funded and armed Muslim extremists because it felt it could benefit from it strategically. There wasn't much emotion involved in the decision. It was a move on the Cold War Chess Board. Nothing more.

What Charlie Wilson did back then may sound "romantically heroic" to you, Paul but that doesn't mean it wasn't real! It WAS an emotional thing to Wilson. He was deeply affected by the suffering he witnessed in the Afghan refugee camps he visited in Pakistan and THAT was what led to the support we gave to Afghans fighting the Soviets.

Unintended consequences. That's Blow Back. Stop the meddling.

If a violent street gang starts terrorizing people on the other side of your town...what's the right thing to do? Ignore it? That's their problem and I'm not going to "meddle"?

Stepping up and doing the right thing carries risks. You very well MIGHT get "blow back" from taking a stand against evil but as Edmund Burke said "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
What if that violent street gang on the other side of town is a creature of your own government?
"BAGHDAD — The United States has conducted an escalating campaign of deadly airstrikes against the extremists of the Islamic State for more than a month.

"But that appears to have done little to tamp down the conspiracy theories still circulating from the streets of Baghdad to the highest levels of Iraqi government that the C.I.A. is secretly behind the same extremists that it is now attacking.

“'We know about who made Daesh,' said Bahaa al-Araji, a deputy prime minister, using an Arabic shorthand for the Islamic State on Saturday at a demonstration called by the Shiite cleric Moktada al-Sadr to warn against the possible deployment of American ground troops."


What "proof" would you require before believing the US government created IS in its present form?
Unintended consequences. That's Blow Back. Stop the meddling.

If a violent street gang starts terrorizing people on the other side of your town...what's the right thing to do? Ignore it? That's their problem and I'm not going to "meddle"?

Stepping up and doing the right thing carries risks. You very well MIGHT get "blow back" from taking a stand against evil but as Edmund Burke said "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

Communists now own your Country. So in the end, the Cold War was Bullshite. It wasn't about some romantic heroic fight for freedom & justice. It was about money & power. Your Government never had a problem with Communism. If it did, it wouldn't have done so much business with China.

China invests in America because it has one of the world's more stable economies. Our Government is so addicted to big spending that it would do business with ANYONE to keep getting its fix! That's the way addicts are.

It was never about Communism or Freedom. It was about money & power. And it still is. Communist China owns us. It is what it is.

So how does THAT make isolationism the right thing to do, Paul? You've taken off on a tangent here...

I'm all for free & fair trade with all nations. So i don't support 'Isolationism.' I just don't support endless Intervention & War. It's time to break the cycle. It's time for something different.
How much of the following do you find credible?
"1) ISIS leader Al-Baghdadi was once a super-high level prisoner of the US government. Despite the fact that the US had offered a ten million dollar reward for him, the Obama regime ordered his release in 2009.

"2) The Obama regime, with major support from Senate neo-cons John McCain and Lindsey Graham, gave hundreds of millions in military aid to Sunni Jihadists in Syria. Thousands of individuals receiving US aid are now members of ISIS. In fact, ISIS has even posted pictures of ISIS fighters with US Senator John McCain on the internet.

"3) Israel has directly aided Sunni Jihadists in Syria by bombing Syrian military assets during Jihadist attacks.

"4) The Israeli Prime Minister has reacted to the ISIS spearheaded Sunni/Shia Civil War in Iraq with borderline glee. The president of Israel has also suggested that a Sunni/Shia war is beneficial to the future of Israel.

"5) The US and Britiain provided Sunni Jihadists with Toyota trucks in Syria. When, an army of ISIS fighters rolled over the Syria/Iraq border it looked like a commercial for Toyota."

Operation Hornets Nest Alleged Snowden document says US UK Israel are behind ISIS
We armed and funded Afghans because a Democratic Rep from Texas named Charlie Wilson was touched by the suffering he witnessed when he visited an Afghan refugee camp in Pakistan. It wasn't just another "battle" in the Cold War to Wilson...it was personal. It was something he did because he thought it was immoral NOT to do it!

The question you'll have to answer for me is how the Mujahideen justified an attack on the nation that DID come to their aid when Soviet helicopter gunships were slaughtering their people?

Sounds romantically heroic, but it just isn't the reality. Our Government funded and armed Muslim extremists because it felt it could benefit from it strategically. There wasn't much emotion involved in the decision. It was a move on the Cold War Chess Board. Nothing more.

What Charlie Wilson did back then may sound "romantically heroic" to you, Paul but that doesn't mean it wasn't real! It WAS an emotional thing to Wilson. He was deeply affected by the suffering he witnessed in the Afghan refugee camps he visited in Pakistan and THAT was what led to the support we gave to Afghans fighting the Soviets.

Unintended consequences. That's Blow Back. Stop the meddling.

If a violent street gang starts terrorizing people on the other side of your town...what's the right thing to do? Ignore it? That's their problem and I'm not going to "meddle"?

Stepping up and doing the right thing carries risks. You very well MIGHT get "blow back" from taking a stand against evil but as Edmund Burke said "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
What if that violent street gang on the other side of town is a creature of your own government?
"BAGHDAD — The United States has conducted an escalating campaign of deadly airstrikes against the extremists of the Islamic State for more than a month.

"But that appears to have done little to tamp down the conspiracy theories still circulating from the streets of Baghdad to the highest levels of Iraqi government that the C.I.A. is secretly behind the same extremists that it is now attacking.

“'We know about who made Daesh,' said Bahaa al-Araji, a deputy prime minister, using an Arabic shorthand for the Islamic State on Saturday at a demonstration called by the Shiite cleric Moktada al-Sadr to warn against the possible deployment of American ground troops."


What "proof" would you require before believing the US government created IS in its present form?

With all due respect...a lot more than "conspiracy theories circulating the streets of Baghdad or a rep for Al-Sadr who doesn't want US troops back in Iraq...

This notion that the CIA somehow "created" Al Queda or ISIS as they now exist because they provided help to some Islamic fighters in the past is a bit far fetched.
Sounds romantically heroic, but it just isn't the reality. Our Government funded and armed Muslim extremists because it felt it could benefit from it strategically. There wasn't much emotion involved in the decision. It was a move on the Cold War Chess Board. Nothing more.

What Charlie Wilson did back then may sound "romantically heroic" to you, Paul but that doesn't mean it wasn't real! It WAS an emotional thing to Wilson. He was deeply affected by the suffering he witnessed in the Afghan refugee camps he visited in Pakistan and THAT was what led to the support we gave to Afghans fighting the Soviets.

Unintended consequences. That's Blow Back. Stop the meddling.

If a violent street gang starts terrorizing people on the other side of your town...what's the right thing to do? Ignore it? That's their problem and I'm not going to "meddle"?

Stepping up and doing the right thing carries risks. You very well MIGHT get "blow back" from taking a stand against evil but as Edmund Burke said "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
What if that violent street gang on the other side of town is a creature of your own government?
"BAGHDAD — The United States has conducted an escalating campaign of deadly airstrikes against the extremists of the Islamic State for more than a month.

"But that appears to have done little to tamp down the conspiracy theories still circulating from the streets of Baghdad to the highest levels of Iraqi government that the C.I.A. is secretly behind the same extremists that it is now attacking.

“'We know about who made Daesh,' said Bahaa al-Araji, a deputy prime minister, using an Arabic shorthand for the Islamic State on Saturday at a demonstration called by the Shiite cleric Moktada al-Sadr to warn against the possible deployment of American ground troops."


What "proof" would you require before believing the US government created IS in its present form?

With all due respect...a lot more than "conspiracy theories circulating the streets of Baghdad or a rep for Al-Sadr who doesn't want US troops back in Iraq...

This notion that the CIA somehow "created" Al Queda or ISIS as they now exist because they provided help to some Islamic fighters in the past is a bit far fetched.
There doesn't seem to be any proof of the CIA creating IS, but I wonder if it would change any votes next month if, in fact, the allegation turns out to be true?
I'm not sure if the greatest purveyor of violence in the world should be entrusted with ending Terror? It would seem the US is the biggest part of that problem.:alirulz:

Come on, George...portraying the United States as "the greatest purveyor of violence in the world" ignores the good things that the US does globally. This worn out narrative that we are heartless Imperialists out to dominate the rest of the world plays so well in countless Political Science classrooms but doesn't translate to the real world. We are the world's super power that has a tendency to stumble and bumble our way through foreign policy at times but considering the vast power we DO have...we actually are rather constrained in how we flex our muscles. One could make the case that being the past enemy of the US usually means you end up getting billions in US aid once you are defeated. I dare say that if Vladamir Putin, Saddam Hussein or ISIS had a military such as ours that they would NOT be as constrained!
I'm not sure if the greatest purveyor of violence in the world should be entrusted with ending Terror? It would seem the US is the biggest part of that problem.:alirulz:

Come on, George...portraying the United States as "the greatest purveyor of violence in the world" ignores the good things that the US does globally. This worn out narrative that we are heartless Imperialists out to dominate the rest of the world plays so well in countless Political Science classrooms but doesn't translate to the real world. We are the world's super power that has a tendency to stumble and bumble our way through foreign policy at times but considering the vast power we DO have...we actually are rather constrained in how we flex our muscles. One could make the case that being the past enemy of the US usually means you end up getting billions in US aid once you are defeated. I dare say that if Vladamir Putin, Saddam Hussein or ISIS had a military such as ours that they would NOT be as constrained!
"A time comes when silence is betrayal." Do you remember when Martin King made that pronouncement?
4 April 1967. One year to the day before he was murdered in Memphis helping the working class poor organize a union. King recognized then the impossibility of creating a real sense of promise and hope among those afflicted by poverty at the same time society went mad on war. The Long War in the New Middle East promises to dwarf the madness of Vietnam, and pretending the US is not responsible for an overwhelming majority of the war crimes is nothing except a cruel hoax played upon the next generation of Americans.

"As I have walked among the desperate, rejected, and angry young men, I have told them that Molotov cocktails and rifles would not solve their problems. I have tried to offer them my deepest compassion while maintaining my conviction that social change comes most meaningfully through nonviolent action.

"But they ask -- and rightly so -- what about Vietnam?

"They ask if our own nation wasn't using massive doses of violence to solve its problems, to bring about the changes it wanted.

"Their questions hit home, and I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today -- my own government.

"For the sake of those boys, for the sake of this government, for the sake of the hundreds of thousands trembling under our violence, I cannot be silent.

Why are you still silent?

American Rhetoric Martin Luther King Jr A Time to Break Silence Declaration Against the Vietnam War
Are you serious? The US is responsible for the majority of war crimes in the world? I mean REALLY? Who the hell is filling your head with this nonsense? Hundreds of thousands "trembling under our violence"? I'm going to go WAY out on a limb here and say that hundreds of thousands give thanks that the US was there for them when groups like the Nazi Party, the Taliban and ISIS showed up! No, actually I'm not going out on a limb at all...not to steal the Navy's byline but for seventy years the US has been a global force for good. We have BEEN the world's policeman...we have BEEN THERE when defenseless countries are attacked by despots. Have we always gotten it right? Have we always made the right choices? No, we haven't but to come out with the nonsense that we are the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today is so off base I'd really like to know who it is that's teaching you this crap!
I wonder what Martin Luther King would have said to the million plus Cambodians that were killed by Pol Pot as we watched from afar? You want to talk about people "trembling" in fear...check out what happens when America ISN'T there to help protect the innocent!
I wonder what Martin Luther King would have said to the million plus Cambodians that were killed by Pol Pot as we watched from afar? You want to talk about people "trembling" in fear...check out what happens when America ISN'T there to help protect the innocent!

King would point out the role US bombs played in bringing Pol Pot to power:

"Between 1965 and 1973, the U.S. dropped 2.7 million tons of explosives -- more than the Allies dropped in the entirety of World War II -- on Cambodia, whose population was then smaller than New York City's.

"Estimates of the number of people killed begin in the low hundreds of thousands and range up from there, but the truth is that no one has any idea.

"The bombing had two primary effects on survivors.

"First, hundreds of thousands of villagers fled towards the safety of the capital Phnom Penh, de-stabilizing Cambodia's urban-rural balance.

"By the end of the (Vietnam) war, the country's delicate food supply system was upended, and the capital was so overcrowded that residents were eating bark off of trees."

We can thank Dick and Henry for Pol Pot.

What the U.S. Bombing of Cambodia Tells Us About Obama s Drone Campaign - The Atlantic
ISIS/ISIL will soon be in Baghdad thanks to Bush and Cheney.

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