Bush / Cheney Created Conditions That Led Directly To I S I L

Really? You mean people that have no issue cutting the heads off of innocent people are sane enough to "stop" and not want to go for a land grab?

Sorry Paul...these people are driven...not by the need for their "own land" like the Palestinians. These people are driven by an ideology...one that says that ALL should follow them or die....ALL.

They wouldn't want to kill us so much if we weren't there in their lands bombing & killing all the time. Radical Islam rapidly grew out of of resentment over our constant meddling in their affairs.
That is your opinion. And it very well may be the truth. I don't know.

My opinion?

The ideology has always been there but the implementation of technology and social media has allowed it to blossom and expand.

People who were going to be killed in Australia were by no means impeding on ME territory.

But their Nation has and is.
DId the Iraqis? The Syrians?

Who impeded on whos territory? Did ISIS impede on Syria and Iraq or the other way around?

SO why did they kill Syrians and Iraqis that didn't believe in their ideology?

They want the power and control. They're no different than our own Nation's Ruling-Class.
Exactly.....so what makes you think they wont continue into Africa, Europe and ultimately, the US? Do you want us to wait until half the world has fallen before we try to stop them?
Really? You mean people that have no issue cutting the heads off of innocent people are sane enough to "stop" and not want to go for a land grab?

Sorry Paul...these people are driven...not by the need for their "own land" like the Palestinians. These people are driven by an ideology...one that says that ALL should follow them or die....ALL.

They wouldn't want to kill us so much if we weren't there in their lands bombing & killing all the time. Radical Islam rapidly grew out of of resentment over our constant meddling in their affairs.

Those freak radical Islamist can shut it or get nuked off the planet how's that.

That won't solve anything.

I see no reason for America to take any crap off those punks.

Probably wouldn't have to if we minded our own business for a change. If we did that, they likely wouldn't wanna cut Americans' heads off so much.

Wrong, look so long as America is the most wealthy most powerful country on earth we will have a target on our back and punks like these terrorist freaks will use America much the same way as the Nazi's used the Jews whether we mind our own business or not. These punks need someone to hate and point the finger at to rally their mobs of murderous evil slime. So we may as well kick the shit out of them before they become a much larger problem.
Curious...do you feel Hitler would have stopped at the western shores of Europe if we left him alone?

Not gonna play that old tired game. Comparing everyone and everything to the Nazis, is how we get stuck in all these bloody Interventions & Wars. The only invasion taking place in this country, is happening right now on our wide open border. No Nation on this Earth is a serious threat to invade the United States.
You skirted the question by saying you wont play that game. It is no game. It is a very valid question......
If we followed your thinking, do you believe Hitler would have stopped at the western shores of Europe?

Like i sais, no Nation on this earth is a serious threat to invade the United States. Not everyone or everything is comparable to the Nazis. It's that misguided thinking that gets us involved in all these Wars.
No. No one is as strong as the Nazis at their peak. But the Nazis were not strong at thje beginning. It was an ideology that was slowly won over by millions.....

Exactly what we see happening with ISIS.

Im sorry bro...but can you name any other group that grew from 800 in one country to 31,000 over 7 continents in 3 months?

ISIS is not comparable to the Nazis. So let's put that discussion to bed.
No. They are not. Not yet.
But Nazism at its infancy, was as weak as ISIS is now.
So it's a Permanent State of War for you? Why support that? We know the Ruling-Class Globalist Elites benefit from that, but what's in it for you?
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat yourself, you continue to argue from an unsupportable premise..

Seriously, you have no reason to support this Permanent State of War the Globalist Elites have us stuck in. It's time to demand an end to it. Just come home.
Problem with that is they are in a permanent state of war against us. Have been since 79'.

We can't just say "I fucking quit!!!!" And expect to be left alone all of the sudden.

We've been stuck in this Permanent State of War long before the rise of Radical Islam. Our constant meddling actually inspired and created Radical Islam.
Islam has been a problem since before the writing of our Constitution.

It wasn't a problem for us before we began funding it and then suffering the Blow Back. The rapid rise of Radical Islam is on us. It was a direct result of our constant meddling.
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat yourself, you continue to argue from an unsupportable premise..

Seriously, you have no reason to support this Permanent State of War the Globalist Elites have us stuck in. It's time to demand an end to it. Just come home.
Problem with that is they are in a permanent state of war against us. Have been since 79'.

We can't just say "I fucking quit!!!!" And expect to be left alone all of the sudden.

We've been stuck in this Permanent State of War long before the rise of Radical Islam. Our constant meddling actually inspired and created Radical Islam.
Islam has been a problem since before the writing of our Constitution.

It wasn't a problem for us before we began funding it and then suffering the Blow Back. The rapid rise of Radical Islam is on us. It was a direct result of our constant meddling.
Wow. Someone -really- doesn't know what he's talking about.
Seriously, you have no reason to support this Permanent State of War the Globalist Elites have us stuck in. It's time to demand an end to it. Just come home.
Still arguing from your unsupportable position?
No wonder you cannot convince anyone of your point of view.
What's so unsupportable about it? Just stop all the meddling and come home.
You assume that our presence, not our differences in ideology, etc, is at the center of the conflict.
This assumption is unsupportable; as such, so too is any and every conclusion you draw from it.
This will not change, regardless of how many times you repeat yourself.
Why don't we try it and find out?
As your assumptions are unsupportable., there's no compelling reason to do so.

Time to give it a shot. More Intervention & War isn't the answer.
Curious...do you feel Hitler would have stopped at the western shores of Europe if we left him alone?

Not gonna play that old tired game. Comparing everyone and everything to the Nazis, is how we get stuck in all these bloody Interventions & Wars. The only invasion taking place in this country, is happening right now on our wide open border. No Nation on this Earth is a serious threat to invade the United States.
You skirted the question by saying you wont play that game. It is no game. It is a very valid question......
If we followed your thinking, do you believe Hitler would have stopped at the western shores of Europe?

Like i sais, no Nation on this earth is a serious threat to invade the United States. Not everyone or everything is comparable to the Nazis. It's that misguided thinking that gets us involved in all these Wars.
No. No one is as strong as the Nazis at their peak. But the Nazis were not strong at thje beginning. It was an ideology that was slowly won over by millions.....

Exactly what we see happening with ISIS.

Im sorry bro...but can you name any other group that grew from 800 in one country to 31,000 over 7 continents in 3 months?

ISIS is not comparable to the Nazis. So let's put that discussion to bed.
Well, they both like black uniforms. They both believe in a master race. They both want to murder Jews.
Still arguing from your unsupportable position?
No wonder you cannot convince anyone of your point of view.
What's so unsupportable about it? Just stop all the meddling and come home.
You assume that our presence, not our differences in ideology, etc, is at the center of the conflict.
This assumption is unsupportable; as such, so too is any and every conclusion you draw from it.
This will not change, regardless of how many times you repeat yourself.
Why don't we try it and find out?
As your assumptions are unsupportable., there's no compelling reason to do so.
Time to give it a shot. More Intervention & War isn't the answer.
Your assumption is unsupportable; as such, so too is any and every conclusion you draw from it.
This will not change, regardless of how many times you repeat yourself.
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat yourself, you continue to argue from an unsupportable premise..

Seriously, you have no reason to support this Permanent State of War the Globalist Elites have us stuck in. It's time to demand an end to it. Just come home.
Problem with that is they are in a permanent state of war against us. Have been since 79'.

We can't just say "I fucking quit!!!!" And expect to be left alone all of the sudden.

We've been stuck in this Permanent State of War long before the rise of Radical Islam. Our constant meddling actually inspired and created Radical Islam.
Islam has been a problem since before the writing of our Constitution.

It wasn't a problem for us before we began funding it and then suffering the Blow Back. The rapid rise of Radical Islam is on us. It was a direct result of our constant meddling.
Perhaps you are correct.

So do you think if we left them alone, they will forgive us? If you are correct, I believe the damage is done.
They wouldn't want to kill us so much if we weren't there in their lands bombing & killing all the time. Radical Islam rapidly grew out of of resentment over our constant meddling in their affairs.

Those freak radical Islamist can shut it or get nuked off the planet how's that.

That won't solve anything.

I see no reason for America to take any crap off those punks.

Probably wouldn't have to if we minded our own business for a change. If we did that, they likely wouldn't wanna cut Americans' heads off so much.

Wrong, look so long as America is the most wealthy most powerful country on earth we will have a target on our back and punks like these terrorist freaks will use America much the same way as the Nazi's used the Jews whether we mind our own business or not. These punks need someone to hate and point the finger at to rally their mobs of murderous evil slime. So we may as well kick the shit out of them before they become a much larger problem.

Nah, let's go the opposite route instead. Leave the Middle East to the Peoples of the Middle East. We don't belong there. Let them sort out their own problems.
Those freak radical Islamist can shut it or get nuked off the planet how's that.

That won't solve anything.

I see no reason for America to take any crap off those punks.

Probably wouldn't have to if we minded our own business for a change. If we did that, they likely wouldn't wanna cut Americans' heads off so much.

Wrong, look so long as America is the most wealthy most powerful country on earth we will have a target on our back and punks like these terrorist freaks will use America much the same way as the Nazi's used the Jews whether we mind our own business or not. These punks need someone to hate and point the finger at to rally their mobs of murderous evil slime. So we may as well kick the shit out of them before they become a much larger problem.

Nah, let's go the opposite route instead. Leave the Middle East to the Peoples of the Middle East. We don't belong there. Let them sort out their own problems.
and do you believe the middle east will overcome ISIS?
And if they don't, can you imagine a country of ISIS ideology with the treasure and strength of all of those countries combined?
You want to wait until that happens?
Or wait until they take out all of Africa?
The do we do something?
So those people in the hospitals gassed themselves to make Assad look bad? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: Come on...get real!

Who knows what happened? But we can safely assume Assad did not order a Chemical Weapons attack. Why would he? There was absolutely no strategic value or other benefit in doing so. But regardless, it's not our war. We should mind our own business. Let them sort out their own problems.

It's time to withdraw from the Middle East. Most Americans could care less about Sunnis, Shiites, Alawites, or whatever. They're far more concerned with their rapidly expanding Police State and Illegal Invasion taking place on their border. We don't belong in the Middle East. It's time to come home and address our problems here.

With all due respect, Paul...my fear of the so called "Police State" is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy down here compared to my fear of Islamic extremists which is rather high right now! Last time I checked the Police hadn't cut any innocent people's heads off on video tape...know what I'm saying?

You still have the belief that if we simply ignore extremists that they will leave us alone. I find that belief to be naive.

When we leave their lands and stop all the meddling, their desire to cut Americans' heads off will dramatically decrease in intensity. We don't belong in the Middle East. Come home and begin addressing our problems here. The Peoples of the Middle East can sort out their own problems.
Really? You mean people that have no issue cutting the heads off of innocent people are sane enough to "stop" and not want to go for a land grab?

Sorry Paul...these people are driven...not by the need for their "own land" like the Palestinians. These people are driven by an ideology...one that says that ALL should follow them or die....ALL.

They wouldn't want to kill us so much if we weren't there in their lands bombing & killing all the time. Radical Islam rapidly grew out of of resentment over our constant meddling in their affairs.

So they were getting ready to chop the heads off random people kidnapped from the streets of Australia but you think they'll not want to kill us if we just "leave them alone"? Refresh my memory to the long history of Australians imposing their will in the Middle East by bombing and killing...for the life of me I must have missed that...
Those freak radical Islamist can shut it or get nuked off the planet how's that.

That won't solve anything.

I see no reason for America to take any crap off those punks.

Probably wouldn't have to if we minded our own business for a change. If we did that, they likely wouldn't wanna cut Americans' heads off so much.

Wrong, look so long as America is the most wealthy most powerful country on earth we will have a target on our back and punks like these terrorist freaks will use America much the same way as the Nazi's used the Jews whether we mind our own business or not. These punks need someone to hate and point the finger at to rally their mobs of murderous evil slime. So we may as well kick the shit out of them before they become a much larger problem.

Nah, let's go the opposite route instead. Leave the Middle East to the Peoples of the Middle East. We don't belong there. Let them sort out their own problems.

The old stick your head in the sand strategy is not going to work. We can't afford to wage war, my preference would be to fall back, re-group, get our financial house in order then go destroy these evil freaks but they are forcing our hand. One thing is mathematically certain, our borrowing and debt will one day eventually undermine our security.
Not gonna play that old tired game. Comparing everyone and everything to the Nazis, is how we get stuck in all these bloody Interventions & Wars. The only invasion taking place in this country, is happening right now on our wide open border. No Nation on this Earth is a serious threat to invade the United States.
You skirted the question by saying you wont play that game. It is no game. It is a very valid question......
If we followed your thinking, do you believe Hitler would have stopped at the western shores of Europe?

Like i sais, no Nation on this earth is a serious threat to invade the United States. Not everyone or everything is comparable to the Nazis. It's that misguided thinking that gets us involved in all these Wars.
No. No one is as strong as the Nazis at their peak. But the Nazis were not strong at thje beginning. It was an ideology that was slowly won over by millions.....

Exactly what we see happening with ISIS.

Im sorry bro...but can you name any other group that grew from 800 in one country to 31,000 over 7 continents in 3 months?

ISIS is not comparable to the Nazis. So let's put that discussion to bed.
Well, they both like black uniforms. They both believe in a master race. They both want to murder Jews.

If anything, our own Government is increasingly becoming comparable to the Nazis. In fact, the Nazis played a big role in our History. And not just WWII. Our Government brought many Nazis over after the War to guide domestic programs and affairs.

This Police State has been created by our own Government. ISIS didn't do that. Our Government has also left our border wide open. ISIS didn't do that. So i have to conclude our own Government is a bigger threat to our Freedom & Liberty than ISIS could ever possibly be.
Who knows what happened? But we can safely assume Assad did not order a Chemical Weapons attack. Why would he? There was absolutely no strategic value or other benefit in doing so. But regardless, it's not our war. We should mind our own business. Let them sort out their own problems.

It's time to withdraw from the Middle East. Most Americans could care less about Sunnis, Shiites, Alawites, or whatever. They're far more concerned with their rapidly expanding Police State and Illegal Invasion taking place on their border. We don't belong in the Middle East. It's time to come home and address our problems here.

With all due respect, Paul...my fear of the so called "Police State" is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy down here compared to my fear of Islamic extremists which is rather high right now! Last time I checked the Police hadn't cut any innocent people's heads off on video tape...know what I'm saying?

You still have the belief that if we simply ignore extremists that they will leave us alone. I find that belief to be naive.

When we leave their lands and stop all the meddling, their desire to cut Americans' heads off will dramatically decrease in intensity. We don't belong in the Middle East. Come home and begin addressing our problems here. The Peoples of the Middle East can sort out their own problems.
Really? You mean people that have no issue cutting the heads off of innocent people are sane enough to "stop" and not want to go for a land grab?

Sorry Paul...these people are driven...not by the need for their "own land" like the Palestinians. These people are driven by an ideology...one that says that ALL should follow them or die....ALL.

They wouldn't want to kill us so much if we weren't there in their lands bombing & killing all the time. Radical Islam rapidly grew out of of resentment over our constant meddling in their affairs.

So they were getting ready to chop the heads off random people kidnapped from the streets of Australia but you think they'll not want to kill us if we just "leave them alone"? Refresh my memory to the long history of Australians imposing their will in the Middle East by bombing and killing...for the life of me I must have missed that...

Australia has involved itself in many Interventions & Wars around the world. But also, they allowed their Left Wing nutters to open their borders by way of very misguided open Immigration policies. They might just have a Muslim problem in their country. But that's their own doing.
Seriously, you have no reason to support this Permanent State of War the Globalist Elites have us stuck in. It's time to demand an end to it. Just come home.
Problem with that is they are in a permanent state of war against us. Have been since 79'.

We can't just say "I fucking quit!!!!" And expect to be left alone all of the sudden.

We've been stuck in this Permanent State of War long before the rise of Radical Islam. Our constant meddling actually inspired and created Radical Islam.
Islam has been a problem since before the writing of our Constitution.

It wasn't a problem for us before we began funding it and then suffering the Blow Back. The rapid rise of Radical Islam is on us. It was a direct result of our constant meddling.
Perhaps you are correct.

So do you think if we left them alone, they will forgive us? If you are correct, I believe the damage is done.

Let's give it a shot. Just come home.
That won't solve anything.

I see no reason for America to take any crap off those punks.

Probably wouldn't have to if we minded our own business for a change. If we did that, they likely wouldn't wanna cut Americans' heads off so much.

Wrong, look so long as America is the most wealthy most powerful country on earth we will have a target on our back and punks like these terrorist freaks will use America much the same way as the Nazi's used the Jews whether we mind our own business or not. These punks need someone to hate and point the finger at to rally their mobs of murderous evil slime. So we may as well kick the shit out of them before they become a much larger problem.

Nah, let's go the opposite route instead. Leave the Middle East to the Peoples of the Middle East. We don't belong there. Let them sort out their own problems.
and do you believe the middle east will overcome ISIS?
And if they don't, can you imagine a country of ISIS ideology with the treasure and strength of all of those countries combined?
You want to wait until that happens?
Or wait until they take out all of Africa?
The do we do something?

Who's been funding and arming ISIS? Stop funding & arming them, and they'll go away. The West and some Sunni Muslim Nations in the region created ISIS to 'Regime Change' Assad. It's probably time to reconsider that blunder.
That won't solve anything.

I see no reason for America to take any crap off those punks.

Probably wouldn't have to if we minded our own business for a change. If we did that, they likely wouldn't wanna cut Americans' heads off so much.

Wrong, look so long as America is the most wealthy most powerful country on earth we will have a target on our back and punks like these terrorist freaks will use America much the same way as the Nazi's used the Jews whether we mind our own business or not. These punks need someone to hate and point the finger at to rally their mobs of murderous evil slime. So we may as well kick the shit out of them before they become a much larger problem.

Nah, let's go the opposite route instead. Leave the Middle East to the Peoples of the Middle East. We don't belong there. Let them sort out their own problems.

The old stick your head in the sand strategy is not going to work. We can't afford to wage war, my preference would be to fall back, re-group, get our financial house in order then go destroy these evil freaks but they are forcing our hand. One thing is mathematically certain, our borrowing and debt will one day eventually undermine our security.

Good points. But i don't think it's a 'stick your head in the sand' strategy. I think it's a common sense strategy. The rise of gangs like ISIS are direct results of our constant meddling. I think it's time for a new strategy.
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat yourself, you continue to argue from an unsupportable premise..

Seriously, you have no reason to support this Permanent State of War the Globalist Elites have us stuck in. It's time to demand an end to it. Just come home.
Problem with that is they are in a permanent state of war against us. Have been since 79'.

We can't just say "I fucking quit!!!!" And expect to be left alone all of the sudden.

We've been stuck in this Permanent State of War long before the rise of Radical Islam. Our constant meddling actually inspired and created Radical Islam.
Islam has been a problem since before the writing of our Constitution.

It wasn't a problem for us before we began funding it and then suffering the Blow Back. The rapid rise of Radical Islam is on us. It was a direct result of our constant meddling.
Oh, so helping them caused them to come after us .....
Seriously, you have no reason to support this Permanent State of War the Globalist Elites have us stuck in. It's time to demand an end to it. Just come home.
Problem with that is they are in a permanent state of war against us. Have been since 79'.

We can't just say "I fucking quit!!!!" And expect to be left alone all of the sudden.

We've been stuck in this Permanent State of War long before the rise of Radical Islam. Our constant meddling actually inspired and created Radical Islam.
Islam has been a problem since before the writing of our Constitution.

It wasn't a problem for us before we began funding it and then suffering the Blow Back. The rapid rise of Radical Islam is on us. It was a direct result of our constant meddling.
Oh, so helping them caused them to come after us .....

We created them in some respects. Radical Islam is our Frankenstein. We funded its early rise. It was a tragic blunder.

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