Bush / Cheney Created Conditions That Led Directly To I S I L

The UN and the entire world supported the Iraq fiasco. To blame it all on Bush and Cheney is just ignorant.

Everyone got it wrong. It was a waste of lives and money. So was Viet Nam, but we seem incapable of learning from history.
If that's true why didn't the UN pass a resolution authorizing the use of force in 2003?
When it comes to actually doing something, the UN balks.
Fortunately the US and her allies did not need a UN resolution to authorize their actions.
They didn't balk in 1990, nor did they balk at forcing Saddam to destroy his WMD after that war.
They balked the moment it became clear that GWB was going to do something about Iraq,
Prior to that point, no one, including the UN, questioned the threat posed by Iraq and its WMDs.
They weren't questioning the threat because they knew there was none. Even these two......
The threat will lessen once we're gone from their lands. Those lands belong to them. And i've clearly laid out the solutions to this mess in an earlier post. Check it out.
Yes. All based on your unsupportable premise.
I asked what I asked for a reason - I knew you did not have an answer.
Stop all the meddling. Withdraw from the Middle East. We've caused enough bloody chaos there. Time to come home and address this expanding Police State and the Illegal Invasion taking place on our Border.
More of the same argument based on an unsupportable premise.
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat yourself, this will never change.

So it's a Permanent State of War for you? Why support that? We know the Ruling-Class Globalist Elites benefit from that, but what's in it for you?
The threat will lessen once we're gone from their lands. Those lands belong to them. And i've clearly laid out the solutions to this mess in an earlier post. Check it out.
Yes. All based on your unsupportable premise.
I asked what I asked for a reason - I knew you did not have an answer.
Stop all the meddling. Withdraw from the Middle East. We've caused enough bloody chaos there. Time to come home and address this expanding Police State and the Illegal Invasion taking place on our Border.
More of the same argument based on an unsupportable premise.
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat yourself, this will never change.

So it's a Permanent State of War for you? Why support that? We know the Ruling-Class Globalist Elites benefit from that, but what's in it for you?
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat yourself, you continue to argue from an unsupportable premise..
So those people in the hospitals gassed themselves to make Assad look bad? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: Come on...get real!

Who knows what happened? But we can safely assume Assad did not order a Chemical Weapons attack. Why would he? There was absolutely no strategic value or other benefit in doing so. But regardless, it's not our war. We should mind our own business. Let them sort out their own problems.

It's time to withdraw from the Middle East. Most Americans could care less about Sunnis, Shiites, Alawites, or whatever. They're far more concerned with their rapidly expanding Police State and Illegal Invasion taking place on their border. We don't belong in the Middle East. It's time to come home and address our problems here.

With all due respect, Paul...my fear of the so called "Police State" is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy down here compared to my fear of Islamic extremists which is rather high right now! Last time I checked the Police hadn't cut any innocent people's heads off on video tape...know what I'm saying?

You still have the belief that if we simply ignore extremists that they will leave us alone. I find that belief to be naive.

When we leave their lands and stop all the meddling, their desire to cut Americans' heads off will dramatically decrease in intensity. We don't belong in the Middle East. Come home and begin addressing our problems here. The Peoples of the Middle East can sort out their own problems.
The threat will lessen once we're gone from their lands. Those lands belong to them. And i've clearly laid out the solutions to this mess in an earlier post. Check it out.
Yes. All based on your unsupportable premise.
I asked what I asked for a reason - I knew you did not have an answer.
Stop all the meddling. Withdraw from the Middle East. We've caused enough bloody chaos there. Time to come home and address this expanding Police State and the Illegal Invasion taking place on our Border.
More of the same argument based on an unsupportable premise.
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat yourself, this will never change.

So it's a Permanent State of War for you? Why support that? We know the Ruling-Class Globalist Elites benefit from that, but what's in it for you?

They want to give the rich bigger meals - hoping they'll leave more crumbs.
The threat will lessen once we're gone from their lands. Those lands belong to them. And i've clearly laid out the solutions to this mess in an earlier post. Check it out.
Yes. All based on your unsupportable premise.
I asked what I asked for a reason - I knew you did not have an answer.
Stop all the meddling. Withdraw from the Middle East. We've caused enough bloody chaos there. Time to come home and address this expanding Police State and the Illegal Invasion taking place on our Border.
More of the same argument based on an unsupportable premise.
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat yourself, this will never change.

So it's a Permanent State of War for you? Why support that? We know the Ruling-Class Globalist Elites benefit from that, but what's in it for you?
Sadly, it may very well be a permanent state of war for us. What is the alternative? Wait until they are so strong, they are able to attack us from afar? And then what? Enter a permanent state of war when the enemy is stronger?
No. Enter it now. When they are weak enough to be as small a threat to our shores...and keep them at that size....even if we need to fight them for a thousand years.
I would rather fight for 1000 years, then wait, and lose to them in 10 years.
The threat will lessen once we're gone from their lands. Those lands belong to them. And i've clearly laid out the solutions to this mess in an earlier post. Check it out.
Yes. All based on your unsupportable premise.
I asked what I asked for a reason - I knew you did not have an answer.
Stop all the meddling. Withdraw from the Middle East. We've caused enough bloody chaos there. Time to come home and address this expanding Police State and the Illegal Invasion taking place on our Border.
More of the same argument based on an unsupportable premise.
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat yourself, this will never change.

So it's a Permanent State of War for you? Why support that? We know the Ruling-Class Globalist Elites benefit from that, but what's in it for you?

They want to give the rich bigger meals - hoping they'll leave more crumbs.
Not everything has to do with class warfare....no matter how much you want to make it seem it does.
The threat will lessen once we're gone from their lands. Those lands belong to them. And i've clearly laid out the solutions to this mess in an earlier post. Check it out.
Yes. All based on your unsupportable premise.
I asked what I asked for a reason - I knew you did not have an answer.
Stop all the meddling. Withdraw from the Middle East. We've caused enough bloody chaos there. Time to come home and address this expanding Police State and the Illegal Invasion taking place on our Border.
More of the same argument based on an unsupportable premise.
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat yourself, this will never change.

So it's a Permanent State of War for you? Why support that? We know the Ruling-Class Globalist Elites benefit from that, but what's in it for you?
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat yourself, you continue to argue from an unsupportable premise..

Seriously, you have no reason to support this Permanent State of War the Globalist Elites have us stuck in. It's time to demand an end to it. Just come home.
So those people in the hospitals gassed themselves to make Assad look bad? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: Come on...get real!

Who knows what happened? But we can safely assume Assad did not order a Chemical Weapons attack. Why would he? There was absolutely no strategic value or other benefit in doing so. But regardless, it's not our war. We should mind our own business. Let them sort out their own problems.

It's time to withdraw from the Middle East. Most Americans could care less about Sunnis, Shiites, Alawites, or whatever. They're far more concerned with their rapidly expanding Police State and Illegal Invasion taking place on their border. We don't belong in the Middle East. It's time to come home and address our problems here.

With all due respect, Paul...my fear of the so called "Police State" is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy down here compared to my fear of Islamic extremists which is rather high right now! Last time I checked the Police hadn't cut any innocent people's heads off on video tape...know what I'm saying?

You still have the belief that if we simply ignore extremists that they will leave us alone. I find that belief to be naive.

When we leave their lands and stop all the meddling, their desire to cut Americans' heads off will dramatically decrease in intensity. We don't belong in the Middle East. Come home and begin addressing our problems here. The Peoples of the Middle East can sort out their own problems.
Really? You mean people that have no issue cutting the heads off of innocent people are sane enough to "stop" and not want to go for a land grab?

Sorry Paul...these people are driven...not by the need for their "own land" like the Palestinians. These people are driven by an ideology...one that says that ALL should follow them or die....ALL.
The threat will lessen once we're gone from their lands. Those lands belong to them. And i've clearly laid out the solutions to this mess in an earlier post. Check it out.
Yes. All based on your unsupportable premise.
I asked what I asked for a reason - I knew you did not have an answer.
Stop all the meddling. Withdraw from the Middle East. We've caused enough bloody chaos there. Time to come home and address this expanding Police State and the Illegal Invasion taking place on our Border.
More of the same argument based on an unsupportable premise.
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat yourself, this will never change.

So it's a Permanent State of War for you? Why support that? We know the Ruling-Class Globalist Elites benefit from that, but what's in it for you?

They want to give the rich bigger meals - hoping they'll leave more crumbs.

I guess so. I'll never understand why so many average Citizens support endless Intervention & War. There's nothing in it for them. Only the Ruling-Class Globalist Elites benefit from it.
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat yourself, you continue to argue from an unsupportable premise..
Seriously, you have no reason to support this Permanent State of War the Globalist Elites have us stuck in. It's time to demand an end to it. Just come home.
Still arguing from your unsupportable position?
No wonder you cannot convince anyone of your point of view.
Yes. All based on your unsupportable premise.
I asked what I asked for a reason - I knew you did not have an answer.
Stop all the meddling. Withdraw from the Middle East. We've caused enough bloody chaos there. Time to come home and address this expanding Police State and the Illegal Invasion taking place on our Border.
More of the same argument based on an unsupportable premise.
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat yourself, this will never change.

So it's a Permanent State of War for you? Why support that? We know the Ruling-Class Globalist Elites benefit from that, but what's in it for you?

They want to give the rich bigger meals - hoping they'll leave more crumbs.

I guess so. I'll never understand why so many average Citizens support endless Intervention & War. There's nothing in it for them. Only the Ruling-Class Globalist Elites benefit from it.
Curious...do you feel Hitler would have stopped at the western shores of Europe if we left him alone?
If that's true why didn't the UN pass a resolution authorizing the use of force in 2003?
When it comes to actually doing something, the UN balks.
Fortunately the US and her allies did not need a UN resolution to authorize their actions.
They didn't balk in 1990, nor did they balk at forcing Saddam to destroy his WMD after that war.
They balked the moment it became clear that GWB was going to do something about Iraq,
Prior to that point, no one, including the UN, questioned the threat posed by Iraq and its WMDs.
They weren't questioning the threat because they knew there was none. Even these two......

Damn that video evidence.
So those people in the hospitals gassed themselves to make Assad look bad? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: Come on...get real!

Who knows what happened? But we can safely assume Assad did not order a Chemical Weapons attack. Why would he? There was absolutely no strategic value or other benefit in doing so. But regardless, it's not our war. We should mind our own business. Let them sort out their own problems.

It's time to withdraw from the Middle East. Most Americans could care less about Sunnis, Shiites, Alawites, or whatever. They're far more concerned with their rapidly expanding Police State and Illegal Invasion taking place on their border. We don't belong in the Middle East. It's time to come home and address our problems here.

With all due respect, Paul...my fear of the so called "Police State" is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy down here compared to my fear of Islamic extremists which is rather high right now! Last time I checked the Police hadn't cut any innocent people's heads off on video tape...know what I'm saying?

You still have the belief that if we simply ignore extremists that they will leave us alone. I find that belief to be naive.

When we leave their lands and stop all the meddling, their desire to cut Americans' heads off will dramatically decrease in intensity. We don't belong in the Middle East. Come home and begin addressing our problems here. The Peoples of the Middle East can sort out their own problems.
Really? You mean people that have no issue cutting the heads off of innocent people are sane enough to "stop" and not want to go for a land grab?

Sorry Paul...these people are driven...not by the need for their "own land" like the Palestinians. These people are driven by an ideology...one that says that ALL should follow them or die....ALL.

They wouldn't want to kill us so much if we weren't there in their lands bombing & killing all the time. Radical Islam rapidly grew out of of resentment over our constant meddling in their affairs.
So those people in the hospitals gassed themselves to make Assad look bad? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: Come on...get real!

Who knows what happened? But we can safely assume Assad did not order a Chemical Weapons attack. Why would he? There was absolutely no strategic value or other benefit in doing so. But regardless, it's not our war. We should mind our own business. Let them sort out their own problems.

It's time to withdraw from the Middle East. Most Americans could care less about Sunnis, Shiites, Alawites, or whatever. They're far more concerned with their rapidly expanding Police State and Illegal Invasion taking place on their border. We don't belong in the Middle East. It's time to come home and address our problems here.

With all due respect, Paul...my fear of the so called "Police State" is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy down here compared to my fear of Islamic extremists which is rather high right now! Last time I checked the Police hadn't cut any innocent people's heads off on video tape...know what I'm saying?

You still have the belief that if we simply ignore extremists that they will leave us alone. I find that belief to be naive.

When we leave their lands and stop all the meddling, their desire to cut Americans' heads off will dramatically decrease in intensity. We don't belong in the Middle East. Come home and begin addressing our problems here. The Peoples of the Middle East can sort out their own problems.
Really? You mean people that have no issue cutting the heads off of innocent people are sane enough to "stop" and not want to go for a land grab?

Sorry Paul...these people are driven...not by the need for their "own land" like the Palestinians. These people are driven by an ideology...one that says that ALL should follow them or die....ALL.

They wouldn't want to kill us so much if we weren't there in their lands bombing & killing all the time. Radical Islam rapidly grew out of of resentment over our constant meddling in their affairs.

Those freak radical Islamist can shut it or get nuked off the planet how's that.
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat yourself, you continue to argue from an unsupportable premise..
Seriously, you have no reason to support this Permanent State of War the Globalist Elites have us stuck in. It's time to demand an end to it. Just come home.
Still arguing from your unsupportable position?
No wonder you cannot convince anyone of your point of view.

What's so unsupportable about it? Just stop all the meddling and come home. We have enough problems here. Let the Sunnis, Shiites, Alawites, or whatever, have the Middle East. It's their home, not ours.
So those people in the hospitals gassed themselves to make Assad look bad? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: Come on...get real!

Who knows what happened? But we can safely assume Assad did not order a Chemical Weapons attack. Why would he? There was absolutely no strategic value or other benefit in doing so. But regardless, it's not our war. We should mind our own business. Let them sort out their own problems.

It's time to withdraw from the Middle East. Most Americans could care less about Sunnis, Shiites, Alawites, or whatever. They're far more concerned with their rapidly expanding Police State and Illegal Invasion taking place on their border. We don't belong in the Middle East. It's time to come home and address our problems here.

With all due respect, Paul...my fear of the so called "Police State" is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy down here compared to my fear of Islamic extremists which is rather high right now! Last time I checked the Police hadn't cut any innocent people's heads off on video tape...know what I'm saying?

You still have the belief that if we simply ignore extremists that they will leave us alone. I find that belief to be naive.

When we leave their lands and stop all the meddling, their desire to cut Americans' heads off will dramatically decrease in intensity. We don't belong in the Middle East. Come home and begin addressing our problems here. The Peoples of the Middle East can sort out their own problems.
Really? You mean people that have no issue cutting the heads off of innocent people are sane enough to "stop" and not want to go for a land grab?

Sorry Paul...these people are driven...not by the need for their "own land" like the Palestinians. These people are driven by an ideology...one that says that ALL should follow them or die....ALL.

They wouldn't want to kill us so much if we weren't there in their lands bombing & killing all the time. Radical Islam rapidly grew out of of resentment over our constant meddling in their affairs.
That is your opinion. And it very well may be the truth. I don't know.

My opinion?

The ideology has always been there but the implementation of technology and social media has allowed it to blossom and expand.

People who were going to be killed in Australia were by no means impeding on ME territory.
Yes. All based on your unsupportable premise.
I asked what I asked for a reason - I knew you did not have an answer.
Stop all the meddling. Withdraw from the Middle East. We've caused enough bloody chaos there. Time to come home and address this expanding Police State and the Illegal Invasion taking place on our Border.
More of the same argument based on an unsupportable premise.
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat yourself, this will never change.

So it's a Permanent State of War for you? Why support that? We know the Ruling-Class Globalist Elites benefit from that, but what's in it for you?
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat yourself, you continue to argue from an unsupportable premise..

Seriously, you have no reason to support this Permanent State of War the Globalist Elites have us stuck in. It's time to demand an end to it. Just come home.
Problem with that is they are in a permanent state of war against us. Have been since 79'.

We can't just say "I fucking quit!!!!" And expect to be left alone all of the sudden.
Stop all the meddling. Withdraw from the Middle East. We've caused enough bloody chaos there. Time to come home and address this expanding Police State and the Illegal Invasion taking place on our Border.
More of the same argument based on an unsupportable premise.
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat yourself, this will never change.

So it's a Permanent State of War for you? Why support that? We know the Ruling-Class Globalist Elites benefit from that, but what's in it for you?

They want to give the rich bigger meals - hoping they'll leave more crumbs.

I guess so. I'll never understand why so many average Citizens support endless Intervention & War. There's nothing in it for them. Only the Ruling-Class Globalist Elites benefit from it.
Curious...do you feel Hitler would have stopped at the western shores of Europe if we left him alone?

Not gonna play that old tired game. Comparing everyone and everything to the Nazis, is how we get stuck in all these bloody Interventions & Wars. The only invasion taking place in this country, is happening right now on our wide open border. No Nation on this Earth is a serious threat to invade the United States.
So those people in the hospitals gassed themselves to make Assad look bad? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: Come on...get real!

Who knows what happened? But we can safely assume Assad did not order a Chemical Weapons attack. Why would he? There was absolutely no strategic value or other benefit in doing so. But regardless, it's not our war. We should mind our own business. Let them sort out their own problems.

It's time to withdraw from the Middle East. Most Americans could care less about Sunnis, Shiites, Alawites, or whatever. They're far more concerned with their rapidly expanding Police State and Illegal Invasion taking place on their border. We don't belong in the Middle East. It's time to come home and address our problems here.

With all due respect, Paul...my fear of the so called "Police State" is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy down here compared to my fear of Islamic extremists which is rather high right now! Last time I checked the Police hadn't cut any innocent people's heads off on video tape...know what I'm saying?

You still have the belief that if we simply ignore extremists that they will leave us alone. I find that belief to be naive.

When we leave their lands and stop all the meddling, their desire to cut Americans' heads off will dramatically decrease in intensity. We don't belong in the Middle East. Come home and begin addressing our problems here. The Peoples of the Middle East can sort out their own problems.
Really? You mean people that have no issue cutting the heads off of innocent people are sane enough to "stop" and not want to go for a land grab?

Sorry Paul...these people are driven...not by the need for their "own land" like the Palestinians. These people are driven by an ideology...one that says that ALL should follow them or die....ALL.

They wouldn't want to kill us so much if we weren't there in their lands bombing & killing all the time. Radical Islam rapidly grew out of of resentment over our constant meddling in their affairs.
I have yet to hear any of them talk about the middle east. They talk about their religion. Yes, 100 years ago, I can understand "leave them alone and they wont bother us"...because 100 years ago, they had no real way to get the word out and to travel thousands of miles.

Now, it is a little different.

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