Bush / Cheney Created Conditions That Led Directly To I S I L

Bush armed Iraqis .... so where's your blame for that?

Bush hasn't been president for 6 years. We wouldn't be talking about this if he still was.
One more thing ... explain how we wouldn't be talking about this if Bush was still president?

(this should be good)
Because eventually Iraq would have become an afterthought in the news, and we would have maintained bases there from which strikes could be launched at the Syrian border, similar to what they're gearing up to do today. We would have had some influence over Iraqi politics and prevented much of the nonsense caused by Shiites that led to Sunni unrest.
That's pretty fucked up logic since Bush couldn't get Iraq to agree to an immunity deal. So no, your false premise that Bush would have kept troops there, after Bush was the one to make the deal with Iraq to pull ALL of the troops out, falls into the trash bin where it so rightfully deserves to be.

I knew I your answer would be fun!
Bush wasn't in office when his Status Of Forces agreement was allowed to expire. They never were intended to be permanent. That would have made us an occupational force and our media at the behest of Democrats wouldn't stand for that. Most of the negatives about the war was political anyway, thanks to the left. Doing the right thing doesn't always jib with politicians.

Please show me where it says this is not a permanent agreement or that it is some kind of placeholder agreement.


4. The United States recognizes the sovereign right of the Government of Iraq to request
the departure of the United States Forces from Iraq at any time. The Government of Iraq
recognizes the sovereign right of the United States to withdraw the United States Forces
from Iraq at any time.

It takes time to clean up the Bush mess.
You can blow up a house with a push of a button.

But it takes weeks or months to rebuild it.

Republicans won't let anyone rebuild anything. They failed so miserable under Bush, they want everyone to fail just so we can all be at the same level.

Six years of Obama Administration incompetence and you're STILL trying to blame Barry's failures on a guy who's chopping brush on a ranch in Texas!

Barry ignored advice on the situation and chose to do it HIS way! That's his right as President but when he does things HIS way then it's time to man up and take responsibility when he's as wrong as he's been with the complete troop pullout in Iraq.

How many of our soldiers would you have been willing to leave behind knowing they would be subject to the Iraqi justice system?
Not an issue. Obama didn't even try

Wrong, negotiation continued throughout 2011.
Half-hearted at best. He said he had no intention of staying. What good are negotiations when you're blasting to the world that our presence there is unwanted?

They always planned on a residual force being left behind. Had the Iraqi relented and allowed our soldier immunity I'm sure either president would have made the agreement.
The UN and the entire world supported the Iraq fiasco. To blame it all on Bush and Cheney is just ignorant.

Everyone got it wrong. It was a waste of lives and money. So was Viet Nam, but we seem incapable of learning from history.

If that's true why didn't the UN pass a resolution authorizing the use of force in 2003?
Bush hasn't been president for 6 years. We wouldn't be talking about this if he still was.
One more thing ... explain how we wouldn't be talking about this if Bush was still president?

(this should be good)
Because eventually Iraq would have become an afterthought in the news, and we would have maintained bases there from which strikes could be launched at the Syrian border, similar to what they're gearing up to do today. We would have had some influence over Iraqi politics and prevented much of the nonsense caused by Shiites that led to Sunni unrest.
That's pretty fucked up logic since Bush couldn't get Iraq to agree to an immunity deal. So no, your false premise that Bush would have kept troops there, after Bush was the one to make the deal with Iraq to pull ALL of the troops out, falls into the trash bin where it so rightfully deserves to be.

I knew I your answer would be fun!
Bush wasn't in office when his Status Of Forces agreement was allowed to expire. They never were intended to be permanent. That would have made us an occupational force and our media at the behest of Democrats wouldn't stand for that. Most of the negatives about the war was political anyway, thanks to the left. Doing the right thing doesn't always jib with politicians.

Please show me where it says this is not a permanent agreement or that it is some kind of placeholder agreement.


4. The United States recognizes the sovereign right of the Government of Iraq to request
the departure of the United States Forces from Iraq at any time. The Government of Iraq
recognizes the sovereign right of the United States to withdraw the United States Forces
from Iraq at any time.
What does "at any time" mean to you?

The biggest lib talking-point has always been constant demands for a pullout date. The Republican response was always a rational "why tip off the enemy"
The UN and the entire world supported the Iraq fiasco. To blame it all on Bush and Cheney is just ignorant.

Everyone got it wrong. It was a waste of lives and money. So was Viet Nam, but we seem incapable of learning from history.
If that's true why didn't the UN pass a resolution authorizing the use of force in 2003?
When it comes to actually doing something, the UN balks.
Fortunately the US and her allies did not need a UN resolution to authorize their actions.
One more thing ... explain how we wouldn't be talking about this if Bush was still president?

(this should be good)
Because eventually Iraq would have become an afterthought in the news, and we would have maintained bases there from which strikes could be launched at the Syrian border, similar to what they're gearing up to do today. We would have had some influence over Iraqi politics and prevented much of the nonsense caused by Shiites that led to Sunni unrest.
That's pretty fucked up logic since Bush couldn't get Iraq to agree to an immunity deal. So no, your false premise that Bush would have kept troops there, after Bush was the one to make the deal with Iraq to pull ALL of the troops out, falls into the trash bin where it so rightfully deserves to be.

I knew I your answer would be fun!
Bush wasn't in office when his Status Of Forces agreement was allowed to expire. They never were intended to be permanent. That would have made us an occupational force and our media at the behest of Democrats wouldn't stand for that. Most of the negatives about the war was political anyway, thanks to the left. Doing the right thing doesn't always jib with politicians.

Please show me where it says this is not a permanent agreement or that it is some kind of placeholder agreement.


4. The United States recognizes the sovereign right of the Government of Iraq to request
the departure of the United States Forces from Iraq at any time. The Government of Iraq
recognizes the sovereign right of the United States to withdraw the United States Forces
from Iraq at any time.
What does "at any time" mean to you?

The biggest lib talking-point has always been constant demands for a pullout date. The Republican response was always a rational "why tip off the enemy"

In terms of that agreement it meant anytime before Dec 31 2011.....
Bush forced Obama to do Fast &Furious
Bush forced Obama to use the NSA to spy on Americans without a warrant
Bush forced Obama to use the IRS to target conservatives
Bush forced them to lose their emails and destroy their hard drives
Bush forced Hillary to cut back on security in Benghazi
Bush forced Obama to ship illegals all over the country
Bush forced Obama to cut our manned space program
Bush forced Obama to go around Congress
Bush forced Obama to sign the Sequester
Bush forced Obama to play 300+ rounds of golf
Bush forced Obama to spend $8 trillion dollars
Bush must have forced Obama to cut and run from Iraq.......
The UN and the entire world supported the Iraq fiasco. To blame it all on Bush and Cheney is just ignorant.

Everyone got it wrong. It was a waste of lives and money. So was Viet Nam, but we seem incapable of learning from history.
If that's true why didn't the UN pass a resolution authorizing the use of force in 2003?
When it comes to actually doing something, the UN balks.
Fortunately the US and her allies did not need a UN resolution to authorize their actions.

They didn't balk in 1990, nor did they balk at forcing Saddam to destroy his WMD after that war.

I never said we needed the UN to authorize the invasion, I'm saying Fishy-fish is trying to re-write history, again by saying the UN supported the invasion. Furthermore I don't blame it all on Bush or Cheney, gotta give some credit to President Ray-Gun and the other President Bush too.
Bush forced Obama to do Fast &Furious
Bush forced Obama to use the NSA to spy on Americans without a warrant
Bush forced Obama to use the IRS to target conservatives
Bush forced them to lose their emails and destroy their hard drives
Bush forced Hillary to cut back on security in Benghazi
Bush forced Obama to ship illegals all over the country
Bush forced Obama to cut our manned space program
Bush forced Obama to go around Congress
Bush forced Obama to sign the Sequester
Bush forced Obama to play 300+ rounds of golf
Bush forced Obama to spend $8 trillion dollars
Bush must have forced Obama to cut and run from Iraq.......

Man, for a functional idiot (which is how the Left always portrayed "Dubya") to be able to force an intellectual GIANT like Barack Obama to do all those things...George W. Bush must secretly be a "mastermind"!!!:blowup:
How much debt has Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and policies?

What does THAT have to do with the topic YOU started this string over, Lakhota? It's bad enough when someone else tries to hijack a discussion when it's gone bad but when the OP does it...then it's REALLY bad!
The UN and the entire world supported the Iraq fiasco. To blame it all on Bush and Cheney is just ignorant.

Everyone got it wrong. It was a waste of lives and money. So was Viet Nam, but we seem incapable of learning from history.
If that's true why didn't the UN pass a resolution authorizing the use of force in 2003?
When it comes to actually doing something, the UN balks.
Fortunately the US and her allies did not need a UN resolution to authorize their actions.
They didn't balk in 1990, nor did they balk at forcing Saddam to destroy his WMD after that war.
They balked the moment it became clear that GWB was going to do something about Iraq,
Prior to that point, no one, including the UN, questioned the threat posed by Iraq and its WMDs.
The UN and the entire world supported the Iraq fiasco. To blame it all on Bush and Cheney is just ignorant.

Everyone got it wrong. It was a waste of lives and money. So was Viet Nam, but we seem incapable of learning from history.
If that's true why didn't the UN pass a resolution authorizing the use of force in 2003?
When it comes to actually doing something, the UN balks.
Fortunately the US and her allies did not need a UN resolution to authorize their actions.
They didn't balk in 1990, nor did they balk at forcing Saddam to destroy his WMD after that war.
They balked the moment it became clear that GWB was going to do something about Iraq,
Prior to that point, no one, including the UN, questioned the threat posed by Iraq and its WMDs.

They weren't questioning the threat because they knew there was none. Even these two......

The Memory Hole 2001 Powell Rice Declare Iraq Has No WMD and Is Not a Threat
How much debt has Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and policies?

What does THAT have to do with the topic YOU started this string over, Lakhota? It's bad enough when someone else tries to hijack a discussion when it's gone bad but when the OP does it...then it's REALLY bad!

Ask mudwhistle. Obama's so-called debt was on his "Bush forced Obama" list. Just answer the question.
How much debt has Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and policies?

What does THAT have to do with the topic YOU started this string over, Lakhota? It's bad enough when someone else tries to hijack a discussion when it's gone bad but when the OP does it...then it's REALLY bad!

Ask mudwhistle. Obama's so-called debt was on his "Bush forced Obama" list. Just answer the question.

As I said before...when someone else tries to change the topic of discussion it's bad...when the person who STARTED the discussion attempts to do so...IT'S PATHETIC!!!

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