Bush Close to Deal on Timeline for Withdrawl from Iraq


It's making Obama look right, undercutting McCain's message, and making Bush loyalists spin themselves into a tizzy.

Only to retards and losers that do not understand that Obama was gonna abandon Iraq in 16 months because he still believes we lost.
Tell ya what moron, take your bullshit and crap it on someone elses lawn. And your name tells me all I need to know about YOUR military time. If you ever were in at all.

Your ignorance is showing again. Perhaps you can get Maineman to make an appearance and remind us all how we would NEVER be talking about pulling combat troops anyway? How Iraq was never going to be stable and was descending into a civil war.

You liberals prove your ignorance with every post on this subject.

Only to retards and losers that do not understand that Obama was gonna abandon Iraq in 16 months because he still believes we lost.

Huffing and puffing is getting you nowhere, Sarge ...

It's making you look childish ...
One day his head is going to explode. Talk about anger issues.
The right was not interested in setting withdrawal dates before we had achieved what we set out to do: stabilize Iraq. Since the surge (which was pooh-poohed by the left, who, as RGS said, claimed we could never win, period) it is obvious that Iraq is well on its way to stability.

I listened to CNN on this this morning, and what BOTH sides are saying, including ranking Iraqi officials, is that a tentative time table may be looked at, but at this point they do NOT want to eliminate our presence and our ability to step in should the situation deteriorate. In other words, it's going well, they are discussing options for when the US leaves, but neither side thinks they should decide on a hard and fast date or withdraw to such a degree that we can't continue to help them as needed.
This is some funny sh*t. Mere weeks ago, GOPers were outraged at the mere mention of any timeline for withdrawl.

This plan that BushCo is reportedly negotiating would have combat troops out in 21 months. Obama proposed 16 months. Pretty close.

Poor John McCain. Legs cut out from under him again.

GOPers were always for staying until the job was done.That may be close to happening. General timelines have never been ruled out. It's the liberal DEADLINES and ultimatums that were garbage. Now you want us to suddenly believe this is something Obama came up with first ?
Screw McCain--he can come up with his own spin. The only votes he will get are the ones voting against Obama anyway.
Scares the shit out of you that old George (the guy who tricked you) might pull this one off in spite of those who have been so determined to make him look like a loser.
I love the spin. The Liberals have been preaching from day two we couldn't ever win. That we had to cut and run. That we were stuck in a quagmire with no end. That Iraq would never be able to form a functioning Government , military and police force.

It comes to pass they were all so wrong as to be hilarious. And instead they spin it as if Obama and his cut and run plan were the right plan all along.

Define the victory? Bombing a society on the cusp of modernization back into the third world for it to be brought under the influence of Iran is a dumber than dumb. Way to pave the way for a Shiite alliance from Tehran through Iraq and straight across the Middle East into Lebanon.

No one ever denied the military engagement could be won.
Yeah, Iraq was certainly on the cusp of modernization, and those people were certainly enjoying their modern privileges.

What a load.
GOPers were always for staying until the job was done.That may be close to happening. General timelines have never been ruled out. It's the liberal DEADLINES and ultimatums that were garbage. Now you want us to suddenly believe this is something Obama came up with first ?
Screw McCain--he can come up with his own spin. The only votes he will get are the ones voting against Obama anyway.

You republicans keep changing your story, to stay consistent with the latest mccain flip flop.

Doesn't matter if the withdrawl time table is a hard date or a soft date. Mere months ago, republicans were telling us that if we gave any day whatsoever, the insurgents would just lie low and wait for us to leave. If you give them a soft date, its the same damn thing. Once the date becomes public knowlege, according to Bush apologists, the insurgents could just lay low and not attack until we leave.

Scares the shit out of you that old George (the guy who tricked you) might pull this one off in spite of those who have been so determined to make him look like a loser.

It doesn't matter if the shooting stops tommorow, or ten years from now. This was an abject failure. We spent a trillion dollars to replace a secular, anti-iranian iraqi government, with a theocratic-leaning, nominally pro-iranian government. And we didn't find WMD. At the cost of a trillion dollars and thousands of lives.

That's not a victory by any measure. That's an abject clusterfuck, and a waste of the nation's blood and treasure.
You republicans keep changing your story, to stay consistent with the latest mccain flip flop.

Doesn't matter if the withdrawl time table is a hard date or a soft date. Mere months ago, republicans were telling us that if we gave any day whatsoever, the insurgents would just lie low and wait for us to leave. If you give them a soft date, its the same damn thing. Once the date becomes public knowlege, according to Bush apologists, the insurgents could just lay low and not attack until we leave.

It doesn't matter if the shooting stops tommorow, or ten years from now. This was an abject failure. We spent a trillion dollars to replace a secular, anti-iranian iraqi government, with a theocratic-leaning, nominally pro-iranian government. And we didn't find WMD. At the cost of a trillion dollars and thousands of lives.

That's not a victory by any measure. That's an abject clusterfuck, and a waste of the nation's blood and treasure.

This flip-flop is all Bush.
Except he did not fail in Iraq. You turds can cry all you want about it, but your last 4 years of crying we lost and we should cut and run have not been forgotten.

Right, you cannot forget what you imagines to be true.

I have been for stabilizing Iraq and then getting the hell out ever since we made the mistake of invading the place.

You just keep jousting with these strawmen, Gummy, cause that's about all you posts are good for, anyway.
Right, you cannot forget what you imagines to be true.

I have been for stabilizing Iraq and then getting the hell out ever since we made the mistake of invading the place.

You just keep jousting with these strawmen, Gummy, cause that's about all you posts are good for, anyway.

Sure thing, either your ignorant, blind or retarded. The far left has been demanding we leave for 4 YEARS. Insisting we lost and can never win. Aided and abetted by the Press. The Surge changed all that, now the Press has no choice but to ignore Iraq.

The only strawman is you claiming it ain't so.
Sure thing, either your ignorant, blind or retarded. The far left has been demanding we leave for 4 YEARS. Insisting we lost and can never win. Aided and abetted by the Press. The Surge changed all that, now the Press has no choice but to ignore Iraq.

The only strawman is you claiming it ain't so.

What have we won?

Reducing violence is a tactical success. It's not a "victory".

You sent thousands of americans to their deaths, you cost the US Taxpayer 1 trillion dollars, you promised we'd find WMD, you promised Saddam was in league with al qaeda, and you helped put a disfunctional, shia-dominated government in bagdad that is far more sympathetic to Iran than Saddam ever was.

You caused a clusterfuck of historic proportions, dummy.
What have we won?

Reducing violence is a tactical success. It's not a "victory".

You sent thousands of americans to their deaths, you cost the US Taxpayer 1 trillion dollars, you promised we'd find WMD, you promised Saddam was in league with al qaeda, and you helped put a disfunctional, shia-dominated government in bagdad that is far more sympathetic to Iran than Saddam ever was.

You caused a clusterfuck of historic proportions, dummy.

Last I checked I am neither the President, nor a member of Congress, so I did none of those things.

And if we believe you retards Bush stole both elections so none of us voted him into office either, so I guess you can not blame us for that either.

But then logic and common sense have never been a strong point for liberal retards. Fear mongering is the standard they look for. Any lie is acceptable. Any mis statement ok as long as THEY can use it.

Ohh and remind us again how Iran is no threat at all BUT you keep claiming that Iraq is gonna ally with this NONE threat and that WILL be a threat. You may want to start actually THINKING about your ignorant rants.

It is simple really. IS Iran a threat? Yes or no? If yes then why are you all over Bush for saying so and trying to do something about it? If no then you can not keep claiming Iraq being friendly with them is a problem.

If Bush stole both elections then you can not keep claiming any of us are responsible for him being in office. If he won them then you have to accept that you dumb shits ran the wrong people with the wrong message, especially in 2004.

If you want us out of Iraq you can quit belly aching about the fact we ARE in the process of giving day to day operations to the Iraqis.

Common sense, what a concept.

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