Bush didn't just lie........

The war cost 3 trillion dollars so far...about ten percent of our total National Debt...these Republican slags still defend the war...still defend the morons and bastards that led s to war

Motive For The Iraq War

When we approach the question of Iraq, we realize here is a country which has a resource. And it’s obvious, it’s oil. And it can bring in and does bring in a certain amount of revenue each year…$10,$15, even$18billion… this is not a broke country.

~Richard Armitage (born:1945-04-26age: 70 )Deputy Secretary of State 2003-0
3, all but admitting the Republicans invaded Iraq as an in investment in oil, As of2008-07the cost of the Iraq war is about $3000 billion and climbing. It is a debt so large it can never be paid off. In that sense America is already bankrupt. Future generations will pay interest in perpetuity.
I can just imagine what the meeting was like when someone came up with that phrase and everyone chimed in that was the kind of sales gimmick winner worthy of a Madison Avenue campaign that ends up helping Coors sell more beer to alcoholics and vitamin supplement companies sell more herbal remedies packaged as miracle cures to hapless people who are desperate for any kind of relief from the health problems associated with growing older.

You do not have to imagine...here are the Republican cynical bastards discussing"how do we start the war" how do we sell this atrocity to the US people .........

Hubris Selling the Iraq War - The Rumsfeld memos MSNBC

Among the new revelations in tonight’s documentary about how the Bush administration convinced the American people to go to war in Iraq are newly declassified talking points and handwritten notes from November, 2001 in which can be seen then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s team trying to find the most compelling reason to justify war.

Hubris co-author Michael Isikoff explains:

By late November, Rumsfeld was meeting with Gen. Tommy Franks, Centcom commander, to plot the “decapitation” of the Iraqi government, according to the now declassified talking points agenda from the sessions (shown on television for the first time in the documentary). The talking points suggest that Rumsfeld and his team were grappling with a tricky issue: “How [to] start?” the war. In other words, what would the pretext be? Various scenarios were outlined: “US discovers Saddam connection to Sept. 11 attack or to anthrax attacks?” reads one of them. “Dispute over WMD inspections?” reads another. “Start now thinking about inspection demands.”

Team Bush knew Saddam would be antsy about inspections and could not comply 100%. No matter what Blix said, they would find some reason why Saddam wasn't complying

They went in without a net assuming once they invaded they would find SOMETHING that justified invasion....they didn't
I can just imagine what the meeting was like when someone came up with that phrase and everyone chimed in that was the kind of sales gimmick winner worthy of a Madison Avenue campaign that ends up helping Coors sell more beer to alcoholics and vitamin supplement companies sell more herbal remedies packaged as miracle cures to hapless people who are desperate for any kind of relief from the health problems associated with growing older.

You do not have to imagine...here are the Republican cynical bastards discussing"how do we start the war" how do we sell this atrocity to the US people .........

Hubris Selling the Iraq War - The Rumsfeld memos MSNBC

Among the new revelations in tonight’s documentary about how the Bush administration convinced the American people to go to war in Iraq are newly declassified talking points and handwritten notes from November, 2001 in which can be seen then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s team trying to find the most compelling reason to justify war.

Hubris co-author Michael Isikoff explains:

By late November, Rumsfeld was meeting with Gen. Tommy Franks, Centcom commander, to plot the “decapitation” of the Iraqi government, according to the now declassified talking points agenda from the sessions (shown on television for the first time in the documentary). The talking points suggest that Rumsfeld and his team were grappling with a tricky issue: “How [to] start?” the war. In other words, what would the pretext be? Various scenarios were outlined: “US discovers Saddam connection to Sept. 11 attack or to anthrax attacks?” reads one of them. “Dispute over WMD inspections?” reads another. “Start now thinking about inspection demands.”

Team Bush knew Saddam would be antsy about inspections and could not comply 100%. No matter what Blix said, they would find some reason why Saddam wasn't complying

They went in without a net assuming once they invaded they would find SOMETHING that justified invasion....they didn't

I would like to see Team Bush on the gallows pole ...
I can just imagine what the meeting was like when someone came up with that phrase and everyone chimed in that was the kind of sales gimmick winner worthy of a Madison Avenue campaign that ends up helping Coors sell more beer to alcoholics and vitamin supplement companies sell more herbal remedies packaged as miracle cures to hapless people who are desperate for any kind of relief from the health problems associated with growing older.

You do not have to imagine...here are the Republican cynical bastards discussing"how do we start the war" how do we sell this atrocity to the US people .........

Hubris Selling the Iraq War - The Rumsfeld memos MSNBC

Among the new revelations in tonight’s documentary about how the Bush administration convinced the American people to go to war in Iraq are newly declassified talking points and handwritten notes from November, 2001 in which can be seen then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s team trying to find the most compelling reason to justify war.

Hubris co-author Michael Isikoff explains:

By late November, Rumsfeld was meeting with Gen. Tommy Franks, Centcom commander, to plot the “decapitation” of the Iraqi government, according to the now declassified talking points agenda from the sessions (shown on television for the first time in the documentary). The talking points suggest that Rumsfeld and his team were grappling with a tricky issue: “How [to] start?” the war. In other words, what would the pretext be? Various scenarios were outlined: “US discovers Saddam connection to Sept. 11 attack or to anthrax attacks?” reads one of them. “Dispute over WMD inspections?” reads another. “Start now thinking about inspection demands.”

Team Bush knew Saddam would be antsy about inspections and could not comply 100%. No matter what Blix said, they would find some reason why Saddam wasn't complying

They went in without a net assuming once they invaded they would find SOMETHING that justified invasion....they didn't

I would like to see Team Bush on the gallows pole ...

That is too harsh...maybe just waterboard them

2/8/03 In radio address to the nation, Bush warns that "firsthand witnesses [read: Curveball] have informed us that Iraq has at least seven mobile factories" for germ warfare.

2/8/03 UN's Team Bravo, led by American bioweapons experts, searches Curveball's former work site in Iraq and disproves many of his claims
Intel came from CIA. CIA was run by Bush admin not by congress. Dems were lied to. Bush admin originated the lie. Dems were gullible. Cons were criminals.
There were Democrats who voted against the war. With Republicans screaming "traitor", it was a brave decision.
The war cost 3 trillion dollars so far...about ten percent of our total National Debt...these Republican slags still defend the war...still defend the morons and bastards that led s to war

Motive For The Iraq War

When we approach the question of Iraq, we realize here is a country which has a resource. And it’s obvious, it’s oil. And it can bring in and does bring in a certain amount of revenue each year…$10,$15, even$18billion… this is not a broke country.

~Richard Armitage (born:1945-04-26age: 70 )Deputy Secretary of State 2003-0
3, all but admitting the Republicans invaded Iraq as an in investment in oil, As of2008-07the cost of the Iraq war is about $3000 billion and climbing. It is a debt so large it can never be paid off. In that sense America is already bankrupt. Future generations will pay interest in perpetuity.
Some of the greatest war cheerleaders are right here at the USMB.
Intel came from CIA. CIA was run by Bush admin not by congress. Dems were lied to. Bush admin originated the lie. Dems were gullible. Cons were criminals.
There were Democrats who voted against the war. With Republicans screaming "traitor", it was a brave decision.

And now Republicans celebrate that Democrats were bullied to vote for the war....See? It was a bipartisan decision to invade

Post 9-11 Democrats were afraid to be labled "Unpatriotic" or "Soft on Terrorism" and voted for the war. They were weak and sold out their country because they were unwilling to take the political heat of voting NO

It was Bush's war from the beginning
Well since you believe Bush lied then every intelligence agency in the world was lying right along with him.

Funny how that works. Bush's intelligence and the intelliegence of all those other agencies in all those other countries said the same thing but somehow Bush lied.

Oh wait. I forgot. Its Rightwinger. Never mind.

You're lying. Other agencies around the world did NOT say the same thing. That's why France and Canada, among others, refused to participate in the invasion. There was a lot of evidence to the contrary but in the U.S. no one dared oppose Bush's plans because anyone who said otherwise was "aiding and abetting the terrorists".

This pretence that everyone believed In the world believed W's lies is what idiots tell themselves to feel better about being fooled.
Bullshit. Loads of other countries believed what their intelligence agencies were telling them. The fact that he had WMD's. He gassed the Kurds and it wasn't with Glade.

Canada landed in Iraq as did many other countries so I guess you're just full of shit.
Fear mongering was much more effective

George W. Bush didn t just lie about the Iraq War. What he did was much worse.

What the Bush administration launched in 2002 and 2003 may have been the most comprehensive, sophisticated, and misleading campaign of government propaganda in American history. Spend too much time in the weeds, and you risk missing the hysterical tenor of the whole campaign.

In the summer of 2002, the administration established something called the White House Iraq Group, through which Karl Rove and other communication strategists like Karen Hughes and Mary Matalin coordinated with policy officials to sell the public on the threat from Iraq in order to justify war. "The script had been finalized with great care over the summer," White House press secretary Scott McClellan later wrote, for a "campaign to convince Americans that war with Iraq was inevitable and necessary."
In that campaign, intelligence wasn't something to be understood and assessed by the administration in making their decisions, it was a propaganda tool to lead the public to the conclusion that the administration wanted. Again and again we saw a similar pattern: An allegation would bubble up from somewhere, some in the intelligence community would say that it could be true but others would say it was either speculation or outright baloney, but before you knew it the president or someone else was presenting it to the public as settled fact.


Look, you stupid MF, If Clinton had not tucked tail and ran like a scalded dog from Somalia there wouldn't have been a 911 attack. If Clinton had followed his own advice and gotten rid of Saddam Hussein there wouldn't have been a reason for Bush to attack Iraq. You Democrats are so fucking stupid!
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Fear mongering prior to the invasion......

2/10/03 DHS advises Americans to stock up on plastic sheeting and duct tape to protect themselves against radiological or biological attack.
Well since you believe Bush lied then every intelligence agency in the world was lying right along with him.

Funny how that works. Bush's intelligence and the intelliegence of all those other agencies in all those other countries said the same thing but somehow Bush lied.

Oh wait. I forgot. Its Rightwinger. Never mind.

You're lying. Other agencies around the world did NOT say the same thing. That's why France and Canada, among others, refused to participate in the invasion. There was a lot of evidence to the contrary but in the U.S. no one dared oppose Bush's plans because anyone who said otherwise was "aiding and abetting the terrorists".

This pretence that everyone believed In the world believed W's lies is what idiots tell themselves to feel better about being fooled.

The Bush "Coalition of the willing" was nothing more than a coalition willing to accept US payouts for sending in token non-combat troops
Nothing new there. Most countries expect us to fight wars for em.

The rest of the world expects us to carry the ball and we do. Doesn't negate the fact that other countries were involved in Iraq and the intelligence agencies of other countries thought as we did. Saddam had WMD's and he sure didn't gas those Kurds with Glade.
Nothing new there. Most countries expect us to fight wars for em.

The rest of the world expects us to carry the ball and we do. Doesn't negate the fact that other countries were involved in Iraq and the intelligence agencies of other countries thought as we did. Saddam had WMD's and he sure didn't gas those Kurds with Glade.

Saddam gassed the Kurds in 1988.........15 years before Bush decided he needed to invade because of it
Well you can look at it that way. If he had that gas in 1988 what did he have before the invasion??

Thats why all those intelligence agencies believed he had WMD's.

You can say Bush lied all you want but he had good reason to believe Saddam had WMD's as did all those other intelligence agencies.
Well you can look at it that way. If he had that gas in 1988 what did he have before the invasion??

Thats why all those intelligence agencies believed he had WMD's.

You can say Bush lied all you want but he had good reason to believe Saddam had WMD's as did all those other intelligence agencies.

The attack on the Kurds happened in1988

Daddy Bush started Desert Storm in 1990 but didn't think it was necessary to remove Saddam from power for an attack that happened two years earlier

Why was it necessary for his son to do so 15 years later?
Fuck Iraq

We gave them ten years of our soldiers being killed to fend off the inevitable. Iraq was going to fall to secular violence unless we were there to stop it

Bush (they will treat us as liberators) should have known better

His father did
So again you have gotten what you wanted from Obama so stop your fucking bitching about Bush.If you have issues with the situation in Iraq or the current policies on Iraq direct them at the current CIC instead of the man who has not held the title for five plus years now.
Bush gets a pass?

He blundered into Iraq
Fucked up the occupation
Created a civil war
Killed 5000 Americans and 100,000 innocent Iraqis

But it is now Obama's problem

Typical Republican
Never said Bush gets a pass I hold him responsible for the decisions he made as President unlike you a typical Democrat I don't hold him responsible for the decisions Obama has made as President. If your going to continue Bush/Iraq threads at least be honest enough to admit the reason for it the Obama foriegn policy on Iraq and the Middle East in general has not worked and you can't deal with so you continue to cry but Bush.
Bush sought to recreate the Islamic world in his image. He fucked it up

Not just Obama, but future Presidents will have to deal with his blunder
Yet again your trying to blame Bush for the failed Middle East policies of Obama. As I have said before Bushs mistakes do not excuse or justify Obamas.

So you hold President Bush responsible for agreeing to withdraw all our troops from Iraq by 2012? That was his policy decision was it not?

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