Bush didn't just lie........

Well since you believe Bush lied then every intelligence agency in the world was lying right along with him.

Funny how that works. Bush's intelligence and the intelliegence of all those other agencies in all those other countries said the same thing but somehow Bush lied.

Oh wait. I forgot. Its Rightwinger. Never mind.

You're lying. Other agencies around the world did NOT say the same thing. That's why France and Canada, among others, refused to participate in the invasion. There was a lot of evidence to the contrary but in the U.S. no one dared oppose Bush's plans because anyone who said otherwise was "aiding and abetting the terrorists".

This pretence that everyone believed In the world believed W's lies is what idiots tell themselves to feel better about being fooled.
France was undermining sanctions by selling stuff to Saddam. No wonder they were opposed.
Rumsfeld soft selled the war.......It is no big deal...six weeks, six months tops. We don't need occupying troops...they will treat us as liberators

2/25/03 Gen. Eric Shinseki tells Congress "several hundred thousand troops" will be needed to occupy Iraq. Rumsfeld retaliates, naming Shinseki's successor 14 months before the end of his term.
Face facts, Bush and Cheney were much better at foreign policy than this clown Obama and his gaffe machine Biden or his zero accomplishments former SOS Clinton.

They were certainly better at getting our soldiers KIA by invading a country that did not attack us on 9-11 or pose a serious threat to us at all. You can call that better, but it;s not.
So again you have gotten what you wanted from Obama so stop your fucking bitching about Bush.If you have issues with the situation in Iraq or the current policies on Iraq direct them at the current CIC instead of the man who has not held the title for five plus years now.
Bush gets a pass?

He blundered into Iraq
Fucked up the occupation
Created a civil war
Killed 5000 Americans and 100,000 innocent Iraqis

But it is now Obama's problem

Typical Republican
Never said Bush gets a pass I hold him responsible for the decisions he made as President unlike you a typical Democrat I don't hold him responsible for the decisions Obama has made as President. If your going to continue Bush/Iraq threads at least be honest enough to admit the reason for it the Obama foriegn policy on Iraq and the Middle East in general has not worked and you can't deal with so you continue to cry but Bush.
Bush sought to recreate the Islamic world in his image. He fucked it up

Not just Obama, but future Presidents will have to deal with his blunder
Yet again your trying to blame Bush for the failed Middle East policies of Obama. As I have said before Bushs mistakes do not excuse or justify Obamas.

So you hold President Bush responsible for agreeing to withdraw all our troops from Iraq by 2012? That was his policy decision was it not?
No it was not. The SOFA was left open to renegotiation. Obama had the opportunity to do just that and failed. This isnt my opinion. This isnt speculation. This is the testimony of two former SecDefs.
Obama is responsible for the mess in the ME. He failed to act when he should have, he let events overtake him. He found out about things by reading about them in the newspaper.
Face facts, Bush and Cheney were much better at foreign policy than this clown Obama and his gaffe machine Biden or his zero accomplishments former SOS Clinton.

They were certainly better at getting our soldiers KIA by invading a country that did not attack us on 9-11 or pose a serious threat to us at all. You can call that better, but it;s not.

You are ignorant.
No it was not. The SOFA was left open to renegotiation. Obama had the opportunity to do just that and failed. This isnt my opinion. This isnt speculation. This is the testimony of two former SecDefs.
Obama is responsible for the mess in the ME. He failed to act when he should have, he let events overtake him. He found out about things by reading about them in the newspaper.

So I guess you are ready to sacrifice more Americans in the Iraq altar of greed...I bet you think the invasion was noble too..moron
Bush gets a pass?

He blundered into Iraq
Fucked up the occupation
Created a civil war
Killed 5000 Americans and 100,000 innocent Iraqis

But it is now Obama's problem

Typical Republican
Never said Bush gets a pass I hold him responsible for the decisions he made as President unlike you a typical Democrat I don't hold him responsible for the decisions Obama has made as President. If your going to continue Bush/Iraq threads at least be honest enough to admit the reason for it the Obama foriegn policy on Iraq and the Middle East in general has not worked and you can't deal with so you continue to cry but Bush.
Bush sought to recreate the Islamic world in his image. He fucked it up

Not just Obama, but future Presidents will have to deal with his blunder
Yet again your trying to blame Bush for the failed Middle East policies of Obama. As I have said before Bushs mistakes do not excuse or justify Obamas.

So you hold President Bush responsible for agreeing to withdraw all our troops from Iraq by 2012? That was his policy decision was it not?
No it was not. The SOFA was left open to renegotiation. Obama had the opportunity to do just that and failed. This isnt my opinion. This isnt speculation. This is the testimony of two former SecDefs.
Obama is responsible for the mess in the ME. He failed to act when he should have, he let events overtake him. He found out about things by reading about them in the newspaper.

Got it. President Bush is not responsible for the withdrawal agreement he made with the Iraq government. It's all President Obama's fault for not fixing the Bush Bug Out policy , even though the same sticking point about immunity for our troops scuttled both negotiations. It was not the Shiite dominated government of Iraq's fault, it's President Obama's fault.
Well you can look at it that way. If he had that gas in 1988 what did he have before the invasion??

Thats why all those intelligence agencies believed he had WMD's.

You can say Bush lied all you want but he had good reason to believe Saddam had WMD's as did all those other intelligence agencies.

The attack on the Kurds happened in1988

Daddy Bush started Desert Storm in 1990 but didn't think it was necessary to remove Saddam from power for an attack that happened two years earlier

Why was it necessary for his son to do so 15 years later?

Nope. He abided by the UN resolutions which stated they had to drive Saddam out of Kuwait. Not invade Iraq.

Schwartkoph wanted to but Bush said no. Outside the parameters of the UN Resolutions.
Face facts, Bush and Cheney were much better at foreign policy than this clown Obama and his gaffe machine Biden or his zero accomplishments former SOS Clinton.

They were certainly better at getting our soldiers KIA by invading a country that did not attack us on 9-11 or pose a serious threat to us at all. You can call that better, but it;s not.

You are ignorant.

Opinions are like assholes.........
Got it. President Bush is not responsible for the withdrawal agreement he made with the Iraq government. It's all President Obama's fault for not fixing the Bush Bug Out policy , even though the same sticking point about immunity for our troops scuttled both negotiations. It was not the Shiite dominated government of Iraq's fault, it's President Obama's fault.
I am telling you that these pro Bush pro Iraq war slags are shameless and immoral individuals that no one should have respect for ...I sure as hell do not have the least respect for that GOP trash...
More soft selling of the invasion by the Bush administration. No big deal....No need to be concerned about an occupying force

2/27/03 Wolfowitz tells congressional hearing: "I am reasonably certain that they will greet us as liberators…the notion of hundreds of thousands of American troops is way off the mark."
More Bush blunders or outright lies

In order to justify his invasion, Bush told the American people it would be quickly over and that an occupying force of 100,000 troops would not be necessary. When Gen Shinseki stated that an occupying force in excess of that number would be required for many years....he was fired
Yo, winger. tell us again what Bush is running for? What office are you trying to keep him from being elected to?

We are looking at the same Republican regime anxious to make the same mistakes Bush made.......they are already grumbling about Iran and Iraq 3

Not true, other than Jeb (who will not get nominated) not one of the GOP contenders is tied to bush.
They are by their policies

If anything, they are bigger war mongers

total bullshit, which GOP candidates are advocating war. Give us the names and quotes or STFU with your lies.

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