Bush didn't just lie........

You don't think this was Bush's war?

Why didn't he invite the Democrats on that carrier if it was their war too?

What makes you think there were no democrats on board that ship? Do you have to quit the democrat party when you join our military?

The crew of the ship didn't vote for the war

If Iraq was such a bipartisan effort like revisionist Republicans are claiming, why wasn't Hillary or Kerry invited on the carrier with Bush?
huh? Why would the POTUS invite a freshmen senator (Hillary) on a visit to an aircraft carrier? Why would he invite Kerry? Huh?

Because they had as much responsibility as Bush did

Haven't you read all the Republican threads sharing the blame? Why didn't Bush share the glory?
No. The buck stops at the POTUS. He made the decision. The democrats agreed with it, then they changed mind. Clearly they wanted it to happen so they could have their new vietnam. To the troops go the glory for their victories.
Why the hell are you still blathering about Bush?? Bush is no longer POTUS and hasn't been for seven years.

Bush is past history. You should be questioning everything Obama is doing. Obamas is present history.

Catch a damned clue.
Bullshit. Loads of other countries believed what their intelligence agencies were telling them. The fact that he had WMD's. He gassed the Kurds and it wasn't with Glade.

Canada landed in Iraq as did many other countries so I guess you're just full of shit.
First and foremost, yes Saddam gassed the Kurds. The US was supporting him then under the Repubs favourite hero Regan. I find it strange that when Saddam was finally caught that he was never tried for the gassing of the Kurds. Also Canada was not part of the willing coalition so you have proven your ignorance of history. Rookie.
Fear mongering was much more effective

George W. Bush didn t just lie about the Iraq War. What he did was much worse.

What the Bush administration launched in 2002 and 2003 may have been the most comprehensive, sophisticated, and misleading campaign of government propaganda in American history. Spend too much time in the weeds, and you risk missing the hysterical tenor of the whole campaign.

In the summer of 2002, the administration established something called the White House Iraq Group, through which Karl Rove and other communication strategists like Karen Hughes and Mary Matalin coordinated with policy officials to sell the public on the threat from Iraq in order to justify war. "The script had been finalized with great care over the summer," White House press secretary Scott McClellan later wrote, for a "campaign to convince Americans that war with Iraq was inevitable and necessary."
In that campaign, intelligence wasn't something to be understood and assessed by the administration in making their decisions, it was a propaganda tool to lead the public to the conclusion that the administration wanted. Again and again we saw a similar pattern: An allegation would bubble up from somewhere, some in the intelligence community would say that it could be true but others would say it was either speculation or outright baloney, but before you knew it the president or someone else was presenting it to the public as settled fact.

The entire Repub Primary line-up admit that the war-for-profit turned out to be anything but, except for some defense contractors.
Bullshit. Loads of other countries believed what their intelligence agencies were telling them. The fact that he had WMD's. He gassed the Kurds and it wasn't with Glade.

Canada landed in Iraq as did many other countries so I guess you're just full of shit.
First and foremost, yes Saddam gassed the Kurds. The US was supporting him then under the Repubs favourite hero Regan. I find it strange that when Saddam was finally caught that he was never tried for the gassing of the Kurds. Also Canada was not part of the willing coalition so you have proven your ignorance of history. Rookie.

Mayby you should do a little research.

Canada and the Iraq War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

However, according to classified U.S. documents released by Wikileaks, a high-ranking Canadian official may have secretly promised to clandestinely support the invasion.

[Canada, despite not joining the invading coalition, still participated in the conflict in Iraq, joining a number of non-belligerent nations in helping to rebuild the country post-invasion, including the training of Iraqi police and army officers, and contributing approximately $300 million towards this effort. Also, a group of Canadians, including former Ontario Premier Bob Rae, were sent in the summer of 2005 to help compose the new Iraqi constitution, and Jean-Pierre Kingsley served as head of the international team observing the Iraqi legislative election of January 2005. Due to security concerns, both of these groups were based in Jordan

Yup. Reserch helps. Google is your friend. rookie.
Bullshit. Loads of other countries believed what their intelligence agencies were telling them. The fact that he had WMD's. He gassed the Kurds and it wasn't with Glade.

Canada landed in Iraq as did many other countries so I guess you're just full of shit.
First and foremost, yes Saddam gassed the Kurds. The US was supporting him then under the Repubs favourite hero Regan. I find it strange that when Saddam was finally caught that he was never tried for the gassing of the Kurds. Also Canada was not part of the willing coalition so you have proven your ignorance of history. Rookie.

Mayby you should do a little research.

Canada and the Iraq War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

However, according to classified U.S. documents released by Wikileaks, a high-ranking Canadian official may have secretly promised to clandestinely support the invasion.

[Canada, despite not joining the invading coalition, still participated in the conflict in Iraq, joining a number of non-belligerent nations in helping to rebuild the country post-invasion, including the training of Iraqi police and army officers, and contributing approximately $300 million towards this effort. Also, a group of Canadians, including former Ontario Premier Bob Rae, were sent in the summer of 2005 to help compose the new Iraqi constitution, and Jean-Pierre Kingsley served as head of the international team observing the Iraqi legislative election of January 2005. Due to security concerns, both of these groups were based in Jordan

Yup. Reserch helps. Google is your friend. rookie.
Rebuilding the country after the invasion is not part of the invasion of Iraq. From your own source.
Canada refused to declare war against Iraq without United Nations approval. Even so, Prime Minister Jean Chrétien said on 10 October 2002 that Canada would, in fact, be part of a military coalition to invade Iraq if it were sanctioned by the United Nations. However, when the United States and the United Kingdom subsequently withdrew their diplomatic efforts to gain that UN sanction, Jean Chrétien announced in Parliament on 17 March 2003 that Canada would not participate in the pending invasion.
Nice deception but you are fooling only yourself.
Why the hell are you still blathering about Bush?? Bush is no longer POTUS and hasn't been for seven years.

Bush is past history. You should be questioning everything Obama is doing. Obamas is present history.

Catch a damned clue.

Why are you bothering to defend him?
Even though Bush insisted he was enforcing UN resolutions as justification. He had no problem ignoring the UN when they did not endorse his invasion plans

3/17/03 US and UK fail to secure UN resolution authorizing use of force. Bush gives Saddam 48 hours to surrender.
Why the hell are you still blathering about Bush?? Bush is no longer POTUS and hasn't been for seven years.

Bush is past history. You should be questioning everything Obama is doing. Obamas is present history.

Catch a damned clue.

Why are you bothering to defend him?

Why not even though I didn't agree with the Iraq war. I understand why he did what he did. Unlike you I don't think he lied about it. He used the intelligence he had.

But why do you keep bringing him up? He's old history.

He's not POTUS and hasn't been for seven years.

One would think someone as smart as you seem to think you are would be way more interested in whats going on today with Barry and his decisions.
Bullshit. Loads of other countries believed what their intelligence agencies were telling them. The fact that he had WMD's. He gassed the Kurds and it wasn't with Glade.

Canada landed in Iraq as did many other countries so I guess you're just full of shit.
First and foremost, yes Saddam gassed the Kurds. The US was supporting him then under the Repubs favourite hero Regan. I find it strange that when Saddam was finally caught that he was never tried for the gassing of the Kurds. Also Canada was not part of the willing coalition so you have proven your ignorance of history. Rookie.

Mayby you should do a little research.

Canada and the Iraq War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

However, according to classified U.S. documents released by Wikileaks, a high-ranking Canadian official may have secretly promised to clandestinely support the invasion.

[Canada, despite not joining the invading coalition, still participated in the conflict in Iraq, joining a number of non-belligerent nations in helping to rebuild the country post-invasion, including the training of Iraqi police and army officers, and contributing approximately $300 million towards this effort. Also, a group of Canadians, including former Ontario Premier Bob Rae, were sent in the summer of 2005 to help compose the new Iraqi constitution, and Jean-Pierre Kingsley served as head of the international team observing the Iraqi legislative election of January 2005. Due to security concerns, both of these groups were based in Jordan

Yup. Reserch helps. Google is your friend. rookie.
Rebuilding the country after the invasion is not part of the invasion of Iraq. From your own source.
Canada refused to declare war against Iraq without United Nations approval. Even so, Prime Minister Jean Chrétien said on 10 October 2002 that Canada would, in fact, be part of a military coalition to invade Iraq if it were sanctioned by the United Nations. However, when the United States and the United Kingdom subsequently withdrew their diplomatic efforts to gain that UN sanction, Jean Chrétien announced in Parliament on 17 March 2003 that Canada would not participate in the pending invasion.
Nice deception but you are fooling only yourself.

Of course they refused to declare war because there was no UN resolution for same.

Doesn't mean they weren't there. They were. It may have been during the rebuild and and the subsequent terrorist attacks during that rebuild but they were they.

And who knows how many clandestine operators were there. That one we will probably never know.

I have a Canadian friend who's married to a Canadian soldier. He was there and believe me he wasn't unarmed or unprepared to defend himself.

You're only fooling yourself if you think there were no Canadians in Iraq.
Last edited:
Bullshit. Loads of other countries believed what their intelligence agencies were telling them. The fact that he had WMD's. He gassed the Kurds and it wasn't with Glade.

Canada landed in Iraq as did many other countries so I guess you're just full of shit.
First and foremost, yes Saddam gassed the Kurds. The US was supporting him then under the Repubs favourite hero Regan. I find it strange that when Saddam was finally caught that he was never tried for the gassing of the Kurds. Also Canada was not part of the willing coalition so you have proven your ignorance of history. Rookie.

Mayby you should do a little research.

Canada and the Iraq War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

However, according to classified U.S. documents released by Wikileaks, a high-ranking Canadian official may have secretly promised to clandestinely support the invasion.

[Canada, despite not joining the invading coalition, still participated in the conflict in Iraq, joining a number of non-belligerent nations in helping to rebuild the country post-invasion, including the training of Iraqi police and army officers, and contributing approximately $300 million towards this effort. Also, a group of Canadians, including former Ontario Premier Bob Rae, were sent in the summer of 2005 to help compose the new Iraqi constitution, and Jean-Pierre Kingsley served as head of the international team observing the Iraqi legislative election of January 2005. Due to security concerns, both of these groups were based in Jordan

Yup. Reserch helps. Google is your friend. rookie.
Rebuilding the country after the invasion is not part of the invasion of Iraq. From your own source.
Canada refused to declare war against Iraq without United Nations approval. Even so, Prime Minister Jean Chrétien said on 10 October 2002 that Canada would, in fact, be part of a military coalition to invade Iraq if it were sanctioned by the United Nations. However, when the United States and the United Kingdom subsequently withdrew their diplomatic efforts to gain that UN sanction, Jean Chrétien announced in Parliament on 17 March 2003 that Canada would not participate in the pending invasion.
Nice deception but you are fooling only yourself.

Of course they refused to declare war because there was no UN resolution for same. Doesn't mean they weren't there. They were. And who knows how many clandestine operators were there. That one we will probably never know.

I have a Canadian friend who's married to a Canadian soldier. He was there and believe me he wasn't unarmed or unprepared to defend himself.

You're only fooling yourself if you don't think there were no Canadians in Iraq.
Well we certainly see how dishonest you are. You first stated Canada, not Canadians. When you state the country, then the Country, not individuals acting on their own behalf, must declare to be part of the coalition. I had a friend in Grenada right after the invasion. Accoirding to your warped logic this would mean Canada was part of the invasion of Grenada.
Why the hell are you still blathering about Bush?? Bush is no longer POTUS and hasn't been for seven years.

Bush is past history. You should be questioning everything Obama is doing. Obamas is present history.

Catch a damned clue.

Why are you bothering to defend him?

Why not even though I didn't agree with the Iraq war. I understand why he did what he did. Unlike you I don't think he lied about it. He used the intelligence he had.

But why do you keep bringing him up? He's old history.

He's not POTUS and hasn't been for seven years.

One would think someone as smart as you seem to think you are would be way more interested in whats going on today with Barry and his decisions.

Those who don't understand history are doomed to repeat it

Vote Republican in 2016

3/7/03 Blix tells UN Security Council that there's "no evidence" of mobile bioweapons facilities in Iraq.

Bush invaded two weeks later
Bullshit. Loads of other countries believed what their intelligence agencies were telling them. The fact that he had WMD's. He gassed the Kurds and it wasn't with Glade.

Canada landed in Iraq as did many other countries so I guess you're just full of shit.
First and foremost, yes Saddam gassed the Kurds. The US was supporting him then under the Repubs favourite hero Regan. I find it strange that when Saddam was finally caught that he was never tried for the gassing of the Kurds. Also Canada was not part of the willing coalition so you have proven your ignorance of history. Rookie.

Mayby you should do a little research.

Canada and the Iraq War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

However, according to classified U.S. documents released by Wikileaks, a high-ranking Canadian official may have secretly promised to clandestinely support the invasion.

[Canada, despite not joining the invading coalition, still participated in the conflict in Iraq, joining a number of non-belligerent nations in helping to rebuild the country post-invasion, including the training of Iraqi police and army officers, and contributing approximately $300 million towards this effort. Also, a group of Canadians, including former Ontario Premier Bob Rae, were sent in the summer of 2005 to help compose the new Iraqi constitution, and Jean-Pierre Kingsley served as head of the international team observing the Iraqi legislative election of January 2005. Due to security concerns, both of these groups were based in Jordan

Yup. Reserch helps. Google is your friend. rookie.
Rebuilding the country after the invasion is not part of the invasion of Iraq. From your own source.
Canada refused to declare war against Iraq without United Nations approval. Even so, Prime Minister Jean Chrétien said on 10 October 2002 that Canada would, in fact, be part of a military coalition to invade Iraq if it were sanctioned by the United Nations. However, when the United States and the United Kingdom subsequently withdrew their diplomatic efforts to gain that UN sanction, Jean Chrétien announced in Parliament on 17 March 2003 that Canada would not participate in the pending invasion.
Nice deception but you are fooling only yourself.

Of course they refused to declare war because there was no UN resolution for same. Doesn't mean they weren't there. They were. And who knows how many clandestine operators were there. That one we will probably never know.

I have a Canadian friend who's married to a Canadian soldier. He was there and believe me he wasn't unarmed or unprepared to defend himself.

You're only fooling yourself if you don't think there were no Canadians in Iraq.

Well we certainly see how dishonest you are. You first stated Canada, not Canadians. When you state the country, then the Country, not individuals acting on their own behalf, must declare to be part of the coalition. I had a friend in Grenada right after the invasion. Accoirding to your warped logic this would mean Canada was part of the invasion of Grenada.

Bullshit. Loads of other countries believed what their intelligence agencies were telling them. The fact that he had WMD's. He gassed the Kurds and it wasn't with Glade.

Canada landed in Iraq as did many other countries so I guess you're just full of shit.
First and foremost, yes Saddam gassed the Kurds. The US was supporting him then under the Repubs favourite hero Regan. I find it strange that when Saddam was finally caught that he was never tried for the gassing of the Kurds. Also Canada was not part of the willing coalition so you have proven your ignorance of history. Rookie.

Mayby you should do a little research.

Canada and the Iraq War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

However, according to classified U.S. documents released by Wikileaks, a high-ranking Canadian official may have secretly promised to clandestinely support the invasion.

[Canada, despite not joining the invading coalition, still participated in the conflict in Iraq, joining a number of non-belligerent nations in helping to rebuild the country post-invasion, including the training of Iraqi police and army officers, and contributing approximately $300 million towards this effort. Also, a group of Canadians, including former Ontario Premier Bob Rae, were sent in the summer of 2005 to help compose the new Iraqi constitution, and Jean-Pierre Kingsley served as head of the international team observing the Iraqi legislative election of January 2005. Due to security concerns, both of these groups were based in Jordan

Yup. Reserch helps. Google is your friend. rookie.
Rebuilding the country after the invasion is not part of the invasion of Iraq. From your own source.
Canada refused to declare war against Iraq without United Nations approval. Even so, Prime Minister Jean Chrétien said on 10 October 2002 that Canada would, in fact, be part of a military coalition to invade Iraq if it were sanctioned by the United Nations. However, when the United States and the United Kingdom subsequently withdrew their diplomatic efforts to gain that UN sanction, Jean Chrétien announced in Parliament on 17 March 2003 that Canada would not participate in the pending invasion.
Nice deception but you are fooling only yourself.

Of course they refused to declare war because there was no UN resolution for same. Doesn't mean they weren't there. They were. And who knows how many clandestine operators were there. That one we will probably never know.

I have a Canadian friend who's married to a Canadian soldier. He was there and believe me he wasn't unarmed or unprepared to defend himself.

You're only fooling yourself if you don't think there were no Canadians in Iraq.
Well we certainly see how dishonest you are. You first stated Canada, not Canadians. When you state the country, then the Country, not individuals acting on their own behalf, must declare to be part of the coalition. I had a friend in Grenada right after the invasion. Accoirding to your warped logic this would mean Canada was part of the invasion of Grenada.

WOW I'm sure all those Canadians who went to Iraq will be glad to know they weren't part of Canada.

Of course they weren't part of the coalition in the military sense but I'm pretty sure they had to defend themselves while working in Iraq. You know terror attacks and all.

As for Grenada. Nope they weren't in on that one unless some of their clandestine forces assisted Great Britain. Again we will probably never know.
Even though Bush insisted he was enforcing UN resolutions as justification. He had no problem ignoring the UN when they did not endorse his invasion plans

3/17/03 US and UK fail to secure UN resolution authorizing use of force. Bush gives Saddam 48 hours to surrender.
Remember this one?

Al Qaeda attacks. Minutes taken by a Rumsfeld aide five hours later: "Best info fast. Judge whether good enough [to] hit SH [Saddam Hussein] @ same time. Not only UBL [Usama bin Laden]." [Date the public knew: 9/4/02]

9/12/01 According to counterterror czar Richard Clarke, "[Bush] told us, 'I want you, as soon as you can, to go back over everything, everything. See if Saddam did this.'" Told evidence against Al Qaeda overwhelming, Bush asks for "any shred" Saddam was involved. [Date the public knew: 3/22/04]

Lie by Lie A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq
Even though Bush insisted he was enforcing UN resolutions as justification. He had no problem ignoring the UN when they did not endorse his invasion plans

3/17/03 US and UK fail to secure UN resolution authorizing use of force. Bush gives Saddam 48 hours to surrender.
Remember this one?

Al Qaeda attacks. Minutes taken by a Rumsfeld aide five hours later: "Best info fast. Judge whether good enough [to] hit SH [Saddam Hussein] @ same time. Not only UBL [Usama bin Laden]." [Date the public knew: 9/4/02]

9/12/01 According to counterterror czar Richard Clarke, "[Bush] told us, 'I want you, as soon as you can, to go back over everything, everything. See if Saddam did this.'" Told evidence against Al Qaeda overwhelming, Bush asks for "any shred" Saddam was involved. [Date the public knew: 3/22/04]

Lie by Lie A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq
Yeah Motherjones is an automatic fail. And a neener.
Even though Bush insisted he was enforcing UN resolutions as justification. He had no problem ignoring the UN when they did not endorse his invasion plans

3/17/03 US and UK fail to secure UN resolution authorizing use of force. Bush gives Saddam 48 hours to surrender.
Remember this one?

Al Qaeda attacks. Minutes taken by a Rumsfeld aide five hours later: "Best info fast. Judge whether good enough [to] hit SH [Saddam Hussein] @ same time. Not only UBL [Usama bin Laden]." [Date the public knew: 9/4/02]

9/12/01 According to counterterror czar Richard Clarke, "[Bush] told us, 'I want you, as soon as you can, to go back over everything, everything. See if Saddam did this.'" Told evidence against Al Qaeda overwhelming, Bush asks for "any shred" Saddam was involved. [Date the public knew: 3/22/04]

Lie by Lie A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq
Yeah Motherjones is an automatic fail. And a neener.
Of course you'd attack the source.

You can't refute it.
Even though Bush insisted he was enforcing UN resolutions as justification. He had no problem ignoring the UN when they did not endorse his invasion plans

3/17/03 US and UK fail to secure UN resolution authorizing use of force. Bush gives Saddam 48 hours to surrender.
Remember this one?

Al Qaeda attacks. Minutes taken by a Rumsfeld aide five hours later: "Best info fast. Judge whether good enough [to] hit SH [Saddam Hussein] @ same time. Not only UBL [Usama bin Laden]." [Date the public knew: 9/4/02]

9/12/01 According to counterterror czar Richard Clarke, "[Bush] told us, 'I want you, as soon as you can, to go back over everything, everything. See if Saddam did this.'" Told evidence against Al Qaeda overwhelming, Bush asks for "any shred" Saddam was involved. [Date the public knew: 3/22/04]

Lie by Lie A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq
Yeah Motherjones is an automatic fail. And a neener.
Of course you'd attack the source.

You can't refute it.
There's no refuting bullshit.

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