Bush didn't just lie........

But then again what do you expect from these far left drones that believe the history of Iraq started in 2003 and led to 9-11..

we know what to expect from mental defective moron slags like you./..a full throated defense of this guy

Yes we know you have to push the far left debunked religious texts..
[CHRIS MATTHEWS]: You're the briefer for the president on intelligence, you're the top person to go in and tell him what's going on. You see Cheney make this charge he's got a nuclear bomb and then they make subsequent charges he knew how to deliver it…and nobody raised their hand and said, "No that's not what we told him." [...]

MORELL: As the briefer, my job is to carry CIA's best information and best analysis to the president of the United States and make sure he understands it. My job is to not watch what they're saying on TV.

And the far left drones reach out and go to the far left sites for their "facts"..
"The government has wasted trillions of dollars on wars that have enriched the military/security complex by killing, maiming, and displacing millions of peoples in seven countries, but Washington “cannot afford” Social Security and Medicare. Representing the people is not something “our” representatives do. They are too busy representing a handful of private interest groups such as the financial sector, the military/security complex, and agribusiness."

Yes FDR made that military industrial complex that the far left often bashes. It is funny when they come to the defense of FDR as they Bash just about everything he did..
Yes we know you have to push the far left debunked religious texts..

and you are a moron slag cheerleader for the disaster that was the entire Bush administration...get this though your thick skull...Bush was a FK up and his administration such a disaster as he left his JAR was 22 percent..he is a moron and so are you
I can just imagine what the meeting was like when someone came up with that phrase and everyone chimed in that was the kind of sales gimmick winner worthy of a Madison Avenue campaign that ends up helping Coors sell more beer to alcoholics and vitamin supplement companies sell more herbal remedies packaged as miracle cures to hapless people who are desperate for any kind of relief from the health problems associated with growing older.

You do not have to imagine...here are the Republican cynical bastards discussing"how do we start the war" how do we sell this atrocity to the US people .........

Hubris Selling the Iraq War - The Rumsfeld memos MSNBC

Among the new revelations in tonight’s documentary about how the Bush administration convinced the American people to go to war in Iraq are newly declassified talking points and handwritten notes from November, 2001 in which can be seen then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s team trying to find the most compelling reason to justify war.

Hubris co-author Michael Isikoff explains:

By late November, Rumsfeld was meeting with Gen. Tommy Franks, Centcom commander, to plot the “decapitation” of the Iraqi government, according to the now declassified talking points agenda from the sessions (shown on television for the first time in the documentary). The talking points suggest that Rumsfeld and his team were grappling with a tricky issue: “How [to] start?” the war. In other words, what would the pretext be? Various scenarios were outlined: “US discovers Saddam connection to Sept. 11 attack or to anthrax attacks?” reads one of them. “Dispute over WMD inspections?” reads another. “Start now thinking about inspection demands.”

Team Bush knew Saddam would be antsy about inspections and could not comply 100%. No matter what Blix said, they would find some reason why Saddam wasn't complying

They went in without a net assuming once they invaded they would find SOMETHING that justified invasion....they didn't

As I recall, Bush seemed increasingly irritated when Saddam was complying with inspections.

I am sure many far left drones and their revisionist history remember things..
Yes we know you have to push the far left debunked religious texts..

and you are a moron slag cheerleader for the disaster that was the entire Bush administration...get this though your thick skull...Bush was a FK up and his administration such a disaster as he left his JAR was 22 percent..he is a moron and so are you

Yes we know the far left drones and their hatred for anything not far left!

Keep posting as you may actually catch stats this month and be that top posting drone of the month..
Now the moron slag turns to FDR to blame anyone except the dumbest Fk to ever be in the White House .,...moron 43

By the way I want to go on record that Stat is one of the great poster at USMB...you on the other hand ....meh
Now the moron slag turns to FDR to blame anyone except the dumbest Fk to ever be in the White House .,...moron 43

By the way I want to go on record that Stat is one of the great poster at USMB...you on the other hand ....meh

And this proves that you are a far left drone!

But keep posting so you can get those numbers to be top posting drone of the month..
But keep posting so you can get those numbers to be top posting drone of the month..
You are self evidently a large moron slag an entitled white man with attitude ...Bush was a total absolute failure in Foreign policy in domestic policy as he left his Jar were 22 percent but you being a loser still cheering for this guy:
But keep posting so you can get those numbers to be top posting drone of the month..
You are self evidently a large moron slag an entitled white man with attitude ...Bush was a total absolute failure in Foreign policy in domestic policy as he left his Jar were 22 percent but you being a loser still cheering for this guy:

Yes we know the standard far left drone posts they continue to support Obama's illegal wars!

What excuse will they make when Hilary sends troops to Iraq?


"contingency plans."

Bush and his PNAC crew wanted to invade Iraq well before 9-11.

That much is clear.

Keep trying. The massive debacle of Iraq is forever on the GOP hands. Own it.
LOL! We won the war, sweetheart. We achieved every objective we set at the start. Obama used to boast about he had won it.
Instead Obama disregarded the advice of his own people and foolishly pulled us out. As predicted by many, chaos ensued. Obama owns the situation. Democrats backed him. Deal with it.

I'll bet you thought we "won" Vietnam too.
Intel came from CIA. CIA was run by Bush admin not by congress. Dems were lied to. Bush admin originated the lie. Dems were gullible. Cons were criminals.
There were Democrats who voted against the war. With Republicans screaming "traitor", it was a brave decision.

And now Republicans celebrate that Democrats were bullied to vote for the war....See? It was a bipartisan decision to invade

Post 9-11 Democrats were afraid to be labled "Unpatriotic" or "Soft on Terrorism" and voted for the war. They were weak and sold out their country because they were unwilling to take the political heat of voting NO

It was Bush's war from the beginning
They were weak? Or they just didn't know? At the beginning, I thought Bush was telling the truth. It never occurred to me the our president would lie us in to the Iraq debacle or know so little about the people living in that country. Even now, the majority of Republicans know nothing about the people of Iraq. And that's the single biggest reason all their Iraq policies fail.
I always suspected he was grossly exadurating the threat. I never realized how much they were outright lying
I can just imagine what the meeting was like when someone came up with that phrase and everyone chimed in that was the kind of sales gimmick winner worthy of a Madison Avenue campaign that ends up helping Coors sell more beer to alcoholics and vitamin supplement companies sell more herbal remedies packaged as miracle cures to hapless people who are desperate for any kind of relief from the health problems associated with growing older.

You do not have to imagine...here are the Republican cynical bastards discussing"how do we start the war" how do we sell this atrocity to the US people .........

Hubris Selling the Iraq War - The Rumsfeld memos MSNBC

Among the new revelations in tonight’s documentary about how the Bush administration convinced the American people to go to war in Iraq are newly declassified talking points and handwritten notes from November, 2001 in which can be seen then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s team trying to find the most compelling reason to justify war.

Hubris co-author Michael Isikoff explains:

By late November, Rumsfeld was meeting with Gen. Tommy Franks, Centcom commander, to plot the “decapitation” of the Iraqi government, according to the now declassified talking points agenda from the sessions (shown on television for the first time in the documentary). The talking points suggest that Rumsfeld and his team were grappling with a tricky issue: “How [to] start?” the war. In other words, what would the pretext be? Various scenarios were outlined: “US discovers Saddam connection to Sept. 11 attack or to anthrax attacks?” reads one of them. “Dispute over WMD inspections?” reads another. “Start now thinking about inspection demands.”

Team Bush knew Saddam would be antsy about inspections and could not comply 100%. No matter what Blix said, they would find some reason why Saddam wasn't complying

They went in without a net assuming once they invaded they would find SOMETHING that justified invasion....they didn't

As I recall, Bush seemed increasingly irritated when Saddam was complying with inspections.
That was what was so puzzling at the time
Saddam was providing more access than we had seen in a decade and Bush still thought we had to invade immediately
Fear mongering was much more effective

George W. Bush didn t just lie about the Iraq War. What he did was much worse.

What the Bush administration launched in 2002 and 2003 may have been the most comprehensive, sophisticated, and misleading campaign of government propaganda in American history. Spend too much time in the weeds, and you risk missing the hysterical tenor of the whole campaign.

In the summer of 2002, the administration established something called the White House Iraq Group, through which Karl Rove and other communication strategists like Karen Hughes and Mary Matalin coordinated with policy officials to sell the public on the threat from Iraq in order to justify war. "The script had been finalized with great care over the summer," White House press secretary Scott McClellan later wrote, for a "campaign to convince Americans that war with Iraq was inevitable and necessary."
In that campaign, intelligence wasn't something to be understood and assessed by the administration in making their decisions, it was a propaganda tool to lead the public to the conclusion that the administration wanted. Again and again we saw a similar pattern: An allegation would bubble up from somewhere, some in the intelligence community would say that it could be true but others would say it was either speculation or outright baloney, but before you knew it the president or someone else was presenting it to the public as settled fact.


You Liberals keep revisiting this and you always gloss over the case Democrats made for Saddam removal by force BEFORE Bush set foot in the White House. Until you can show where, when, and why Democrats' changed their position before Bush made his case, you are simply peddling propaganda and falsehoods about Bush lying. Then again, you are the same people still clamoring to the notion that the Nation's second 9-11 attack was due to a YouTube video. Give it Up or give it some fact and logic.
I can just imagine what the meeting was like when someone came up with that phrase and everyone chimed in that was the kind of sales gimmick winner worthy of a Madison Avenue campaign that ends up helping Coors sell more beer to alcoholics and vitamin supplement companies sell more herbal remedies packaged as miracle cures to hapless people who are desperate for any kind of relief from the health problems associated with growing older.

You do not have to imagine...here are the Republican cynical bastards discussing"how do we start the war" how do we sell this atrocity to the US people .........

Hubris Selling the Iraq War - The Rumsfeld memos MSNBC

Among the new revelations in tonight’s documentary about how the Bush administration convinced the American people to go to war in Iraq are newly declassified talking points and handwritten notes from November, 2001 in which can be seen then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s team trying to find the most compelling reason to justify war.

Hubris co-author Michael Isikoff explains:

By late November, Rumsfeld was meeting with Gen. Tommy Franks, Centcom commander, to plot the “decapitation” of the Iraqi government, according to the now declassified talking points agenda from the sessions (shown on television for the first time in the documentary). The talking points suggest that Rumsfeld and his team were grappling with a tricky issue: “How [to] start?” the war. In other words, what would the pretext be? Various scenarios were outlined: “US discovers Saddam connection to Sept. 11 attack or to anthrax attacks?” reads one of them. “Dispute over WMD inspections?” reads another. “Start now thinking about inspection demands.”

Team Bush knew Saddam would be antsy about inspections and could not comply 100%. No matter what Blix said, they would find some reason why Saddam wasn't complying

They went in without a net assuming once they invaded they would find SOMETHING that justified invasion....they didn't

As I recall, Bush seemed increasingly irritated when Saddam was complying with inspections.
That was what was so puzzling at the time
Saddam was providing more access than we had seen in a decade and Bush still thought we had to invade immediately

My recollection is pretty good about what happened and when.

At first, I thought that Bush was using the threat of force to get Saddam to comply with inspections. It was a tad risky, but it seemed to work when Saddam started complying. It was high stakes poker, but it got the inspectors access. But Bush not only didn't seem pleased, he actually seemed irritated if not downright agitated by the whole thing which was hard for me to understand at the time since the threat worked. Then the Bush administration started making noises about how it wasn't enough, and again Saddam seemed to roll over and comply which seemed to irritate Bush even more. It was then that I started to get the impression that Bush actually hoped that Saddam would NOT comply.

Right about this time, if not earlier, there was talk that any potential invasion would have to be launched before Summer arrived due to a combination of the intense heat of summer and the anticipated need of soldiers to wear protective suits in order to protect themselves against the possibility of a chemical weapon attack which would understandably be virtually unbearable in the summer heat.

Then, even as Saddam seemed to be complying with each new demand that Bush made, Bush had the UN pull out their inspectors and ordered the invasion just as the window of opportunity was starting to close. That's when I knew that the whole inspection thing was little more than a ruse which they thought (and undoubtedly hoped) Saddam would balk at thereby giving the administration the pretext to invade Iraq. By that time, it was clear that the invasion was nothing less than a forgone conclusion. regardless what Bush said about not wanting it.

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