Bush didn't just lie........

The "fire" was far from put out

It required a constant US police force to maintain order. Along with that mission came a monthly death toll

I am an American who is unwilling to pay that toll
How many towns did ISiS control in January of 2009 when Obama was sworn in? How large an area of Iraq were they in control of at that same time? The fire was out.
ISIS did not exist. They were waiting to fill the power void as soon as we vacated
That could have been one year.....could have been ten
Wouldn't have stopped them

If your answer is...then don't leave
it is the wrong answer
Actually they did before they were ISIS they were Al-Qaeda in Iraq and yes I know they began under Bush. Yes they were waiting to fill that void which was exactly what all of Obamas military advisors were telling him would happen if the U.S. withdrew to soon . The right answer was to listen to the advice of your military commanders and not withdraw till they told you they were confident the Iraqis could handle security. If he had done that and the Iraqi forces still failed after we left he could have then said he followed the advice of the military and did everything possible to help the Iraqis handle security.
Fuck Iraq

We gave them ten years of our soldiers being killed to fend off the inevitable. Iraq was going to fall to secular violence unless we were there to stop it

Bush (they will treat us as liberators) should have known better

His father did
So again you have gotten what you wanted from Obama so stop your fucking bitching about Bush.If you have issues with the situation in Iraq or the current policies on Iraq direct them at the current CIC instead of the man who has not held the title for five plus years now.
Bush gets a pass?

He blundered into Iraq
Fucked up the occupation
Created a civil war
Killed 5000 Americans and 100,000 innocent Iraqis

But it is now Obama's problem

Typical Republican
How many towns did ISiS control in January of 2009 when Obama was sworn in? How large an area of Iraq were they in control of at that same time? The fire was out.
ISIS did not exist. They were waiting to fill the power void as soon as we vacated
That could have been one year.....could have been ten
Wouldn't have stopped them

If your answer is...then don't leave
it is the wrong answer
Actually they did before they were ISIS they were Al-Qaeda in Iraq and yes I know they began under Bush. Yes they were waiting to fill that void which was exactly what all of Obamas military advisors were telling him would happen if the U.S. withdrew to soon . The right answer was to listen to the advice of your military commanders and not withdraw till they told you they were confident the Iraqis could handle security. If he had done that and the Iraqi forces still failed after we left he could have then said he followed the advice of the military and did everything possible to help the Iraqis handle security.
Fuck Iraq

We gave them ten years of our soldiers being killed to fend off the inevitable. Iraq was going to fall to secular violence unless we were there to stop it

Bush (they will treat us as liberators) should have known better

His father did
So again you have gotten what you wanted from Obama so stop your fucking bitching about Bush.If you have issues with the situation in Iraq or the current policies on Iraq direct them at the current CIC instead of the man who has not held the title for five plus years now.
Bush gets a pass?

He blundered into Iraq
Fucked up the occupation
Created a civil war
Killed 5000 Americans and 100,000 innocent Iraqis

But it is now Obama's problem

Typical Republican
Never said Bush gets a pass I hold him responsible for the decisions he made as President unlike you a typical Democrat I don't hold him responsible for the decisions Obama has made as President. If your going to continue Bush/Iraq threads at least be honest enough to admit the reason for it the Obama foriegn policy on Iraq and the Middle East in general has not worked and you can't deal with so you continue to cry but Bush.
Got to be a lie before there can be more than a lie.

Speaking something you believe isn't a lie even if it's wrong.
ISIS did not exist. They were waiting to fill the power void as soon as we vacated
That could have been one year.....could have been ten
Wouldn't have stopped them

If your answer is...then don't leave
it is the wrong answer
Actually they did before they were ISIS they were Al-Qaeda in Iraq and yes I know they began under Bush. Yes they were waiting to fill that void which was exactly what all of Obamas military advisors were telling him would happen if the U.S. withdrew to soon . The right answer was to listen to the advice of your military commanders and not withdraw till they told you they were confident the Iraqis could handle security. If he had done that and the Iraqi forces still failed after we left he could have then said he followed the advice of the military and did everything possible to help the Iraqis handle security.
Fuck Iraq

We gave them ten years of our soldiers being killed to fend off the inevitable. Iraq was going to fall to secular violence unless we were there to stop it

Bush (they will treat us as liberators) should have known better

His father did
So again you have gotten what you wanted from Obama so stop your fucking bitching about Bush.If you have issues with the situation in Iraq or the current policies on Iraq direct them at the current CIC instead of the man who has not held the title for five plus years now.
Bush gets a pass?

He blundered into Iraq
Fucked up the occupation
Created a civil war
Killed 5000 Americans and 100,000 innocent Iraqis

But it is now Obama's problem

Typical Republican
Never said Bush gets a pass I hold him responsible for the decisions he made as President unlike you a typical Democrat I don't hold him responsible for the decisions Obama has made as President. If your going to continue Bush/Iraq threads at least be honest enough to admit the reason for it the Obama foriegn policy on Iraq and the Middle East in general has not worked and you can't deal with so you continue to cry but Bush.
Bush sought to recreate the Islamic world in his image. He fucked it up

Not just Obama, but future Presidents will have to deal with his blunder
ISIS did not exist. They were waiting to fill the power void as soon as we vacated
That could have been one year.....could have been ten
Wouldn't have stopped them

If your answer is...then don't leave
it is the wrong answer
Actually they did before they were ISIS they were Al-Qaeda in Iraq and yes I know they began under Bush. Yes they were waiting to fill that void which was exactly what all of Obamas military advisors were telling him would happen if the U.S. withdrew to soon . The right answer was to listen to the advice of your military commanders and not withdraw till they told you they were confident the Iraqis could handle security. If he had done that and the Iraqi forces still failed after we left he could have then said he followed the advice of the military and did everything possible to help the Iraqis handle security.
Fuck Iraq

We gave them ten years of our soldiers being killed to fend off the inevitable. Iraq was going to fall to secular violence unless we were there to stop it

Bush (they will treat us as liberators) should have known better

His father did
So again you have gotten what you wanted from Obama so stop your fucking bitching about Bush.If you have issues with the situation in Iraq or the current policies on Iraq direct them at the current CIC instead of the man who has not held the title for five plus years now.
Bush gets a pass?

He blundered into Iraq
Fucked up the occupation
Created a civil war
Killed 5000 Americans and 100,000 innocent Iraqis

But it is now Obama's problem

Typical Republican
Never said Bush gets a pass I hold him responsible for the decisions he made as President unlike you a typical Democrat I don't hold him responsible for the decisions Obama has made as President. If your going to continue Bush/Iraq threads at least be honest enough to admit the reason for it the Obama foriegn policy on Iraq and the Middle East in general has not worked and you can't deal with so you continue to cry but Bush.
So what was Obama's mistake again?
Actually they did before they were ISIS they were Al-Qaeda in Iraq and yes I know they began under Bush. Yes they were waiting to fill that void which was exactly what all of Obamas military advisors were telling him would happen if the U.S. withdrew to soon . The right answer was to listen to the advice of your military commanders and not withdraw till they told you they were confident the Iraqis could handle security. If he had done that and the Iraqi forces still failed after we left he could have then said he followed the advice of the military and did everything possible to help the Iraqis handle security.
Fuck Iraq

We gave them ten years of our soldiers being killed to fend off the inevitable. Iraq was going to fall to secular violence unless we were there to stop it

Bush (they will treat us as liberators) should have known better

His father did
So again you have gotten what you wanted from Obama so stop your fucking bitching about Bush.If you have issues with the situation in Iraq or the current policies on Iraq direct them at the current CIC instead of the man who has not held the title for five plus years now.
Bush gets a pass?

He blundered into Iraq
Fucked up the occupation
Created a civil war
Killed 5000 Americans and 100,000 innocent Iraqis

But it is now Obama's problem

Typical Republican
Never said Bush gets a pass I hold him responsible for the decisions he made as President unlike you a typical Democrat I don't hold him responsible for the decisions Obama has made as President. If your going to continue Bush/Iraq threads at least be honest enough to admit the reason for it the Obama foriegn policy on Iraq and the Middle East in general has not worked and you can't deal with so you continue to cry but Bush.
Bush sought to recreate the Islamic world in his image. He fucked it up

Not just Obama, but future Presidents will have to deal with his blunder
Yet again your trying to blame Bush for the failed Middle East policies of Obama. As I have said before Bushs mistakes do not excuse or justify Obamas.
Yet again your trying to blame Bush for the failed Middle East policies of Obama. As I have said before Bushs mistakes do not excuse or justify Obamas.
what the Fk do you blame Obama for .. The Bush fk up was catastrophic and continues to be the reason for the situation in the Middle east...if we had not had the incompetent Bush as President none of what is happening would be happening..Bush set up long term disaster..he sucks ...and should be on trial
Check it out and see what Michael Morell said about the entire situation involving the bush, or should I say ,cheney administration.
Tuesday May 19 - msnbc - Hardball with Chris Matthews NBC News

Interesting dialogue between Michael Morell top security advisor and ,(righties will hate this),Chris Matthews.
The more interesting part was what cheney told the American people and what Mr. Morell told cheney.
Only idiotic people still argue this. Well, they actually don't argue it, instead they throw out meaningless ad-hominems and distracting partisan comments to railroad the commentary away from the actual topic.
They needed that type of journalism in 2002-2003.

After Vietnam you would think our media would say....never again

But they fell for the same shit from Bush/Cheney

More far left propaganda!

Proof that the far left believes the history of Iraq started in 2003 and caused 9/11.
What the hell are you talking about? Please put together a coherent sentence. Rookie
Yet again your trying to blame Bush for the failed Middle East policies of Obama. As I have said before Bushs mistakes do not excuse or justify Obamas.
what the Fk do you blame Obama for .. The Bush fk up was catastrophic and continues to be the reason for the situation in the Middle east...if we had not had the incompetent Bush as President none of what is happening would be happening..Bush set up long term disaster..he sucks ...and should be on trial
Bush fucked up the Middle East and left it for future presidents to deal with
Bush was the one who decided he was going to reshape the islamic world

Throw in a couple of democracies and watch them flourish
Two one in Afghanistan in response to the 9-11attacks Iraq his war of choice. Iraq was also the war the Obama administration bragged about successfully ending the one Joe Biden called a great foreign policy success for Obama as the troops were leaving. And let's not forget who hyped that great Arab Spring.

Obama promised to get us the hell out of there and that was a success

If we had listened to Obama in 2002, we never would have gone in there in the first place
We are now seeing the results of us getting the hell out of there if this is success the bar has been lowered greatly. You can argue all day if we should have gone into Iraq it will not change the fact when Obama was sworn in Iraq was pretty stable it is not now and that is due to the policies and decisions of Obama.
Are you delusional? Some of the largest attacks within Iraq came within the year before Obama took office. The US media had largely ignored them by then. Iraq was a complete mess when Obama took office and no matter what he did it was going to continue to be a mess. I will agree that what Obama has done isn't helping but to put any kind of blame on Obama for the Iraq mess while shifting blame away from Bush is ludicrous.
I'm not the one trying to rewrite history nor am holding Bush blameless for his decisions but I also will not blame for the results of decisions made by Obama.
You are trying to rewrite history because Iraq was far from stable when Obama took office.
And yet another quote that does not fit the far left narrative. And yet you still celebrate each an every death up to 2009..

The October 2002, U.S. congress Iraq War Resolution cited many factors to justify the use of military force against Iraq:

  • Iraq's noncompliance with the conditions of the 1991 ceasefire agreement, including interference with U.N. weapons inspectors.
  • Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction, and programs to develop such weapons, posed a "threat to the national security of the United States and international peace and security in the Persian Gulf region."
  • Iraq's "brutal repression of its civilian population."
  • Iraq's "capability and willingness to use weapons of mass destruction against other nations and its own people".
  • Iraq's hostility towards the United States as demonstrated by the 1993 assassination attempt on former President George H. W. Bush and firing on coalition aircraft enforcing the no-fly zones following the 1991 Gulf War.
  • Members of Al-Qaeda, an organization bearing responsibility for attacks on the United States, its citizens, and interests, including the attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, are known to be in Iraq.
  • Iraq's "continuing to aid and harbor other international terrorist organizations," including anti-United States terrorist organizations.
  • Iraq paid bounty to families of suicide bombers.
  • The efforts by the Congress and the President to fight terrorists, including the September 11, 2001 terrorists and those who aided or harbored them.
  • The authorization by the Constitution and the Congress for the President to fight anti-United States terrorism.
  • The governments in Turkey, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia feared Saddam and wanted him removed from power.
  • Citing the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998, the resolution reiterated that it should be the policy of the United States to remove the Saddam Hussein regime and promote a democratic replacement.

- Saddam interferred when he learned that US spies had infiltrasted the UN inspection team. The US denied this but we found out later Saddam was right.UN kept in dark about US spying in Iraq World news The Guardian

- we found out that Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction werte actually alleged and the itelligence community knew that all along. Are you forgetting the Downing St. memo. Fix the intelligence for support into war.

- Iraq's brutal repession of it's civillian population worst times were during the time the US supported them (gas attacks) and during the time the US encouraged them to rise up and fight against Saddam while looking on while Saddam slaughtered the uprising they encouraged.

- Iraq used chemical weapons while being supported by the US. I find it strange though that when Saddam was caught he was never tried for his gas assaults.

- The no-fly zones were not sanctioned by the UN and in fact members of the UN called it illegal. Not one human life was ever lost by Iraq shooting at the planes in the NFZ.

- Of course Iraq held hostility towards the US. The US attacked him right after they gave him the greenlight to invade Kuwait and they had also tried to kill him several times.You are sadly delusional if you think Saddam should have sent flowers and chocolates after the way the US treated him since the Gulf War.

- Members of Al Qaeda have also been in the US. The important thing is Saddam did not have a working relationship with Al Qaeada.

- I see the US as the largest sponsor of terrorism so this point is moot. Every nation in the world can be alleged to support terrorism which most have.

- This was never a reason to support the war but from Iraq's point of view the state of Israel are far worse terrorists than those who were sent to fight them. He also paid out only 2 families.

- none of this had anything to do with Iraq.

- again, Nothing to do with Iraq.

-In 2003, Turkey, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia did not fear Iraq.

- Nation rebuliding was never a prerequisite to go to war.

These are old arguments that were deflated years ago. Rookie.

Yet the same debunked arguments from the far left continue on without question or hesitation..

"the state of Israel are far worse terrorists than those who were sent to fight them."

Oh me oh my did you just show your far left drone slip!
Ahhh, the dishonest tactic of quote-mining. Let's see the whole quote shall we. "from Iraq's point of view the state of Israel are far worse terrorists than those who were sent to fight them." Am I wrong with this assertion? Give it up rookie.
Sell this crap to people born long after 9/11....sadaam was the first thug on the list who already had paperwork going on him after 9/11...he violated every part of the ceasefire agreement from day 1 and wouldn't let the inspectors do their jobs...and had bribed large numbers of U.N. officials.....we now have paper work showing he fully planned on continuing his weapons programs after the sanctions were lifted....

We should have knocked out Iran as well.....
Have you not been paying attention. First Saddam did not violate every ceasefire agreement. Once he found out that the US had spies amongst the UN inspectors he told them to get the f___ out. Anyone would have done the same. He did plan on continueing his weapons program but changed his mind and destroyed everything. We would have known this for sure if the inspectors were left to do their job in 2003.
He broke it

The fact that future Presidents are unwilling to continue to waste American lives there is not relevant
Again Bush is not responsible for the current situation in Iraq. If you want to lay everything that happened in Iraq from 2003 to January of 2009 when Obama was sworn in on Bush fine after nope. At the time Obama was sworn in ISIS did not control a single town in Iraq nor did they take any while U.S. troops were still stationed there that did not happen till all American troops were withdrawn a decision you support it seems you support the way Obama is fighting ISIS no ground troops limited air strikes. So again Obama has done everything you want in regards to Iraq and ISIS which makes a blame Bush thread irrelevant.

Not any more than an arsonist is responsible after he has lit the match
If the fire is put out and you let someone else start another one then it becomes your responsibility.

The "fire" was far from put out

It required a constant US police force to maintain order. Along with that mission came a monthly death toll

I am an American who is unwilling to pay that toll

You mean like all the troops we still have in Japan, South Korea, Germany, Italy, after their wars ended in 1945 and the 1950s......you mean that force that we have kept their...and now those countries are completely functional.......and since you weren't in uniform...right? you weren't paying the toll....
Really, you're going to compare WW2 and South Korea was an ally of the US . Don't forget that the US had a plan of action for years to occupy these countries and not once did they purge gov't workers or demand the destruction of military personel from getting any employment in their countries for the rest of their lives. They did in Iraq. If any of you Bush supporters had one ounce of respect for your military, you would be demanding a trial for Bush & Co. as they are responsible for the deaths of the US soldiers for basically creating the insurgency.
Yet again your trying to blame Bush for the failed Middle East policies of Obama. As I have said before Bushs mistakes do not excuse or justify Obamas.
what the Fk do you blame Obama for .. The Bush fk up was catastrophic and continues to be the reason for the situation in the Middle east...if we had not had the incompetent Bush as President none of what is happening would be happening..Bush set up long term disaster..he sucks ...and should be on trial
Bush fucked up the Middle East and left it for future presidents to deal with
Repeating that same talking point still does not excuse Obama's mistakes.
Not any more than an arsonist is responsible after he has lit the match
If the fire is put out and you let someone else start another one then it becomes your responsibility.

The "fire" was far from put out

It required a constant US police force to maintain order. Along with that mission came a monthly death toll

I am an American who is unwilling to pay that toll
How many towns did ISiS control in January of 2009 when Obama was sworn in? How large an area of Iraq were they in control of at that same time? The fire was out.
ISIS did not exist. They were waiting to fill the power void as soon as we vacated
That could have been one year.....could have been ten
Wouldn't have stopped them

If your answer is...then don't leave
it is the wrong answer
Actually they did before they were ISIS they were Al-Qaeda in Iraq and yes I know they began under Bush. Yes they were waiting to fill that void which was exactly what all of Obamas military advisors were telling him would happen if the U.S. withdrew to soon . The right answer was to listen to the advice of your military commanders and not withdraw till they told you they were confident the Iraqis could handle security. If he had done that and the Iraqi forces still failed after we left he could have then said he followed the advice of the military and did everything possible to help the Iraqis handle security.
The only criticism I can direct towards Obama was following Bush's plan for withdrawal.

The U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement (official name: Agreement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Iraq On the Withdrawal of United States Forces from Iraq and the Organization of Their Activities during Their Temporary Presence in Iraq) was a status of forces agreement (SOFA) between Iraq and the United States, signed by President George W. Bush in 2008. It established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009, and all U.S. combat forces will be completely out of Iraq by December 31, 2011.
One of those damned if you do and damned if you don't situations. Obama's biggest mistake was not apologizing to the people of Iraq for the F___ Up Bush caused.
Well since you believe Bush lied then every intelligence agency in the world was lying right along with him.

Funny how that works. Bush's intelligence and the intelliegence of all those other agencies in all those other countries said the same thing but somehow Bush lied.

Oh wait. I forgot. Its Rightwinger. Never mind.
And Clinton didnt lie. Even though Clinton said exactly what Bush was saying. And plenty of other Democrats too.
It's amazing. The same things are truth by Clinton but a lie by Bush. Only liberals....

Clinton had eight years to invade Iraq....He didn't think it was necessary

He was right
He had 8 years to take out bin Laden too. And didnt think it was necessary. He had 8 years to take on al Qaeda. And didnt think it was necessary. So yeah point to Bill Clinton's spectacular foreign policy successes.

Clinton came closer than Bush did and Bush had an entire Army chasing him......

But for some reason, Bush broke off the chase in Tora Bora....just when he had him trapped
Bill Clinton I could have killed Osama bin Laden - CBS News

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