Bush didn't just lie........

We are now seeing the results of us getting the hell out of there if this is success the bar has been lowered greatly. You can argue all day if we should have gone into Iraq it will not change the fact when Obama was sworn in Iraq was pretty stable it is not now and that is due to the policies and decisions of Obama.

I supported the "Get the fuck out after ten years" decision

Iraq was a bad decision in 2003 and a bad decision in 2015

I am still willing to walk away with our 5000 deaths
If your willing to do that and you support the get the fuck out decision then stop trying to blame Bush for the current situation in Iraq and be happy you have what you want.

Bush broke it

Doesn't mean we should keep sending boys to die to fix it
As I said if your happy with the decisions Obama has made then there is really no reason for the blame Bush threads is there?

He broke it

The fact that future Presidents are unwilling to continue to waste American lives there is not relevant
Again Bush is not responsible for the current situation in Iraq. If you want to lay everything that happened in Iraq from 2003 to January of 2009 when Obama was sworn in on Bush fine after nope. At the time Obama was sworn in ISIS did not control a single town in Iraq nor did they take any while U.S. troops were still stationed there that did not happen till all American troops were withdrawn a decision you support it seems you support the way Obama is fighting ISIS no ground troops limited air strikes. So again Obama has done everything you want in regards to Iraq and ISIS which makes a blame Bush thread irrelevant.
More Bush lies as he tried to fear monger a potential Iraq attack on the US

2/6/03 Reiterating Powell's claim, Bush says an Iraqi drone loaded with bioweapons could strike US mainland. The US Air Force is on the record as saying that "the small size of Iraq's new UAV strongly suggests a primary role of reconnaissance."
I supported the "Get the fuck out after ten years" decision

Iraq was a bad decision in 2003 and a bad decision in 2015

I am still willing to walk away with our 5000 deaths
If your willing to do that and you support the get the fuck out decision then stop trying to blame Bush for the current situation in Iraq and be happy you have what you want.

Bush broke it

Doesn't mean we should keep sending boys to die to fix it
As I said if your happy with the decisions Obama has made then there is really no reason for the blame Bush threads is there?

He broke it

The fact that future Presidents are unwilling to continue to waste American lives there is not relevant
Again Bush is not responsible for the current situation in Iraq. If you want to lay everything that happened in Iraq from 2003 to January of 2009 when Obama was sworn in on Bush fine after nope. At the time Obama was sworn in ISIS did not control a single town in Iraq nor did they take any while U.S. troops were still stationed there that did not happen till all American troops were withdrawn a decision you support it seems you support the way Obama is fighting ISIS no ground troops limited air strikes. So again Obama has done everything you want in regards to Iraq and ISIS which makes a blame Bush thread irrelevant.

Not any more than an arsonist is responsible after he has lit the match
If your willing to do that and you support the get the fuck out decision then stop trying to blame Bush for the current situation in Iraq and be happy you have what you want.

Bush broke it

Doesn't mean we should keep sending boys to die to fix it
As I said if your happy with the decisions Obama has made then there is really no reason for the blame Bush threads is there?

He broke it

The fact that future Presidents are unwilling to continue to waste American lives there is not relevant
Again Bush is not responsible for the current situation in Iraq. If you want to lay everything that happened in Iraq from 2003 to January of 2009 when Obama was sworn in on Bush fine after nope. At the time Obama was sworn in ISIS did not control a single town in Iraq nor did they take any while U.S. troops were still stationed there that did not happen till all American troops were withdrawn a decision you support it seems you support the way Obama is fighting ISIS no ground troops limited air strikes. So again Obama has done everything you want in regards to Iraq and ISIS which makes a blame Bush thread irrelevant.

Not any more than an arsonist is responsible after he has lit the match
If the fire is put out and you let someone else start another one then it becomes your responsibility.
Bush broke it

Doesn't mean we should keep sending boys to die to fix it
As I said if your happy with the decisions Obama has made then there is really no reason for the blame Bush threads is there?

He broke it

The fact that future Presidents are unwilling to continue to waste American lives there is not relevant
Again Bush is not responsible for the current situation in Iraq. If you want to lay everything that happened in Iraq from 2003 to January of 2009 when Obama was sworn in on Bush fine after nope. At the time Obama was sworn in ISIS did not control a single town in Iraq nor did they take any while U.S. troops were still stationed there that did not happen till all American troops were withdrawn a decision you support it seems you support the way Obama is fighting ISIS no ground troops limited air strikes. So again Obama has done everything you want in regards to Iraq and ISIS which makes a blame Bush thread irrelevant.

Not any more than an arsonist is responsible after he has lit the match
If the fire is put out and you let someone else start another one then it becomes your responsibility.

The "fire" was far from put out

It required a constant US police force to maintain order. Along with that mission came a monthly death toll

I am an American who is unwilling to pay that toll
As I said if your happy with the decisions Obama has made then there is really no reason for the blame Bush threads is there?

He broke it

The fact that future Presidents are unwilling to continue to waste American lives there is not relevant
Again Bush is not responsible for the current situation in Iraq. If you want to lay everything that happened in Iraq from 2003 to January of 2009 when Obama was sworn in on Bush fine after nope. At the time Obama was sworn in ISIS did not control a single town in Iraq nor did they take any while U.S. troops were still stationed there that did not happen till all American troops were withdrawn a decision you support it seems you support the way Obama is fighting ISIS no ground troops limited air strikes. So again Obama has done everything you want in regards to Iraq and ISIS which makes a blame Bush thread irrelevant.

Not any more than an arsonist is responsible after he has lit the match
If the fire is put out and you let someone else start another one then it becomes your responsibility.

The "fire" was far from put out

It required a constant US police force to maintain order. Along with that mission came a monthly death toll

I am an American who is unwilling to pay that toll

And you would think from all these posts from these far left drones that Bush was still president..

But what do you expect from those that support Obama's illegal wars..
Sell this crap to people born long after 9/11....sadaam was the first thug on the list who already had paperwork going on him after 9/11...he violated every part of the ceasefire agreement from day 1 and wouldn't let the inspectors do their jobs...and had bribed large numbers of U.N. officials.....we now have paper work showing he fully planned on continuing his weapons programs after the sanctions were lifted....

We should have knocked out Iran as well.....
As I said if your happy with the decisions Obama has made then there is really no reason for the blame Bush threads is there?

He broke it

The fact that future Presidents are unwilling to continue to waste American lives there is not relevant
Again Bush is not responsible for the current situation in Iraq. If you want to lay everything that happened in Iraq from 2003 to January of 2009 when Obama was sworn in on Bush fine after nope. At the time Obama was sworn in ISIS did not control a single town in Iraq nor did they take any while U.S. troops were still stationed there that did not happen till all American troops were withdrawn a decision you support it seems you support the way Obama is fighting ISIS no ground troops limited air strikes. So again Obama has done everything you want in regards to Iraq and ISIS which makes a blame Bush thread irrelevant.

Not any more than an arsonist is responsible after he has lit the match
If the fire is put out and you let someone else start another one then it becomes your responsibility.

The "fire" was far from put out

It required a constant US police force to maintain order. Along with that mission came a monthly death toll

I am an American who is unwilling to pay that toll

You mean like all the troops we still have in Japan, South Korea, Germany, Italy, after their wars ended in 1945 and the 1950s......you mean that force that we have kept their...and now those countries are completely functional.......and since you weren't in uniform...right? you weren't paying the toll....
It looks as if you still cannot dispute any facts.
Keep up with the foolish comments.

Check it out and see what Michael Morell said about the entire situation involving the bush, or should I say ,cheney administration.
Tuesday May 19 - msnbc - Hardball with Chris Matthews NBC News

Interesting dialogue between Michael Morell top security advisor and ,(righties will hate this),Chris Matthews.
The more interesting part was what cheney told the American people and what Mr. Morell told cheney.
Only idiotic people still argue this. Well, they actually don't argue it, instead they throw out meaningless ad-hominems and distracting partisan comments to railroad the commentary away from the actual topic.
They needed that type of journalism in 2002-2003.

After Vietnam you would think our media would say....never again

But they fell for the same shit from Bush/Cheney

More far left propaganda!

Proof that the far left believes the history of Iraq started in 2003 and caused 9/11.
It looks as if you still cannot dispute any facts.
Keep up with the foolish comments.

Check it out and see what Michael Morell said about the entire situation involving the bush, or should I say ,cheney administration.
Tuesday May 19 - msnbc - Hardball with Chris Matthews NBC News

Interesting dialogue between Michael Morell top security advisor and ,(righties will hate this),Chris Matthews.
The more interesting part was what cheney told the American people and what Mr. Morell told cheney.
Only idiotic people still argue this. Well, they actually don't argue it, instead they throw out meaningless ad-hominems and distracting partisan comments to railroad the commentary away from the actual topic.
They needed that type of journalism in 2002-2003.

After Vietnam you would think our media would say....never again

But they fell for the same shit from Bush/Cheney

More far left propaganda!

Proof that the far left believes the history of Iraq started in 2003 and caused 9/11.

Far left propaganda are not facts!

What you posted no way supports the far left religious mantra..
The left says Bush is an idiot, yet he somehow managed to outwit half the Democratic party and dozens of other nations on Iraq...why the contradiction?
As I said if your happy with the decisions Obama has made then there is really no reason for the blame Bush threads is there?

He broke it

The fact that future Presidents are unwilling to continue to waste American lives there is not relevant
Again Bush is not responsible for the current situation in Iraq. If you want to lay everything that happened in Iraq from 2003 to January of 2009 when Obama was sworn in on Bush fine after nope. At the time Obama was sworn in ISIS did not control a single town in Iraq nor did they take any while U.S. troops were still stationed there that did not happen till all American troops were withdrawn a decision you support it seems you support the way Obama is fighting ISIS no ground troops limited air strikes. So again Obama has done everything you want in regards to Iraq and ISIS which makes a blame Bush thread irrelevant.

Not any more than an arsonist is responsible after he has lit the match
If the fire is put out and you let someone else start another one then it becomes your responsibility.

The "fire" was far from put out

It required a constant US police force to maintain order. Along with that mission came a monthly death toll

I am an American who is unwilling to pay that toll
How many towns did ISiS control in January of 2009 when Obama was sworn in? How large an area of Iraq were they in control of at that same time? The fire was out.
Far left propaganda are not facts!

What you posted no way supports the far left religious mantra..
Host Chris Matthews asked Morell about a statement Cheney made in 2003: "We know he {Saddam Hussein} has been absolutely devoted to trying to acquire nuclear weapons. And we believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons." Here's the conversation that followed:


There's the indictment, issued by the intelligence officer who briefed Bush and Cheney: The Bush White House made a "false presentation" on "some aspects" of the case for war. "That's a big deal," Matthews exclaimed. Morell replied, "It's a big deal."
And there's more. Referring to the claims made by Bush, Cheney, and other administration officials that Saddam was in league with Al Qaeda, Morell noted, "What they were saying about the link between Iraq and Al Qaeda publicly was not what the intelligence community" had concluded. He added, "I think they were trying to make a stronger case for the war." That is, stronger than the truth would allow.

Morell's remarks support the basic charge: Bush and Cheney were not misled by flawed intelligence; they used the flawed intelligence to mislead.

George W. Bush s CIA Briefer Bush and Cheney Falsely Presented WMD Intelligence to Public Mother Jones
Bush broke it

Doesn't mean we should keep sending boys to die to fix it
As I said if your happy with the decisions Obama has made then there is really no reason for the blame Bush threads is there?

He broke it

The fact that future Presidents are unwilling to continue to waste American lives there is not relevant
Again Bush is not responsible for the current situation in Iraq. If you want to lay everything that happened in Iraq from 2003 to January of 2009 when Obama was sworn in on Bush fine after nope. At the time Obama was sworn in ISIS did not control a single town in Iraq nor did they take any while U.S. troops were still stationed there that did not happen till all American troops were withdrawn a decision you support it seems you support the way Obama is fighting ISIS no ground troops limited air strikes. So again Obama has done everything you want in regards to Iraq and ISIS which makes a blame Bush thread irrelevant.

Not any more than an arsonist is responsible after he has lit the match
If the fire is put out and you let someone else start another one then it becomes your responsibility.

What is wrong with you?
Far left propaganda are not facts!

What you posted no way supports the far left religious mantra..
Host Chris Matthews asked Morell about a statement Cheney made in 2003: "We know he {Saddam Hussein} has been absolutely devoted to trying to acquire nuclear weapons. And we believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons." Here's the conversation that followed:


There's the indictment, issued by the intelligence officer who briefed Bush and Cheney: The Bush White House made a "false presentation" on "some aspects" of the case for war. "That's a big deal," Matthews exclaimed. Morell replied, "It's a big deal."
And there's more. Referring to the claims made by Bush, Cheney, and other administration officials that Saddam was in league with Al Qaeda, Morell noted, "What they were saying about the link between Iraq and Al Qaeda publicly was not what the intelligence community" had concluded. He added, "I think they were trying to make a stronger case for the war." That is, stronger than the truth would allow.

Morell's remarks support the basic charge: Bush and Cheney were not misled by flawed intelligence; they used the flawed intelligence to mislead.

George W. Bush s CIA Briefer Bush and Cheney Falsely Presented WMD Intelligence to Public Mother Jones

Oh look another far left drone using a far left drone blog site for their facts!

Yet they are missing from starting or even questioning Obama on any thread about the illegal wars of Obama..
As I said if your happy with the decisions Obama has made then there is really no reason for the blame Bush threads is there?

He broke it

The fact that future Presidents are unwilling to continue to waste American lives there is not relevant
Again Bush is not responsible for the current situation in Iraq. If you want to lay everything that happened in Iraq from 2003 to January of 2009 when Obama was sworn in on Bush fine after nope. At the time Obama was sworn in ISIS did not control a single town in Iraq nor did they take any while U.S. troops were still stationed there that did not happen till all American troops were withdrawn a decision you support it seems you support the way Obama is fighting ISIS no ground troops limited air strikes. So again Obama has done everything you want in regards to Iraq and ISIS which makes a blame Bush thread irrelevant.

Not any more than an arsonist is responsible after he has lit the match
If the fire is put out and you let someone else start another one then it becomes your responsibility.

What is wrong with you?

Says the far left drone!
The dummy which calls itself"Kosh" is claiming that mother Jones made up quotes from Bush's CIA briefer Michael Morell and that the dude did not really appear on MSNBC's Hardball...they made it all up...Kosh ought to be able to prove that right...Kosh you are dummy
The dummy which calls itself"Kosh" is claiming that mother Jones made up quotes from Bush's CIA briefer Michael Morell and that the dude did not really appear on MSNBC's Hardball...they made it all up...Kosh ought to be able to prove that right...Kosh you are dummy

And yet the far left still can not prove their religious narrative with any post..

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