Bush Sucks Up To The Left


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts


Bush is sucking up to the left.....for what reason one can only guess.......but once Bush announced that these protests were a good thing, the disguise he wore while president has been totally removed. I see no difference between Bush, McCain, and Romney. They're all fakes.

Here is everything he said

and Condi Rice said this, even though most didn’t report it-
And as I said, the president has used some language that I'm really very, very much admire, like the resilience of the American people. Just be careful about those messages. I'm not advising the president, but if I were, I would say let's put tweeting aside for a little bit and- and talk to us, have a conversation with us. And I think we need that. And I think he can do it.
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Bush is sucking up to the left.....for what reason one can only guess.......but once Bush announced that these protests were a good thing, the disguise he wore while president has been totally removed. I see no difference between Bush, McCain, and Romney. They're all fakes.

George realizing tRump is unfit to be president, no matter what party he is, isn't sucking up to the left. It's swallowing your pride and doing what's right for the country.
Here is everything he said
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and Condi Rice said this, even though most didn’t report it-
And as I said, the president has used some language that I'm really very, very much admire, like the resilience of the American people. Just be careful about those messages. I'm not advising the president, but if I were, I would say let's put tweeting aside for a little bit and- and talk to us, have a conversation with us. And I think we need that. And I think he can do it.
Unfortunately Bush has inserted himself in the debate knowing he will be used by the left to attack Trump.......and I don't think he cares.

The simple fact is that we don't have a race problem but a cultural problem in America seems to escape him.
Most of the problems in the Black Community are based around cultural differences......which centers around the fact that most blacks don't have both parents living in their homes. This is true more than any other group. Perhaps they should think about keeping it in their pants and then just maybe they'd have more success in life.
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Bush is sucking up to the left.....for what reason one can only guess.......but once Bush announced that these protests were a good thing, the disguise he wore while president has been totally removed. I see no difference between Bush, McCain, and Romney. They're all fakes.

George realizing tRump is unfit to be president, no matter what party he is, isn't sucking up to the left. It's swallowing your pride and doing what's right for the country.

GWB is not in any position to look down his nose at anyone (especially Trump).
At least that is what you leftists have been saying for close to 20 years.
Wow..............now because Jr. said something against Trump, you idiot conservatives (Trump supporters) are now turning on him?

Well, today Colin Powell said that Trump was a crappy president, I expect him to be thrown under the bus by the Trumpettes tomorrow, as Trump has already tweeted about how "overrated" a general he is this afternoon.
Wow..............now because Jr. said something against Trump, you idiot conservatives (Trump supporters) are now turning on him?

Well, today Colin Powell said that Trump was a crappy president, I expect him to be thrown under the bus by the Trumpettes tomorrow, as Trump has already tweeted about how "overrated" a general he is this afternoon.
Powell was thrown under the bus a long time ago for good reason.
And just an fyi, the rumor Bush won’t vote for Trump was put out by the nyt’s. You know a source of a source kind of thing.
Here is everything he said
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and Condi Rice said this, even though most didn’t report it-
And as I said, the president has used some language that I'm really very, very much admire, like the resilience of the American people. Just be careful about those messages. I'm not advising the president, but if I were, I would say let's put tweeting aside for a little bit and- and talk to us, have a conversation with us. And I think we need that. And I think he can do it.
Unfortunately Bush has inserted himself in the debate knowing he will be used by the left to attack Trump.......and I don't think he cares.

The simple fact is that we don't have a race problem but a cultural problem in America seems to escape him.
Most of the problems in the Black Community are based around cultural differences......which centers around the fact that most blacks don't have both parents living in their homes. This is true more than any other group. Perhaps they should think about keeping it in their pants and then just maybe they'd have more success in life.

The Bushes have been jonesing to get back at Trump for beating Jeb! Now Dubya made this pathetic attempt. SAD!
Well that was an honest opinion and shows what Trump should be saying but can't brink himself to take the middle road.

Expecting too much from Senior Trump. He has problems and he is not afraid to attack, embellish , and refer to himself in the 3rd person. That way he can focus on what really is important. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what I can do for you.

He really does like to refer to himself in the third person

…Trump/Russia story was an excuse used by the Democrats as justification for losing the election. Perhaps Trump just ran a great campaign?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 3, 2017

He seems to can't get enough of himself. That why he has to say his name and refer to himself as the real me. So the question ask if the real DT is tweeting? then who is the guy in the white house.

Oh he must be the fake DT
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Bush is sucking up to the left.....for what reason one can only guess.......but once Bush announced that these protests were a good thing, the disguise he wore while president has been totally removed. I see no difference between Bush, McCain, and Romney. They're all fakes.

Yet you voted for all of them. What does that make you?
Or maybe, like the generals, he is horrified at what has happened to the presidency.

They should be horrified. Trump is shredding the Constitution and trying to place himself as supreme leader. And yeah, I'm pretty sure that those Generals and Admirals would know much better than Trump when they can and can't be used, and what for. Why? Because they have decades of experience EACH as to when and how to deploy troops. Trump has zero experience and he's kicked out all the people in his cabinet that did.
Wow..............now because Jr. said something against Trump, you idiot conservatives (Trump supporters) are now turning on him?

Well, today Colin Powell said that Trump was a crappy president, I expect him to be thrown under the bus by the Trumpettes tomorrow, as Trump has already tweeted about how "overrated" a general he is this afternoon.
And now that he has turned on President Trump, the left loves him.

Powell was already seen as a traitor when he backed the Hussein.
W was one of the worst Presidents ever. If he were running against Biden it's possible Biden would justifiably win. That's how bad those two are. Neither of them can compare to Trump.
Well that was an honest opinion and shows what Trump should be saying but can't brink himself to take the middle road.

Expecting too much from Senior Trump. He has problems and he is not afraid to attack, embellish , and refer to himself in the 3rd person. That way he can focus on what really is important. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what I can do for you.

He really does like to refer to himself in the third person

…Trump/Russia story was an excuse used by the Democrats as justification for losing the election. Perhaps Trump just ran a great campaign?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 3, 2017

He seems to can't get enough of himself. That why he has to say his name and refer to himself as the real me. So the question ask if the real DT is tweeting? then who is the guy in the white house.

Oh he must be the fake DT
Oh, really?-
Donald Trump: (00:00)
Thank you very much. My fellow Americans, my first and highest duty as president is to defend our great country and the American people. I swore an oath to uphold the laws of our nation and that is exactly what I will do. All Americans were rightly sickened and revolted by the brutal death of George Floyd. My administration is fully committed that for George and his family, justice will be served. He will not have died in vain, but we cannot allow the righteous cries and peaceful protestors to be drown out by an angry mob. The biggest victims of the rioting are peace loving citizens in our poorest communities and as their president, I will fight to keep them safe. I will fight to protect you. I am your president of law and order and an ally of all peaceful protesters. But in recent days, our nation has been gripped by professional anarchists, violent mobs, arsonists, looters, criminals, rioters, Antifa and others.
A number of state and local governments have failed to take necessary action to safeguard their residents. Innocent people have been savagely beaten like the young man in Dallas, Texas, who was left dying on the street or the woman in upstate New York, viciously attacked by dangerous thugs. Small business owners have seen the dreams utterly destroyed. New York’s finest have been hit in the face with bricks, brave nurses who have battled the virus are afraid to leave their homes. A police precinct has been overrun here in the nation’s Capitol, the Lincoln Memorial and the World War II Memorial have been vandalized. One of our most historic churches was set a blaze. A federal officer in California, an African American enforcement hero was shot and killed. These are not acts of peaceful protest, these are acts of domestic terror. The destruction of innocent life and the spilling of innocent blood is an offense to humanity and a crime against God...

...This includes Antifa and others who are leading instigators of this violence. One law and order and that is what it is. One law, we have one beautiful law and once that is restored and fully restored, we will help you, we will help your business and we will help your family. America is founded upon the rule of law. It is the of our prosperity, our freedom and our very way of life, but where there is no law, there is no opportunity, where there is no justice there is no Liberty, where there is no safety there is no future. We must never give in to anger or hatred if malice or violence rains, then none of us is free. I take these actions today with firm resolve and with a true and passionate love for our country by far our greatest days lie ahead. Thank you very much and now I’m going to pay my respects to a very, very special place. Thank you very much.
And every single RINO who won't endorse Trump is doing it for their own personal reasons.

1. Bush-Brother Jeb got his ass handed to him in 2016 in the primaries by Trump. No shock here.
2. Colin Powell: has not voted republican since 2004, so no surprise here.
3. Romney: also got his ass handed to him by Trump in 2016. No surprise here.
4. Decomposing McCain: Trump attacked him after McCain attacked Trump. Figured being a POW (and a horrible pilot) made him immune to criticism. Yet again, no surprise here.

NONE of these people would I consider to be a real republican. Not even close.

I could go on but you get the point.
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Bush is sucking up to the left.....for what reason one can only guess.......but once Bush announced that these protests were a good thing, the disguise he wore while president has been totally removed. I see no difference between Bush, McCain, and Romney. They're all fakes.

Try and remember when just before leaving office, Bush said: "There's a New World Order coming and it's going to be great." He was referring to George Soros' " New World Order of the Free Movement of People" agenda. Bush is and has been, a George Soros puppet. As for siding with protesters, as long as they are peaceful protesters, no problem. Siding with rioters and looters, on the other hand, doesn't merit respect, just disgust.

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