Bush's Initial Reaction To The News on 9/11 Was Perfect

Either tell the teacher there was an emergency and he I had to leave, then let her tell the children. OR, get up and tell the whole classroom that I had important 'president' business and excused myself from the room.

It is the kind of things competent adults do, something that would be totally foreign to pea brains like you.

tell the children what exactly? They are SECOND GRADERS!!!!! Sorry...you're just not on the right side of the ball here.

Do you really think they were planning to dive a plane into an elementary school? There were reasons why the WTC, Pentagon and Whitehouse were targeted. That school didn't meet their criteria. If they were gonna take out GWB and AF1 they would have had to have targeted the airfield. But it wouldn't have happened. They would have been taken out. As for the president giving the order to shoot down a civilian aircraft, that could have been accomplished at any moment. All he has to do is give a nod. Contact with the president was maintained at all times. Just because he was conducting himself in a controlled manner in a class room full of kids doesn't mean he can't take a phone call. God forbid we should have to deal with an attack like this while Obama was on the golf course...how would he have handled it...FROM A PHONE!!! Of course he would have duffed his 7th shot on the 9th hole first...but still, he would have had the same options as Bush did. All he had to do was listen to the situation and say the word "YES" and the order would be given.

I'm pretty sure any airspace around the President was being patrolled heavily. I didn't have a flight tracker on and I wasn't near Sarasota at the time so I don't know directly, but I remember seeing the civilian air traffic around Atlanta get diverted when Clinton flew in. I saw the fighter jets circling the entire area around Atlanta when he was on the ground. I think we can assume the same procedure was in place this time too. The safest place on the planet at that time was that classroom in my opinion.

I can tell you that I remember the Vapor trails just disappearing out of the sky here in North Florida.
Either tell the teacher there was an emergency and he I had to leave, then let her tell the children. OR, get up and tell the whole classroom that I had important 'president' business and excused myself from the room.

It is the kind of things competent adults do, something that would be totally foreign to pea brains like you.

tell the children what exactly? They are SECOND GRADERS!!!!! Sorry...you're just not on the right side of the ball here.

Do you really think they were planning to dive a plane into an elementary school? There were reasons why the WTC, Pentagon and Whitehouse were targeted. That school didn't meet their criteria. If they were gonna take out GWB and AF1 they would have had to have targeted the airfield. But it wouldn't have happened. They would have been taken out. As for the president giving the order to shoot down a civilian aircraft, that could have been accomplished at any moment. All he has to do is give a nod. Contact with the president was maintained at all times. Just because he was conducting himself in a controlled manner in a class room full of kids doesn't mean he can't take a phone call. God forbid we should have to deal with an attack like this while Obama was on the golf course...how would he have handled it...FROM A PHONE!!! Of course he would have duffed his 7th shot on the 9th hole first...but still, he would have had the same options as Bush did. All he had to do was listen to the situation and say the word "YES" and the order would be given.

WHERE do you come up with this fairy tale? A 'nod'? Watch the fucking video...Bush just sat there with a clueless glaze on his face for more than 5 minutes after being told "AMERICA IS UNDER ATTACK"...He talked to NO ONE, he didn't 'nod' of even look at his staff...

He was frozen...his incompetence overwhelmed him.

So you're saying Card asked him if they should shoot down the plane and he just sat there?

that didnt happen...and you totally missed what I was saying. So your "fairy tale" is out of the picture. I said he COULD have given the order if asked of him. But there we go with kneejerk reactions. You didn't read it right and you jumped off the dumbass cliff.

I've watched the "fucking" video Einstein...how about you READ THE FUCKING POST without your jackass glasses on.
WHERE do you come up with this fairy tale? A 'nod'? Watch the fucking video...Bush just sat there with a clueless glaze on his face for more than 5 minutes after being told "AMERICA IS UNDER ATTACK"...He talked to NO ONE, he didn't 'nod' of even look at his staff...

He was frozen...his incompetence overwhelmed him.
There is nothing he could have done that you would not have objected to. Nothing. Stop pretending otherwise.

He could cure cancer and irrational haters like you would complain that he didn't do anything about gum disease.

Or anything else. Bfgrn is just a partisan HATER and should be treated as such...he will be from now on by me until he shows signs of coming to any semblence of objectivity.
tell the children what exactly? They are SECOND GRADERS!!!!! Sorry...you're just not on the right side of the ball here.

Do you really think they were planning to dive a plane into an elementary school? There were reasons why the WTC, Pentagon and Whitehouse were targeted. That school didn't meet their criteria. If they were gonna take out GWB and AF1 they would have had to have targeted the airfield. But it wouldn't have happened. They would have been taken out. As for the president giving the order to shoot down a civilian aircraft, that could have been accomplished at any moment. All he has to do is give a nod. Contact with the president was maintained at all times. Just because he was conducting himself in a controlled manner in a class room full of kids doesn't mean he can't take a phone call. God forbid we should have to deal with an attack like this while Obama was on the golf course...how would he have handled it...FROM A PHONE!!! Of course he would have duffed his 7th shot on the 9th hole first...but still, he would have had the same options as Bush did. All he had to do was listen to the situation and say the word "YES" and the order would be given.

WHERE do you come up with this fairy tale? A 'nod'? Watch the fucking video...Bush just sat there with a clueless glaze on his face for more than 5 minutes after being told "AMERICA IS UNDER ATTACK"...He talked to NO ONE, he didn't 'nod' of even look at his staff...

He was frozen...his incompetence overwhelmed him.

What should he have done again? Nobody asked him for any authorization so there was nothing for him to do.

And THAT is what he DID...NOTHING!

NONE of the information we know today was known at that moment...ALL Bush was told by Andrew Card was: “A second plane hit the other tower, and America’s under attack.”

He didn't know the size or scope of the attack, who was attacking or anything other than "America’s under attack"

While Bush sat there frozen in his gross incompetence, a commercial jetliner could travel 600 miles to hit any number of targets...the White House, the Capital, nuclear reactors.

The moment required competent leadership. America had NONE.
WHERE do you come up with this fairy tale? A 'nod'? Watch the fucking video...Bush just sat there with a clueless glaze on his face for more than 5 minutes after being told "AMERICA IS UNDER ATTACK"...He talked to NO ONE, he didn't 'nod' of even look at his staff...

He was frozen...his incompetence overwhelmed him.
There is nothing he could have done that you would not have objected to. Nothing. Stop pretending otherwise.

He could cure cancer and irrational haters like you would complain that he didn't do anything about gum disease.

Or anything else. Bfgrn is just a partisan HATER and should be treated as such...he will be from now on by me until he shows signs of coming to any semblence of objectivity.
Objectivity is not compatible with Bush Derangement Syndrome.
WHERE do you come up with this fairy tale? A 'nod'? Watch the fucking video...Bush just sat there with a clueless glaze on his face for more than 5 minutes after being told "AMERICA IS UNDER ATTACK"...He talked to NO ONE, he didn't 'nod' of even look at his staff...

He was frozen...his incompetence overwhelmed him.

What should he have done again? Nobody asked him for any authorization so there was nothing for him to do.

And THAT is what he DID...NOTHING!

NONE of the information we know today was known at that moment...ALL Bush was told by Andrew Card was: “A second plane hit the other tower, and America’s under attack.”

He didn't know the size or scope of the attack, who was attacking or anything other than "America’s under attack"

While Bush sat there frozen in his gross incompetence, a commercial jetliner could travel 600 miles to hit any number of targets...the White House, the Capital, nuclear reactors.

The moment required competent leadership. America had NONE.
What could have happened in those 5 minutes?
WHERE do you come up with this fairy tale? A 'nod'? Watch the fucking video...Bush just sat there with a clueless glaze on his face for more than 5 minutes after being told "AMERICA IS UNDER ATTACK"...He talked to NO ONE, he didn't 'nod' of even look at his staff...

He was frozen...his incompetence overwhelmed him.

What should he have done again? Nobody asked him for any authorization so there was nothing for him to do.

And THAT is what he DID...NOTHING!

NONE of the information we know today was known at that moment...ALL Bush was told by Andrew Card was: “A second plane hit the other tower, and America’s under attack.”

He didn't know the size or scope of the attack, who was attacking or anything other than "America’s under attack"

While Bush sat there frozen in his gross incompetence, a commercial jetliner could travel 600 miles to hit any number of targets...the White House, the Capital, nuclear reactors.

The moment required competent leadership. America had NONE.
600 MILES?
in 5 MINUTES??????

holy shit
no plane i have even been in could fly that fast
What should he have done again? Nobody asked him for any authorization so there was nothing for him to do.

And THAT is what he DID...NOTHING!

NONE of the information we know today was known at that moment...ALL Bush was told by Andrew Card was: “A second plane hit the other tower, and America’s under attack.”

He didn't know the size or scope of the attack, who was attacking or anything other than "America’s under attack"

While Bush sat there frozen in his gross incompetence, a commercial jetliner could travel 600 miles to hit any number of targets...the White House, the Capital, nuclear reactors.

The moment required competent leadership. America had NONE.
What could have happened in those 5 minutes?
i guess he thinks that a plane that flies at about 550 MPH can somehow fly 600 miles in 5 minutes
There is nothing he could have done that you would not have objected to. Nothing. Stop pretending otherwise.

He could cure cancer and irrational haters like you would complain that he didn't do anything about gum disease.

Or anything else. Bfgrn is just a partisan HATER and should be treated as such...he will be from now on by me until he shows signs of coming to any semblence of objectivity.
Objectivity is not compatible with Bush Derangement Syndrome.

What is funny is how you right wing pea brains defend Bush. It's OK to question his decisions, conservatism or policies, but DON'T question his leadership. You right wing authoritarian followers worship that aspect of leaders...that is why ALL forms of totalitarian government are conservative.

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer
What should he have done again? Nobody asked him for any authorization so there was nothing for him to do.

And THAT is what he DID...NOTHING!

NONE of the information we know today was known at that moment...ALL Bush was told by Andrew Card was: “A second plane hit the other tower, and America’s under attack.”

He didn't know the size or scope of the attack, who was attacking or anything other than "America’s under attack"

While Bush sat there frozen in his gross incompetence, a commercial jetliner could travel 600 miles to hit any number of targets...the White House, the Capital, nuclear reactors.

The moment required competent leadership. America had NONE.
600 MILES?
in 5 MINUTES??????

holy shit
no plane i have even been in could fly that fast
7,200 mph is pretty quick. No Boeing commercial product can go that fast, though.
Or anything else. Bfgrn is just a partisan HATER and should be treated as such...he will be from now on by me until he shows signs of coming to any semblence of objectivity.
Objectivity is not compatible with Bush Derangement Syndrome.

What is funny is how you right wing pea brains defend Bush. It's OK to question his decisions, conservatism or policies, but DON'T question his leadership. You right wing authoritarian followers worship that aspect of leaders...that is why ALL forms of totalitarian government are conservative.

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer
look, you dont even know how fast a plane flies and your calling anyone else a peabrain?
What is funny is how you right wing pea brains defend Bush. It's OK to question his decisions, conservatism or policies, but DON'T question his leadership. You right wing authoritarian followers worship that aspect of leaders...that is why ALL forms of totalitarian government are conservative.
The Soviet Union was conservative? Interesting theory. And by "interesting", I mean "stupid".
While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer
Voiceover: Today's Historical Revision Moment is brought to you by Bfgrn. When you think historical revision, think Bfgrn!

We had a deer-in-headlights President when we were attacked and now the right-wing cultists in this forum are standing in a circle jerking each other off. What is most amazing about it is they believe the delusional nonsense they're squirting.

I have never seen a more pathetic example of shamelessly coherent mass denial. They desperately need to believe that George W. Bush is something more than a brain-damaged ne'er-do-well whose hands turned everything they touched to shit, including this country's economy and status in the world.

Not only is George W. Bush an incompetent elitist, he is a criminal sonofabitch who deserves to be hanged -- along with his gang of conspirators who are responsible for disgracing this nation, looting its treasury, ruining its economy and fraudulently sending thousands of its soldiers to their deaths or disabilities.

How stupid must one be not to clearly see that?
WHERE do you come up with this fairy tale? A 'nod'? Watch the fucking video...Bush just sat there with a clueless glaze on his face for more than 5 minutes after being told "AMERICA IS UNDER ATTACK"...He talked to NO ONE, he didn't 'nod' of even look at his staff...

He was frozen...his incompetence overwhelmed him.

What should he have done again? Nobody asked him for any authorization so there was nothing for him to do.

And THAT is what he DID...NOTHING!

Glad we finally agree. There was nothing for Bush to do.

NONE of the information we know today was known at that moment...ALL Bush was told by Andrew Card was: “A second plane hit the other tower, and America’s under attack.”

He didn't know the size or scope of the attack, who was attacking or anything other than "America’s under attack"

So what should have he done then?

While Bush sat there frozen in his gross incompetence, a commercial jetliner could travel 600 miles to hit any number of targets...the White House, the Capital, nuclear reactors.

Ok. But what could he have done to stop that?

We had a deer-in-headlights President when we were attacked and now the right-wing cultists in this forum are standing in a circle jerking each other off. What is most amazing about it is they believe the delusional nonsense they're squirting.

I have never seen a more pathetic example of shamelessly coherent mass denial. They desperately need to believe that George W. Bush is something more than a brain-damaged ne'er-do-well whose hands turned everything they touched to shit, including this country's economy and status in the world.

Not only is George W. Bush an incompetent elitist, he is a criminal sonofabitch who deserves to be hanged -- along with his gang of conspirators who are responsible for disgracing this nation, looting its treasury, ruining its economy and fraudulently sending thousands of its soldiers to their deaths or disabilities.

How stupid must one be not to clearly see that?
That's pretty tough talk from a guy whose plan to deal with terrorists is to bend over and take it up the ass.

And THAT is what he DID...NOTHING!

NONE of the information we know today was known at that moment...ALL Bush was told by Andrew Card was: “A second plane hit the other tower, and America’s under attack.”

He didn't know the size or scope of the attack, who was attacking or anything other than "America’s under attack"

While Bush sat there frozen in his gross incompetence, a commercial jetliner could travel 600 miles to hit any number of targets...the White House, the Capital, nuclear reactors.

The moment required competent leadership. America had NONE.
600 MILES?
in 5 MINUTES??????

holy shit
no plane i have even been in could fly that fast
7,200 mph is pretty quick. No Boeing commercial product can go that fast, though.

My mistake...I meant 600 mph...that would be 150 mile range. Still enough range for Flight 93 to make it to Washington (124 miles from where it was taken down by brave citizens)

The decision to have a US military plane shoot down a commercial aircraft with US citizens on board would have to come from the top. Those brave citizens on Flight 93 covered Bush's ass. If that plane had hit it's target, then Bush's failure of leadership would have been the subject of his impeachment hearing.
What should he have done again? Nobody asked him for any authorization so there was nothing for him to do.

And THAT is what he DID...NOTHING!

NONE of the information we know today was known at that moment...ALL Bush was told by Andrew Card was: “A second plane hit the other tower, and America’s under attack.”

He didn't know the size or scope of the attack, who was attacking or anything other than "America’s under attack"

While Bush sat there frozen in his gross incompetence, a commercial jetliner could travel 600 miles to hit any number of targets...the White House, the Capital, nuclear reactors.

The moment required competent leadership. America had NONE.
600 MILES?
in 5 MINUTES??????

holy shit
no plane i have even been in could fly that fast

Unless it's an SR71...Remember the Conspiracy theories of HW Bush going overseas after Jimmah Catah was handed his ass?
600 MILES?
in 5 MINUTES??????

holy shit
no plane i have even been in could fly that fast
7,200 mph is pretty quick. No Boeing commercial product can go that fast, though.

My mistake...I meant 600 mph...that would be 150 mile range. Still enough range for Flight 93 to make it to Washington (124 miles from where it was taken down by brave citizens)

The decision to have a US military plane shoot down a commercial aircraft with US citizens on board would have to come from the top. Those brave citizens on Flight 93 covered Bush's ass. If that plane had hit it's target, then Bush's failure of leadership would have been the subject of his impeachment hearing.

In this theoretical, what would have stopped Bush from authorizing the strike?
7,200 mph is pretty quick. No Boeing commercial product can go that fast, though.

My mistake...I meant 600 mph...that would be 150 mile range. Still enough range for Flight 93 to make it to Washington (124 miles from where it was taken down by brave citizens)

The decision to have a US military plane shoot down a commercial aircraft with US citizens on board would have to come from the top. Those brave citizens on Flight 93 covered Bush's ass. If that plane had hit it's target, then Bush's failure of leadership would have been the subject of his impeachment hearing.

In this theoretical, what would have stopped Bush from authorizing the strike?
i'd like him to prove that ONLY bush could have made that call

since it is known that the order was given and had flight 93 not been crashed it would have been shot down
600 MILES?
in 5 MINUTES??????

holy shit
no plane i have even been in could fly that fast
7,200 mph is pretty quick. No Boeing commercial product can go that fast, though.

My mistake...I meant 600 mph...that would be 150 mile range. Still enough range for Flight 93 to make it to Washington (124 miles from where it was taken down by brave citizens)

The decision to have a US military plane shoot down a commercial aircraft with US citizens on board would have to come from the top. Those brave citizens on Flight 93 covered Bush's ass. If that plane had hit it's target, then Bush's failure of leadership would have been the subject of his impeachment hearing.

Dude? You're living in the PAST. There is a time to let things GO.

He showed perfect Leadership in what he did. Something you will never know about. You are so filled with HATE...of something you refuse to grasp. it is consuming YOU.

I wonder if WE can charge YOU with a 'Hate Crime'?:lol:

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