Bush's Initial Reaction To The News on 9/11 Was Perfect

Yo, B -- you missed this one.

You are right about my math, but an F-15 Eagle out of Langley can travel at 1,875 mph (Mach 2.5-plus). I am SURE Washington DC air space is well protected.
It is indeed.

Meanwhile, have you thought of something that could actually have been accomplished in those 5 minutes you claim Bush wasted?

We have 5 minutes of tape, but accounts of Bush's visit to the school adds up to more

An Interesting Day: President Bush's Movements and Actions on 9/11
I think Bush should have stood up, thrown the book violently against the wall, screamed "I'M GOING TO KILL THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS!" then stormed out, kicking a few chairs and knocking over the students aquarium. THAT would have been cool!
You are right about my math, but an F-15 Eagle out of Langley can travel at 1,875 mph (Mach 2.5-plus). I am SURE Washington DC air space is well protected.
It is indeed.

Meanwhile, have you thought of something that could actually have been accomplished in those 5 minutes you claim Bush wasted?

We have 5 minutes of tape, but accounts of Bush's visit to the school adds up to more

An Interesting Day: President Bush's Movements and Actions on 9/11
So what could he have done that wasn't already being done?
Prove it.


Welcome to WinstonChurchill.org

Quotes Falsely Attributed - The Churchill Centre

Interesting. Point taken. Sig edited :)

Who ever said it. It rings true in life for many people.

Actually, I believe the opposite should be true. You spend the early part of your life self absorbed, but as you grow up and take on the responsibility of raising a family, having others depend on you and see the suffering inflicted on human beings, you should become more empathic, mature and liberal.
this is worthy of a thread?

I have bashed Bush as much as anybody alive. Trust me on that.

But looking back on it Bush's response seems to have been absolutely on cue. Considering that his admin was likely complicit in allowing the attack to occur for political reasons.
2 key things here...

01. His Admin
02. Likely

The first, does not implicate Bush himself
The second says you have no proof.

If you have some evidence of your suggestion, please provide it.

I believe Bush took advantage of a situation to advance his war mongering plans and totally botched the war. which should have never been waged in the first place. Lots of other legitimate things to totally bash that bastard to hell with, but his response to the news....was perfect.

I have to admit.

okay dude, or dudette, where is marc and what have you done with him??!!:lol:
Your typical right wing pea brain polarized option is childish.


I hoped there would eventually be something so humorously idiotic you'd say that would make reading this thread worthwhile.

They desperately need to believe that George W. Bush is something more than a brain-damaged ne'er-do-well whose hands turned everything they touched to shit, including this country's economy and status in the world.

Anyone could say that you have a pathological need to believe that George W. Bush is "a brain-damaged ne'er-do-well, blah, blah, blah...etc., etc.........."

Indeed one who is so clearly partisan, would find fault in however Bush would have reacted. Had Bush been able to pick up, aim, and launch a STINGER out the window of the classroom, and bring down one of the hijacked planes, you be complaining. The fact is had he reacted in any other way, the outcome of the day's events wouldn't have been any different.

So, this thread has had its humorous vein as Bfgrn provides ironic parody, and MikeK offers glimpse of a specimen so damaged that objectivity has become astonishingly impossible.

What is ironic is all the Bush worshiping going on here. The same people that disavow Bush. I guess all that 'talk' is just fodder.

But what is really informative is the people that worked for and knew Bush personally that called him incompetent.

How big of a list do you need?

George Washington, FDR, Lincoln....ANY American President, had a long list of detractors.

Thanks for maintaining the thread's comic relief.
It is indeed.

Meanwhile, have you thought of something that could actually have been accomplished in those 5 minutes you claim Bush wasted?

We have 5 minutes of tape, but accounts of Bush's visit to the school adds up to more

An Interesting Day: President Bush's Movements and Actions on 9/11
So what could he have done that wasn't already being done?

What could have been done?...We didn't KNOW at THAT time. You keep forgetting...WHAT DID BUSH OR ANYONE KNOW AT THAT TIME? 'America was under attack.' WHAT is the job and responsibility to the office and position; Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States of America? It was Bush's seminal moment and he FAILED. If one of my family members was on board a hijacked domestic commercial aircraft, I wouldn't want the decision to end their life in the hands of a subordinate.

I can say with complete certainty if this were Clinton or Obama, the right would have crucified them. The left is way too forgiving.
What could have been done?...We didn't KNOW at THAT time. You keep forgetting...WHAT DID BUSH OR ANYONE KNOW AT THAT TIME? 'America was under attack.' WHAT is the job and responsibility to the office and position; Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States of America? It was Bush's seminal moment and he FAILED. If one of my family members was on board a hijacked domestic commercial aircraft, I wouldn't want the decision to end their life in the hands of a subordinate.
So, knowing now that everything that could be done was being done, you still complain.

I can say with complete certainty if this were Clinton or Obama, the right would have crucified them. The left is way too forgiving.
Yeah, you guys only call him a war criminal and want him tried at the Hague. You're all heart. :cuckoo:
What could have been done?...We didn't KNOW at THAT time. You keep forgetting...WHAT DID BUSH OR ANYONE KNOW AT THAT TIME? 'America was under attack.' WHAT is the job and responsibility to the office and position; Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States of America? It was Bush's seminal moment and he FAILED. If one of my family members was on board a hijacked domestic commercial aircraft, I wouldn't want the decision to end their life in the hands of a subordinate.
So, knowing now that everything that could be done was being done, you still complain.

I can say with complete certainty if this were Clinton or Obama, the right would have crucified them. The left is way too forgiving.
Yeah, you guys only call him a war criminal and want him tried at the Hague. You're all heart. :cuckoo:

WHAT was done? The terrorist accomplished everything they set out to do that day except for Flight 93. Don't you dare desecrate the memories of those brave passengers on that flight by giving any credit to Bush or his administration.

How many investigations did the Democrats launch into Bush's war record? And YOU are still whining?

The Republicans have already said if they gain power, they will shut down government by launching numerous investigations. You right wingers are the scum of the earth.

We had a deer-in-headlights President when we were attacked and now the right-wing cultists in this forum are standing in a circle jerking each other off. What is most amazing about it is they believe the delusional nonsense they're squirting.

I have never seen a more pathetic example of shamelessly coherent mass denial. They desperately need to believe that George W. Bush is something more than a brain-damaged ne'er-do-well whose hands turned everything they touched to shit, including this country's economy and status in the world.

Not only is George W. Bush an incompetent elitist, he is a criminal sonofabitch who deserves to be hanged -- along with his gang of conspirators who are responsible for disgracing this nation, looting its treasury, ruining its economy and fraudulently sending thousands of its soldiers to their deaths or disabilities.

How stupid must one be not to clearly see that?

pretty sure all the jerkoffs are the ones who think passenger jets fly 600 miles in 5 minutes

Jesus...are you sure you're not talking about Obama? talk about disgracing the nation.....

I tell you what, jerkoff...you prove that Bush is guilty of the charges you claim and then take them to the high court and suggest that they hang him for em...we'll see who's jerkin off then....:lol::lol::lol:

Bush was frozen while America was under attack and Americans were dying. It was a total failure of what a leader must do.

During that 15 minutes, NO ONE knew the scope of the attack. It was very possible Bush AND that school were also targets. Bush endangered those school children and FAILED this nation.

what a dipshit

YES, Bush is a dip shit.

Hey asshole, if a commercial airliner with American citizens on board was needed to be shot down during Bush's total failure of leadership, WHO would have given that order? Bush was too busy learning about pet goats.

I never thought I'd see the day when I would be defending Bush!!!! :lol:

But seriously, when he first found out what happened, what did you expect him to do??? He was in front of all those children, first of all. Secondly, I think it takes a few minutes to absorb news like that and consider what he should do first.
Either tell the teacher there was an emergency and he I had to leave, then let her tell the children. OR, get up and tell the whole classroom that I had important 'president' business and excused myself from the room.

It is the kind of things competent adults do, something that would be totally foreign to pea brains like you.

So YOU propose to tell a grown man...the leader of the free Western Culture HOW to act?

Dude? YOU while removing that splinter from his eye refuse to remove the very PLANK in front of yours.

YES Dude...Bush FAILED miserably. Andrew Card whispered in Bush's ear that 'America is under attack' The teacher and the classroom of 2nd graders did not hear it and they were not privy to that information, so there is no credible reason Bush couldn't have excused himself without causing alarm, panic or suspicion. OR you know, he could have just LIED, something he was good at; he could have said he had to take an important phone call in the hallway and not returned.

What I find fascinating is all you right wing pea brains constantly disavow Bush as a RINO and that none of you thought he was a good president...UNTIL someone calls him out, THEN you defend this poor excuse for a leader with every cell in your pathetic little bodies.

What should Bush have done? What could he have done?

The man was reading to kids at the time for goodness sake.

Let's be rashional about this. There's a LOT to Bash Bush for, but for the initial reaction...he did well.

Again, his excuse for attacking Iraq was criminal, but his initial reaction was dead on, we should be able to admit good when its done...this is what we want as well.

Can you not agree?
We have 5 minutes of tape, but accounts of Bush's visit to the school adds up to more

An Interesting Day: President Bush's Movements and Actions on 9/11
So what could he have done that wasn't already being done?

What could have been done?...We didn't KNOW at THAT time. You keep forgetting...WHAT DID BUSH OR ANYONE KNOW AT THAT TIME? 'America was under attack.' WHAT is the job and responsibility to the office and position; Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States of America? It was Bush's seminal moment and he FAILED. If one of my family members was on board a hijacked domestic commercial aircraft, I wouldn't want the decision to end their life in the hands of a subordinate.

I can say with complete certainty if this were Clinton or Obama, the right would have crucified them. The left is way too forgiving.

Did the right crucify Clinton when the '93 WTC bombing occured? No....

But you're damn right about crucifying Obama....we're gonna get our asses handed to us with that ASSHAT in charge. And when we do, then you'll REALLY see incompetence at work....

Talk about a circle jerk....one things for sure, you won't catch Obama at an elementary school reading to kids...he's got too many more important things to be doing. Hell, he's liable to be on vacation again. Besides, he doesn't read from books...only teleprompters.
You all know my position(s) on Georgie Boy, so you can take what I just stated more seriously.

I don't know if you guys have been or even knew about the specials that The History Channel has been playing all weekend, since about Thursday night concerning that day, but I taped them all and just one earlier and am watching another one that's 2 hours now entitlled "9/11 State of Emergency" it features Interviews with Condoleeza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Myers and Andrew Card discussing Sept. 11, 2001.

Well, about 15 mins ago I just saw some footage I haven't seen before of when and how GW got the news in the school and his guy giving him the news and him telling us exactly what he said and why he said it. He said "We're under attack", he then explained that he wanted to be as clear as possible, as concise as possible, didn't want Bush to have to ask any questions, as they were in front of kids and the press and didn't want to cause any necessary fear. They kept the camera running, so you saw the ENTIRE footage of how it went down.

I have to say...Bush handled it PERFECTLY. They even showed his face up close, you could see his facial concern, ever so slightly, but he was trying to keep his cool, for the kids...you could see all that from his expression. On top of that, shortly after reading and getting up, some AHOLES from the Press started asking him if he heard about the 2nd plane hitting the building in NYC, and Bush replied "We'll talk about that later." Again...perfectly.

I have to say.

That he handled well, dare I say perfectly. The RESPONSE to the attacks on that day, however...not so much.

Yeah only pure partisan hacks fault him for the way he handled the day of the attack and the days after. It was not until the Push for Invading Iraq that he got off track IMO.

I absolutely agree. And I think we should all be aware that something like that COULD happen again, God forbid. And President Obama will be in the same boat. Criticizing any president in that situation, because we don't like their party affiliation, is just not cool.
You all know my position(s) on Georgie Boy, so you can take what I just stated more seriously.

I don't know if you guys have been or even knew about the specials that The History Channel has been playing all weekend, since about Thursday night concerning that day, but I taped them all and just one earlier and am watching another one that's 2 hours now entitlled "9/11 State of Emergency" it features Interviews with Condoleeza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Myers and Andrew Card discussing Sept. 11, 2001.

Well, about 15 mins ago I just saw some footage I haven't seen before of when and how GW got the news in the school and his guy giving him the news and him telling us exactly what he said and why he said it. He said "We're under attack", he then explained that he wanted to be as clear as possible, as concise as possible, didn't want Bush to have to ask any questions, as they were in front of kids and the press and didn't want to cause any necessary fear. They kept the camera running, so you saw the ENTIRE footage of how it went down.

I have to say...Bush handled it PERFECTLY. They even showed his face up close, you could see his facial concern, ever so slightly, but he was trying to keep his cool, for the kids...you could see all that from his expression. On top of that, shortly after reading and getting up, some AHOLES from the Press started asking him if he heard about the 2nd plane hitting the building in NYC, and Bush replied "We'll talk about that later." Again...perfectly.

I have to say.

That he handled well, dare I say perfectly. The RESPONSE to the attacks on that day, however...not so much.

Yeah only pure partisan hacks fault him for the way he handled the day of the attack and the days after. It was not until the Push for Invading Iraq that he got off track IMO.

I absolutely agree. And I think we should all be aware that something like that COULD happen again, God forbid. And President Obama will be in the same boat. Criticizing any president in that situation, because we don't like their party affiliation, is just not cool.
personally, i think had Gore won the 2000 elections he would likely have done about the same things in the direct aftermath of 9/11

however i dont know if he would have done everything exactly the same months out
So YOU propose to tell a grown man...the leader of the free Western Culture HOW to act?

Dude? YOU while removing that splinter from his eye refuse to remove the very PLANK in front of yours.

YES Dude...Bush FAILED miserably. Andrew Card whispered in Bush's ear that 'America is under attack' The teacher and the classroom of 2nd graders did not hear it and they were not privy to that information, so there is no credible reason Bush couldn't have excused himself without causing alarm, panic or suspicion. OR you know, he could have just LIED, something he was good at; he could have said he had to take an important phone call in the hallway and not returned.

What I find fascinating is all you right wing pea brains constantly disavow Bush as a RINO and that none of you thought he was a good president...UNTIL someone calls him out, THEN you defend this poor excuse for a leader with every cell in your pathetic little bodies.

What should Bush have done? What could he have done?

The man was reading to kids at the time for goodness sake.

Let's be rashional about this. There's a LOT to Bash Bush for, but for the initial reaction...he did well.

Again, his excuse for attacking Iraq was criminal, but his initial reaction was dead on, we should be able to admit good when its done...this is what we want as well.

Can you not agree?

Marc? Good Form.
So what could he have done that wasn't already being done?

What could have been done?...We didn't KNOW at THAT time. You keep forgetting...WHAT DID BUSH OR ANYONE KNOW AT THAT TIME? 'America was under attack.' WHAT is the job and responsibility to the office and position; Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States of America? It was Bush's seminal moment and he FAILED. If one of my family members was on board a hijacked domestic commercial aircraft, I wouldn't want the decision to end their life in the hands of a subordinate.

I can say with complete certainty if this were Clinton or Obama, the right would have crucified them. The left is way too forgiving.

Did the right crucify Clinton when the '93 WTC bombing occured? No....

But you're damn right about crucifying Obama....we're gonna get our asses handed to us with that ASSHAT in charge. And when we do, then you'll REALLY see incompetence at work....

Talk about a circle jerk....one things for sure, you won't catch Obama at an elementary school reading to kids...he's got too many more important things to be doing. Hell, he's liable to be on vacation again. Besides, he doesn't read from books...only teleprompters.

A circle jerk? The Republicans wasted millions if taxpayer's dollars investigating a fucking blowjob.

Vacation...guess who set the record for most vacation time while president?

487 Days At Camp David For Bush - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

George W. Bush's vacation time (grand total)

487 days at Camp David
490 days at Crawford Ranch
43 days at Kennebunkport Compound

Total: 1020 days, more than 1/3rd of his presidency. Bush set the record for most vacation time taken by president.

Carter took 79 days in 4 years.
Clinton took 152 days in 8 years.

Reagan took 335 days in 8 years.
Bush Sr. took 543 days in 4 years!
What could have been done?...We didn't KNOW at THAT time. You keep forgetting...WHAT DID BUSH OR ANYONE KNOW AT THAT TIME? 'America was under attack.' WHAT is the job and responsibility to the office and position; Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States of America? It was Bush's seminal moment and he FAILED. If one of my family members was on board a hijacked domestic commercial aircraft, I wouldn't want the decision to end their life in the hands of a subordinate.

I can say with complete certainty if this were Clinton or Obama, the right would have crucified them. The left is way too forgiving.

Did the right crucify Clinton when the '93 WTC bombing occured? No....

But you're damn right about crucifying Obama....we're gonna get our asses handed to us with that ASSHAT in charge. And when we do, then you'll REALLY see incompetence at work....

Talk about a circle jerk....one things for sure, you won't catch Obama at an elementary school reading to kids...he's got too many more important things to be doing. Hell, he's liable to be on vacation again. Besides, he doesn't read from books...only teleprompters.

A circle jerk? The Republicans wasted millions if taxpayer's dollars investigating a fucking blowjob.

Vacation...guess who set the record for most vacation time while president?

487 Days At Camp David For Bush - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

George W. Bush's vacation time (grand total)

487 days at Camp David
490 days at Crawford Ranch
43 days at Kennebunkport Compound

Total: 1020 days, more than 1/3rd of his presidency. Bush set the record for most vacation time taken by president.

Carter took 79 days in 4 years.
Clinton took 152 days in 8 years.

Reagan took 335 days in 8 years.
Bush Sr. took 543 days in 4 years!
WTF does that have to do with how Bush responded on 9/11?
So YOU propose to tell a grown man...the leader of the free Western Culture HOW to act?

Dude? YOU while removing that splinter from his eye refuse to remove the very PLANK in front of yours.

YES Dude...Bush FAILED miserably. Andrew Card whispered in Bush's ear that 'America is under attack' The teacher and the classroom of 2nd graders did not hear it and they were not privy to that information, so there is no credible reason Bush couldn't have excused himself without causing alarm, panic or suspicion. OR you know, he could have just LIED, something he was good at; he could have said he had to take an important phone call in the hallway and not returned.

What I find fascinating is all you right wing pea brains constantly disavow Bush as a RINO and that none of you thought he was a good president...UNTIL someone calls him out, THEN you defend this poor excuse for a leader with every cell in your pathetic little bodies.

What should Bush have done? What could he have done?

The man was reading to kids at the time for goodness sake.

Let's be rashional about this. There's a LOT to Bash Bush for, but for the initial reaction...he did well.

Again, his excuse for attacking Iraq was criminal, but his initial reaction was dead on, we should be able to admit good when its done...this is what we want as well.

Can you not agree?


I appreciate your attempt at bringing him a little closer to home on this, but sometimes they just get too far out of range.

Honestly, I don't think it's a question of CAN he agree...its WILL he? And I don't think it's in him to give ANY credit for ANYTHING Bush ever did. Some people just hate for the sake of hating...sometimes they don't even know what started the hate...they just do.

But I applaud your defense of how Bush dealt with the situation at the moment. You and I agree that going to Iraq was just bad politics...pure and simple. Even if Saddam was taken out...we should have been doing other things in other places defending the attack on America.
We have 5 minutes of tape, but accounts of Bush's visit to the school adds up to more

An Interesting Day: President Bush's Movements and Actions on 9/11
So what could he have done that wasn't already being done?

What could have been done?...We didn't KNOW at THAT time. You keep forgetting...WHAT DID BUSH OR ANYONE KNOW AT THAT TIME? 'America was under attack.' WHAT is the job and responsibility to the office and position; Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States of America? It was Bush's seminal moment and he FAILED. If one of my family members was on board a hijacked domestic commercial aircraft, I wouldn't want the decision to end their life in the hands of a subordinate.

I can say with complete certainty if this were Clinton or Obama, the right would have crucified them. The left is way too forgiving.

Its not about what they would do or wouldn't do. We say we're bigger than them, lets be bigger than them.

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