BUSTED: Hillary Clinton Caught Lying Again: ISIS Recruitment Video Features Clinton, Not Trump...

President Bush is featured just as much as President Clinton or even President Obama for that matter in your ISIL propaganda.

But no Trump. Another Clinton lie. Go figure?

No Trump? So what? You don't think ISIS is savvy enough to send links to videos of Trump denigrating Muslims?

Yet ISIS chose to feature your boys Hussein and Clinton instead.

They show RWNJ's hero Putin too. And President Bush in between Presidents Obama and Clinton. In the order of their terms too. So it is specious to claim anyone was featured. Furthermore no one claimed Donald the Liar made it into one of ISIS's made video did they? However videos of "Donald the liar" are all over the internet.

Hitlery did claim ISIS is using Trump in recruitment videos. Yet their most recent video actually features her perv husband. Looks like her campaign better hurry up and make one. Cause that's what the Clintons do. Make a video, then claim ISIS made it. I wouldn't put it past her. She's a corrupt piece of shite.
Hitlery did claim ISIS is using Trump in recruitment videos.

Here is what she said:

"He is becoming ISIS's best recruiter," she said. "They are going to people, showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists."

Nothing about ISIS using the clips in a recruitment video. But lying is standard fare for the party of "Donald the liar" isn't it? Either that or you have a comprehension problem........
Hitlery did claim ISIS is using Trump in recruitment videos.

Here is what she said:

"He is becoming ISIS's best recruiter," she said. "They are going to people, showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists."

Nothing about ISIS using the clips in a recruitment video. But lying is standard fare for the party of "Donald the liar" isn't it? Either that or you have a comprehension problem........

So no ISIS Trump videos? I hear ya. Looks like her campaign will have to make one huh? I wouldn't put it past her.
ISIS videos with Trump in them?

Videos of Trump insulting Muslims.
Hillary didn't say Trump was insulting Muslims. Hillary said Trump was being used to recruit ISIS members. So far you have provided no link, no evidence to support that claim....

BUT there is an ISIS video with her hubby on it....but keep grasping for those straws.
Hitlery did claim ISIS is using Trump in recruitment videos.

Here is what she said:

"He is becoming ISIS's best recruiter," she said. "They are going to people, showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists."

Nothing about ISIS using the clips in a recruitment video. But lying is standard fare for the party of "Donald the liar" isn't it? Either that or you have a comprehension problem........

So no ISIS Trump videos? I hear ya. Looks like her campaign will have to make one huh? I wouldn't put it past her.

Sure. But when do your predictions ever come true. You're like 0 for a 100......
ISIS videos with Trump in them?

Videos of Trump insulting Muslims.
Hillary didn't say Trump was insulting Muslims. Hillary said Trump was being used to recruit ISIS members. So far you have provided no link, no evidence to support that claim....

BUT there is an ISIS video with her hubby on it....but keep grasping for those straws.

Time will tell if the Secretaries prediction are correct.
Media Silent about Hillary's Smear of Trump
Bill Clinton, not the Republican front-runner, is being used as an ISIS recruitment tool.
December 25, 2015
Matthew Vadum


The fabricated on-air debate claim of Hillary Clinton that Islamic State is showing videos of Republican frontrunner Donald Trump "to recruit more radical jihadists” has gone largely unchallenged in the mainstream media.

In fact it is the Benghazi bungler's husband, not Trump, who is featured in an Islamic State (a.k.a. ISIS, ISIL, and Daesh) recruiting video in which he is labeled a "fornicator" for his many sexual improprieties.

"No Respite," a four-minute video published online by Islamic State in November, shows images of Bill Clinton, along with former President George W. Bush, who is called a "liar," and President Obama. The propaganda piece makes the pitch that the U.S. military is no match for Muslim armies.

But you probably haven't heard about the appropriation of Bill Clinton's image for jihadist recruitment efforts.

It does not fit the media's predetermined narrative. Left-wingers like Hillary are allowed to get away with lies. Anything that promotes the idea that so-called Islamophobia is sweeping America is promoted vigorously.

This should come as no surprise to anyone who follows American politics. Clinton, who should have been sent to prison years ago, is a pathological liar who gets away with lying more or less every day because she is left-wing. The media protects her because she's one of them ideologically. Ever since the days of Whitewater and her invention of a "vast right-wing conspiracy" to distract from then-President Bill Clinton's endless sexual predations, Hillary has been perfecting the dark art of political deception.

Hillary, the frontrunner in the Democrats' nominating process, herself knows a great deal about recruiting jihadists, long a pastime of hers.

Her Arab Spring mischief set the Middle East on fire when she was President Obama's top diplomat. Huma Abedin, whose generational ties to the Muslim Brotherhood have been exhaustively documented, has been influencing her by working as her senior aide for years. Clinton helped to engineer the ouster of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, an anti-Islamist, and the subsequent installation of his Muslim Brotherhood-approved successor Mohamed Morsi. Clinton gave Libya to the jihadists when she supported the overthrow of chastened former U.S. adversary Muammar Qaddafi. She has no quarrel with the mullahs of Iran getting their hands on nuclear weapons. She sat idly by as Islamic State grew after the Obama administration abandoned Iraq. Hillary's body count grows daily.

When asked during the Dec. 19 Democratic presidential contenders' debate about Trump's proposal to ban non-citizen Muslims from entering the U.S., she lied and smeared Trump.

He is becoming ISIS’ best recruiter. They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists. So I want to explain why this is not in America’s interest to react with this kind of fear and respond to this sort of bigotry.


Apart from former Clinton White House intern Monica Lewinsky, among the women who have accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault or inappropriate sexual behavior: Paula Jones who claimed he exposed himself and propositioned her; Juanita Broaddrick who claimed he raped her; and Kathleen Willey who claimed he groped her in the Oval Office the same day her husband died. Note that this is only a small partial list of President Clinton's accusers.

French adds that "it’s an article of faith on the Left that only 2 to 8 percent of rape allegations are false."

Which means that Hillary Clinton ought to have a lot of explaining to do.

But given the inclinations of the mainstream media, chances are the most important questions -- about Hillary's role in her husband's affairs, about the Benghazi fiasco, about Huma Abedin, about how to deal with militant Islam, about her illegal unsecure private email system, and about the irredeemably corrupt Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation -- will go unanswered.

Media Silent about Hillary's Smear of Trump

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