BUSTED! Susan Rice Caught in Another Outright Lie –Only 4, Not 17 Agencies Agreed on Russia Hacking

The report that caused the claim of 17 intelligence agencies came from a Director of Intelligence report (DNI) which is the spokesperson for joint intelligence agency reports. Clapper admitted that for this report, 9 analysts were used from three specific agencies, the CIA, NSA, and the FBI. While intelligence reports from all of the 17 agencies were available to those analysts, only those nine from the named agencies actually collaborated on the final official written report.
What this means is that the top analyst from the top intelligence agencies, the CIA, NSA, FBI and Director of Intelligence Office concluded that Russia had interfered in the 2016 elections.
This woman is a massive treacherous deciever, just like the former non-natural born Citizen unconstitutional president, Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Soebarkah. My keen instincts tell me she will turn and rat her colleagues out when she is grilled by the House Intel Panel.


The only thing that is BUSTED is your head. The Gateway Pundit is fake news. He tells it the way it ain't.
The only thing that's going to keep her out of jail is to plead the 5th...and that will probably only delay it--but itsher only chance.

Rational People who have observed our foreign policy for the last few years, know she is criminally incompetent, if there is such a thing...and a chronic liar....and now that she has raced to The Race Card, and threw the Sexist Card out there too, we also know she is Conscious of Guilt....and not very smart, either. A Dumb-Ass in fact.

Her lawyers need to start coaching her now...drill it into her head...if someone so much as asks you if you want a cup of Coffee...try to remember:

"My name is Susan Rice. I am a Dumb-Ass. On the advice of counsel, I respectfully decline to answer, and I assert my rights under the 5th Amendment to the Constitution."

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