But, But, But ..... The Liberals Said ...


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2011
The "alt-right is having a falling out -- in some ways with their President-elect, but in perhaps even more instances with each other.

And it comes on the eve of an alt-right inaugural celebration called the DeploraBall -- a play off of Hillary Clinton's "basket of deplorables" campaign remark.

Look no further than the white nationalist who coined the term "alt-right," Richard Spencer. He's the same man who stood at a podium shortly after Donald Trump's election and, in a video that went viral, shouted "Hail Trump!" while several in the crowd celebrated the victory with a Nazi salute.
But listen to him now, you'll notice a marked shift in tone when speaking of the man who will become the 45th President of the United States.

"I have described it as the morning-after period. We got euphoric and a little drunk on success," Spencer, director of the white nationalist think tank National Policy Institute, told CNN. "I am getting worried that he won't work on really big important issues like immigration -- that he'll get caught up on little things like making fun of people on Twitter."

Some others in the alt-right are starting to wonder if Donald Trump is really their guy. They've become increasingly critical of his Cabinet picks, and the fact that he's admitted that Russia did in fact engage in hacking leading up to the election.
Hail Trump? White nationalists already losing faith in President-elect - CNNPolitics.com

Boy, you just can't trust those damn liberals.
I'm no fan of the Alt Right, so that it's fracturing, endogenously or with Trump, is fine by me. The Alt Right strike me a boorish zealots with the mental might of a millipede and their evolving dyspepsia as they discover Trump may not be their guy is evinces as much. That the any large share of it ever thought Trump could be relied upon to champion their policy objectives was and remains absurd.

Trump is first and only about what makes Trump look good, to us and in posterity. That's his ego. Part of that entails a recognition that the Alt Right, it's loudness notwithstanding, is a fringe group that was helpful for achieving an end, but that is also dispensable, and rapidly so it seems.

No matter how much one detests liberals and progressives, the fact remains that, almost from the moment Trump announced his candidacy, begged we all harken to their warnings of the man's mercurial nature. The lesson too many conservatives, and especially the Alt Right, have not learned is that one's enemy isn't always wrong, and very rarely so about the important stuff. What did it take to see that? Liberals denounced Trump early on. Republicans only suffer him with pinched nostrils. Is that not enough of a clue that maybe they are on to something, something that may be worth exploring while the partisan blinders sit on the nightstand?


As I read the article, an interview with Alt Right darling Milo Yianno appeared. It directed me to an essay he wrote and I have to say, he makes some good points in it, themes with which I have no trouble concurring. With a few exceptions, in fact, I agree with the whole essay. During the interview video, I learned something about Milo: the guy basically sees himself as shocking for the sake of being shocking, yet he's not actually advocating that people genuinely embrace the provocative ideas he expresses. He essentially says, "Yes, I say those things, but I know better than to be those things."

Therein lies a huge difference between Milo and the hoi polloi of the Alt Right. Milo knows he's an instigator, a bit blunt and vocally vulgar, but he is in a European patrician sense. The guy is actually an elitist who doesn't actually hold in any esteem the nasty nincompoops who fill the Internet with their, well, with their sh*t. I get why so many Alt Righters don't understand it; they have neither the social bones nor intellectual training that would allow them to pick up on it. It's not so much that one needs those things in many or most situations, but their useful if one cares to be aware when one is being ridiculed sublely. Of course, for the Alt Right, finesse doesn't really register.
The "alt-right is having a falling out -- in some ways with their President-elect, but in perhaps even more instances with each other.

And it comes on the eve of an alt-right inaugural celebration called the DeploraBall -- a play off of Hillary Clinton's "basket of deplorables" campaign remark.

Look no further than the white nationalist who coined the term "alt-right," Richard Spencer. He's the same man who stood at a podium shortly after Donald Trump's election and, in a video that went viral, shouted "Hail Trump!" while several in the crowd celebrated the victory with a Nazi salute.
But listen to him now, you'll notice a marked shift in tone when speaking of the man who will become the 45th President of the United States.

"I have described it as the morning-after period. We got euphoric and a little drunk on success," Spencer, director of the white nationalist think tank National Policy Institute, told CNN. "I am getting worried that he won't work on really big important issues like immigration -- that he'll get caught up on little things like making fun of people on Twitter."

Some others in the alt-right are starting to wonder if Donald Trump is really their guy. They've become increasingly critical of his Cabinet picks, and the fact that he's admitted that Russia did in fact engage in hacking leading up to the election.
Hail Trump? White nationalists already losing faith in President-elect - CNNPolitics.com

Boy, you just can't trust those damn liberals.
Oh that CNN and their fake news....:lol:

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