But he was a feared for his life.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
One of the links I post as proof that the police are using excessive force and shooting when they shouldn't is one from my own state of Georgia. This link did the one thing that no one in authority wanted. It examined all the police shootings and found a very disturbing trend. Nearly half of the shootings were of unarmed people, or people shot in the back. That every single one had the phrase I was afeared for my life is a given.

The link to the study. OVER THE LINE: Police shootings in Georgia

Now when this was released it was obvious to anyone with a mind that the phrase I was afraid for my life was like the Open Sesame command in Arabian Nights. A magic phrase that was supposed to always work.

So you can imagine the shock of the Atlanta cop who has been fired and now is being investigated for criminal charges when he shot at a van and driver. He used the magic words. He followed the script. He is supposed to get away with the shooting of an unarmed man.

APD officer fired for excessive after opening fire on man in van

Now if this continues the ability of the police to shoot people and get away with it will be seriously impacted. You can imagine the feelings of disgust and rage in the hearts of the cops. They had the magic phrase. It always worked. I imagine it is only a matter of time before the police start to explain how this exposed routine lie is part of the vast conspiracy of the war on police or something.

Even now the police are probably working on a new phrase. Some change that will allow them to go back to the good old days. In a way, I kind of feel bad for this cop. Sgt. Mathieu Cadeau had been taught and had seen this phrase justify even the most outrageous of shootings. Now suddenly the magic is gone. The lucky hat has lost its mojo. Im sure he feels that it isn't fair. He's right. It isn't fair. It never was.
Some policemen do use excessive force.
But what you going to do? They have a right to life to just like anyone else..
Some policemen do use excessive force.
But what you going to do? They have a right to life to just like anyone else..

Is their right to life greater than the right to life of the people they kill?
Of course not but they still have a right to self defense.

So how do you curb that?
It is a matter time before someone with enough money to hire a first rate trial lawyer kills a cop and says he did it because he feared for his life.

That will be one hell of a showcase trial and will set a mighty precedent regardless of how it ends.
Of course not but they still have a right to self defense.

So how do you curb that?
It is a matter time before someone with enough money to hire a first rate trial lawyer kills a cop and says he did it because he feared for his life.

That will be one hell of a showcase trial and will set a mighty precedent regardless of how it ends.

IT happened in Texas. Man Charged With Killing Burleson County Deputy No Billed by Grand Jury

The police were outraged and claimed the DA was negligent in failing to get an indictment.

Thou shalt not get away with killing a member of the brotherhood.
Of course not but they still have a right to self defense.

So how do you curb that?
It is a matter time before someone with enough money to hire a first rate trial lawyer kills a cop and says he did it because he feared for his life.

That will be one hell of a showcase trial and will set a mighty precedent regardless of how it ends.

IT happened in Texas. Man Charged With Killing Burleson County Deputy No Billed by Grand Jury

The police were outraged and claimed the DA was negligent in failing to get an indictment.

Thou shalt not get away with killing a member of the brotherhood.
I truly hope you NEED cops one day and they don't show.
Of course not but they still have a right to self defense.

So how do you curb that?
It is a matter time before someone with enough money to hire a first rate trial lawyer kills a cop and says he did it because he feared for his life.

That will be one hell of a showcase trial and will set a mighty precedent regardless of how it ends.

IT happened in Texas. Man Charged With Killing Burleson County Deputy No Billed by Grand Jury

The police were outraged and claimed the DA was negligent in failing to get an indictment.

Thou shalt not get away with killing a member of the brotherhood.
I truly hope you NEED cops one day and they don't show.

I've covered this before. I live in Rural Georgia. The fastest I could hope for is more than thirty minutes if I called a cop. So I have to deal with things myself. So far I've managed that task quite well.

I know. You assume if I don't worship the cops I'm a loser living in my parents basement. Sorry to disappoint. I imagine you think I'm lying. So be it. All I can do is tell the truth. I can't make you see the light.
Some policemen do use excessive force.
But what you going to do? They have a right to life to just like anyone else..

Is their right to life greater than the right to life of the people they kill?
Of course not but they still have a right to self defense.
So how do you curb that?

Let's say I'm walking on the street in town. I carelessly bump into someone. They tell me to watch where I am going or they'll kick my ass. Is it self defense to shoot him? He threatened me. He threatened me with bodily harm. It is an unreasonable response and I would be charged with a crime for it. I was afeared for my life is not a blanket defense for any and all actions.

The more aggressive the response the less the excuse I was afeared for my life fits. A police officer who chases someone and shoots them in the back is not afraid. He is enraged. The cop who beats a guy that ran and then exhausted collapses and puts his hands up is not dealing with a resisting suspect. His is enraged and meting out punishment for making him run.

I could post links for quite some time.

That is not self defense. That is not necessary force. That is revenge.
Of course not but they still have a right to self defense.

So how do you curb that?
It is a matter time before someone with enough money to hire a first rate trial lawyer kills a cop and says he did it because he feared for his life.

That will be one hell of a showcase trial and will set a mighty precedent regardless of how it ends.

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