But John Kerry Told Me My Air Conditioner Was as Deadly as ISIS

But John Kerry Told Me My Air Conditioner Was as Deadly as ISIS

Quite plausibly, Kerry was right.


The details of the aggregate risk from foreign born terrorists are presented here by the very conservative Cato Institute:


Look at that. I don't know in which of those categories (in the first table above) one might assign "death by air conditioner," but of the ones that seem suitable for that, not one is even close to the 1:45K risk factor associated with "death by foreign-born terrorist," to say nothing of the other listed terrorist-related threats. Hell, one is more likely to kill oneself than be killed by an ISIS terrorist.

Do you feel like you’re more likely than ever to be hit by a terror attack? This is why you're wrong

Now this guy is a piece of work-) Do you stand under a tree when lightning is happening? Do you stand in an open field when there is a tornado? Guess this person does.

I wonder if we could stop lightning and tornados simply, which American wouldn't agree to it! Not this guy, he is a stud muffin!

Good conservative! Good boy. Fear is king. Live in fear. Vote GOP!

yeah terrorism is made up, its not real. those guys were hired by the top one percent.
But John Kerry Told Me My Air Conditioner Was as Deadly as ISIS

Quite plausibly, Kerry was right.


The details of the aggregate risk from foreign born terrorists are presented here by the very conservative Cato Institute:


Look at that. I don't know in which of those categories (in the first table above) one might assign "death by air conditioner," but of the ones that seem suitable for that, not one is even close to the 1:45K risk factor associated with "death by foreign-born terrorist," to say nothing of the other listed terrorist-related threats. Hell, one is more likely to kill oneself than be killed by an ISIS terrorist.

Do you feel like you’re more likely than ever to be hit by a terror attack? This is why you're wrong

cato is not conservstive, it seems like it because it isnt full of commies

so whats the deaths by ac?[/QUOTE]
I don't know in which of those categories (in the first table above) one might assign "death by air conditioner,"


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