But, Trump hates gays? Except for the gay guy he just appointed, making history...

His pick is still a ridiculous, and dangerous to our Nation pick due to it being the most important position there is, in our National, and global Intel agencies...


Hopefully he will not be approved by the Senate..... :eek:


Acting director... No approval needed....!!!!

OH DEAR LORD, Please help us!!

Just another way for an authoritarian wannabe to avoid Constitutional powers, by depriving the Senate of its Advice and Consent functions. Leg-humping worshipers of the Trump have no problem with it.

Kind of like how Obama denied the Senate it's Treaty review powers when the "Agreement" with Iran never went to the Senate?

Yes, kind of like that. Of course, it's SOP for Trump. You good with that?

Were you good with Obama doing it? At least Interim appointments have some precedent. Where was the precedent of Obama entering into an agreement with foreign nations without Senate Consent?

I lack your advanced degree in Whataboutism. When Obama signed the agreement, outraged GOP Senators wrote Iran's leaders, explaining the US couldn't be trusted. They are supine in the face of Trump's continual use of 'acting' leaders.

GOP senators explain why Iran can’t trust America in open letter

At this point, Marty, what fucking difference does it make whether or not I was okay with Obama at that occasion? Are you Chief of the Hypocrisy Police (poised to make a bust), or does your interest lie in deflecting from Trump?

You bitched about Trump not using full appointments and bypassing the Senate, I pointed out Obama bypassing the Senate on something FAR more obvious, and now you spin it without answering for it.

Haaaaaaaccccckkkkk Twwwwaaaaaaattttt.
Just another way for an authoritarian wannabe to avoid Constitutional powers, by depriving the Senate of its Advice and Consent functions. Leg-humping worshipers of the Trump have no problem with it.

Kind of like how Obama denied the Senate it's Treaty review powers when the "Agreement" with Iran never went to the Senate?

Yes, kind of like that. Of course, it's SOP for Trump. You good with that?

Were you good with Obama doing it? At least Interim appointments have some precedent. Where was the precedent of Obama entering into an agreement with foreign nations without Senate Consent?

I lack your advanced degree in Whataboutism. When Obama signed the agreement, outraged GOP Senators wrote Iran's leaders, explaining the US couldn't be trusted. They are supine in the face of Trump's continual use of 'acting' leaders.

GOP senators explain why Iran can’t trust America in open letter

At this point, Marty, what fucking difference does it make whether or not I was okay with Obama at that occasion? Are you Chief of the Hypocrisy Police (poised to make a bust), or does your interest lie in deflecting from Trump?

You bitched about Trump not using full appointments and bypassing the Senate, I pointed out Obama bypassing the Senate on something FAR more obvious, and now you spin it without answering for it.

Haaaaaaaccccckkkkk Twwwwaaaaaaattttt.

Deflecting, then. And Hypocrisy Police. That Daily Double. I am given to understand you have zero opinion about Trump. GFY, smallbrain.
Former prostitute
The Daily Mail had to come up with several million dollars because they made that accusation and couldn't prove it. How much do you think you will have to come up with?
Oh.....I forgot
She was not a prostitute, she was a “fashion model” for an agency that offered escorts on the side.

What is your evidence for this?

What's past is prologue. Melania used to have degrees in design and architecture. Yes, I know that's an illogical way to say it, but that's the way it is.

That doesn't answer the question: What is the evidence that she worked as an escort for this agency?

I have no evidence as to that. Why would I? I've never hired an escort.
The Daily Mail had to come up with several million dollars because they made that accusation and couldn't prove it. How much do you think you will have to come up with?
Oh.....I forgot
She was not a prostitute, she was a “fashion model” for an agency that offered escorts on the side.

What is your evidence for this?

What's past is prologue. Melania used to have degrees in design and architecture. Yes, I know that's an illogical way to say it, but that's the way it is.

That doesn't answer the question: What is the evidence that she worked as an escort for this agency?

I have no evidence as to that. Why would I? I've never hired an escort.

Then I'm not entirely sure what the point of your previous post was.
Kind of like how Obama denied the Senate it's Treaty review powers when the "Agreement" with Iran never went to the Senate?

Yes, kind of like that. Of course, it's SOP for Trump. You good with that?

Were you good with Obama doing it? At least Interim appointments have some precedent. Where was the precedent of Obama entering into an agreement with foreign nations without Senate Consent?

I lack your advanced degree in Whataboutism. When Obama signed the agreement, outraged GOP Senators wrote Iran's leaders, explaining the US couldn't be trusted. They are supine in the face of Trump's continual use of 'acting' leaders.

GOP senators explain why Iran can’t trust America in open letter

At this point, Marty, what fucking difference does it make whether or not I was okay with Obama at that occasion? Are you Chief of the Hypocrisy Police (poised to make a bust), or does your interest lie in deflecting from Trump?

You bitched about Trump not using full appointments and bypassing the Senate, I pointed out Obama bypassing the Senate on something FAR more obvious, and now you spin it without answering for it.

Haaaaaaaccccckkkkk Twwwwaaaaaaattttt.

Deflecting, then. And Hypocrisy Police. That Daily Double. I am given to understand you have zero opinion about Trump. GFY, smallbrain.

My opinion is he is doing what he said he would do. My opinion is that the only difference between what he does and what all presidents before him did is that prog assholes like you suddenly cared about calling it out. My opinion is that is he deserves another Term.

And my opinion is that you are a cheap, dime store hack.
Yes, kind of like that. Of course, it's SOP for Trump. You good with that?

Were you good with Obama doing it? At least Interim appointments have some precedent. Where was the precedent of Obama entering into an agreement with foreign nations without Senate Consent?

I lack your advanced degree in Whataboutism. When Obama signed the agreement, outraged GOP Senators wrote Iran's leaders, explaining the US couldn't be trusted. They are supine in the face of Trump's continual use of 'acting' leaders.

GOP senators explain why Iran can’t trust America in open letter

At this point, Marty, what fucking difference does it make whether or not I was okay with Obama at that occasion? Are you Chief of the Hypocrisy Police (poised to make a bust), or does your interest lie in deflecting from Trump?

You bitched about Trump not using full appointments and bypassing the Senate, I pointed out Obama bypassing the Senate on something FAR more obvious, and now you spin it without answering for it.

Haaaaaaaccccckkkkk Twwwwaaaaaaattttt.

Deflecting, then. And Hypocrisy Police. That Daily Double. I am given to understand you have zero opinion about Trump. GFY, smallbrain.

My opinion is he is doing what he said he would do. My opinion is that the only difference between what he does and what all presidents before him did is that prog assholes like you suddenly cared about calling it out. My opinion is that is he deserves another Term.

And my opinion is that you are a cheap, dime store hack.

You're an idiot. Don't ever change.
Trump doesn't hate gays. He likes anyone who will make him look better or help him in some way.

His supporters, that's a different story.
Oh.....I forgot
She was not a prostitute, she was a “fashion model” for an agency that offered escorts on the side.

What is your evidence for this?

What's past is prologue. Melania used to have degrees in design and architecture. Yes, I know that's an illogical way to say it, but that's the way it is.

That doesn't answer the question: What is the evidence that she worked as an escort for this agency?

I have no evidence as to that. Why would I? I've never hired an escort.

Then I'm not entirely sure what the point of your previous post was.

My point was her biography is an invention.
Were you good with Obama doing it? At least Interim appointments have some precedent. Where was the precedent of Obama entering into an agreement with foreign nations without Senate Consent?

I lack your advanced degree in Whataboutism. When Obama signed the agreement, outraged GOP Senators wrote Iran's leaders, explaining the US couldn't be trusted. They are supine in the face of Trump's continual use of 'acting' leaders.

GOP senators explain why Iran can’t trust America in open letter

At this point, Marty, what fucking difference does it make whether or not I was okay with Obama at that occasion? Are you Chief of the Hypocrisy Police (poised to make a bust), or does your interest lie in deflecting from Trump?

You bitched about Trump not using full appointments and bypassing the Senate, I pointed out Obama bypassing the Senate on something FAR more obvious, and now you spin it without answering for it.

Haaaaaaaccccckkkkk Twwwwaaaaaaattttt.

Deflecting, then. And Hypocrisy Police. That Daily Double. I am given to understand you have zero opinion about Trump. GFY, smallbrain.

My opinion is he is doing what he said he would do. My opinion is that the only difference between what he does and what all presidents before him did is that prog assholes like you suddenly cared about calling it out. My opinion is that is he deserves another Term.

And my opinion is that you are a cheap, dime store hack.

You're an idiot. Don't ever change.

Probably smarter than you, tough guy.

At least I give answers. you just bitch about Trump and then deflect when it is pointed out that predecessors, including the one who's dick you suck have done pretty much the same thing.

But now it's different, because, shut up.
I lack your advanced degree in Whataboutism. When Obama signed the agreement, outraged GOP Senators wrote Iran's leaders, explaining the US couldn't be trusted. They are supine in the face of Trump's continual use of 'acting' leaders.

GOP senators explain why Iran can’t trust America in open letter

At this point, Marty, what fucking difference does it make whether or not I was okay with Obama at that occasion? Are you Chief of the Hypocrisy Police (poised to make a bust), or does your interest lie in deflecting from Trump?

You bitched about Trump not using full appointments and bypassing the Senate, I pointed out Obama bypassing the Senate on something FAR more obvious, and now you spin it without answering for it.

Haaaaaaaccccckkkkk Twwwwaaaaaaattttt.

Deflecting, then. And Hypocrisy Police. That Daily Double. I am given to understand you have zero opinion about Trump. GFY, smallbrain.

My opinion is he is doing what he said he would do. My opinion is that the only difference between what he does and what all presidents before him did is that prog assholes like you suddenly cared about calling it out. My opinion is that is he deserves another Term.

And my opinion is that you are a cheap, dime store hack.

You're an idiot. Don't ever change.

Probably smarter than you, tough guy.

At least I give answers. you just bitch about Trump and then deflect when it is pointed out that predecessors, including the one who's dick you suck have done pretty much the same thing.

But now it's different, because, shut up.

I said you leg-humping worshipers of Trump were okay with it, and you confirmed it - adding your whataboutism and irrelevancies as to my alleged hackism. You really are an idiot.
You bitched about Trump not using full appointments and bypassing the Senate, I pointed out Obama bypassing the Senate on something FAR more obvious, and now you spin it without answering for it.

Haaaaaaaccccckkkkk Twwwwaaaaaaattttt.

Deflecting, then. And Hypocrisy Police. That Daily Double. I am given to understand you have zero opinion about Trump. GFY, smallbrain.

My opinion is he is doing what he said he would do. My opinion is that the only difference between what he does and what all presidents before him did is that prog assholes like you suddenly cared about calling it out. My opinion is that is he deserves another Term.

And my opinion is that you are a cheap, dime store hack.

You're an idiot. Don't ever change.

Probably smarter than you, tough guy.

At least I give answers. you just bitch about Trump and then deflect when it is pointed out that predecessors, including the one who's dick you suck have done pretty much the same thing.

But now it's different, because, shut up.

I said you leg-humping worshipers of Trump were okay with it, and you confirmed it - adding your whataboutism and irrelevancies as to my alleged hackism. You really are an idiot.

So no President has ever made interim appointments before? Has Trump exceeded previous values of said appointments?
Yes, kind of like that. Of course, it's SOP for Trump. You good with that?

Except the JCPOA isn't a treaty. It's part of international law by dint of a UN Security Council resolution.

Yes, I know, but its lack of treaty status is what enabled the Breaker of Deals to tear it up. I thought - in my naivete - that acknowledging it and asking if Marty was okay with Trump's SOP use of acting appointments would get a relevant answer. Funny, innit?
Yes, kind of like that. Of course, it's SOP for Trump. You good with that?

Except the JCPOA isn't a treaty. It's part of international law by dint of a UN Security Council resolution.

Yes, I know, but its lack of treaty status is what enabled the Breaker of Deals to tear it up. I thought - in my naivete - that acknowledging it and asking if Marty was okay with Trump's SOP use of acting appointments would get a relevant answer. Funny, innit?

That was an end run and you all know it, but you are OK with it because your guy did it.

Again, is Trump the first to use acting appointments in this manner, or are you only caring because its a way to attack Trump?
Deflecting, then. And Hypocrisy Police. That Daily Double. I am given to understand you have zero opinion about Trump. GFY, smallbrain.

My opinion is he is doing what he said he would do. My opinion is that the only difference between what he does and what all presidents before him did is that prog assholes like you suddenly cared about calling it out. My opinion is that is he deserves another Term.

And my opinion is that you are a cheap, dime store hack.

You're an idiot. Don't ever change.

Probably smarter than you, tough guy.

At least I give answers. you just bitch about Trump and then deflect when it is pointed out that predecessors, including the one who's dick you suck have done pretty much the same thing.

But now it's different, because, shut up.

I said you leg-humping worshipers of Trump were okay with it, and you confirmed it - adding your whataboutism and irrelevancies as to my alleged hackism. You really are an idiot.

So no President has ever made interim appointments before? Has Trump exceeded previous values of said appointments?

In fewer than three years, he has exceeded the 8-year records of Clinton and Obama. I'm looking to see how many of their 'acting' appointees were awaiting confirmation - as opposed to those such as Joseph Maguire or Matthew Whitaker - who Trump never nominated for their positions.

All the Acting Heads of Trump's Presidency
Deflecting, then. And Hypocrisy Police. That Daily Double. I am given to understand you have zero opinion about Trump. GFY, smallbrain.

My opinion is he is doing what he said he would do. My opinion is that the only difference between what he does and what all presidents before him did is that prog assholes like you suddenly cared about calling it out. My opinion is that is he deserves another Term.

And my opinion is that you are a cheap, dime store hack.

You're an idiot. Don't ever change.

Probably smarter than you, tough guy.

At least I give answers. you just bitch about Trump and then deflect when it is pointed out that predecessors, including the one who's dick you suck have done pretty much the same thing.

But now it's different, because, shut up.

I said you leg-humping worshipers of Trump were okay with it, and you confirmed it - adding your whataboutism and irrelevancies as to my alleged hackism. You really are an idiot.

So no President has ever made interim appointments before? Has Trump exceeded previous values of said appointments?

"So"? Did anyone ever claim that, or is that just a rhetorical device you use to pretend someone made an argument they didn't make?
My opinion is he is doing what he said he would do. My opinion is that the only difference between what he does and what all presidents before him did is that prog assholes like you suddenly cared about calling it out. My opinion is that is he deserves another Term.

And my opinion is that you are a cheap, dime store hack.

You're an idiot. Don't ever change.

Probably smarter than you, tough guy.

At least I give answers. you just bitch about Trump and then deflect when it is pointed out that predecessors, including the one who's dick you suck have done pretty much the same thing.

But now it's different, because, shut up.

I said you leg-humping worshipers of Trump were okay with it, and you confirmed it - adding your whataboutism and irrelevancies as to my alleged hackism. You really are an idiot.

So no President has ever made interim appointments before? Has Trump exceeded previous values of said appointments?

In fewer than three years, he has exceeded the 8-year records of Clinton and Obama. I'm looking to see how many of their 'acting' appointees were awaiting confirmation - as opposed to those such as Joseph Maguire or Matthew Whitaker - who Trump never nominated for their positions.

All the Acting Heads of Trump's Presidency

An article not behind a paywall.

While Trump has a lot of acting directors now, he doesn’t really have an exceptional number of them. It’s not uncommon for a president to see several positions open in recent years, especially at the beginning of his term or after an election.

What is uncommon is his willingness to embrace acting directors as a good-enough solution. Why have a political fight in the Senate, he seems to think, unless it’s absolutely necessary? The Senate’s supposed to have an advise-and-consent role in the process, but if a president weren’t looking for advice and didn’t feel he needed consent, what then?


So even WaPo says they don't like it, but there isn't really anything unconstitutional or radical about it. It's a question of scope and duration.

So its a political issue, not a constitutional issue.
Yes, kind of like that. Of course, it's SOP for Trump. You good with that?

Except the JCPOA isn't a treaty. It's part of international law by dint of a UN Security Council resolution.

Yes, I know, but its lack of treaty status is what enabled the Breaker of Deals to tear it up. I thought - in my naivete - that acknowledging it and asking if Marty was okay with Trump's SOP use of acting appointments would get a relevant answer. Funny, innit?

There is no Advise & Consent power by the Senate on international law, and that's why Marty's whataboutery fails on the facts.

The JCPOA, as UN law, is the supreme law of the land in the same way a treaty would be. What "enabled" Trump wasn't this status - it was Trump's status as a to-the-bones corrupt Mob Boss, along with a political class of enablers and other sycophants.
My opinion is he is doing what he said he would do. My opinion is that the only difference between what he does and what all presidents before him did is that prog assholes like you suddenly cared about calling it out. My opinion is that is he deserves another Term.

And my opinion is that you are a cheap, dime store hack.

You're an idiot. Don't ever change.

Probably smarter than you, tough guy.

At least I give answers. you just bitch about Trump and then deflect when it is pointed out that predecessors, including the one who's dick you suck have done pretty much the same thing.

But now it's different, because, shut up.

I said you leg-humping worshipers of Trump were okay with it, and you confirmed it - adding your whataboutism and irrelevancies as to my alleged hackism. You really are an idiot.

So no President has ever made interim appointments before? Has Trump exceeded previous values of said appointments?

"So"? Did anyone ever claim that, or is that just a rhetorical device you use to pretend someone made an argument they didn't make?

You are reacting like you believe it to be the case. Again, it goes into my OPINION that the only reason you give a shit about this is because you think it hurts Trump, thus making you a hack.
Yes, kind of like that. Of course, it's SOP for Trump. You good with that?

Except the JCPOA isn't a treaty. It's part of international law by dint of a UN Security Council resolution.

Yes, I know, but its lack of treaty status is what enabled the Breaker of Deals to tear it up. I thought - in my naivete - that acknowledging it and asking if Marty was okay with Trump's SOP use of acting appointments would get a relevant answer. Funny, innit?

There is no Advise & Consent power by the Senate on international law, and that's why Marty's whataboutery fails on the facts.

The JCPOA, as UN law, is the supreme law of the land in the same way a treaty would be. What "enabled" Trump wasn't this status - it was Trump's status as a to-the-bones corrupt Mob Boss, along with a political class of enablers and other sycophants.

UN law is not supreme anywhere, the only enforcement of it would be via actions by the other member states such as sanctions or even war.

International law is based on Treaties, which in the US the Senate has to advise and consent to. The agreement with Iran was a Treaty given very poor cover as a UN agreement, and thus should have been sent to the Senate for approval.

Spin all you want, you are wrong on this.

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