...but wait! I thought if I liked my plan I could keep my plan?!

Silly nutter. United is a corporation. You are a citizen. You are free to not buy health insurance.

You obnoxious lying anus, you know I'll be fined if I don't have insurance. If you can't tell the truth, why do you bother posting?
You are free to not buy. Put your $$ where your mouth is.
Thank you lying anus. I am free to pay the penalty if I choose not to buy. You're a moron and your responses are unworthy of further attention.
Hit a nerve. I am lying because I tell you are free to not buy insurance? You are. No one can make you buy it.

splitting hairs again, dipshitsky. If you don't buy it, you pay a fine, Its the same fricken thing, fool. The govt is making us pay for something that they, in their infinite wisdom, have decreed that we MUST have. Fuckem and fuckyou.,

If the government gives you a tax break for taking out a mortgage, are they fining you if you don't take out a mortgage?
You obnoxious lying anus, you know I'll be fined if I don't have insurance. If you can't tell the truth, why do you bother posting?
You are free to not buy. Put your $$ where your mouth is.
Thank you lying anus. I am free to pay the penalty if I choose not to buy. You're a moron and your responses are unworthy of further attention.
Hit a nerve. I am lying because I tell you are free to not buy insurance? You are. No one can make you buy it.

splitting hairs again, dipshitsky. If you don't buy it, you pay a fine, Its the same fricken thing, fool. The govt is making us pay for something that they, in their infinite wisdom, have decreed that we MUST have. Fuckem and fuckyou.,

If the government gives you a tax break for taking out a mortgage, are they fining you if you don't take out a mortgage?

they created an incentive to buy a home. The congress that wrote that law understood that home ownership was good for the country.

If you don't have the mortgage deduction then you pay more taxes (all other things being the same). So, you are penalized for not having a mortgage.
You are free to not buy. Put your $$ where your mouth is.
Thank you lying anus. I am free to pay the penalty if I choose not to buy. You're a moron and your responses are unworthy of further attention.
Hit a nerve. I am lying because I tell you are free to not buy insurance? You are. No one can make you buy it.

splitting hairs again, dipshitsky. If you don't buy it, you pay a fine, Its the same fricken thing, fool. The govt is making us pay for something that they, in their infinite wisdom, have decreed that we MUST have. Fuckem and fuckyou.,

If the government gives you a tax break for taking out a mortgage, are they fining you if you don't take out a mortgage?

they created an incentive to buy a home. The congress that wrote that law understood that home ownership was good for the country.

If you don't have the mortgage deduction then you pay more taxes (all other things being the same). So, you are penalized for not having a mortgage.

So Obamacare creates an incentive for having health insurance.
You're free to not buy health insurance. But if you don't, you'll be punished.

You're free speak your mind. But if you do, you could be punished.

You're free to say something in private to someone else. But if you do, you could be punished.

I do notice a trend. America, 2016.

You are free to not have children . If you don't u will be punished . Funny how our tax system works.

Yep, our tax system encourages having kids and buying homes, but the dems want to kill kids and put us all in rental ghettos.

liberalism is a mental disease.

libs don't understand that concept. they've been fed how Nanny Guberment will be there to take care of them FOREVER
Thank you lying anus. I am free to pay the penalty if I choose not to buy. You're a moron and your responses are unworthy of further attention.
Hit a nerve. I am lying because I tell you are free to not buy insurance? You are. No one can make you buy it.

splitting hairs again, dipshitsky. If you don't buy it, you pay a fine, Its the same fricken thing, fool. The govt is making us pay for something that they, in their infinite wisdom, have decreed that we MUST have. Fuckem and fuckyou.,

If the government gives you a tax break for taking out a mortgage, are they fining you if you don't take out a mortgage?

they created an incentive to buy a home. The congress that wrote that law understood that home ownership was good for the country.

If you don't have the mortgage deduction then you pay more taxes (all other things being the same). So, you are penalized for not having a mortgage.

So Obamacare creates an incentive for having health insurance.

Nice spin attempt, but buying a home is voluntary, buying obozocare is not. Big difference.
Hit a nerve. I am lying because I tell you are free to not buy insurance? You are. No one can make you buy it.

splitting hairs again, dipshitsky. If you don't buy it, you pay a fine, Its the same fricken thing, fool. The govt is making us pay for something that they, in their infinite wisdom, have decreed that we MUST have. Fuckem and fuckyou.,

If the government gives you a tax break for taking out a mortgage, are they fining you if you don't take out a mortgage?

they created an incentive to buy a home. The congress that wrote that law understood that home ownership was good for the country.

If you don't have the mortgage deduction then you pay more taxes (all other things being the same). So, you are penalized for not having a mortgage.

So Obamacare creates an incentive for having health insurance.

Nice spin attempt, but buying a home is voluntary, buying obozocare is not. Big difference.

Are you sure? Are you sure that you're not allowed by law to go without insurance?
splitting hairs again, dipshitsky. If you don't buy it, you pay a fine, Its the same fricken thing, fool. The govt is making us pay for something that they, in their infinite wisdom, have decreed that we MUST have. Fuckem and fuckyou.,

If the government gives you a tax break for taking out a mortgage, are they fining you if you don't take out a mortgage?

they created an incentive to buy a home. The congress that wrote that law understood that home ownership was good for the country.

If you don't have the mortgage deduction then you pay more taxes (all other things being the same). So, you are penalized for not having a mortgage.

So Obamacare creates an incentive for having health insurance.

Nice spin attempt, but buying a home is voluntary, buying obozocare is not. Big difference.

Are you sure? Are you sure that you're not allowed by law to go without insurance?

if you don't have insurance you will be fined, you either buy or pay the fine.

If you want a tax deduction you can buy a house.

your analogy fails.
If the government gives you a tax break for taking out a mortgage, are they fining you if you don't take out a mortgage?

they created an incentive to buy a home. The congress that wrote that law understood that home ownership was good for the country.

If you don't have the mortgage deduction then you pay more taxes (all other things being the same). So, you are penalized for not having a mortgage.

So Obamacare creates an incentive for having health insurance.

Nice spin attempt, but buying a home is voluntary, buying obozocare is not. Big difference.

Are you sure? Are you sure that you're not allowed by law to go without insurance?

if you don't have insurance you will be fined, you either buy or pay the fine.

If you want a tax deduction you can buy a house.

your analogy fails.

Since what you call a fine has been ruled a tax, you are 100% wrong.

Buying insurance gives you a tax break.
Taking out a mortgage gives you a tax break.

No difference. You are not required to do either. You get a lower tax bill if you do either.
they created an incentive to buy a home. The congress that wrote that law understood that home ownership was good for the country.

If you don't have the mortgage deduction then you pay more taxes (all other things being the same). So, you are penalized for not having a mortgage.

So Obamacare creates an incentive for having health insurance.

Nice spin attempt, but buying a home is voluntary, buying obozocare is not. Big difference.

Are you sure? Are you sure that you're not allowed by law to go without insurance?

if you don't have insurance you will be fined, you either buy or pay the fine.

If you want a tax deduction you can buy a house.

your analogy fails.

Since what you call a fine has been ruled a tax, you are 100% wrong.

Buying insurance gives you a tax break.
Taking out a mortgage gives you a tax break.

No difference. You are not required to do either. You get a lower tax bill if you do either.

Case closed. Unrefuted.
So Obamacare creates an incentive for having health insurance.

Nice spin attempt, but buying a home is voluntary, buying obozocare is not. Big difference.

Are you sure? Are you sure that you're not allowed by law to go without insurance?

if you don't have insurance you will be fined, you either buy or pay the fine.

If you want a tax deduction you can buy a house.

your analogy fails.

Since what you call a fine has been ruled a tax, you are 100% wrong.

Buying insurance gives you a tax break.
Taking out a mortgage gives you a tax break.

No difference. You are not required to do either. You get a lower tax bill if you do either.

Case closed. Unrefuted.

analogy failed, no refutation necessary. mandate vs voluntary action.

Case closed.
Why don't Republicans just repeal Obama care? Oh wait they really don't want to. All they do is run around saying they're going to replace it with something better and then never give you details on what that something better is going to be.
Healthcare is unique because, thanks to Ronald Reagan, you have to be treated for your medical condition even if you don't have insurance.
Healthcare is unique because, thanks to Ronald Reagan, you have to be treated for your medical condition even if you don't have insurance.

exactly, there was no need for the ACA bill. No American was being denied healthcare before ACA. Thanks to Reagan (R).

Those who paid covered those who didn't, just like now. Except now we also have to pay for a new huge government beaurocracy created by obozocare.
Why don't Republicans just repeal Obama care? Oh wait they really don't want to. All they do is run around saying they're going to replace it with something better and then never give you details on what that something better is going to be.

the house passéd repeal bills many times.
Why don't Republicans just repeal Obama care? Oh wait they really don't want to. All they do is run around saying they're going to replace it with something better and then never give you details on what that something better is going to be.

the house passéd repeal bills many times.
with nothing of worth for replacement? Nah, not gonna happen that way. Too many of our GOP inCongress are beta males and females.
Why don't Republicans just repeal Obama care? Oh wait they really don't want to. All they do is run around saying they're going to replace it with something better and then never give you details on what that something better is going to be.

the house passéd repeal bills many times.
with nothing of worth for replacement? Nah, not gonna happen that way. Too many of our GOP inCongress are beta males and females.

you are right about the betas, but there is no need for a replacement bill. There was no need for ACA in the first place. The system was working just fine.

A one page bill could have fixed the problems with medical insurance
1. no one could be denied insurance due to pre-existing conditions
2. no policy could have a lifetime maximum
3. insurance companies could compete across state lines

Problem solved with one page instead of 2000.
America’s Largest Health Insurer Pulls Out Of Most Obamacare Exchanges

Obama's 'legacy' piece of legislation continues to self-destruct, withering and rotting into decay the more time goes by. This is exactly part of the reason why our politicians should NOT have been allowed to exempt themselves from the edict they rammed down the throats of a majority of opposing citizens.

"“This isn’t about spreadsheets and quarterly reports— it’s about the president’s broken promise that families would have more choices under ObamaCare,” Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska said in a statement. “This year, in 36 percent of the nation’s counties, families could pick between only one or two insurers on the exchange and, given today’s news, next year looks like it could be even worse.”

It's a common mistake people make. It's all a big misunderstanding. What Obama really said was "If I like your plan you can keep your plan."
America’s Largest Health Insurer Pulls Out Of Most Obamacare Exchanges

Obama's 'legacy' piece of legislation continues to self-destruct, withering and rotting into decay the more time goes by. This is exactly part of the reason why our politicians should NOT have been allowed to exempt themselves from the edict they rammed down the throats of a majority of opposing citizens.

"“This isn’t about spreadsheets and quarterly reports— it’s about the president’s broken promise that families would have more choices under ObamaCare,” Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska said in a statement. “This year, in 36 percent of the nation’s counties, families could pick between only one or two insurers on the exchange and, given today’s news, next year looks like it could be even worse.”

It's a common mistake people make. It's all a big misunderstanding. What Obama really said was "If I like your plan you can keep your plan."

which was a lie.
A one page bill could have fixed the problems with medical insurance
1. no one could be denied insurance due to pre-existing conditions
2. no policy could have a lifetime maximum
3. insurance companies could compete across state lines

Problem solved with one page instead of 2000.
And why did our GOP never do that?

I agree, let's do it.

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