...but wait! I thought if I liked my plan I could keep my plan?!

Dems can stand up and say they tried to help the uninsured.

Repubs can stand up and say how they have been trying to put the fucks to those people the dems just get insurance for.

I think the dems will be able to defend their actions.
I wouldnt want to defend the republicans actions. Except to another brain dead republican like you.

one problem with your analysis, there are as many uninsured americans today as before ACA. It fixed nothing and made everything worse.

Now insurance companies are pulling out rather than continue to incur losses.

ACA was the worst legislation in the history of this nation.
That, of course, depends on its real purpose. If it was designed, as many believe, to force the nation into socialized medicine, it's working very well.

of course that was the end game for the leftist democrats.
But I disagree that its working for them. The American people are not a dumb as the dems think they are.
True. They've been trying this for decades. If they fail again, they'll merely try again, and again, again until they finally force their way onto everyone.

Only if they are allowed to stay in power. That's why 2016 is so important to the future of our country.
At this point, it looks like we'll have a choice of a crap shoot with Trump, or just plain crap, with Hillary.
See post 15.

Already responded to that post. See #22.
ThevRepublicans negotiatiated the current plan and declined to vote for the compromise.

Remember, there were things the Democrats wanted such as the government option that the GOP demanded not to be included.

So they said fuck no to an even worse plan...gotcha.

It is possible the GOP tried to make the bill so sucky, so complex and bloated, that even Democrats would not vote for it!!

So, don't say the opposition did not have their hand in it--not necessary correct

Say they were not for it!!

wrong, the ACA bill was passed on dems only votes, with no floor discussion allowed and no GOP amendments allowed to be voted on.

The dems own this POS 100%
The GOP was not for the bill

Does not mean GOP did not have a hand in the bill

Wait, why am I repeating this again? I already talked about GOP influence when I talked about the government option!!

It is a nuance, Redfish. There is a difference between "hands in" versus"was for"!
The Democrats do "own" the ACA because of the way it passed, of course.

That was also the precise time the Republicans began their eight-year (so far) temper tantrum, turned into children, and took their toys and went home, obediently per the instructions of conservative talk radio (of course).

If the GOP then wants to pretend that their behavior has nothing to do with this mess, great. They can win enough votes to have control over it, and then provide us with a real alternative. For a change.

Well, outside of letting people rot, of course.
Wait a minute....I seem to remember zero republicans voting for the "Affordable" care act?
See post 15.

Already responded to that post. See #22.
ThevRepublicans negotiatiated the current plan and declined to vote for the compromise.

Remember, there were things the Democrats wanted such as the government option that the GOP demanded not to be included.

So they said fuck no to an even worse plan...gotcha.

It is possible the GOP tried to make the bill so sucky, so complex and bloated, that even Democrats would not vote for it!!

So, don't say the opposition did not have their hand in it--not necessary correct

Say they were not for it!!

It's possible?
So you're speculating.
Dems own this fuck up lock stock and barrel. Your attempt at shifting the blame are childish at best.
You are saying bankruptcy is a good thing. It is not. And, yes, many folks go on public assistance when they no longer can pay their medical bills. You are so hard hearted. That is why I give your arguments or your character little respect.
Where did I say bankruptcy was a good thing?

So how many? You implied that a personal bankruptcy means going on public assistance it does not.

And you think I give a flying fuck about respect from an anonymous internet poster?

MAn you really must be pathetic if you're looking for respect on the internet
You once again post silly words and ascribe them to me. I could care less if you respect me, because your feelings are meaningless to me. You have no character.

I demolished your argument on the OP and that is what you are mad about, nothing more.
Already responded to that post. See #22.
ThevRepublicans negotiatiated the current plan and declined to vote for the compromise.

Remember, there were things the Democrats wanted such as the government option that the GOP demanded not to be included.

So they said fuck no to an even worse plan...gotcha.

It is possible the GOP tried to make the bill so sucky, so complex and bloated, that even Democrats would not vote for it!!

So, don't say the opposition did not have their hand in it--not necessary correct

Say they were not for it!!

wrong, the ACA bill was passed on dems only votes, with no floor discussion allowed and no GOP amendments allowed to be voted on.

The dems own this POS 100%
The GOP was not for the bill

Does not mean GOP did not have a hand in the bill

Wait, why am I repeating this again? I already talked about GOP influence when I talked about the government option!!

It is a nuance, Redfish. There is a difference between "hands in" versus"was for"!

the bill that was passed was written by dem staffers in a locked room, there was no GOP input of any kind. no floor discussion, no amendments allowed, passed with no GOP votes, passed using reconciliation tactics which had never been used for something so important

you are wrong, the dems own it 100%
The Democrats do "own" the ACA because of the way it passed, of course.

That was also the precise time the Republicans began their eight-year (so far) temper tantrum, turned into children, and took their toys and went home, obediently per the instructions of conservative talk radio (of course).

If the GOP then wants to pretend that their behavior has nothing to do with this mess, great. They can win enough votes to have control over it, and then provide us with a real alternative. For a change.

Well, outside of letting people rot, of course.

There was no crisis in US healthcare before ACA, no one in the USA was being denied medical care, There was no problem to fix, it was nothing but a move to have the govt take over 1/6 of the economy, and then when it failed declare that the only solution is socialized medicine.

That is what it was all about.
Redfish, that is a fucking lie and 90% of America would say so.

And you are going to look on Election Night just like Karl Rove did four years ago, utterly confounded that you boy got smashed.
Redfish, that is a fucking lie and 90% of America would say so.

And you are going to look on Election Night just like Karl Rove did four years ago, utterly confounded that you boy got smashed.

wrong again, 70% of americans do not like obamacare and wish it would be repealed.

for the record, I never thought Romney would win and Rove is an idiot. The RNC screwed itself in 08 and 12 and is trying to do it again this year.

the difference this year is that HRC is a liar and criminal that a majority of americans hate and would never vote for. the Obama voters will stay home in November and Trump will win. Its you who will be crying in his stale beer.
one problem with your analysis, there are as many uninsured americans today as before ACA. It fixed nothing and made everything worse.

I personally know people that have benefitted greatly from.having obamacare. I like these people and am glad they could get medical care they needed.

The fact that someone I dont respect or like (that be YOU) doesnt like obamacare means fucking diddly squat to me.

Hope my position is clear..LMAO
one problem with your analysis, there are as many uninsured americans today as before ACA. It fixed nothing and made everything worse.

I personally know people that have benefitted greatly from.having obamacare. I like these people and am glad they could get medical care they needed.

The fact that someone I dont respect or like (that be YOU) doesnt like obamacare means fucking diddly squat to me.

Hope my position is clear..LMAO

like I said, if you are getting it free, its great. If you are paying, it sucks. That a fool like you thinks its wonderful means fucking diddly squat to me.
like I said, if you are getting it free, its great. If you are paying, it sucks. That a fool like you thinks its wonderful means fucking diddly squat to me.

Not to bright are ya red.

I am neither paying for or using obamacare. Employer provided HC is what I have. What about you?

So yep, friends I like are using obamacare. They like it and their quality of life is better.

So fuck you that you dont like it. And fuck thd rest of you right wingers on here that dont like obamacare. Tough fucking shit.

Maybe your heroes in congress could repeal obamacare. Or the SC could take it away.......
Wait a minute, you all tried that. Howd it go..LMAO.
Doesn't matter. There are more than enough providers. You nutbags should be happy that the free market is working. United is free to do as it wishes. Awesome.

Yeah, Hamid's Awesome Care is still accepting ACA bucks.

You DO have to fly to a Bangladesh ghetto to get treatment, but it won't turn anyone down.

The Obama care health bill of rights

  1. You have the right to die
  2. If you give up the right to die, an abortion will be provided for you
like I said, if you are getting it free, its great. If you are paying, it sucks. That a fool like you thinks its wonderful means fucking diddly squat to me.

Not to bright are ya red.

I am neither paying for or using obamacare. Employer provided HC is what I have. What about you?

So yep, friends I like are using obamacare. They like it and their quality of life is better.

So fuck you that you dont like it. And fuck thd rest of you right wingers on here that dont like obamacare. Tough fucking shit.

Maybe your heroes in congress could repeal obamacare. Or the SC could take it away.......
Wait a minute, you all tried that. Howd it go..LMAO.

It ain't over yet wilbur....
Wont be long now and it'll take care of itself.
Half of the 70% wants Obamacare improved or move to single payer, Blowfish, you always leave that out.

Redfish, you are wrong, and you will have it jammed down your throat on election night. Think of me patting you on the back.
You could have just said you can't answer the question. United can pull out. I must buy a product or be fined. Why is United free to do as it wishes, but I am not?

Silly nutter. United is a corporation. You are a citizen. You are free to not buy health insurance.
Yeah then get fined by the government.

Yep. If you have the means....and don't buy insurance....you get fined. It is called personal responsibility. Why should we all pay for you when you get sick? Pay your own way, slacker.
How about the ones that cannot afford it, but make to much for help? How about the thousands of dollars deductible? You may have insurance, but you can't afford to use it.

Thank your nutbag state legislature and governor for not taking the medicare expansion.

Deductibles are cheap if you get sick. That's why they call it insurance. It is not a payment plan. It is not layaway. Most of the time....it goes unused. We only need them because our insurance companies need to make a profit.

We could go to a plan like Japan has. Or France. Or Germany. Or Australia. Or Canada. Then everyone would be covered and nobody would be paying too much. You OK with that?

Why can't we go back to what I had before. I like a $50 deductible much more than a 12,700 deductible

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