But will they go to heaven ?

Usual group of inadequates feeling threatened by something they dont understand.

I can pop one of these up every day if you like ?.

At least the trannys will get some peace and quiet.
View attachment 74689

You're the toad and tool who can't resist jumping into any thread that deals with LGBT issues.

So what is the fascination? Which one do you lean to, L or B or T. My money is on L.

Oh look it's VOR jumping in again...go back to bed ya old fool. Nobody likes you
Oh look it's bi catfish! partaker in bi group "activities" whining about gays!!!

Oh look it's Guano aka Batshit Boy lying again...SSDD. Now go to the Flame Zone and start a massive butt hurt thread....you know you want to. :)

Gay Bats.
OMG look at the gayness :smoke:


Today class we will observe the evolutionary sexual mating habits of Chinese "fruit bat."

Note the choreography and pose prior to engaging in oral sex.

Usual group of inadequates feeling threatened by something they dont understand.

I can pop one of these up every day if you like ?.

At least the trannys will get some peace and quiet.
Your problem, sir, is you are so damned uptight and devoid of a sense of humor and take everything to damned seriously.

Remove the stick!
He has no intelligence either. He seems to believe posting one of these idiotic threads every day is some sort of threat :cuckoo:

Everyone managed to make this thread positive though, adopting the humour method. It could have been an arguing thread, which isn't nice, a humour thread is cheerful though :thup:
Really? Humor comes out of affection and caring, not putdowns. Politically, Tommy has my family's back. He posts a thread like this to show that homosexuality occurs in nature and is natural.
Plenty of ignorance and bigotry on this thread. Tommy at least is an ally of LGBT.
Well, if that's all that matters to you, and that increasingly seems to be the case, great! Just don't forget he has many odious views against free speech and thinks right wing people should be locked up in zoos.

Dhara's not bothered, as long as someone is pro-LGBT they're now okay....she said she's now a Militant and people have to agree with her new Zero Tolerance method.

This appears to be her only issue now, which is disappointing because she's a good person and I feel this is going to consume her.
Bigots gotta be bigots. It's a new day, yet it's the same way

WTF Dhara, it's humour, something you must be devoid of.

The whole issue of gay and lesbian animals is ludicrous....and ripe for humour. There's nothing bigoted about this humour, so get a grip girl already.
You can make fun of people you're fond of not people you hate. Tommy is kind on the LGBT issue.
Well, hitch your wagon to Tommys, just make sure you don't discuss the rights of non LGBT non left wing people, because you'll find him wanting.
Plenty of ignorance and bigotry on this thread. Tommy at least is an ally of LGBT.
Well, if that's all that matters to you, and that increasingly seems to be the case, great! Just don't forget he has many odious views against free speech and thinks right wing people should be locked up in zoos.
I'm saying Tommy politically has my back on this issue. Period.
Animal species that are forced to engage in homosexual rather than heterosexual family relationships do not succeed and soon die out. It should be noted that gorillas shit anywhere they want to. Maybe the sodomite community has the same idea for humans.
Folks...before this thread degenerates into an FZ playpen - let's try to get back on topic...biological exuberance and entry into heaven.

Tommy has my back on the LGBT rights issues, my "friends" do not.
Haven't you ever in your whole life had a friend with different opinions to yours?
I have many friends who don't "approve" of gay people. They don't engage in anti-gay putdowns though.
Well I'm not anti gay so I've got one up on your friends.
You are anti-transgender.
No, I'm anti CHILDREN being transgendered. Adults can do what they like. If you want to discuss that issue, AGAIN, the ONLY issue in the world you seem to care about, btw, I suggest you start a thread about it.

Groundhog Day now from the other night.
So we can all agree that many species enjoy gay relationships.
The evidence is clear.
Would they be allowed into heaven ?
And why were they allowed on to the Ark with those baby dinosaurs ?

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